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B.Tech. Il Year Il Semester,Examinations , OPERATING SYSTEMS (Computer Science and Engineering). «| Answer any five questions, one,question from Each Unit, ieasi 2 All questions carry Equal marks SMart) soso cy »"Solutions . (5% 15 Marks 40 (@)" Define an.operating system, List out objectives and various functions of = operating system. Nee (ni 101) (Unit | 05) - ._b), Discuss about distributed systems, virtialization and cloud computing, OR 1” (a) “Explain the services provided by the operating system to the user. pote <2 nit | 010) ise (b) State and explain different categories of system programs. + (Unit 1015) 1 (@) What is:process scheduling? Explain different types of process schedulers. Writstt 04) (0) What is IPC? Explain in detail the inter-process communication models. (nit 010) oR ° 4 (a)- Discuss about various criteria used for short-term scheduling. (Unit | 020) (b) Discuss about a Race Conditions. (Unit-Ht 027) 5 @) Discuss the performance of demand paging. Also list the steps involved in . servicing a page fault. (Unit | 020) (b) Consider a swapping system in which memory consists of the following hole sizes in memory order. 10KB, 4 KB, 20 KB, 18 KB, 7)KB, 9 KB, 12 KB and 15 KB. Which hole is taken for successive segment requests of (i) 12 KB (ii) 10 KB (ii) 9 KB for first fit, best fit; worst fit and next fit approaches. (Unitt | 06) OR @) What is page replacement? Explain page replacement algorithms. (Unit-ty 022) (0) Write short notes on memory mapped files and memory mapped V/0. (Unie. j 029) Ree crazasrsrcereur ALL-IN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS {jie SAWS, Scanned with CamScanner MP.2 30 OPERATING SYSTEMS [NTU-KAKINADA) —_ ore SS Te> (a) sExph jn'about deadlock avoidance. . (Unity yy (b)" Explain the techniques used to prevent the deadlock. ; (Unita¥ | a OR 8. (a). Explain briefly about disk structure and sshies various methods of accessing disk attachment. . (Unitsv oz, (b) Explain about the key design issues for implementing stable-storage. : (Unit 03 9. (@) Describe the different methods of message authentication. (Unie 014 (b)._ Explain revocation of access rights. Also explain the schemes that implement revocation for capabilities. © (Unit / 019 “OR 40. (a) Compare symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms. (Unit / 017) (b) Explain the role of security in improving the security of a system. oe Also discuss about vulnerability assessment. (Unit-¥ 021) Scanned with CamScanner ch. Il Year Ii Semester Examinations ee i i QPERATING SYSTEMS (Computer Science and Engineering) PAPERID - MP.3 ‘Max. Marks: 75 Answer any five questions, one question from Each Unit All questions carry Equal marks (5 * 15 Marks = 75 Marks) ‘ey Give a brief note on operating system structure. (by. Discuss various approaches of designing an operating system. : OR 2) .Write about user operating system interface. 4. (@). Define thread. What are the advantages of threads? (0). Discuss about the techniques used for communication in client-server systems. OR 4 (@) Explain preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling algorithms. (b) Explain the various proposals for achieving mutual exclusion with Busy waiting. 4 (@) Write in brief about the introduction of memory management strategies. (b) Explain about Contiguous Memory Allocation in detail. OR (a) Whatis demarid paging and how is it implemented? (0) Explain about allocation of minimum number of frames to a process. Explain different fle directory structures with neat diagram. OR Give an overview of file system implementation. Explain in detail about the various disk Scheduling algorithms. (®) Explain al the strategies involved in deadlock detection and how itis recovered. 2) SPECTRUM ALLIN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS ) Solutions (Unit4 02) (Unit /,017) (units 011) (Unitl | 08) (ur y.012) (Uniti / 021) (Unit-t | 028) (Unie } a1) (Unit. / 04) (Unit. / 019) (Unie-ttt 025). (Unit-tV | 05) (Unit-1V / 015) (Unitav 021) (Uniesv / 028) is i. Scanned with CamScanner ~—""(b) Compare the thread scheduling strategies ir Linux and Win how the access matrix;helps in protection’of a System withthe help of an exainple. dows Operating Systems.~. - vets Ee aha nirtbagls. grilube Scanned with CamScanner (Univ | 07) (Unit | 044 ~(Unit-V | 027) B.Tech. Il Year II'Semester Examinations OPERATING SYSTEMS 7 (Computer Science and Engineering) MP.S sc eM OD ert sons RAPER 3 3 Hours : A Answer any five questions, one question from Each Unit All Guiéstions carry Equal inarks (5.x 15 Marks = 75 Marks) a anitia® (@) Write about operating system operations. 4 (0). Distinguish between the clie OR 2 (a) Explain the system calls used in file management. (b) Explain in detail about operating system debugging.” 4 (@) Define the following, . (i) Process (i) Program (iii) Process contro! block. (b) What is multithreading? Explain briefly about multithreading models. i ? OR io (a) Explain in detail about scheduling in a multiprocessor system. (b) Explain the concept of semaphores in IPC. + 5 (@)_ Explain about swapping in. memory management: (b) Draw the diagram of segmentation of memory management scheme and explain its principle. OR (@) Explain briefly about virtual memory. (b) | What is thrashing? Explain the causes of thrashing. (@) Write short notes on ostrich algorithm. () What is deadlock avoidance? Explain process initiation denial and resource | allocation denial in detail with an example. \ DRes) ._ Offile system? (8) Consider a disk queue with requests for I/O to blocks on cylinders 98, 183, 37, 122, 14, 124, 65, 67 to FCFS,-SSTF, SCAN, C-SCAN, and LOOK scheduling. iver and peer-to-peer models of distributed systems. (2) What are the various optimization, techniques used for improving the performance Ifthe disk head is start at 53, then find out the total head movement with respect SPECTRUM ALLAIR-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS Bae (Unit-t | 03) (Unit /06) Wnitt/012) + (Wnit4 | 019) (Unit | a1) (Unit-H | 035) (Uniti }03) (Unit. AN / 016) (Unie. / 028) _ (Unietv / 04) (Univ | 09) (Unit-1V | 024) (Univav 028) STS Scani ned with CamScanner (a) Whatal OPERATING SYSTEMS [JNTU-k, the principles of protection’ (0) “Wiité stidit notes on, () Trojar horse qacrteye (i) Trap door “(il) Logic bomb (Wv) Viruses. F oR How passwords can be used for authentication? What are the merits ahd demerits of passwords? (b) How firewalls protect a system? Discuss different types of firewalls. ‘AKIN, | AD (Uni © Unie ay (Unit vj 029 (Univ 1029 Scanned with CamScanner { am B.Tech. II Year ll Semester Examinations : OPERATING SYSTEMS : ‘ | (Computer Science and Engineering) estes ‘Max, Marks: 73 i “Answer any five questions, one question from Each Unit ' : All questions carry Equal marks " my e! (5 x 15 Marks = 75 Marks) {@)" Explain about traditional computing and mobile computing. |p). Whatiis open-source operating system? Discuss in brief about history of i ©. open-source OS. : 2 (WUnitt 107) j OR : | 2 (8) State and explain the various types of system calls in detail. . it) 08) | (o) Write short notes on system boot. (Units | 020) 4. (@) Whataré the operations that can be performed on a process? . {Unit | 08) { () Discuss about the issues to be considered with multithreaded programs.” * (Uniti 017) \ OR 4 @)_ Distinguish the thread scheduling from process ‘scheduling. State the per-process and per-thread attributes. (Unit 11 | 025) * (0) What is Message Passing? Discuss the design issues ‘of message-passing systems. (Unit. 11/041) 4. (@) Whatis paging? Explain the basic method for implementing paging... (Uniti | 09) _ (6) Consider the following page reference strings, 4,2,3,4, 2,1, 5, 6,2, 1, 2.3, 7.6, 3, 2 1, 2, 3.6 How many page faults would occur forthe following replacement algorithm, assuming three, four frames? Remember that all frames are initially empty 50 your first unique pages will cost one fault each. . 5 ()) . LRU replacement ; . i) Optimal replacement. , (Unit-IH | 024) OR (©) Wnatis copy-on-write feature, and under what circumstances is its use beneficial? ‘What hardware support is. required to implement this feature? {Unit-IH | 021) (0) Explain briefly about allocation of Kernel memory. And 360 the strategies used for managing free memory assigned to kernel processes. . (Unit-iNt | 030) spECTRUM ALLAN-ONE JOURNeL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS Scanned with CamScanner (izoc-on-DIprIMFaSO? #22 1-60 UO L TeIOL, Bz 4 12-10-21 4 OPERATING SYSTEMS. (WNTu. Ihat are the four conditions that create deadlock? an example. Kakin, (b) Whatis a file? Discuss its attributes. OR 8. (@) " Define file system. What are its design +7 system architecture, (©) Explain about the RAID structure ir in detail. Probleitis? Explaii the layered file in disk management with levels of organization 8. (@) “How can domains for protection share access rights? v.00), Define a security attack, Explain in detail about the Various types of attacks aya inter network is vulnerable to, 5, (Unity ary (Uniev 018 (Univ 025) Classifications in a system, Scanned with CamScanner “Answer any five qiiestions, one question from Each Unit “All questions carry Equal marks (5 * 15 Marks = 75 Marks) a OR ’ (a) State and explain the various types of system calls in detail, (0) Explain in detail about operating system debugging, Refer 3 (a) Whatis process scheduling? Explain different types of process schedulers. Refer Gnit () What is IPC? Explain in detail the inter-process communication models. OR Discuss about various criteria used for short-term scheduling. B (0) Explain the concept of semaphores in IPC. i Explain about swapping in mémory management. Refer Unie 93 (b) What is paging? Explain the basic method for implementing paging. Refer OR ® (@) ‘Explain briefly about virtual memory. RESEUACTGTS () What is page replacement? Explain page replacement algorithms, Refer thie 933 a (9). Define Deadlock. What are the four conditions that create ‘deadlock? Explain with aoa | an example. Ref UREN GT ©) Explain the techniques used to prevent the deadlock: RECRUMEROI ‘ : a i" ‘ bee Explain briefly about disk structure arid discuss various methods of accessing . isk attachment, REFSEURRCAVIGH] é * Explain about the RAID structure in disk man: ‘agement with various levels of °rganization in detail ‘ Scanned with CamScanner ? (4202-O1V-PIWH-IHIFBSO) ZT H-SO SUOS £ IPIOL GZ 4 Le-L0-ZL 4 5 OPERATING SYSTEMS [JNTU-K, AK NA (a) » Explain program related (b)_ What is encryption? Explain symmetric and asymmetric, encryption algorithms. * . oR . “40. (@): What ls key dltrbution? What are the problems with key distribution? (®) Explain about different security classifications in a system. Scanned with CamScanner papers with Solutions oe R19 ge B.Tech. Il Year Il Semester Examination OPERATING SYSTEMS © (Computer Science and Engineering) : Max. Marks: 75 foe 3 Hours, : : a + Answer any five questions, one question from Each Unit All questions carry Equial marks (5 * 15 Marks = 75 Marks) 2 1 (@) Give a brief note on operating system structure. Refer Wait G2 Discuss various approaches of designing an operating system, Refer Uaien GIy Wirte about operating system operations. Reecoea ‘What are the operations that can be performed on a process? (b) ) What is mutithreading? Explain briefly about ‘multithreading models, Run @) a) a) ® OR What is demand Paging and how is it implernented? LC carters) Explain briefly about allocation of kernel! memory. And aiso the strategies used for managing fee memory assigned to kemel processes, 3 SPECTROM JOURNAL Ene winnen——_ Scanned with CamScanner . or (4202-O1v-IV>r-IFIFSO) 22.1-SO SuUOS Z IPIOL OZ 4 beL0-2b 8 (a) Explain in detail about the various disk scheduling algorithms. (©) Could RAID level 4 organization achieve better performance for jead requests than a ~~ RAID level 0 organization? Ifo; how? Explain. Refer Unit-tv 10. Scanned with CamScanner OPERATING SYSTEMS [JNTU-KAKINADA) 1.1 OPERATING ‘SYSTEMS OVERVIEW “ erating System Functions om poral s and various: functions Qt. Define an operating system. List out objective: . 2 of operating system. Model Papers, a1) Answer + erating System. seat isthe computer hardware and acts as an intermedi, Aioperating system i aprogram ora collection of Prog that control 7 between the user and hardware. It provides platform for application programs torunon it. Objectives of OS ae “The objectives ofan operating system are as follows, (Efficiency , ‘ “Allthe system fesources presesit in the system should be ‘utilized and managed efficiently. 4 (Convenience : . “The opérating system should provide an environment that is simple and easy to use. * (ii) Ability to Evolve ‘An operating system should be developed in such a way that it provides flexibility and maintainability. Henice, the changes can be done easily. - 5 oes ‘Operating Computer : [7 system Hardware , Figure: Operating System as an Interface Functions of Operating System ‘The functions of an operating system are, -° + * @__ Operating system as a resource manager Gi) Operating system as a user/computer interface. © Operating System as a Resource Manager rat isan a = a i bones interface between user and the hardware. This indicates that itis most, intimately involved vil finish Ac " oem consists of a set of resources, the manipulation of data is done (that is movement, proceso vasurteiciena pa oe ese resources: Operating system can be viewed as a resource allocator inthis context. Italo conbelo ts opcig eee ‘Space, file-storage space, input/output devices etc. All these resources are under . Thus, operat operating system aets as the resource nianager or a resource allocator: Resources must be allo i t allocated fairly to all the processes and users for efficient operations. The same résource: maybe by different processors ‘or sors Or usefs at the same time. I - = ‘ust be able to decide proper In such case, the operating system gets conflicting requests. Opes 4 5 abo nt availabilty ofrecouroes eet Me Tesourees t0 be allocated, so that no process goes to starvation state for Operating system also has the responsibil fl © has the responsibility of avoiding deadlocks due to lack of resources. devices and ot ther resources when different processes share them. pg, ra ae = vera nenceeding® / Scanned with CamScanner 7-1. Operating Systems Overview and System Structures. _ 7 7 ‘Computer System © (Operating system | Programs software ‘and data De $0 conor Proseior i Figure (1: Operat Y jer inthe above figure (1), the main memory was occupied jointly by operating system as wel asthe other programs i. the sin memory (a resource) is being controlled by both of them. Operating system controls the processor and 1/0 controllers to sqecute the programs and to fetch data from V/O devices. (@ Operating System as a User/Computer Interface ‘The facilites (both hardware and software) provided to the user can be viewed in the following hierarchical manner, End users») Application programs " ‘ Uttities Progratimners . f f Operating system Operating system—l Computer hardware designer Figure (2: Layers and Views of a Computer System ‘As showm‘in the figure (2), the users of the applications are not concerned with the hardware ‘details instead, a computer” aman be viewed asa collection of applications, othe end users.An application-programmet is responsible for developing ee ications in some programming language..Some of the system programs called as utilities or utility programs’ are provided the users Which assists them in creating programs, managing files and controlling /O devices. Among the available system Dograms, OS is the most important program which hides the hardware details from the programmers by providing a Suitable ‘mterface to them. - 1, Following are the various services provided bythe OS tots users, A |The OS helps the programmers during the process of program development by providing various services such as editors, debuggers ete, Even though these services are not the integral pat of an OS, they are avaiable tothe programmers inthe fom of utility programs and are referred to as ‘application program development tools’ The OS performs certain scheduling tasks such as loading instructions and data into the main memory, initializing the /O devices and files and preparing other resources etc. All these operations must be required for executing programs. The OS Performs all these tasks thereby reducing the burden of the programmers: Each UO device requires specific instructions or conirol signals for their operation which makes the process of accessing WO devices difficult. To avoid this a uniform interface is provided that can be able to hide all these details from the Programmers, hence these devices can be accessed by performing simple read and ‘write operations. ‘The O$ in a mnulti-user environment conitrols the’ access to the files by providing a protection mechanism. It not only Provides « detailed understanding ofthe nature ofthe 1/0 devices but also deseribes the structure of the data stored in the fles on the storage medium: : 1 : In shared or public systems, thereby projecting, the resources an _ Sontention. ing System as a Resource Mar the O8 is responsible for controlling the access to the system or to some system resources d data from unauthorized users and resolving the conflicts that results from fesource as a [Tapa Tay OT 2 25 35 45. 55°65 75 85. 95 \When there exist more thai one program both multiprogramiming and time sharing-along with (cpu availabe for every single user with a portion of time, | itrequire several tasks to be kept ready in the memory. Ina situation where there are nd when there is no enough memory, a decision is made to CPU scheduling makes the ‘Asthe CPU is kept busy all the time, snre number of jobs that are ready to be inserted into the memory ‘the jobs among them. This decision making is known as “job scheduling”. select 3. CPU Scheduling In‘ situation where th ‘pproprate jobs among them. This decision making is known as CPU scheduling. 4, Virtual Memory . Virtual memory isa concept of giving programmers an illusion thatthey have alarge® sry: at their disposal even though they have very small physical, memory. Programmers can write programs that takes more memory than the available physical memcty (RAM). This is achieved by storing their big programs in secondary memory ‘or disk storage and then portions of these programs are brought into main memory whenever needed for execution. Virtual memory also allows processes to share files, libraries ete, The two fundarriental techniques for implementing virtual memory are paging and segmentation. 1.1.3 Operating Systems Operations . Q3: Write about operating system operations. ere are multiple jobs in the memory are ready to be executed then'a decision is made to select the- Answer : Operating System Operations Operating systems are interrupt driven which means that if there are not tasks avail ‘when the request is made from the user side, Various programs running onthe operating systems share many resources associated with the hardware and software, This staing can effect other programs when a bug exists in one program. Therefore an operating system must ensure the protection ofthe programs from the one which is effected, no “".... An operating system is capable’of performing, many tasks related to, the operating system itself as well the user. If the ‘perating cystem performs these operations by using the shared resoutce: jit becomes necessary for an operating system to _ distinguish between these operations (operations on behalf of the operating system and operations on behalf of the user) which * ‘tay otherwise lead to serious problems. peed z “ behge toner to elimitite this, problem, abit called mode bit is added tothe hardware ofthe computer which helps in distinguishing pve the two types of operations. The mode bit indicates whether the operation is in user ‘mode or in monitor. mode by ding the values 1 or O respectively. The system booting occurs in midnitor mode and the operating system after getting load Stars the user processes which takes place in user moide, Thus, it ean be said that whenever an ‘operating system takes control ofthe compares nis in monitor mode. The trips or the interrupts also occur in monitor mode thereby setting the mode bit to *0" ‘hich hesdied by operating system and prot to passing the contol toa user progrim, the mode bi is sett. itenters into ser mode. This type of mode switching is called dual rhode operation . lable to perform it will sit idle until it isinteirupted. It perform the service only. SPECTROM ALLAN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS f/c)5075130 1 0) Scanned with CamScanner _ improvement in the Computing’ technologi ee 0 thes system from users caring bug Processes ae weaiealtg tse fone another whecanbe accompli tg el en ke ute in mo J ms i ee userand an operating system. For this, the wer needs to eh the operating syste through system calls. Hardware considers the system call to be a software interrupt and transfers’ the control tothe service routine in operating system through the interrupt vector then the mode biti setto ‘0° ., monitor mode, Interrupting instructions are then eximined by the monitor to find out the type of the service requested by the user program. by the means of a'parameter. The additional information for a request if needed, is passed using the registers, onto the stack or, to the memory. Upon verifying that the parameters are correct, and legal the monitor executes the request and returns the control to the instruction aftr the system call, Dual mode of operation hel Ifthe hardware do not support dual mode operations (i.e. «the distinction of monitor mode and the user mode) the operating system stiffers from serious problems. For example MS-DOS ‘donot contain miode bit (ie., no dual mode) and hence produces -disastrous results sirice a user jc running without any plan can clean and overwrite the data on the operating system ‘and allowing multiple programs to write to a device at the same tine. * ‘The hardware that support dual mode operation provides ‘greater protection to the operating system. For example, Pentium that supports dual mode operation facilitates operating systems such as Microsoft Windows 2000 and IBM OS/2, 1.1.4, Computing Environments Q4. Explain about traditional computing and mobile ‘computing. - A fr nswer : Medel Paper-tv, at(a) ‘Traditional Computing From the past few years, tra , ynal_computin, ‘environments have changed a lot. This is bec sae ause of the major ies which include OPERATING SYST Tavironment of a single user (ho J oes are replaced with high speed niyo network), 10% tn support of connecting Printers, clients ang connection ty is provide with firewalls which protect ta Setwork from security attacks. ’ come period of time, batch processing!s interacting apne wih inot from various datasources Bets proces inseqursstems, processing of inputs from user in interac is Moms and time based time processing in time sharing syemg airy sharing systems, scheduling algorithms were used vic mrenow processed at user level and system level, Mobile Computing In the world of emerging technologies where, technology has touched heights, the use of mobile and handheld devices has ‘become a boom where day by day its demand is increasing, This handheld devices are smaller in size, compact, contains many application software for communicating with other devices called as apps. Many of the smart phones are a combination of wireless technology and best features of mobile devices. Hence, these things are making mobile devices popular and wiping out the use of laptop. A mobile device consists of many applications like media player, playing online games, making conference calls. Connecting to the internet using Wi-Fi is one of the most important features of mobile and handheld devices wirelessly. An advanced trend in these devices is the use of Global Positioning System (GPS) which can be used to locate the current position of the device with use of satellite signal. Italso provide navigation i.e., providing ways t6 reach a particular target location in any part’ of the world. Example, locating ATMs, restaurants, popular place etc. These devices also provide features of an accelerometer with which orientation, shaking, titling ete., can be detected. This feature is mostly in used in playing ‘games without @ “mouse, keyboard (or) joysticks. The operating systems used now a days in these devices are Android, ios and Google android which are designed for smartphones, iPhones/ iPad and tablets respectively, . ‘One limitation of these devices are that they are slowerin terms of speed and with less memory capacity when compa with traditional PCs. With traditional PGs. tu 'Q5. Discuss about distributed systems, virtualization and cloud computing. Answer: Mode! Papers, at) Distributed Systems Itis acollection of independent, heterogeneous compulet systems which are physically separated but are connect together via a network to share resources like files, dt devices, ctc. The primary focus of distributed system is ' Provide transparency while accessing the shared resource it» user should not worry about the location of the data. The are various advantages of distributed systems like they help increasing computation speed, functionality, data availabiliY and reliability. mae Scanned with CamScanner NIT-1_ Operating Systems Overview and System Structures _ ‘Some operating systems provide generic functions or for accessing files over a network. They manipulate ipesetworking details present in the device driver of network juriace whereas, somie other operating Systems have separate jons for network access and other local access. There are various ypes of networks available for connecting computers _ These networks are distinguished by the protocols they ise. Various protocols like ATM, TCP/IP, etc., are available jut TCPMPis the most popular network protocol and neatly all ing systems including Unix, Linux and Windows supports ‘TCPIPP protocol. a ‘A network operiting system is one which has. the features of accessing files over a network, communicating wvith other computers by sending messages. The network sgenting system provides an autonomous environment for each computer whereas, a distributed operating system provides a less ‘nfonomous environment, in addition to this, it gives a generic ‘ie to remote resources. Its primary focus is on transparency hich hides the location details of a resource. Virtualization Virtualization is a mechanism in which multiple independent virtual operating systems are made to run on a single physical computer. It is useful for maintaining of return cn investment for the computers. ‘The term virtualization was coined during the year 1960s vith contest to a virtual machine which sometimes referred ‘04s a pseudo-machine. The virtual machines were used to be cteated and managed, this process is oftenly referred to as + ‘atom virtualization’, A software called control program is used to perform ‘be platform virtualization. This program generates a simulated ‘vironment called virtual computer which makes the device to utlize the hosted software of a particular virtual environment ‘hich is sometime known as guest software. ‘The guest software often behaves as a complete operating ‘tem and run as if it has been installed on a stand-alone Usually, multiple virtual machine can be simulated on & Physical computer. The number of virtual machine to be 4 depends on the physical hardware resources of the host ‘ice. Beeause the guest software can perform its function by ‘Scssing to particular peripheral devices. And therefore, the ‘¥tized platform is used to support this access Le, it support EStinteriaces to those devices. Example ofthis devices may se, disk drive, DVD, CD-ROM and network interface card. “beg Te technology of viralization isan approach that ean _ g.bttto reduce the maximum of hardware acquisition, thus for costs maintenance. - ‘Cloud Computing .___ Cloud computing viewed as a model for distributing information technology inorder to gain access to the resources from Internet without depending on direct connection with the Server. The model can easily retrieve resources via web-based tools and applications. Here, the information which is to be accessed is stored in clouds and it gives the privileged to the userto access the information whenever and from where ever they want. Thereby, allowing the users to work remotely. In general cloud computing is nothing but the use of computing eSources such as hardware and software which are distributed as.a service across the network. It centralizes the data storage, Processing and bandwidth which in tum provides efficient Computing process to the users. ‘An example of cloud compuiting in Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Clouid) which offers tremendous facilities by providing a huge storage capacity (in petabytes) along with virtual many virtual machines and servers to users through internal. These ‘services are provided to different users based on the type of cloud as follows. ( ° Services that are available to all the users over the intemet are provided through public cloud. Gi) Services thatare available to an organization are provided through private cloud: i ii) Cloud including both public and private cloud services are provided through hybrid cloud: + Some other cloud including SaaS, PaaS and IaaS are als used based on requirement. . (@) SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) Itis one of the form of cloud computing that supports ~ multiuser architecture inorder to deliver application via browser to thousands of users. In contrast to other managed services SaaS emphasizes. mostly on end users, inorder to fulfil their requirements, Moreover, in SaaS computing the customers need not have to invest ‘on any servers or in software licensing as there all are taken care by service providers, These service providers experiences low cost with just one product in relative to the traditional hosting model. ya PaaS is a web service which is closely connected to SaaS and is considered as a distinct form of SaaS, Unlike SaaS, it provides the user only a Platform for ‘work but not applications to work. In order to use the functionality over the internet; these services provides only application program interfaces rathér than lange number of applications: > (b) PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) (©) IaaS (Infrastructure-s: Service) + 3 It provides infrastructure i.e, servers and storage to be available over-the internet tes [ReCTONM @UTILANE 1O1RNAL FOR ENGINEEDIten errinesrre WSSEEEIENESIN Scanned with CamScanner Ge. Distinguish between the client-server and pé Answer of networking architecture, Client-Server Model 1. [ituses centralized form of networking architecture. 2, |imthis model, certain nodes in the network are dedicated to serve some specific services. The | | node that sends request is called ‘client’ and the node that provides Services tothe request is « | called ‘server’ ‘The specific nodes perform their respective tasks i.e, client request for resources and server provide resources. 5 -4._ | Its work is based on “make a request and the request will be granted” type of relationship. 5, | Clients are the respective nodes that donot share their information or daia but work on their own and access da or resources by sending request tothe server. 6. |The client server model is mostly used in big corporations or organizations with high security data, e-mail, banking services etc Consider an example of client server network to which computer P, Q, R and Sare connected. P is the server and Q, R and S-are the clients. Suppose that a printer is attached to P, If Q ineeds to print a file, it will send a Fequest to |. Thus P will respond to Q by printing the file. TER sends a request asking fora file fo access. . | P-will check R’s authentication for the data ‘access, ifit finds R as unauthorized it will reject the request and will respond to Cby turning | [down its request. g,_ | Highly expensive to setup and maintain. 9, | Work load of the server increases with te * on of move numberof eens, this causing tow network speed. qris nota robust model. I [pore tothe network 10. ).| Itis a very robust model. +] 1 does not provide security. Teuses decentralized form Jn this model, al the nodes as peers. And therefore 2nY int or a server.based on the con jn the network are considered node can acts as a lie ‘a request. for a service or provides a service fo tasks and workload of the network are divided and shared between the various node (peers) of the, network. pets Its work is based on “every one pulls their own _ weight” type of relationship. ‘ Peers have the same privileges and rights on various data sources and devices. And they can communicate! with each other directly without the need of any intermediate . 3 ‘The peer-to-peer model is mostly used in small, basiness, home users and peer-to-peer file sharing. programs like Napster, Bitorrent ete, Consider an example of peer-to-peer network to which computer P, Q, R and S are connected, If P needs file from then it sends a request to R. R accepts the requests and sends the file to P ifit finds. During this process Q and'S are ignored, but they function normally. If suppose all the computers dre connected toa network printer and if Pand Q each sends 8 request to print. Then the request that reached firs will be granted first and later the printer is granted the next request. 3 Itis cheaper than client-server model...» It increases the efficiency with the addition of new” member to the system ei ; Scanned with CamScanner {5 Open-Source Operating Systems { q7.. What is open-source operating system? i Discuss in brief about history of open-source : »» Medel Paper-tV, G4(b) i 4 ‘Open-source Operating Systems ‘An open-source operating system can be defined as an aperting system with @ source code. One of the best example ofsuch operating systems is Litux whichis opposite of closed source OS such as windows. Developing the bitary-code from source code is an easy task whereas developing it in reverse dietion ftom binary to source code require much efforts, One aided benefit of such system is that source code ¢an be modified ectly and compiled for testing which improve the skills of beginners. ‘As open-source code is handled by multiple programmers 4s itis more secure. In addition to this, bugs identified in this, system can be found and fixed easily History of Open-source OS neatly, 1950s the petsons with active interest on open- sourcecode seta great platform for other developers by leaving, thee study of MIT's Tech model rilroaid club. With this advent, source-codes began to.improve anid “Homebrew” user grouips stated exchanging these codes, After some period of time, user ‘ois including DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) started ‘apturing these codes on disk drives and providing these drives ‘the programmers. i By extracting binary code from source code, many Companies felt secured for distribution of software over ‘uthenticated users. One issue, associated with this type of ‘Pproach is copy protection which imposes certain restrictions ‘Mie software even to the authéntic users. According to copy ection Act, feverse engineering the code (r) removing copy Protection is illegal: vn Jn 1983, Richard Stallman started creating’ a project ‘Sled GNU-with which software can be made available free Cost with opensource, He created a software foundations tiled Free Software’ Foutidation (FSF) and feleased GNU ifesto with which softwares are model available for. free, ‘Started releasing ‘copylefts’ which is opposite of copyright ‘tc informs hatte software is fee to use and share. Later, improvement made in this copy lefting termed as GNU _ SSeatPubticLicense (GPL). According to this, improvemenis Roiiestions made tothe source code with GPL license must, > gitlsedtinder'same GNL. : z ‘a8. ‘SPECTRUM. ALLIN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS 2-209 Da 19 Give description of LINUX and its functionality, Answer: © . Linux Linux’is an open source operating system which is powerful and easy to implement. Itcan be easily installed onto the system. Its widespread use is making it evolve rapidly. Linux observes POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) specifications and is provided with extensions similar to Unix system V and BSD. This simplifies the code transportation. POSIX relates to the documents presented by TEE and signdsrdised by ANSI and ISO providing a portable source code. Functionalities ‘The functionalities of Linux operating system are as follows, 1. “Ttis a multi-user, multi‘process, multi-processor and a ‘multi-platform based operating system. 2: It manages control iniessages and helps inter-process. communication, . It supports pseudo-terminals and process control. It supporis TCP/IP and other network protocols It supports wide variety of peripheral devices like sound cards, graphics interfaces, networks, SCSI ete... 6. Ithas a buffer caches used for storing buffer inputs and outputs. S 7. It demands paging memory management that will not load a page until itis required in the memory. 8. It provides dynamic and shared libraries. Dynamic _ libraries are loaded only when required and shared if demanded by several application Q9. Write @ brief note on BSD unix and solaries operating systems. Answer: . BSD Unix BSD Unix came into existence in 1978 as an extended version of Unix developed by AT and T's. This first version of BSD Unix.was not open-source instead, i was in the form of a binary code. The issue related to open-source was that AT and T's does not allowing license to it which was the major factor for its slow development in laté 90s, By the end of 1994, an open-source version of BSD Unix.called 4.4 BSD-lite finally ‘made available. : There exist'many versions of BSD UNIX sucli as open BSD, Net BSD, Free BSD and Dragon BSD which are available for download. The source can be explored by using VM ware which is stored typically in the subfolder i.e., /ust/sre in freeBSD. Moreover, source codes associated with kernel are stored under /ust/sre/sys. " Oné application of BSD UNIX is Darwin (core componént of Mac OSX kernel) which is open source.and hétce available for download. Usually, the kemel open-source ‘components carry ‘xnu’ at the beginning of their tite. ~ Scanned with CamScanner ie Syatem Mangement, Setaris : $ ne user data is usually stored in Biles, An g Solaris was developed by Sun Microsystems which was system should manage A cnet should based on UNIX operating systems. It was designed to support functions | * Oe mais closatee ae ‘ Ey ‘commercial applications, The first operating system developed | - = en rdelase ‘eve, Additionally, it sho ‘cont by Sum Microsystems called Sun OS which was based on BSD ti Pnndng to different Users fom any ua Unix. Butin 1991, it got supported by AT and T’s system Which peas! A provided V UNIX as its base. () __ Interprocess Communication " f “When Oraéle overlook Sun Microsystems, the open- |. There are several instances sourced version of Solaris (2005) stopped the improvements in requite to communicate With other processes of exchanging data amon: : commuication is employed by operating system uy techniques like message passing and shared, (vi) Resource Allocation the open solaris project. Then the source generated that time is ‘Sun still available for download at their website. Various groups make improvements in this source code and use accordingly. ‘One popular improvement in this regard is project llumos which Ina system, multiple programs may be execu is also available for download, ____ coricurrently. It is the responsibility of the oper 1.2. SYSTEM STRUCTURES system to allocate resources (such as CPU time, memoty, files, etc.) to them. For example, vi 1.2.1 Operating System Services scheduling algorithms are used for allocating CPU ti Q10. Explain the services provided by the operating and resources to processes. system to the user. a (vi) Error Detection ; Answer + Model Papers, €2{8) ‘The operating system is responsible for keeping of various errors that may occur in CPU, memotj devices, user program, etc. Whenever: errors ot the operating system takes appropriate steps ad () Program Creation and Execution provide debugging facilities. : (itt) Accounting ‘The following are the services provided by an operating, system, The operating system should support various utilities such as editors, compilers and debuggers etc., in order Itisa process of monitoring user activities, to to ive programmers the facility to write and execute | __Whlehuser has accessed which resoureesand hele peogram.| times? This recorded statistical information can FE, , to improve the system performance by tracing ou 2 (i) User Interface Tesources are in demand and by increasing the i8% 5 . f i Theoperating system should providean interface through | aires ee . wihich a user can interact. Most ofthe earier operating | ©) Pr0testion and Security 4 systems provide Command Line Interface (CLI), which Modern computer, systems allow multiple uses text commands. All the users are Supposed to type ee ‘up both the fl ‘This step i concerned withthe loop wherein eading and writing inthe fe is performed After sting YP PF 1, fone system call ads the data from the input file within the loop and another system cal is used that wits oO oowever, status information is kept inorder to keep track of what each write or read operations are doing andithee to read, it sends error condition. Also, the write operations can face various errors depending on the output devices disk space or no papers in the printer. 5 i isi iting a message t© ‘At last, after the completion of task a system call closes both thi files. This is performed by wri eee which is nae -via series of system calls and another system is used so as to terminate the program normally. There! ‘program makes heavy use of OS frequently wherein innumerable sytem calls are executed every second. 2 ‘ ($B warnunc: xecurriaconrneo hs oc w Givi Ai yi ABLE fan LCG proce 3 2 an oF " Scanned with CamScanner UNIT-1" Operating Systems Overview and System Structures Difference Between System Calls and System Programs ~ : ‘The various differences between system calls and system programs are listed below, “eee: System Calls System Programs 5 System calls act as an interface between user 1. ] System programas provide a suitable enviroximent for application and operating system services. developing and executing programs: * System calls are actually assembly language |.2. | Some system programs are actually user interfaces to instructions. . system calls, and others are very complex. ‘System calls can be classified as,, 3, .| System programs can be classified as, (Process control system calls (File management system programs (ii), File management system calls Gi)_ Status information system programs (Gil) Device management system calls (ii) File modification system prograins ~~ (iv) Information maintenance system calls (iv) Programming language support system programs (¥), Communication system calls. (W) Program loading and execution system programs (vi) Communication system programs. ‘System calls are available as built-in functions ‘System programs are also built-in programs which are or routines in almost all high-level languages such available with every operating systems like windows, asC, CH ete. : Linux, ete. 12.6 Operating System Structure . Q17. Discuss various approaches of designing an operating system. Answer t Model Papers, a1(b) Operating System Structure For the better performance and proper functionality of operating system, it must be designéd and organized carefully in stich ‘Way that it can be modified easily in the future. Usually, it is preferable to have several small components of a system instead of faving a ‘single or monolithic system. Each component should have a well-defined job and all the components are interconnected ‘0 forma single operating system. The following are the various approaches of operating system design, * 1. Simple structure ‘ 2. Layered approach. ope ; fF. 3, Microkertels : 4 Modules-based approach. - ‘ ‘ : 5 1 Simple Structure There are several commércial operating systems which have simple but not well-defined structures. Usually these systems "ee developed as small, simple and having limited functionalities, but their popularity grew beyond their original'scope. One "ch operating system is MS-DOS which was developed keeping in mind that it should give more functionality within the limited ‘P8ce. Its structure does not carry careful division of its modules. __ MS-DOS has always experienced vuinerability towards threats and'malicious programs which can cause damage to the tire system because of the improper separation between the interfaces and their functionalities. Due to this lack of security and ion, any application can easily gain access to the UO operations and hardware of the system without any restrictions. In the hardware (ie., 8088 processor) of that period also provides no hardware protection. The eailier vétsions of Unix also fails in this category: It divides the system into two parts, the kernel (which is also called __Sheat’of Unix) and the system programs."The kernel contains several device drivers which interacts with the system directly. | the problem occurs in developing Kemel because it became larger to implement as it has much more fnetionality 2 SPECTRUM ALL-IN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING sTupents j2si)S RAHN Scanned with CamScanner “Application/User programs 1 “ FResident system| 4 programs MS-DOS device drivers J ¥ ; BIOS device i drivers : Figure (i: Structure of MS-DOS: ‘Application/Usee Compilers, Shell, Libraries, ete System cal interface File system, [CPU scheduling, Swapping block | Paging, Virtual hhandlings | _1/O system memory ‘Kemel interface to hardware 2 Drivers: Signals Kernel ¢ | terminal {Terminals [Disk and devices| Physical memory Figure (2: Structure of UNIX 2. Layered Approach In layered approach an operating system is divided into multiple layers or levels. The highest layer (layer N) corresponds tousers or application programs and the lowest or bottom layer (ie, layer 0) edrresponds to hardware. Figure (3) A Layered Operating System Each layer consists of data structures and operations which are invoked by its Upper layers. A lower layer provides some services to the upper layer. The advantage of this approach. is that construction and debugging becomes simple.-As it is known the first layer (Le., layer 0) is nothing buthardware and ‘Whenever user assume that hardware is running correctly, its services can be used by layet 1. Now, the layer 1 is debugged and if any bug is found it is fixed. ‘The advantage is that the «errors can be fixed easily as they lie in that particular layer. Each highér layer simply uses the services of its lower layer without worrying about how these services are implemented Tower-fevel layers. For exat disk should be at lower layers than the memory management ayer, because memory management has to utilize the services . provided by device driver of hard disk. ‘various components of operating system are impleme! (by the lower layer). " a § WARNING: XerodPhotocepying ofthis bodk sia CRIMINAK act 'Anjon ind Gity i LABLE 16 face LEGAL proceeding “OPERATING SYSTEMS [JNTU-KAKINADA] The limitation of this approach is that careful pre- planning is needed because a particular layer can use only te, thé device drivers of hard ‘Another major problem in layered approach is its inefficiency as it increases the overall burden of an operating system, Consider an examplé, where a user executes an 1/0 system call, intially itis eached in VO layer, which calls memory” management layer and ultimately calls the CPU scheduler layer. In each of these calls an additional increase is observed in the system calls and processing. time. 3. ° Microkernels a ? ‘Microkemel approach is used to overcome the limitations of traditional Unix: kemel. The kernel in: Unix was'so large that it itself became a monolithic structure which is difficult to maintain, Microkernel approach removes all the unnecessary and non-essential components from kernel thereby decreasing its size. These non-essential components can be implemented outside the kernel as application level or system programs. The microkernel requires only minimal details about the process and memory management. Its primary function is to provide ‘communication between user programs and various'services running inside the user space. For example, a client program and 4 file Server can interact indirectly by sending and receiving ‘messages via microkernel. The advantage is that it provides ‘flexibility ae extetisibility. Any new service can’ be added to user space without modifying kernel. It also increases portability of ‘operating system from orie machine to anothet. It provides security and protection because most of the programs afe running at user-level instead of kernel process. ‘The examples of mierokerne operating system are Tru64 UNIX, QNX, ¢? 4, Module-based Approach _Itis the best approach of operating system design nwhich | uses object-oriented programming techniques. In this appre nted #8 dynamically loadable, modules. The kernel consists of ‘components and dynamic links to load those modules eter ** | runtime compile time, | i Operating systenis such ‘as newer version of Uni Solaris, Linux anid Mac OSX all use module-based 27° ne “The Solaris opetating system bas seven loadable keel ‘as shown in figure (4). 9.7! i a Scanned with CamScanner NIT-1_ Operating Systems Overview and System Structures ie see cru one [Device and bus drivers scheduling File? j systems ; : : ‘Other : | miscellaneous Core + J Loadabie modules kernel system calls a? : Executable STREAMS |. a Figure (4) Loadable Modules of Solaris Operating System like device drivers of certain hardware, various file system support etc. fed. The approach is similar to layered approach but it is more flexible ‘communication among them (modules) and loading modules. imilar to the layered approach? In what ways does It |. the kemel consists of core and other services, ‘use can be added to the kemel dynamically when need: ‘shen compared to it. The core services include the code for: (f8. In what ways is the modular kernel approach si differ from the layered approach? 4 Answer ¢ Sinilarities between Modular-kernel Approach and Layered Approach |The basic similarity between modular kere! approach and layered approach i the subsystem in both the approaches that ‘ngrict with each other using interfaces that are typically narrow. Moréover, in both the approaches, modifications done on a part diesnot have any affect on other parts. Tha is, in other words, i can be said that the parts are loosely coupled. Differences between a Modular-kernel Approach and Layered Approach Layered Approach ‘Modular-kernel Approach in this approach operating system is divided into (a) | In this approach operating system is divided into “different layers. system and user-lével program. Layered approach imposes a strict ordering of sub- | (b) } There is no such restriction. That is, a lower layer, systems such that each sub-system must perform - sub-system can invoke its operation by freely a its operation independently without the upper layer interacting with upper layet sub-system. : sub-system. x é ox. ban 8 ‘Thete is more overhead relatively in invoking a | (¢) | ‘There is less overhead in invoking a method present ‘method present in the lower part of the kernel. ‘in.the lower part of the kernel. Itis not capable of handling lower-level (d) ‘| It is capable of handling lower-level communication * ‘cémmunication and hardware interrupt. and hardware interrupt. It does not provide services for message,passing (©). | Itprovides services for message passing and process and process scheduling. scheduling, 7 | = Operating System Debugging . Explain in detail about operating system debugging. | Ser " se es | ea” process of resolving bugs (of) errors in'operating system is referred to as debugging, It includes the following two +O, Failure analysis. fe : Saison mh ‘ 1 Performance tuning ; : ager srecran @UL-IN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS jj) ORUNTS) Scanned with CamScanner OPERATING.SYSTEMS [JNTU-KAKINADA] 1:20 ~ Failure Analysis | a log ies crate instantly when process ls This lg le caries all the related information 1 Hegel the problem Some operating systems uss em ore dnp | In an operating system, ihe form ofa file which wll bused while resolving errors, With the core dump,» regarding the filure which will be used by del which stores on overview of prosess memory in exploring memory and code for programmers becomes €25Y: [ee there are certain 'complexities involved in resolving problems occurred in user level and kernel-evel codes ce of proper user-level debugging tools, control of kernel over hardware and size referred as crash in OS terms. Incase of a crash, both log file and ‘and memory states afe captured respectively. However, “These comiplexities exist because of the absen of the kemel. For these reasons, failure of a kernel process i arash dump are created where information related to failure actin nature, there exist dstint debugging tools ad strategies to resolve Jssues in in the Code associated with the filesystem, then it would be unsafe to store the crash, “isk can be allocated without a filesystem in which the crash, dump ed to Save Kernel owned parts Of meinory in case of unrecoverable ‘As process and operating system disti these systems. Ii case that an error ogeutred dump in the memory. In this situation, a separate storage associted with kemel can be saved. This disk can also be us {uj Performance hining aa a Perforinanes tuning canbe defined asthe pines of resolving them, These issues ean be captured by continuously tracking the system behaviour, Mos of * ofoperating system and the systems ses trace listings for sucha task. Here, hich certain essential events along with their starting tite and some parameters are noted. These log files are anal “ystém, This type of monitoring can also help in identifying errors in operating system, alogiile is created in w yan by expert to identify key areas to improve perfoianee of he sera tools that en be used for handling problems of certain purposes, These tool incase ypeally bat user queries related tothe ystém performance. For example, "op' command used in UNIX systems provides information related to the processes that are utilizes more resources. Other tots including windows task managet displays the information regarding processes (both user and system) along with thee detis including CPU and memory usage, One another ‘nao too ia ‘There are overall this areas is DTrace tool of Solaris io. i Dirace Dtrace (or) Dynamic Trace is a powerful debugging tool of Oracle's Solaris 10 which acquires detailed informatio ‘nel. This tracing information can be browsed accordingly with the help of queries entered een user and ke sing. D programming language. An ideal debugging must be capable of debugging interactions betwe rd hence, must be capable of supporting both sets of code. Another issue that must be considered is that the tool shoud not affect the reliability and performances of the system with a minimum impact of its presence. This tool covers all thes hi carried out by nsing happenstance and archaic code by whieh 8 the euen state of al the POSS turing te issues that are responsible for degrading the performance | | i Of processes of both user and ker | | t major areas of concern. © > Before the existence of DTrace tool, debugging is are made to halt t certain points for some time during which debugger can put an eye on ‘This apprdach was very ineffective specially in case of multi-user. 2.8 System Boot 20. Write short notes on system boot. + ore | fates : ness Booting : : ae : ae z pe) Booting is the process that brings the copy of operating system into system memory and executes it pe cat oes through a bootstrap sequence and initiates the system from inactive state, In certain systems is bootstrap loader. i © g g ie LEGAL. proceed eux ‘ as S7ERE WARNING: xeroxspnoiocopying of his Book l'é CRIMINAL. det Anyone found qity is LIABLE ta Scanned with CamScanner UNIT-1 Operating Systems Overview and System’ Structures 121 Boot Strap Program or Boot Strap Loader 5 z Isisa program which directly executes the operating system into the kemel. Instead of Random Access Memory (RAM) the secrsrep lade? is saved ia ROM (Read Only Memory) which cannot be affected with any ofthe computer vis One another | fector of using ROM instead of RAM is that during system startup, RAM ‘will be in an unknown state. “Apart from booting the operating system, the bootstrap loader can also perform certain diagnostics with which the current sate of the sytem can be identified. This diagnostic is performed every time at the system startup and it loads the operating system only after passing through this diagnostics successfully. ‘ \ In some of the devices, usually mobile devices inchiding tablets, cellular phones ete., carry’ the-opefating system in | non ite The problem associated here is that modifying boot informatsn requires replacing the hardware associated With | feHowever there exist certain types of ROM chips that can be modified suck as Erasable Programmable Read-only Memory | (EPROM) which can be modified with authentication. ROMs are known as firmware which are neither @ complete hardware 2c a complete software In ypically, large operating systems in size, operating system is stored in the secondary storage and bootstrap program is sure in ROM. I his case the botsuap reads the boo block ad loads that block nt the ‘main memory. However, the kemel ‘sloaded fem the file system. The disk space reserved for boot information is known as system disk (or) boot disk. s | — or : - e ieiesgv. _— » | So te a ee cmc ra seen oo Bitsieas 9h to eandsonag’ taonay 5 8 2 8 a Scanned with CamScanner : . 7 aaa : OPERATING SYSTEMS [JNTU-KAKINADA] _ | (IMPORTANT QUESTIONS Qt. Define an operating system. List out objectives and various functions of operating system. Ans: For answer refer Unit-I, QI Important Question Important Question \ ' i i i Q2. Write about operating system operations. i Ans: For answer refer Unit-1, Q3.- | | | Q3. Discuss about distributed systems, virtualization and cloud computing. Important Question Ans: For answer refer Unit-I, QS. 4, What is open-source operating system? Discuss in brief about history of open-source OS. | Ans: For answer refer Unit-I, Q7, Important Question | | + QS. Explain the services provided by the operating system to the user. | | Ans: For answer refer Unit-I, QUO. Important Questlon | | Q6. Explain the system calls used in file management. | ‘Ans: For answer refer Unit-l, Q12. : Important Question Q7. State and explain the various types of system calls in detail. ci of Q8. Discuss various approaches of designing an operating system. Ans: For answer refer Unit-l, Ql4. Important Question | | | | i | | i I. 1 ‘Anst For answer refer Unit-I, QI7. : Important Questioe Q9. . Explain in detail about operating system debugging. ‘Ans: For answer refer Unit-1, Q19, portant uni Q10. Write short notes on system boot. * ans: For answer refer Unit-1, Q20. Important auestet | Scanned with CamScanner 2.2 . OPERATING SYSTEMS [JNTU-KAKINADA} 2.1 PROCESS CONCEPT, 2.1.1 Process Scheduling Q1. Define the following, (i), Process : Program ws (ili) ‘Process control block. Answer : Model Papert, Q3( © Process Process is the fundamental concept of operating systems structure. A program under execution is referred to.asa process: It ¢a also be'defined as an active entity that canbe assigned toa processor for executjon. A process isa dynamic object that resid jn main memory. process includes the current values of the program counter and processor's registers. Each process possesses its own virtual CPU-A process contains the following two elements, ena (@) Program code : ; ayer? Robin (), Aset of data ‘ 2 saat i) Program owt) ‘Program’ refers tothe collection of instructions given tothe system any programming language? A'program is a static ‘object residing ina file. The spanning time of a program is unlimited. program can existata single place'in Space. A’progra in contrast toa process is passive en program can consis of diferent ypes of instructions such as aftheteinstictons meimory instructions and inpuoutput instructions, ete. | Process Control Block (PCB) : . ae rogramihing system, it is necessary to get the information about each process that is being executed. All this, Ina mull information is available in the process conttol block. ‘Three categories of process control block information are, os ba Atos (a) Process identification sont pot . (b) "Process state information 7 ariithion 4 2 a ; Process Conol Block (PCB), Process Mentification i : Proces State Iaformation a | ; ‘Process Conl Information | | | 1 | | 1 ~~ Figure: Struetare of PCB. ~ ‘The typical elements of process contol bi eK are, i : 1, Identifiers < | (Process identification) : 4 1 Uservsible registers, CConto and stausregisters “Stack pointers + + 4, "Data structuring lnierprbeess cominuictin 2 3 4 " S.» Scheduling and state information. 6 3 8 Process privileges e (Memory ‘nahagement» © “ose Joos. rina Je itn ld die UABLE ac Scanned with CamScanner

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