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Learning Story Format

Give your story a heading, date and number e.g. ‘I love being a pirate’ 26/10/11 (Focus Child Learning Story 1)

Kayden in the rain 18/6/20
Today Kayden saw rain for the first time.
You ran out into the rain looking back at us with excitement and astonishment, you
could not believe your eyes. I cooed at you as you cooed back running towards me as
we both laughed.
Hands out wide as if to try and catch the droplets of rain you looked back as us and
exclaimed "Wow!" running about in the rain.
I asked you how it felt as you touched all the wet surroundings, the smile still on your
You ran about in circles a big smile never leaving your face as you felt the droplets of
rain for the first time.


Reflection of Learning
Kayden responds well to sensory experiences as she was very animated and happy
while experiencing the sensation of rain for the first time, as such she may be
interested in things such as messy play.
Kayden’s display of ‘wonder and interest’ in her environment in this story relates to
Outcome 4: Children are Involved Learners, as she demonstrated a drive to explore
her surroundings and no fear at experiencing something foreign and new. This also
reflects her emotional development as she did not react negatively to something new
to her, and instead responded to it enthusiastically.
Intentional Teaching Possibilities
To further build on this interest with water and how it can cause reactions to things
making them change I will create a messy play experience with Kayden using water
and materials such as dirt and sand so she can see how the water changes the
texture of the dirt and sand when made wet.
Principles and Practices of the EYLF or Practice Principles of VEYLDF
Outcome 4: Children are Confident and Involved Learners

- Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosit,

cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm,
persistence, imagination and reflexivity.
- Kayden responding to this new experience and her environment
with enthusiasm and wonder

Outcome 3: Children Have a Strong Sense of Wellbeing

- Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and

physical wellbeing
- Kayden using her sensory capabilities to explore and respond to
her world

National Quality Standards

Quality Area 3 – Element 3.2.1 Outdoor and indoor spaces are
designed and organised to engage every child in quality experiences
in both built and natural environments.
- Kayden had a quality experience outdoors in a natural environment

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