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Diary Entry Sample

Question: You dislike the behaviour of some of your

friends. Write a diary entry about your feelings in
about 120 words.

Monday, 4th January 20_

9:00 p.m.
Dear Diary,
Today I feel quite sad! Rohit annoyed me greatly
today by pushing me in the playground for no reason.
Ifelldown and might have got a fracture. But luckily, I
got no injury. Rohit is becoming aggressive day by
day. Then there is Sohan. He is always abusive. He
does not even spare his teachers. He cals them
names, of course, in their absence. I feel very bad
about it, but am helpless. I do not like Satinder also.
He is very mischievous. I think Raman is the best of all
my friends. He is well-behaved and cultured. Icherish
his company. I feel I should avoid ill-mannered
friends. They might land me in trouble one day.
Raj Sahu

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