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i fal. Nos FESO rpc 452) Aypstines/ 3803 ate: 202.2017 Ie. Raghavendra x Maha (OK. Twa, No.6, Sxmat erie, Vasundire Eco, Danis ss0006 Sub: Appointment 5 “nar Manan fe You Aplaton ded 29312017 ‘wan reference to your aplaton ts 0.1.2017, we ate plese to appar you fr he above post wih tet ‘Yom 1.122017, nde the terms a contin i down hereunder ‘Yul be on probation fr sik mans and on scessl completion of pcbton your sera maybe contres ‘owes our parformanc oud to be unstisfaceryanytine dig te roboton arid oan completn, company reserves the ght terminate your ares forth In sich tention, you sal have no alms on company Benefs and/or enieents. ‘our goss salary wl eR 260000 per month al ee The bsp cf yur aay and deduct is 5 1. Bain fs, sotoay 2 oa fs. 2007 3. an Bs, 35000 4 Consens fs, 1600/ 5. Medial fs 1250) ua hs sz 1.chrn's veto oman rs 20 0 pedal Aowance ro eis 105 Satry fs 250900/- ee as foto, th oh ere oa ener | AL AR telnet fo ros sor Ch reepancorerezesea amt on LEE DEDUCTIONS: 1 Professional Ta fs, 207 Loe fs, 100) et ssiey 1 2.58000/. ‘her statutory deductions su) as Ineome Ta ee, wherever and whenever apical willbe mde a pet 43. Youll be posta st Gta Poe Ste You maybe Wrst any ther ste may bereque rom ine totine by th Maragemen. 4. You epartta Me tl Bhobe (M0), 5. You may a al company benfts and enements ony post compltlon of your probation ged A complanes 29 entements made ova oyu shal e governed bythe ples ofthe company, imple andr nets At the moment you ae covered under Group Medi Irstace pln tam OC Lombard Genera! nnrance ‘Company tp tthe value of Rs. 0000 Fray elains made owas uation of mel inuranc, Desaiment st Head Ofice must note ofthe same at neti of mating uh i, 2. Your sry may be considered for revon 2 per pevaling company ems nd candtions. The econo ese your sy shall be she sale deren ofthe Management |. eg the pero probation te Managemen salle the solr and reton a terminate your seis by serving 1 ys of atin witout ain ny reason theron cate YOU win o eve the company og probation pte youshall a ge 1S eayrafnote tthe company 9. W you ae absent without poe periion fr 8 cantnuous doy, you wil be deed to hve snd erloyen td peop action wil be ten per preva company sll. 1, Your employment wt he company wit be subject ta your remaining psy and mental ft and ae to prlorm our assed dts contary owen ay eto the terminwton of your sence 21, Mer our conten an due yur emelomen th he termination of our erie wl ea lof ay onto the pres the eganizaton on one pata yourself on he oer pr. by eng oe mont’ atc pari one months payne there You wile aiees 3 S00 3 the oie pv er and afer haningovs the charge of our duties to companys representa af maybe rected by Your spe. = — abo 3 opin se carne anaes | AR RY setting a seins lao EE ‘CIN U74a99Mn2eisTC269228 — wou - wtp) 12 Aer you hae gven the nate towards termination of your serves, you wl have tobe pest a work ua youreleving date and absence wb permite, Ay leaves wale using your period of note wi be ested seme without pay and a al numberof bes willbe rower from your peng hues the tne of atin of your FF setters. 13. nce of termination of your employment by ether pay ext orale sabe completa by You 3 ompany pale. Al our pening dues shal be cere only ae suzcesl campeon of al females 3¢ rece by HR Department at Heat Oem 14 Yous ei for semen of your ering ues win 30 dye om the date of rect ofthe Full and Fo setlement Form fom HR Oepartent at Head Oi. Hf you donot cm fr etemnt of ues wii he palit time pre, hon ry ih cm made by ou here ead shal be conrad. 15. Tis eter of appointments beg isd on the understanding that hee ating ebjecnabien your pat records which you hove presente he company tafe you employment. sound t nye ding your ‘eoloyment wth the comoary ht your gst eer obetonable nd incopaiv wih he gene poe nes of the comay ard ay craton pen by you proves oe ae ad that you have supeesed any tel iformation; su cae the appeitnent ite sabe dem tobe reg nd your sees wale blr trmiaton without ny note compensate thre 16, Al commusicaton exchanged between the company at you om the date of your sppeatn wl frm an Inert of appcntment ond conienti 17. You wal tot any manner whatonses lak ou any cresgondnc,apeement and any sich inomaton Deraning to cur oration, conceming compary bushes which you fay desl with a 2 part of your chagng des 2nd asignent of gone. Any besch of coneiity and Gln of company oye intrmation sat et mete terminnon of serves 2 poopie lg! and rin acon sabe ndertten, 1 Nottstandng he canine mantaed stow for the termination of your employment by ether parties, the following stultns, but ot ited wil apy at may lea teint of your sees whut any ‘omensitono bees which these you woulshave been ete | Youre refral and nega caraut and param dite signed you, Youre have Been foun uty of aud, saben, misconduct anor miepretntatin of dat and/or credential wheter In couse! prlormance of ies or other {_Aanyact prj othe coming lationship between yu andthe company. 4. Commitment of reach of any ofthe terns of ister of sgpoinimet ese ae a, tw Bo, Str 3 tia Se, a Murs CDOS P4173 04 05 Fa 24127308 we Feel OF: Unt 0, Beinn al, Pt, 9 10 S98 dh Ns tal =AOE7OS. NO. suns 738 ‘IN : u7aggomizoisrTc269228 ~ wae ipep com ~ wuts = —_—— ENGINEERING PyT. Lr 19, During tne parig your employment wth TPE you sal et own, manag, operat, osu orb engloyed na busts substi sina t, or compte wth, the present buns ofthe Conpany er sh other buses acy nich the Company may sistant ngage uring he term of ployment. Found out ‘hat ou ae erga in any such competing buses 35 mente ato, ste acon incu Bur ie ‘otis ofr srces wil be taken, Neesey elation and ecovery of ut wil a be resect to, aque. in pei crcurtanay, ths se may Be wale ff afer caning writ ent fam the managment of hecompuny, PFEPL Suh conan mast be obned within? eye rm te rece tar ‘or the start of such employment chee sare, ang which hi appitment eters beanie 1 be nul and vo 20, No authority ses upon you ete to make any ranch commitment aor masy generale, poles and procedures of he company or eterno apeemensfonacts understanding fay mative wi ry Bey witout seating prorsemision or approval fom the Management. Any won 1 exceed jour spetie urterty¢mentoted ext nth itr wl ewe wth eous ington nd inaryapropate legal acion witb taken ‘oat tom the tome ad cots al own above, you payment wth te company ae gown bythe company's ganeral esa repltons as amended and inode fom Sine to time ana aplbleto he repr emplyeest th oration 22 Youare requested to submits dupleate copy fh eter ul sre by yous 2 token your scene of the ‘We welcome you oTPFEPLand we ok forward to a lng term aso, ‘Thanking you, ‘Yous oa For TPE Engineering Pt, oa ata ety (astat Gamera Manages) {acept the terms & condtons of this appointment Snature ea ese fb ie io tz | AR 28) tact tgspeeh re osc ne 8 Sus vranamieracs Tape

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