Willems CV 03 01 2024

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Joshua S.


Ph.D. Natural Resources & Environmental Studies (GPA: 4.00) 2021 – Present
University of New Hampshire | Durham, NH
M.Sc. Biological Sciences (GPA: 3.83) 2018 – 2020
California Polytechnic State University | San Luis Obispo, CA
B.Sc. Biological Science (GPA: 3.35) 2010 – 2014
California Polytechnic State University | San Luis Obispo, CA

Meineke, J.K., Maxwell, L.M., Foster, A.C., McCall, L.E., Rutherford, T.K., Samuel, E.M., Selby, L.B., Willems, J.S., Kleist,
N.J., Jordan, S.E., 2024, Annotated bibliography of scientific research on Taeniatherum caput-medusae published
from January 2010 to January 2022: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2023-1089, 164 p.,
Kleist, N.J., Willems, J.S., Bencin, H.L., Foster, A.C., McCall, L.E., Meineke, J.K., Poor, E.E., and Carter, S.K., 2022,
Annotated bibliography of scientific research on pygmy rabbits published from 1990 to 2020: U.S. Geological
Survey Open-File Report 2022–1003, 75 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/ofr20221003
Willems, J.S., J.N. Phillips, & C.D. Francis. 2022. “Artificial light at night and anthropogenic noise alter the foraging
activity and structure of vertebrate communities”, Science of the Total Environment, 805,
Willems, J.S., J.N. Phillips, R.A. Vosbigian, F.X. Villablanca, & C.D. Francis. 2021. “Night lighting and anthropogenic noise
alter the activity and body condition of pinyon mice (Peromyscus truei)”, Ecosphere 12(3): e03388,
Manuscripts In Review & In Prep
Vosbigian, R.N., Wardle, R., Rempel, H.S., Brauer, E., Huggins, M., West, S., Willems, J.S., and Francis, C.D. 2024. “Natural
and anthropogenic noise shape bat activity and sonar behavior”, Ecosphere, In Review (submitted 2/19/2024)
Stephens, R.B., Willems, J.S., Costello, C.A., Yamasaki, M., and Rowe, R.J. 2024. “Resource availability and life history
alter breeding strategies in small mammals.”, Journal of Animal Ecology, In Review (submitted 1/30/2024)
Willems, J.S., Moll, R.J., Costello, C., Yamasaki, M., Ducey, M.J., and Rowe, R.J. 2024. “Drivers of small mammal
population dynamics in hardwood forests of New England.”, In Prep

Graduate Researcher 06/21 – Present
University of New Hampshire | Durham, NH
Responsibilities: Project lead investigating the effects of forest structure and resources availability on small mammal
• Developed models within a Bayesian framework to assess population trends
• Collected hair, tissue, and fecal samples from captured rodents and shrews
• Conducted vegetation surveys to assess forest structure; sampled, sorted, identified, and quantified seeds of
hardwood and softwood tree species to assess resource availability
Research Ecologist 09/20 – 05/21
United States Geological Survey | Fort Collins Science Center, CO
Responsibilities: Assisted on collaborations with the BLM on integrating science into management practices
• Worked on compiling and summarizing all relevant science for species of management priority and coordinated
creation of annotated bibliography manuscripts for publication
• Assessed utilization of science and data in BLM management decisions
• Collaborated closely with land managers to identify priority science needs and support management decisions
March 2024 1
Joshua S. Willems | CV
Graduate Researcher 09/18 – 08/20
California Polytechnic State University | San Luis Obispo, CA
Responsibilities: Project lead for research on anthropogenic light and sound impacts on animal communities.
• Developed study design, organized field logistics, and implemented sampling protocols
• Collected data on small mammals using physical trapping, radio telemetry, and camera traps
• Installed and maintained telemetry receiver towers and artificial light stations
• Supervised students and assisted in the development and implementation of artificial nest experiments
• Utilized R Studio and ArcGIS Pro to clean, analyze, and visualize data

Forestry Aide 02/18 – 08/20

California State Parks | Oceano, CA
Responsibilities: Aided in assessing the effects of off highway vehicle activity on natural resources.
• Surveyed for small mammals, birds, fish, amphibians, plants, and intertidal invertebrates
• Trained new employees and volunteers on species identification, animal handling, and ear tagging protocols
• Tracked kangaroo rats using radio telemetry collars to assess habitat utilization and survivorship

Environmental Services Intern 03/15 – 02/18

California State Parks | Oceano, CA
Responsibilities: Technician on CA least tern and western snowy plover monitoring and management project.
• Monitored nest and brood activity of western snowy plovers and California least terns
• Tracked broods daily using color bands to assess nest success and chick survivorship
• Surveyed and monitored activity of avian predators including peregrine falcons
• Assisted with the rescuing of stranded marine mammals and birds

Scientific Aide 06/14 – 01/15

California Dept. of Fish & Wildlife | Redding, CA
Responsibilities: Technician on the Eco-Regional Biodiversity Monitoring project assessing the effects of land use and
climate change on species distributions.
• Utilized point count surveys and song recorders to monitor avian populations
• Conducted vegetation surveys to quantify forest condition and seral stage
• Deployed baited trail cameras to monitor carnivore and mesocarnivore populations

Scientific Aide 06/13 – 09/13 & 06/12 – 09/12

California Dept. of Fish & Wildlife | Redding, CA
Responsibilities: Crew member on High Mountain Lakes project assessing the effects of non-native trout on amphibian
survival and distribution.
• Conducted visual encounter surveys for amphibians in the Trinity Alps Wilderness
• Deployed gill nets to survey for and remove non-native trout. Identified, measured, and sexed all fish
• Worked for up to 11 consecutive days in the backcountry as part of a small team, navigated cross country using
maps and GPS, and planned logistics of all trips

PRESENTATIONS & INVITED TALKS (* denotes presenter)

Oral Presentations
*Willems, J.S., Remington Moll, Mariko Yamasaki, Christine Costello, Mark Ducey, & Rebecca Rowe (2024, April).
“Drivers of small mammal population and community dynamics in a northern hardwood forest.” Northeast
Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Conference.
*Willems, J.S., Remington Moll, Mariko Yamasaki, Christine Costello, Mark Ducey, & Rebecca Rowe (2024, March).
“Drivers of small mammal population and community dynamics in the White Mountains”. Tin Mountain
Conservation Center, invited speaker.

March 2024
Joshua S. Willems | CV
*Willems, J.S., Remington Moll, Mariko Yamasaki, Christine Costello, & Rebecca Rowe (2023, September). “Why do
small mammal populations fluctuate in the White Mountains?”, Seacoast Sips of Science, invited speaker.
*Willems, J.S., Remington Moll, Mariko Yamasaki, Christine Costello, & Rebecca Rowe. (2023, April). “Effects of mast,
weather, and forest structure on small mammal abundance in the White Mountain National Forest, NH”.
Northeast Natural History Conference.
*Willems, J.S., J.N. Phillips, R.A. Vosbigian, F.X. Villablanca, & C.D. Francis. (2020, July). “Night lighting and anthropogenic
noise alter the activity and body condition of pinyon mice (Peromyscus truei)”. North American Congress for
Conservation Biology.

Poster Presentations

Reviewer for: Ecology and Evolution (2024, 1 manuscript); Diversity and Distributions (2024, 1 manuscript); PeerJ (2023,
1 manuscript); Journal of Zoology (2021, 1 manuscript); Journal of Coastal Research (2021, 1 Manuscript);
United States Geological Survey internal reviewer (2020, 1 manuscript)

Invited Judge: University of New Hampshire, 31st annual Undergraduate Research Conference poster session, 2022

Memberships: American Society of Mammalogists (2024 – Present)


2024 American Society of Mammalogists, Student Travel Award ($)
2023 UNH Department of Natural Resources, Spring Semester Graduate Seminar Series, Best Presentation
2023 UNH Natural Resources & Earth Systems Sciences Travel Award ($500)
2022 UNH Natural Resources & Earth Systems Sciences Research Support Grant ($500)
2018 Aryan I. Roest Memorial Scholarship ($2,500)

Graduate Teaching Assistant; University of New Hampshire | Durham, NH
Mammalogy, Undergraduate lab course, 2 sections: Spring 2022
Inventory and Monitoring of Ecological Communities, Undergraduate lab course, 1 section: Fall 2021

Guest Lectures
Willems, J.S. Small mammal monitoring techniques. Inventory & Monitoring of Ecological Communities course,
University of New Hampshire (September 2021 – 2023)

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant; California Polytechnic State University | San Luis Obispo, CA
Herpetology, Undergraduate lab course, 2 sections: Spring 2014 & 2015
Field Botany, Undergraduate lab course, 1 section: Spring 2014
Mammalogy, Undergraduate lab course, 1 section: Winter 2013


• Undergraduate Mentor: Guided 1 undergraduate student in developing & implementing research project (2024)
• Museum Specimen Prep: Taught 10 undergraduate students how to prepare a variety of small mammal and
amphibian museum specimens (2022 - 2024)
• Outreach video: Helped create educational video for K-5th graders about small mammal trapping (2021)
• Resume Workshop: Led professional development seminar for undergraduates (2020)
• Frost Research Mentor: Supervised undergraduate research project and final presentation (2019)
• Wildlife Club Career Symposium: Presented at student-organized professional development event (2017 - 2019)
• High School Outreach: Co-led birding outreach to local high school students (2019)

March 2024

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