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Dear Members of the Admissions Committee, lam excited to provide this letter of recommendation for Amanuel Mekonnen Tesfay, a diligent and dedicated student whom | have had the pleasure of teaching in physics for the past two years. As he's physics teacher, | have closely observed their strong work ethic, exceptional time management skills, and academic achievements throughout our time together. He stands out as a hard-working and committed student with a passion for physics and a drive for academic excellence. he demonstrates a deep understanding of the subject matter and a willingness to engage with challenging concepts to expand their knowledge and skills in the field of physics: In addition to their academic accomplishments, he impresses with their effective time management abilities. When given assignments and activities, he approaches them with a structured and disciplined mindset, ensuring that tasks are completed thoroughly and on time. Their ability to prioritize and allocate time efficiently showcases their maturity and readiness for academic challenges. Throughout their time in my class, he has displayed a strong performance in classroom discussions, assignments, and presentations. Their active participation, thoughtful insights, and engagement with complex topics demonstrate a genuine interest in physics and a desire to excel in their studies. He consistently contributes positively to the classroom environment, fostering a collaborative and interactive learning atmosphere. In summary, Amanuel is an outstanding student who embodies the qualities of a focused, hard-working, and intellectually curious individual. Their dedication to academic pursuits, effective time management skills, and strong performance in physics indicate their potential for success in higher education and beyond. 1am confident that Amanuel will continue to impress and excel in all their endeavors. | wholeheartedly recommend him for admission to your institution, knowing that they will make valuable contributions to your academic community. Should you have any further inquiries or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for considering Amanuel for a place at your school. Sincerely, Mr.'‘Amanuel Tesfaye Physics teacher at Don Bosco high school. E-mail:

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