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Online Teaching Suite Chapter 2 Reviewing coordinate geometry: Chapter test 3

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Chapter 2 – Reviewing coordinate geometry

1 Determine the distance between the points A (2, 3) and B (−4, −8).

2 Determine the equation of the line passing through (0, 6) and (−2, 8).

3 Calculate the gradient of the line segment AB where the coordinates of A and B are (−2, 6)
and (3, 4) respectively.

4 Determine the equation of the straight line perpendicular to the straight line with equation
y = − + 6 which passes through the point with coordinates (2, 14).
5 Find the equation of the straight line parallel to the straight line with equation y = −3x + 6
which passes through the point with coordinates (2, 14).

6 If the distance between two points (a, 0) and (0, a) is 10, determine the possible values of a.

7 The points A (2, −3), B (3, −2) and C (8, b) lie on a straight line. Determine the value of b.

8 Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of the segment AB joining A (−5, 4) and
B (9, −3).

9 The vertices of a triangle are A (−2, 0), B (5, 0) and C (1, 4). Determine

a the length of AB.

b the area of triangle ABC.

© Evans, Lipson, Wallace, Greenwood 2023 1

10 A family of straight lines have equations of the form y = mx + 4, where m is a positive number.

a Find the x-axis intercept of a line in this family in terms of m.

b Find the value of m for which the line passes through the point (2, 8).

c Determine which values of m is the x-axis intercept less than or equal to −1.

d Find the equation of the line perpendicular to y = mx + 4 at the point (0, 4).

11 Points A and B have coordinates (2, 0) and (6, 0) respectively. Points C and D have coordinates
(a, 4) and (−a, 4) respectively.

a Find the equation of line AC in terms of a.

b Find the equation of line BD in terms of a.

c Find the coordinates of P the point of intersection of line AC and line BD in terms of a.

d Prove that P lies on the line x + y = 4.

12 The straight line y = mx + 9 where m is a constant is perpendicular to the line y = + 1.
a State the value of m.

b Find the coordinates of the point of intersection of the two lines.

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13 Given that A (1, 0), B (5, 2) and C (3, 4) are the vertices of a triangle.

a find the coordinates of the midpoints X and Y of AC and BC respectively.

b find the perpendicular bisectors of AC and BC.

c find the coordinates of D, the point of intersection of the perpendicular bisectors of

AC and BC.

d find the coordinates of Z, the midpoint of AB.

e find the gradient of DZ and demonstrate that DZ is perpendicular to AB.

f prove that DA = DB = DC.

g discuss what you can reduce from the result of f.

14 David and Anna live in towns A and B which are 200 km apart. David sets off at 9am one
day from town A to ride his bike to town B at a constant speed of 25 km/h. Anna leaves town
B at 10 am and rides towards town A at 20 km/h.

a Write down rules of the distance d km that each of them is from town A at t minutes after
9:00 am.

b On the same set of axes, sketch graphs of their distance d km from town A at time t
minutes after 9:00 am.

c Determine the time at which they will meet.

d How far has each of them travelled when they meet?

e Find when the riders will meet if Anna travels a a km/h where 15 ≤ a ≤ 35.

f Briefly list the assumptions we are making in the solution of this problem.

© Evans, Lipson, Wallace, Greenwood 2023 3


1 √157

2 y = −x + 6
3 −
4 y = 4x + 6

5 y = −3x + 20

6 a = ±5√2

7 b=3
8 y = 2x −
9 a 7

b 14
10 a x=−
b m=2

c m≤4
d y=− +4
11 a y = (x − 2)
b y= (x − 6)
4a 8
c x= ,y =
a+2 a+2
12 a −3
12 9
b ( , )
5 5

© Evans, Lipson, Wallace, Greenwood 2023 4

13 a X (2, 2), Y (4, 3)
b y = − x + 3, y = x − 1
8 5
c D( , )
3 3
d Z (3, 1)

e −2
f DA = DB = DC =
g D is the centre of the circle passing through the vertices of the triangle. The circumcircle.

14 a dD = 25t, t ≥ 0, dA = 220 − 20t, t ≥ 1

c hours after David leaves town A.
1100 700
d David has travelled km and Anna has travelled km.
9 9
e Investigate questions such as what is Anna’s speed if they meet half way.

f Constant speed is an assumption. Different stretches of the road would be cycled at

different speeds.

© Evans, Lipson, Wallace, Greenwood 2023 5

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