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Introduction of Gupta Empire


Rise of Gupta Empire

- Emerged after collapse of Mauryan Empire.
- Kushanas (North) and Satavahanas (South) prominent before Gupta rise.
- Murundas briefly ruled central India.
- Gupta dynasty gained prominence in 3rd century CE (around 275 CE).

Geographic Expansion
- Initial kingdom in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
- Extended power to Madhyadesha (middle Gangetic basin), Saketa, Prayag, and Magadha.
- Control over silk trade routes and iron ore-rich regions.

Achievements of Gupta Empire

Founder of Gupta Empire:
- Chandragupta-I (319 CE – 330/335 CE)
- Married Licchavi princess Kumardevi, expanded into North Bihar region.
- Established Gupta Samvat era.
- First gold coins featuring rulers' likenesses minted.

Contributions in Various Fields:

- Mathematics: Decimal system, Aryabhatta's contributions.
- Astronomy: Spherical earth hypothesis, concept of gravity.
- Medicine: Use of mercury and iron, knowledge of surgeries.
- Literature: Peak period for Sanskrit literature, Kalidasa's works.
- Education: Establishment of Nalanda University, emphasis on education.
- Art & Architecture: Peak of North Indian art, religious sculptures.

Administrative Structure
- Titles like parameshvara, parama-bhattaraka used.
- Shared godly names, highlighting power and rank.

Council of Ministers:
- Mantrins served Gupta ruler.
- Sabha acted as council, likely composed of ministers.

Division of Empire:
- Provinces (Deshas or bhuktis) governed by uparikas.
- Decentralized administration emphasized.

- Military titles like "baladhikrita" and "mahabaladhikrita" used.
- Ranabhandagar-adhikarana mentioned as military storage office.

Gupta Empire's Golden Period

- Known for significant literary achievements.
- Sanskrit literature flourished, religious writing encouraged.
- Gupta coins reflect international relations and military conquests.

Decline of Gupta Empire

Reasons for Decline:
- Huna invasions and loss of central India.
- Rise of feudatories challenging Gupta rule.
- Economic decline due to loss of trade routes and land grants.

Last Known Ruler:

- Vishnugupta (540–550 CE).

Significance of Gupta Empire's Decline:

- Loss of central control, rise of regional powers.
- Economic instability and decline in trade.

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