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Respected Honourable Chairman, Honourable Vice Chairman, Principal,

Head of ECE department, Guest speaker, faculty members and dear

A very warm welcome to Microtek. It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm
that I stand before you today to inaugurate this remarkable gathering of
minds and ideas.
First and foremost, I appreciate IEEE MTT Society of IEEE Hyderabad for
motivating and approving this event and also financially supporting this
event. Next, I wish to appreciate Honourable chairman and vice chairman
for giving approval and motivating us to conduct this event. Also, I
appreciate the support and motivation given by Principal Dr. Hanumantha
Rao and IEEE advisor Dr. Hima Bindu.
I extend my deepest gratitude to our distinguished speaker Mr. Kasthuri
who have graciously agreed to share his insights and knowledge with us.
Your expertise is the driving force behind the enlightening discussions that
will unfold over the course of this event.
I also want to recognize the hard work and dedication of our organizing
team. Their tireless efforts have transformed an idea into reality, creating a
platform for all of us to engage, learn, and grow.
As we delve into the various sessions and activities planned for today, I
encourage you to embrace the spirit of curiosity. Ask questions, challenge
assumptions, and actively participate in the conversations. Remember that
the value of this event lies not just in what's presented on stage, but in the
connections you make during coffee breaks, the discussions you have with
fellow participants, and the insights you gain from unexpected sources.
Let's make the most of this opportunity to expand our horizons, to foster
new collaborations, and to contribute to the collective pool of knowledge
that drives progress. Once again, welcome to Microtek. Here's to a day of
discovery, engagement, and the promise of a brighter future.
Thank you.

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