Chapter 6 INDUS

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A Workbook on World History 1 (Ancient Civilization)

by Rey Carl Villanueva Arimas, PhD, Assistant Professor II, Apayao State College

Chapter 6
Civilization of Indus

At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:

a. define the terms and concepts related to Civilization of Indus;

b. trace the physical geography of ancient civilization of South Asia;
c. comprehend the history and struggles of Indus Civilization;
d. familiarize the great legacies of Indus civilization to the world;
e. study the social system of ancient Indus society; and
f. appreciate the Buddhist principles and practices .


One of the early river valley civilizations developed in the Indus valley of South Asia, the
peninsula that is often called India. At about 1500 BC, Aryan invaders from the northwest
overran South Asia. Their culture blended with Indus Valley traditions to create a distinctive
civilization. The religion of Hinduism was the most important influence in that civilization. Many
centuries of Hindu dominance gave South Asia cultural identity. Although many kingdoms were
established in India, no ruler succeeded in uniting the area politically.

The cultures of later invaders were eventually absorbed into Indian civilizations. The
arrival of the Muslims, however, introduced ideas and customs so different that the two
civilizations remained somewhat separate from each other.

This chapter describes the development of ancient Indian civilization and the outside
forces that influenced it socially and politically over many centuries


To understand this Chapter, the following suggested readings to search using the link
address in the internet below:

1. Indus Civilization I History, Location, Map, Art, & Facts I Britannica.
2. Indus valley Civilization by Cristian Violatti published on October 30, 2013
3. Indus River Valley Civilization

A Workbook on World History 1 (Ancient Civilization)
by Rey Carl Villanueva Arimas, PhD, Assistant Professor II, Apayao State College
4. A Brief Introduction to the Ancient Indus Civilization by
5. The Indus River Valley Civilizations by Lumen Boundless World History
6. History of Buddhism - Wikipedia

For further understanding, here are some suggested documentary videos to view and
1. Indus Valley Civilization: Crash Course World History #2. YouTube app.
2. What Was The Indus Valley Civilization? By Cogito
3. Introduction to the Indus Valley (Harappan) Civilization by History with Cy
4. What is Buddhism? What do Buddhists believe? By I Am Your Target
5. Eastern Philosophy – The Buddha by The School of Life
6. Introduction to Hinduism – Full by HinduismTodayVideos
7. The History of Hindu India (English narration and English subtitles) by

Follow-up Task:

REMEMBERING THE FACT: Word of Knowledge. Define the different encountered



Dharma (Dar-muh)

Caste System



A Workbook on World History 1 (Ancient Civilization)
by Rey Carl Villanueva Arimas, PhD, Assistant Professor II, Apayao State College



TRACING THE ORIGIN: Searching the Civilization

Directions: Trace, draw and explain the earliest map of Indus civilization. Do research in
atlases and encyclopedias to fine (a) the source of each river; (b) its length; (c) where the mouth
of the river is located; and (d) into what body of water the river flows. Use the box below to draw
the map and the space below to explain.


A Workbook on World History 1 (Ancient Civilization)
by Rey Carl Villanueva Arimas, PhD, Assistant Professor II, Apayao State College

Name: _____________________________ Score: ________________________

Course/Year: ________________________ Instructor: ____________________

REMEMBERING THE FACT: Recalling the Past

Directions: Identify the following items below. Write the answer before the item.

_______________________1. They were migrant people who introduce the new language of
_______________________2. The Taj Mahal reflects the Muslim art on the period of Mogul
which dedicated to __________.
_______________________3. Dravidian spokes ____________.
_______________________4. The present day country where Indus civilization started to
_______________________5. The sacred book of Hinduism is called __________.
_______________________6. The sacred book of Buddhism is known _________.
_______________________7. An Empire that bring the golden era in India.
_______________________8. The preserver’s god of Hindu
_______________________9. The creator’s god of Hindu
_______________________10. The archeological cities in the Indus River Valleys
recognized by UNESCO are ___________ and ___________.

REMEMBERING THE FACT: Hindu Historical Icons

_______________________11. Founder of Buddhism

_______________________12. Founder of Jainism
_______________________13. Introducer the Idea of Ahisma
_______________________14. The great playwright who showed the importance of
Hinduism in everyday Indian life, often compared with
Shakespeare in England.
_______________________15. The Builder of Taj Mahal
_______________________16. He gained absolute power and became a wise and skillful
_______________________17. His nicknamed the “World Shaker” – withdrew his support for
the arts and poured all the empire’s treasure into an attempt to
conquer the Deccan and the south.
_______________________18. A Magadha’s ruler who became good administrator who built
roads, coordinated village governments and made the
kingdom stronger than its neighbors in northeast India.
_______________________19. He is a ruler who reigned and brought India to Golden Age.

A Workbook on World History 1 (Ancient Civilization)
by Rey Carl Villanueva Arimas, PhD, Assistant Professor II, Apayao State College
TIMETABLE: Looking Back the Ancient History

Directions: Arrange the jumbled historical events of Indus civilization by matching the dates.
Write the answers in the third column below.


1. Mogul culture 1. 2500* BC
flourishes during the
reign of Akbar
2. Great cities flourish in 2. 1500* BC
the Indus Valley.
3. Baber establishes the
Mogul Empire. 3. 530* BC
4. Aryans invade the
Indus Valley
5. Tamerlane destroys 4. 321* BC
the city of Delhi.
6. The Buddha begins
his teaching. 5. 269-232 BC
7. The Delhi sultanate is
established by Muslim
invaders. 6. 320-500* AD
8. The Mauryan Empire
is established.
9. The Rajputs halt a 7. 712 AD
Muslim invasion.
10. Asoka reigns.
11. The Gupta Empire 8. 1206 AD
brings about a golden
age in India.
9. 1398 AD

10. 1526 AD

11. 1556-1605 AD

*Approximate Date

A Workbook on World History 1 (Ancient Civilization)
by Rey Carl Villanueva Arimas, PhD, Assistant Professor II, Apayao State College
GETTING TO KNOW: Viewing the Ancient Achievements

Directions: Identifying the contribution based from the pictures below.

A Workbook on World History 1 (Ancient Civilization)
by Rey Carl Villanueva Arimas, PhD, Assistant Professor II, Apayao State College

Directions: Using the pyramid organizer, classify the people according to class in the Indus
society. The top-level belongs to the Bramins, the middle level belongs to Ksatriyas, next is
the Vayshias and the lowest level belongs to the Sudras.

Administrative officials
Landowning Farmers

GOLDEN BUDDHA: Enlighten your Faith

Directions: Research the eight noble path of Buddhism. Write it inside the scroll.

Noble Eightfold Path

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