Scientific Calculator

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OOPs Scientific Calculator

Vikas Singh B1805 A05 [AIEEE]

Nothing much about to write about this program other than this, that it simply performs arithmetic or scientific calculator calculations depending upon selection from the main menu. I have put those two under different scenarios so that the menu system is less cluttered. This performs all the basic tasks that an ordinary calculator does and an ok-ok scientific calculator does. Just my way of putting this in a different way is reflected.

//Not a Complete Code I'd say, could have added more mysterious feautres if //alotted more time .. // VikaSingh Section:B1805 [AIEEE Batch] #include<iostream.h> #include<dos.h> #include<windows.h> #include<process.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> class simple { float a,b; public: void simple_arith(); void scientific_arith(); void menu(); void getdata() { cout<<"\n-----------------"; cout<<"\nEnter Values .. "; cout<<"\n-----------------"; cout<<"\n\nEnter A: "; cin>>a; cout<<"\nEnter B: "; cin>>b; } int sum() { return(a+b); } int diff() { return(a-b); } int mul() { return(a*b); } float div()

{ return(a/b); } }; void simple :: menu() { clrscr(); int ch; cout<<" \n ||||| CalculaTR Main Menu ||||| "; cout<<"\n\n1.Simple Arithmetic"; cout<<"\n\n2.Scientific Arithmetic"; cout<<"\n\n3.Exit"; cout<<"\n\nEnter your choice[1-3]: "; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1:simple_arith(); break; case 2:cout<<"Still to Program .."; scientific_arith(); break; case 3:cout<<"\nExiting ..."; getch(); exit(0); break; default:cout<<"\n\aInvalid Choice .. Try Again !!"; menu(); break; } } void simple :: simple_arith() { clrscr(); int a,ch; float b; cout<<"||||| Simple Arithmetic Menu |||||"; cout<<"\n\n1.Add"; cout<<"\n\n2.Subtract"; cout<<"\n\n3.Multiply"; cout<<"\n\n4.Divide"; cout<<"\n\n5.Return to Previous Menu"; cout<<"\n\nEnter your choice [1-5]: "; cin>>ch;

switch(ch) { case 1:getdata(); a=sum(); cout<<"\n\nSum = "<<a; getch(); cout<<"\n\nRedirecting to Main Menu .. "; getch(); menu(); break; case 2:getdata(); a=diff(); cout<<"\nDifference = "<<a; getch(); cout<<"\n\nRedirecting to Main Menu .. "; getch(); menu(); break; case 3:getdata(); a=mul(); cout<<"\nMultiplication = "<<a; getch(); cout<<"\n\nRedirecting to Main Menu .. "; getch(); menu(); break; case 4:getdata(); b=div(); cout<<"\nQuotient:"<<b; getch(); cout<<"\n\nRedirecting to Main Menu .. "; getch(); menu(); break; case 5:cout<<"\n\nRedirecting to Previous Menu .."; getch(); menu(); break; default:cout<<"\n\aInvalid .. Try Again .."; getch(); menu(); break; } } void simple :: scientific_arith()

{ clrscr(); int ch; int ang; int x,y; cout<<" ||||| Scientific Arithmetic Menu |||||"; cout<<"\n\n1. sin()"; cout<<"\n2. cos()"; cout<<"\n3. tan()"; cout<<"\n4. log()"; cout<<"\n5. Square Root"; cout<<"\n6. x^y"; cout<<"\n\nEnter your choice: "; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1:cout<<"\nEnter Angle in radians:"; cin>>ang; cout<<"\nSin("<<ang<<")"<<" = "<<sin(ang); cout<<"\n\nRedirecting to Main Menu ..."; sleep(2); menu(); break; case 2:cout<<"\nEnter Angle in radians:"; cin>>ang; cout<<"\nCos("<<ang<<")"<<" = "<<cos(ang); cout<<"\n\nRedirecting to Main Menu ..."; sleep(2); menu(); break; case 3:cout<<"\nEnter Angle in radians:"; cin>>ang; cout<<"\ntan("<<ang<<")"<<" = "<<tan(ang); cout<<"\n\nRedirecting to Main Menu ..."; sleep(2); menu(); break; case 4:cout<<"\nEnter Value:"; cin>>ang; cout<<"\nLog("<<ang<<")"<<" = "<<log(ang); cout<<"\n\nRedirecting to Main Menu ..."; sleep(2); menu(); break; case 5:cout<<"\nEnter Value to find Square Root:";

cin>>ang; cout<<"\nSqrt("<<ang<<")"<<" = "<<sqrt(ang); cout<<"\n\nRedirecting to Main Menu ..."; sleep(2); menu(); break; case 6:cout<<"\nEnter Value for x in x^y: "; cin>>x; cout<<"\nEnter Value for y in x^y: "; cin>>y; cout<<"\n"<<x<<" raised to "<<y<<" = "<<pow(x,y); cout<<"\n\nRedirecting to Main Menu ..."; sleep(2); menu(); break; default:cout<<"\n\aInvalid Selection !!!! Try Again ..."; sleep(2); menu(); break; } } void main() { clrscr(); simple s1;; getch(); }

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