Radar Module 1

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First- Assignment – 1

1. (a) Derive Radar range equation in terms of MDS (minimum detectable signal)
(b) What is maximum unambiguous range? How is it related with PRF?

2. (a) Discuss about Radar frequencies and list out the Applications of Radars.

(b) Explain the various system losses in a Radar

3. Explain the basic principles of Radar and discuss about various parameters
which improve the performance of the Radar

4. In a Radar receiver the mean noise voltage is 80 mv and the IF BW is 1 Mhz. If

the tolerable false alarm time is 25 minutes, calculate the threshold voltage level and
the probability of false alarm.

5. Explain the functioning and characteristics of PPI display and A-Scope.

6. What are the peak power and duty cycle of a radar whose average transmitter
power is 200W, pulse width of 1µs and a pulse repetition frequency of 1000Hz?

First- Assignment – 2
1. Explain how a threshold level is selected in threshold detection? (b) How to find

the number of pulses that returned from a point target as the radar antenna scans

through its beam width? (c) Why most of the radar receivers are considered as

envelop detectors while calculating the SNR?

2. Explain how system losses will affect on the Radar Range?

3. Describe how pulse repetition frequency of a Radar system controls the range of

detection? Explain how the Transmitted power affects the range.

4. Discuss about the factors that influence the prediction of Radar range.

5. Explain the working of digital moving target indicator (MTI) doppler signal
processor with neat diagram.

6. With a neat block diagram, explain how simple pulse radar extracts the Dopplers
frequency shift of the echo signal from the moving target.

7. Explain with neat diagram single- delay line canceller. Also derive the expression
for the frequency response of single- delay line canceller.

8. Write a note on blind speed.

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