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Project HSSE Action Tracker (Site Inspections)

Action By Close Out
S No. Source of Inspection Location Originator Entry Date Area of Concern Proposed Action - By Originator (IF ANY) Classification Action Taken - Please Specify Action Taken Status
(Company) Date
CPF-Gas Arabia Two (2) full black plastic waste bags were observed not
25 Management Walkthrough Team (2) 1-Jan-24 Dispose waste regularly on daily basis. Housekeeping Waste is Dispose waste accordingly GAS 6-Jan-24 Closed
Laydown at B130 dispose.
CPF-Gas Arabia
26 Management Walkthrough Team (2) 1-Jan-24 No rest shelter provided on work location Need to provide rest shelter on work location. Welfare Facilities Rest shelter is provided GAS 22-Jan-24 Closed
Laydown at B130
CPF-Gas Arabia Generator stored together with general materials inside Do not mixed generator to common material . Refer
27 Management Walkthrough Team (2) 1-Jan-24 Material Management Removed from store GAS 6-Jan-24 Closed
Laydown at B130 container van. to CSAR for material handling and storage.

29 Management Walkthrough CPF-A300 Team (4) 1-Jan-23 Walkway was observed obstructed. Walkway should be always clear from any obstruction. Access & Egress Proper pedestrian walkway is provided GAS 22-Jan-24 Closed

30 Management Walkthrough CPF-A300 Team (4) 1-Jan-23 Storage area were observed not barricade. Provide barricade and secure the material storage area. Barricades The area is barricaded GAS 22-Jan-24 Closed

31 Management Walkthrough CPF-A300 Team (4) 1-Jan-23 Improper stacking of material on work location. Stack the material properly and provide stopper. Material Management Removed from the area GAS 22-Jan-24 Closed

Electrical cable use for concrete chipping hanged very Need to elevate at least 2 meter above ground to Cables are arranged on proper away from public
60 Management Walkthrough CPF-B100 PR11 Team (3) 8-Jan-23 Electrical Safety GAS 10-Jan-24 Closed
low and posed hazard to personnel. prevent tripping hazard. access.
One (1) worker was observed doing concrete chipping
61 Management Walkthrough CPF-B100 PR11 Team (3) 8-Jan-23 Refer to CSM I-3, Personal Protective Equipment PPE Worker was provided with appropriate PPEs GAS 10-Jan-24 Closed
works not wearing hearing protection
Identification signage was observed not follow as per
77 Management Walkthrough CPF-A300 Team (4) 8-Jan-24 Provide .5*.5 m identification signage for each Piperack. Signages Provide additional smoking shelter on work location. GAS 27-Jan-24 Closed
Saudi Aramco requirement.
Crane daily checklist was observed not properly fill up,
Provide transparent folder and 30 sheet of checklist
79 Management Walkthrough CPF-A300 PR01 Team (4) 8-Jan-24 date of the operation not mentioned and not keeping Heavy Equipment Check is now properly filled, and folder is provided GAS 22-Jan-24 Closed
and to be filled properly.
the checklist in proper folder.
East Side RTR pipe obstruction on the access and not Remove from access and provide proper stopper to
94 Management Walkthrough CPF-SS400 Team (2) 8-Jan-24 Unsafe Condition All Rtr pipes are Removed from the area GAS 22-Jan-24 Closed
have any stopper to avoid rolling. prevent rolling.

102 Management Walkthrough CPF-Laydown Area Team (2) 8-Jan-24 No portable toilet was observed on work location. Provide portable toilet on work location. Welfare Facilities Toilet was provided close to the area GAS 22-Jan-24 Closed

103 Management Walkthrough CPF-Laydown Area Team (2) 8-Jan-24 Drinking water was observed store in the tools room. Provide drinking water station on work location. Welfare Facilities Water coolers are removed from the container GAS 22-Jan-24 Closed

Piles of concrete debris from concrete chipping works

119 Management Walkthrough B100 PR 11 Team (3) 15-Jan-24 Need to be dispose at proper disposal area. Housekeeping Removed from the area GAS 22-Jan-24 Closed
left on the area after completion of job.
Unused scaffold steel planks and water tank after fire
B130 west of lift
126 Management Walkthrough Team (3) 15-Jan-24 water line hydro testing activity near B130 west of lift Remove after completion of job. Material Management all material is Removed from the area GAS 22-Jan-24 Closed
No area identification for each subcontractor on
139 Management Walkthrough T&I Laydown Team (2) 15-Jan-24 Provide proper area identification for each contractor. Signages Required signages posted at site GAS 27-Jan-24 Closed
temporary facilities.
Some wooden wedges were observed scattered
143 Management Walkthrough CPF-A300 Team (4) 15-Jan-24 potential to tripping hazard during erection of Remove all the tripping hazard on the work location. Housekeeping Wood pieces are removed from the area GAS 22-Jan-24 Closed

144 Management Walkthrough CPF-A300 Team (4) 15-Jan-24 No access & egress on structural erection work area. provide proper access with safety signage. Access & Egress Proper access and egress is provided GAS 22-Jan-24 Closed

Flat bed trailer loaded with structural materials, rachet Provide edge protection to prevent from sling to
145 Management Walkthrough CPF-A300 Team (4) 15-Jan-24 Material Management Edge protection is provided GAS 22-Jan-24 Closed
sling was observed without edge protection. damage.

Rachet sling was observed knotted and still utilized to

146 Management Walkthrough CPF-A300 Team (4) 15-Jan-24 Replace the rachet sling. Rigging & Lifting Replaced with new one GAS 22-Jan-24 Closed
secure the structural materials.

Additional safety signage for structural erection

192 Management Walkthrough CPF-B11 PR Team (3) 22-Jan-24 Insufficient safety hazard signage for structural erection. required. Need to be place at all side of working area Signages Required signages posted at site GAS 27-Jan-24 Closed
to alert and restrict entry of unauthorized personnel.

Hydraulic crane use for structural erection without Always utilized grounding or earthing during crane
193 Management Walkthrough CPF-B11 PR Team (3) 22-Jan-24 Heavy Equipment Grounding is provided GAS 27-Jan-24 Closed
provision of grounding or earthing. operation.
Tool container contained mixed materials such as
234 Management Walkthrough CPF-Laydown Area Team (2) 22-Jan-24 Segregate the hazardous materials on container. Chemical Safety Material properly arranged in container GAS 27-Jan-24 Closed
hazardous chemicals for RTR jointing.
Water stations for drinking water igloos are also inside
235 Management Walkthrough CPF-Laydown Area Team (2) 22-Jan-24 Provide water station on work location. Welfare Facilities Water station is provided at site GAS 3-Feb-24 Closed
the tool container.
Safety Data Sheet for hazardous chemical not available
236 Management Walkthrough CPF-Laydown Area Team (2) 22-Jan-24 Provide safety data sheet for chemical on site. Chemical Safety MSDS is now available at site GAS 27-Jan-24 Closed
in the tool container.

238 Management Walkthrough CPF-A500 Team (6) 22-Jan-24 No clamps was provided for grounding rod. Provide proper clamps for grounding rod Electrical Safety Proper clamp provided GAS 27-Jan-24 Closed

239 Management Walkthrough CPF-A500 Team (6) 22-Jan-24 Safe access signages was not available at access entrance. Access sign boards shall be provided. Signages Required signages posted at site GAS 27-Jan-24 Closed

240 Management Walkthrough CPF-A500 Team (6) 22-Jan-24 Lifting gears box was stored in non designated area. Lifting gears shall be relocated to designated area. Rigging & Lifting Relocated to designated tool box GAS 27-Jan-24 Closed

241 Management Walkthrough CPF-A500 Team (6) 22-Jan-24 Fire extinguisher was not available at smoking Shelter. Provide fire extinguisher for smoking shelter. Fire Hazard Fire extinguisher is provided at smoking shelter GAS 27-Jan-24 Closed

Hard barricades were observed not installed at waste

242 Management Walkthrough CPF-A500 Team (6) 22-Jan-24 Provide hard barricade on work location. Barricades Required signages posted at site GAS 27-Jan-24 Closed
concrete dumping area.
Forklifts operator maintained the checklist and aware of
243 Management Walkthrough CPF-A500 Team (6) 22-Jan-24 Positive Observation Positive Observation N/A GAS N/A N/A
safety requirements.
244 Management Walkthrough CPF-A500 Team (6) 22-Jan-24 Manlift operator aware of emergency control. Positive Observation Positive Observation N/A GAS N/A N/A
245 Management Walkthrough CPF-A500 Team (6) 22-Jan-24 Fire extinguisher updated and in good condition. Positive Observation Positive Observation N/A GAS N/A N/A
Conduct proper housekeeping on site after
250 Management Walkthrough CPF-A600 Team (4) 22-Jan-24 Green net was observed scattered on the ground at A-600. Housekeeping House keeping conducted at site GAS 27-Jan-24 Closed
completion of job.
Worker was observed using unapproved full body New approved full body ZANSI 359.1 are provided at
251 Management Walkthrough CPF-A600 Team (4) 22-Jan-24 Use only approved full body harness on site. PPE GAS 11-Feb-24 Closed
harness on site. site
Adjust the access & egress to prevent any incident on Adjusted the access & egress to prevent any
252 Management Walkthrough CPF-A600 Team (4) 22-Jan-24 Pedestrian access was observed very narrow. Traffic Safety GAS 27-Jan-24 Closed
site. incident on site.
Hot work area was observed without appropriate Provide signages and warning signs "Hot Work Activity
261 Management Walkthrough A300 Team (4) 29-Jan-24 Signages Required signages posted at site for hot works GAS 3-Feb-24 Closed
signages. on Progress"
Worker was observed performing grinding works
262 Management Walkthrough A300 Team (4) 29-Jan-24 Provide ear protection to the worker. PPE Ear plugs are provided against noise hazard GAS 3-Feb-24 Closed
without ear protection.
No designated pedestrian access provided on the area
263 Management Walkthrough A300 / PR1 East side Team (4) 29-Jan-24 Provide a designated pedestrian access. Access & Egress Proper access for pedestrians is provided GAS 3-Feb-24 Closed
along the Pipe Rack 1.
Pile of wooden dunnage and empty boxes were Provide barricade on the area or remove the wooden
264 Management Walkthrough A300 / PR1 East side Team (4) 29-Jan-24 Barricades Unwanted wooden boxes are removed from site GAS 3-Feb-24 Closed
observed stored at the area without barricade. dunnage from the area if not required.

Tag line use by lifting crew was undersize which may Replace the tag line with appropriate size to properly
265 Management Walkthrough A300 / PR1 Team (4) 29-Jan-24 Rigging & Lifting Tag line with more rhan 13mm were provided GAS 3-Feb-24 Closed
break during lifting operation. control the load and prevent from breaking.

Hand tools on the manlift was observed secured with

Ropes of the appropriate size are provided to secure
266 Management Walkthrough A300 / PR2 Team (4) 29-Jan-24 nylon strings, however the size of the nylon string is in Replace the nylon string with larger size. Tools & equipment GAS 3-Feb-24 Closed
hand tools with
appropriate for the weight of the tool.
Installed signage around structural erection to warn
275 Management Walkthrough B11 PR05 Team (3) 29-Jan-24 No safety signage are provided for structural erection. Signages Required signages posted at site GAS 3-Feb-24 Closed
other personnel.
Barricade was observed not properly installed for steel Barricade should be proper installed, provide
276 Management Walkthrough B11 PR05 Team (3) 29-Jan-24 Barricades Required signages posted at site GAS 3-Feb-24 Closed
structure erection area. barricade post.
South of SS600, unused portable toilet left near the
287 Management Walkthrough CPF-SS600 Team (1) 29-Jan-24 Arrange for the relocation of portable toilet. Welfare Facilities Removed from the area GAS 11-Feb-24 Closed
excavation area.
Gallon container with chemical, type of oil stored beside Provide proper chemical label and store at designated
302 Management Walkthrough T&I Laydown Team (1) 29-Jan-24 Chemical Safety Gallon container is shifted to designated area GAS 3-Feb-24 Closed
shelter temporary chemical storage areas.
Rigging activity was observed properly barricaded and
321 Management Walkthrough CPF-A520 Team (6) 29-Jan-24 Positive Observation Positive Observation N/A GAS N/A N/A
rigger was aware of rigging requirements.
Metal pieces was observed not remove form the Provide proper housekeeping on work location after
338 Management Walkthrough CPF-A300 Team (4) 29-Jan-24 Housekeeping All metal pieces are removed from site GAS 3-Feb-24 Closed
location after completion of job. completion of job.
Fire extinguisher box was observed not painted in red
339 Management Walkthrough CPF-A300 Team (4) 29-Jan-24 Paint red color on fire extinguisher box. Fire Safety Box with red colour is provided GAS 3-Feb-24 Closed
Appreciated the Fire watcher and was rewarded
A300 / GAS ARABIA GAS ARABIA fire watcher was found knowledgeable on with JGC Ballpen.
380 Management Walkthrough Team (4) 5-Feb-24 Positive Observation Positive Observation GAS N/A N/A
Fabrication shop how to use & operate the fire extinguisher.

408 Management Walkthrough T&I Laydown Team (2) 5-Feb-24 Most of the contractors have not installed wind shock. Install wind sock on work location. Welfare Facilities Wind sock is installed at cpf gas laydown GAS 18-Feb-24 Closed

Drinking water igloo date & time not updated and not Provide date & time of refill and install masking tape
409 Management Walkthrough T&I Laydown Team (2) 5-Feb-24 Welfare Facilities Required signages posted at site for hot works GAS 11-Feb-24 Closed
sealed with masking tape. for seal.
Door lock and handles was observed missing on store
410 Management Walkthrough T&I Laydown Team (2) 5-Feb-24 Fix the door lock and handles on container store. Welfare Facilities Door lock is already replaced. GAS 18-Feb-24 Closed

Bottom concrete block for container positioning was

Replace the broken concrete blocks on container and
411 Management Walkthrough T&I Laydown Team (2) 5-Feb-24 broken and only one (1) grounding provided for store Fire Hazard The broken concrete block is replaced with new one GAS 11-Feb-24 Closed
provide fire extinguisher.
container, also without standby fire extinguisher.

Labels was observed not fixed on container for

412 Management Walkthrough T&I Laydown Team (2) 5-Feb-24 Provide labels on container for identification purposes. Signages Labels are provided for identification GAS 11-Feb-24 Closed
information of content.
Air compressor was observed without barricaded and Provide proper barricade with signs and wheel choker
419 Management Walkthrough A600 Modular PR Team (4) 5-Feb-23 Barricades Barricade and wheel chockers are provided GAS 11-Feb-24 Closed
wheel chokers. on the air compressor.
Air compressor area quite noisy and noise survey report Conduct periodic noise survey and display the noise
420 Management Walkthrough A600 Modular PR Team (4) 5-Feb-23 Tools & Equipment Nosie survey report is maintained at all required sites GAS 11-Feb-24 Closed
not available at the work area. survey report at the area.
Inadequate access to the each modular Piperack for Provide at least one access to each side of the each
421 Management Walkthrough A600 Modular PR Team (4) 5-Feb-23 Access & Egress Proper access for pedestrians is provided GAS 11-Feb-24 Closed
entering to the work areas. modular Piperack.
Air hose was observed non-rated capacity during Remove the substandard air hose and provide correct
423 Management Walkthrough A600 Modular PR Team (4) 5-Feb-23 Tools & Equipment A12 PR 03 & 04 GAS 26-Feb-24 Closed
pneumatic torquing job at A600 rated air hose.
Barricade was observed lower than the 1 meter height Reinstate the barricade to prevent any fall from deep
424 Management Walkthrough A600 Modular PR Team (4) 5-Feb-23 Barricades Arranged as needed GAS 11-Feb-24 Closed
at many location. excavation.
Barricade was observed lower than the 1 meter height Reinstate the barricade to prevent any fall from deep
425 Management Walkthrough A600 Modular PR Team (4) 5-Feb-23 Barricades Done GAS 26-Feb-24 Closed
at many location. excavation.

Approved MS and JSA should be onsite and available

Approved MS and JSA not attached on the work permit upon request during inspection. Refer to CSM I-4,
427 Management Walkthrough B11 PR Team (3) 12-Feb-24 Work Permit Approved s AND JSA is provided at site GAS 18-Feb-24 Closed
for structural assembly and erection. Work Permit System and Stop Work Authority and GI
2.100 Work Permit System

No signages & warning signs for heavy equipment and Provide signages and barricades to increase
441 Management Walkthrough A 600 Team (4) 12-Feb-24 Signages Required signages posted at site GAS 26-Feb-24 Closed
vehicle movement at the diversion road. awareness of heavy vehicle movement.

Lacking of signages and warning signs were observed for Provide more signages and warning signs around the
453 Management Walkthrough A 600 Team (4) 12-Feb-24 Signages Number of signages increased as needed GAS 18-Feb-24 Closed
Manlift operation for structural works. area.

Four (4) fire extinguishers stationed at the manlifts and

Provide tamper seal to prevent the fire extinguisher
454 Management Walkthrough A 600 Team (4) 12-Feb-24 equipment was found without tamper seal on the safety Fire Hazard FE are provided with tamper seal and safety pins GAS 18-Feb-24 Closed
from accidentally being pressurized.
Inappropriate tool ties & lanyard was observed used for
455 Management Walkthrough A 600 Team (4) 12-Feb-24 Replace and provide appropriate tool ties. Tools & Equipment Appropriate lanyards for hand tools provided GAS 18-Feb-24 Closed
hand tools on the manlift.
Material toolbox was observed located under the Relocate to prevent it from becoming under line of
456 Management Walkthrough A 600 Team (4) 12-Feb-24 Unsafe Condition Material toolbox shifted to safe area GAS 18-Feb-24 Closed
Piperack. fire during manlift operation.

No dedicated and identified pedestrian crossing from Allocate a dedicated pedestrian crossing with proper
459 Management Walkthrough A 600 Team (4) 12-Feb-24 Traffic Safety Dedicated pedestrians crossing is provided with signages for guidanceGAS 18-Feb-24 Closed
Piperack going to Gas Arabia rest shelter and toilet. signages and warning signs for pedestrian crossing.

Provide a large Identification number of Piperack

460 Management Walkthrough A 600 Team (4) 12-Feb-24 No identification was observed on Pipe Rack. Signages IDENTIFICATION PROVIDED GAS 18-Feb-24 Closed
Area identification signboards are not provide for PR03, Area identifications signs shall be provided for all the
488 Management Walkthrough A520 Team (5) 12-Feb-24 Signages IDENTIFICATION PROVIDED GAS 18-Feb-24 Closed
PR05, PR06 and PR07. pipe rack.
No safety campaign poster on work location to
Provide and install safety campaign poster on work
504 Management Walkthrough B130 Team (3) 19-Feb-24 encourage and educate the workers about safety Signages Required signages posted at site GAS 26-Feb-24 Closed
location to encourage and educate the workers.
practice and incident posters.

Manlift was observed without head protection crash bar Provide head protection crash bar on overhead to Head protection is provided for the operator and
505 Management Walkthrough B130 Team (3) 19-Feb-24 Heavy Equipment GAS 7-Mar-24 Closed
on overhead to protect the operator and passenger. protect the operator and passenger. worker

Manlift operator was interview and he knows his duties

508 Management Walkthrough B130 Team (3) 19-Feb-24 Positive Observation Positive Observation N/A GAS N/A N/A
and responsibilities about his job.
All construction managers or their representative shall
Construction managers not punctual in joining the Our management is committed to attend and will
511 Management Walkthrough A300 Team (4) 19-Feb-24 attend the weekly management walkthrough Supervision GAS 26-Feb-24 Closed
Weekly management Walkthrough. not miss again
Unnecessary wooden crates and dunnage found at the Remove and dispose these materials to designated
523 Management Walkthrough A300 Team (4) 19-Feb-24 Housekeeping All unnecessary material removed GAS 26-Feb-24 Closed
A11 PR01 south side. disposal area.
Unattended steps, lumbers, rebars found at A12 PR04 Remove the materials and relocate to designated
531 Management Walkthrough A600 Team (4) 19-Feb-24 Unsafe Condition The is cleared from trapping hazards GAS 26-Feb-24 Closed
poses tripping hazard. storage area.
Lock pin for pneumatic torque and wrench was Provide a proper locking pin to secure the couplers of
533 Management Walkthrough A600 Team (4) 19-Feb-24 Tools & Equipment Lock pin is provided for pneumatic torque range GAS 16-Mar-24 Closed
observed unsecured. pneumatic tools.
Container door damaged and rest shelter not fulfilled Repair the door on container, provide all requirements Door handle provided and Required signages posted
544 Management Walkthrough T&I Laydown Area Team (2) 19-Feb-24 Welfare Facilities GAS 26-Feb-24 Closed
with safety alerts bulletins and HSE information's. on rest shelter. at rest shelter
545 Management Walkthrough T&I Laydown Area Team (2) 19-Feb-24 Parking area was observed without signage. Provide safety signage on parking area. Signages Required signages posted at parking area GAS 26-Feb-24 Closed
Fire water equipment PIB was observed without
Provide protection on fire water equipment PIB to
599 Management Walkthrough B130 Team (3) 26-Feb-24 protection potential to damage incase there a collapse Barricades Barricade provided GAS 1-Mar-24 Closed
prevent any damage.
on materials nearby.
Concrete waste was observed accumulated on work Remove concrete waste on daily basis to prevent
610 Management Walkthrough B130 Team (3) 26-Feb-24 Housekeeping Removed all concrete waste to designated area GAS 7-Mar-24 Closed
location after completion of activity. accumulation on site.
Mr. Dileep was interview and he shows & knowledge
611 Management Walkthrough B130 Team (3) 26-Feb-24 during chipping activity, he also wearing complete PPE Positive Observation Positive Observation N/A GAS N/A N/A
whilst doing his job.

No proper access opening provided for modular Asses around the structure erection area and provide
640 Management Walkthrough A520 Team (5) 26-Feb-24 Access & Egress Access points at multiple locations are provided GAS 1-Mar-24 Closed
structure area. proper access opening at multiple areas.

Rearrange and all the scattered dunnage shall be

Scattered dunnage were observed around the site
641 Management Walkthrough A520 Team (5) 26-Feb-24 stored in designated temporary storage area with Unsafe Condition Material arranged accordingly GAS 1-Mar-24 Closed
potential to tripping hazard to workers.
barricades and signages.
Some of the personnel include flagman are not wearing All the personnel at site shall wear high reflectorized Gas has provided all employees coveralls with
642 Management Walkthrough A520 Team (5) 26-Feb-24 PPE GAS 1-Mar-24 Closed
high reflectorized vest. vest with winter jackets. reflective strap's
Housekeeping around the structure erection area Conduct housekeeping around the structure erection
643 Management Walkthrough A520 Team (5) 26-Feb-24 Housekeeping House keeping conducted at site GAS 1-Mar-24 Closed
required to improve. area.
Daily inspection checklist utilized at site was observed Updated checklist shall be utilized at site and all the
644 Management Walkthrough A520 Team (5) 26-Feb-24 Supervision Updated check lists singed by site hse at site GAS 1-Mar-24 Closed
without area HSE verification sign. checklist shall be signed by area HSE officer.

Workers are engaged for dust cleaning of structural Appropriate dust mask shall be provided for all the
645 Management Walkthrough A520 Team (5) 26-Feb-24 PPE Dusts masks are provided GAS 1-Mar-24 Closed
members were observed without dust mask. personal involving for cleaning works.

Location identification signs provided for the pipe rack Provide appropriate signages should be displayed on
646 Management Walkthrough A520 Team (5) 26-Feb-24 Signages identification signs provided for the pipe rack GAS 7-Mar-24 Closed
was not visible. work location
Drinking water container shall be placed only
Drinking water container was observed left unattended
647 Management Walkthrough A520 Team (5) 26-Feb-24 designated shelter and dispose all empty containers Welfare Facilities All water containers are put in drinking water station GAS 1-Mar-24 Closed
under direct sunlight.
which are not utilized.
Metal tool boxes were observed without door stopper Door stopper support shall be provided for the tools
648 Management Walkthrough A520 Team (5) 26-Feb-24 Unsafe Condition Stopper provide as needed GAS 1-Mar-24 Closed
support potential to injured workers. box door to prevent injury.
HSE bulletin board shall be provided and all the safety
649 Management Walkthrough A520 Team (5) 26-Feb-24 HSE bulletin board was not available on work location. Signages HSE bulletin board provided GAS 1-Mar-24 Closed
alert and notification shall be displayed.

Power cables routed across the pedestrian access Power cable shall be elevated with proper stand and
650 Management Walkthrough A520 Team (5) 26-Feb-24 Electrical Safety Power cables buried in the ground GAS 1-Mar-24 Closed
potential to tripping hazard to workers. post to prevent tripping hazard to workers.

651 Management Walkthrough A520 Team (5) 26-Feb-24 Smoking shelter was observed without waste bin. Metal waste bin shall be provided for the smoking area. Welfare Facilities Matel waste bin provided GAS 1-Mar-24 Closed

No designated parking area observed at site for heavy Provide designated parking area with signages for
652 Management Walkthrough A520 Team (5) 26-Feb-24 Traffic Safety Parking area provided for heavy equipment GAS 1-Mar-24 Closed
equipment. heavy equipment.
All homemade tools shall be confiscated and educate
On fabrication shop fabricators are using homemade
653 Management Walkthrough A520 Team (5) 26-Feb-24 them about restriction to use homemade hand tools Tools & Equipment Standard inspected tools provided at site GAS 1-Mar-24 Closed
hand tools.
at site during STARRT.
Power cable intended for toilet facility was observed not Power cables routed for toilet facility shall be buried
654 Management Walkthrough A520 Team (5) 26-Feb-24 Electrical Safety The cables are arranged and buried GAS 1-Mar-24 Closed
buried properly. properly.
Power socket provided for toilet facility was observed Power socket provided for toilet facility was observed
655 Management Walkthrough A520 Team (5) 26-Feb-24 Electrical Safety They are rectified by electrician GAS 1-Mar-24 Closed
with exposed power cable. with exposed power cable.
Electrician shall be available at site and ensure contact
656 Management Walkthrough A520 Team (5) 26-Feb-24 Assign electrician was not available on work location. persons details displayed on portable equipment shall Electrical Safety He was educated to stay at site GAS 1-Mar-24 Closed
be available at site.
Cigarettes butts are observed accumulated and not
657 Management Walkthrough A520 Team (5) 26-Feb-24 Cigarette butts shall be disposed on daily basis. Housekeeping Cigarette buds disposed GAS 1-Mar-24 Closed
disposed on daily basis.
Fire extinguisher provided for smoking shelter was Red colored boxes shall be provided for all the fire
658 Management Walkthrough A520 Team (5) 26-Feb-24 Fire Hazard Box is provided for fire extinguisher for protection GAS 7-Mar-24 Closed
observed stored direct under sunlight. extinguishers at site.
Tool lanyard were provided for hand tools intended to
659 Management Walkthrough A520 Team (5) 26-Feb-24 use elevated area with manlift to prevent fall on the Positive Observation Positive Observation GAS N/A N/A

Unwanted materials (Wooden dunnage) was left Remove the unwanted materials and relocate to its Materials removed and relocate to its designated
690 Management Walkthrough A 300 Team (6) 26-Feb-24 Housekeeping GAS 1-Mar-24 Closed
unattended at south side of modular Piperack A11 PR 04 designated storage area. storage area.

Loose bolts connecting the steel structure and the Assign a crew to inspect all bolts and tighten as per All bolts were checked and tightened as per
691 Management Walkthrough A 300 Team (6) 26-Feb-24 Unsafe Condition GAS 7-Mar-24 Closed
foundation was found at Piperack A11 PR 04 requirement. adjacment
Improper barricade was observed at modular Piperack
704 Management Walkthrough A300 Team (7) 26-Feb-24 Provide proper barricade on modular Piperack A12 01. Barricades GAS 1-Mar-24 Closed
A12 01.
Summary Weekly Management Walkthrough as of 04 April 2024
Positive Observation
Company Open Closed Observation Total Percentage

ARCC 62 331 45 393 438 84%

CB&I 1 30 12 31 43 97%
CCC 35 351 49 386 435 91%
GAS 7 128 10 135 145 95%
JGC 0 2 0 2 2 100%
MHS 0 4 0 4 4 100%
KAEFER 4 17 11 21 32 81%
MLCC 1 8 1 9 10 89%
SENDAN 11 37 6 48 54 77%
TCC 4 42 8 46 54 91%
Total 125 950 142 1075 1217 88%

Total 1217 1,217

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