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Publication- Inner Review

Questionnaire for Profile

The 10 Most Inspiring Business Women to Follow.
A) Kindly provide us with the answers to the following
questions (Approx. 1100-1300 words)
1. Brief us about you and your journey since the beginning of
your career.
An inspirational feminine figure makes one contemplate
the qualities of a good woman. It is no wonder every
woman aspires to be like them. We meet many such
women who leave a lasting impression on our lives every
day. These qualities transform them into role models. But I
had no such journey of inspiration. It was all done by

2. How do you describe yourself in one/two word? Who has

been your guide, source of inspiration, support?
ROBURST / “Dabang aurat” as they called me during my
UP Rajya Sabha election.
Inspiration: I push myself but can trust wisdom as
Support: no body can do it better than your husband
3. What do you like most about your job? State us about
your passions, mission, and goals.

As a business woman: I enjoy being a woman who

strategizes & approves of all deals and employees feeling
Passion : Music, painting & Reading
Mission: To be the First woman in launching a world wide
Goal: to be able to do something for my country

4. What acts as a motivation tool for you?

Repeated question

5. Kindly describe in brief about your company and its

About company: take from website
Products/services: across various funding start ups so no
particular industry. We are also not into direct
manufacturing business
6. State us your major achievements and your company’s
achievements under your leadership.

Achieved structured secure investments into various sectors

such as Engineering, Information Technology, Sports &
Media, Hospitality, Solar Power and Renewable Energy,
Gems & Jewellery, Mining, etc.

Under her leadership, the group integrated 6 acquired

companies into a single division that outpaced competitors,
maximized share of strategic markets, and elevated
earnings. Championed 2 new acquisitions and restructured
operations for maximum cost savings and efficiency.

7. State us about the most memorable and remarkable

moments of your life.
Meeting Prime Minister Modi in 2014 when he just won
the election
8. Kindly tell us about the challenges you took and the risk
associated with it and how did you overcome them?
One challenging work situation I encountered was when I
acquired 2 lossmaking chemical units with lots of debts /
liability and labor issues cause the old management
wanted to & rid of it and it was a profitable business if run
properly. The risk was huge involvement & infusion of
money and my time. I managed to turn around the units,
drive down myself every week, spend time there & ensure
the workers were not demotivated, started negotiation
with labors to work, negotiate with creditors and
suppliers. And today were fine! Its my success.

9. Share your point of view on the current scenario of the

industry and its future.
Point of View on Current Scenario of Industry - Data &
Analytics is beginning to be an active and futuristic part of
the IT industry. As a business / services industry is in growth
stage with at least 10 more years before it matures and
declines. The global data and analytics market size was
valued at US$ 100.84 billion in 2022 and will grow at a
compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.85% to reach
US$ 184.53 billion by 2027

Current State Future - The advent of AI will help to process

and analyse massive datasets in real-time, empower data
analytics to transcend traditional estimated that by 2025, a
whopping 463 exabytes of data will be created globally every
single day. To put that into perspective, that's equivalent to
212,765,957 DVDs worth of data. Think AI, ML, edge
computing, and IoT - these cutting-edge technologies are set
to revolutionize the way we analyze and extract value from
10. What would you advise to the budding
Suggestion to future generation: Keep learning and
reading, because if you are not updated on your industry
you will be left behind. Idea's and progress comes
automatically with a learning and adaptive mindset. Focus
on problems not solutions. Successful entrepreneurs are
obsessed with understanding problems. The better you
understand the problems someone is facing the better you
can design a great solution. Do your research, look at the
data and most importantly talk to potential customers.

11. Please tell us about your future business plans.

Future business plans - Include the length and breadth of
data analytics services and grow the team 20X over the
next 3-4 years. We aim to be the top 3 data analytics
services organization in the country. Also we are already
looking to take riskier bets in product and solution
development where our investments and profits are
getting diverted. Some of our products will be live in 2024.

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