Baker, Annie (The Flick)

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THE FLICK ANNIE BAKER ‘a “Matthew Maher sven Aaron Clifton Moten seve DaEAMLNG MAN Alex Hanna WINNER of the PULITZER PRIZE ‘we ser A flling-apare movie theater in Worcester Coumty, MA. The setisthe raked movie theater audience, en to fiteen rows of reo scats with a dingy carpeted asle running up dhe centr. ‘The upstage wal ithe back wall of che movie theater, with a window into the projection booth ‘There isa metal door lead Jing out int hallway which leads out into the movie dheater lobly: We, the cheater audience, ae che movie screen. The beam of ight from the projector radiates out over our heals ‘Summer 2012. ‘we cusses sa tieyive Shaved head. Canenian, He often wear beat-up Rel Sox ex He used tobe very into Heavy Metal Area He wears red slightly Europe rican. Bespectace ooking sneakers In love with the movies, CCaveasan. Sexually magneti, despite dhe fice that (or partly Feeause?) her clothes are guy, she never wears makeup and her hai is ded forest-green, Sevan DREAMIN MAN, tweRKY-se Sam and Avery wear the same degrading movie theater wn Form in every sene. Its «polo shire (probably dark blue or ‘purple or maroon) with litle mame tag/pin and black pans Maybe the polo has “The Flick” embroidered in yellow or whiteom ischest pocket Because Rese isthe projectonist she docs'rhave to weara uniform. But maybe she wears the blak pants anyway: Or ee same pai of feans every dy. 7" indicates where the nest line of dlogue begins. eso Afr te tester audience bus adi, te bos igh syn Courage in te movie audience nd abo a the tester enone) ear Herrmann’ Prt to Toe Naked ad the Dea starts Plena be igh fr the pect orm oat oer be mages tat we cama dsipber ee bing projected. Dut mates ar hannated bythe ig his tas omnes (fro begining to nd of te omg) aa all. se am se are abstracted dancing images sboting ext of be fy preter: Then the xg ends nd the waknenn movie eds nd ter isa righ fla of eee, and hen mbit. The me ater Highs a aval fier on, and after abut fie resnde ACT ONE SCENE ONE The dora he back ofthe movie theaters thro ape Som pcb bad in, lok arwn, and then ete dor A sand ltr the dor opens again and Sam drags in a large tach ‘am that be mes top the dr propped spe. Thon he exit gain ‘and smtr carrying pa rer and dst pan. Avery falls bi ‘in, crying pa roo and dst poof ite We call this the walkthrough Pas Proty simple You jase ah Acer tees a Sam wall dr he sto oft bi bro, serping ap pop kernals, and pasting them nthe dst pe When Sam fest las real moves teen -to-lst ra Avery kor eins soe be at on is side of he ise They cote tis ay, Sam aks one 0 ahead of Ary, ‘uc on bie om side of the we, very eying to ire wu the ‘sry to seep harder thai ks te tio ve, _Acory enters something cant seo the lar, He ‘wth dase, then bend ver and gingery pics up a Suhoay sn ‘wich rapper: Tiny pis of bred ete later be pend ‘Sa lok ve, ss obat be doing, and acer Avery, itu ering ay sages. Avery wus up the ae, rs be Suloay wrapper inthe large rash, along withthe cone of bs dst pam, then wall ask and ges bu 0 soerping. Far some reas ina warking—the iy pics a eee hae cams sing tthe rod. Sa ‘sill acing bin fier awhile ‘Yeah. With the ltl pices ofeeuce you kind of have to— Avery inseraper bin by bonding dn toad the pie of et ee of the fle: He mary diaper view Sam sect, hem goer back 1 rovepng, He abt thre re aba of Acory shen cry nibs picking wp then piss of t- tee. Craing thao in is pon, sry lls p the ae again (he tram ad ake i po offi it. Then be gus back svepng, fer moving on 9 the met ase What do you do about spilled soa? We do one hig mop ache end of the night. Avery nas Ty gba secping. Afr abot vent ends ‘What if people are stil here? A paws, Lite lave you ever had anyone like jst sit here and rele /0— Sometimes people stay until the end ofthe ers. But then they 0. Aor ols And they'l get the messaye when you start sweeping Hoey gs hak te seeping. Ara pause Roberto tld me that he once - dat onetime tis couple was like having sex, like filly Fucking om the seats when be Whos ‘ut he os ike ignore them and ike went about his busines. oe vaca Toy contre soeping. After a pane Who Roberto? (Ob, He doesn’ work here anymore Pas. He joined the Marines. Peas. And who was te guy wth the / hig — "That was Brian, Sundays and Mondays is Brian and Rebece Bat you'll ever meet them because you'll never work Sun ays and Mondays Avery ods ble uncom The go back 1 roeping. The re ast done. San isin the sn oa cryin th fr es. Wen Sam fnses be ju ates Avery. Did Steve el you about the soda machines? "ow to clean them? About the selzar? No. You gotta soak the spoutsin seer overnight Oh, Ohay, Cool Vilshow you, Inaminate, Abo ea re cod, then Avery fise soeping, Ty bead wp the aide eter and dp tei dc pens in te ea cen, Then Som abe the rash ca and sere ling i ut he dg: They are aso the dor sen Sam sas So you're ino movies? Whar? I mean yeah! Tove movies, And shee gone. The dor svingssutbebind thom, Blackeat ‘Sa, ale in the mid ofthe tener, moeping. Af a few se dy vary rs n,n bs Use are tag pn od Baling bic bren Hey! Hi Avery Pane. Sorry Pm You're late Yeah. Las just about. Yeah, Ub-bub. 1/just— My dad was supposed to give mea vide but then he coulda’. sind Tha to take Hike dre different buses o get here an Pm sail eying to igure / out the whole— Uh-huh, yea, T don’ really need an explanation, just— just fel bad and an totaly reso you that it won't happen again, No, no, ofcourse Pasi jst puts me in an awkward positon because /Ten— Tae thing i Pon ately ike. Pm actully ike this obses- sively punceal person and I'm lke never ever late and this was jst ike a erazy wan anomaly with the buses and now I know sn I ean promise you it will never happen agin. Pons Fine. Fine Pans. Sam oes bak 1 cepa, sh oe ace 1 mean, tno big des Bat Pm sort of de faeto in charge on Satardays/ and No, Tino. Injust pus mein an awkward postion Thatball. Steve never here soe was just me and Thad to Team promise you that it won't happen agin, Pane. "ad odo soda and make a whole batch of popcorn by /mysel Pon so sory No les cool Pans. Tay bc start soeping, Then, enable bp Bisel Fm just tike—T don’t know why Steve doesnt fucking pro- ‘more me Pn so sick ofthis shi Avery nad ie confine. [should be a fucking pojectionise by now! we ue (Ob, Yeah, Pl lave todo that Wall hel probably promote you before he promotes me. He like clearly think 'm dissed or something He promoted Rose and Twe worked here five months longer ‘They go bak seeping (ooking dom athe rin bs 09) Aw uk Whats this vary ngs cd pers er ro bt sie of he ile Someone spilled like chocolate pulling or something. Are yo fucking kidding me? mot ike, shit? Are you sur Ape. Sam bende diem and ines Oh god Definitely not shit. Ave you sure? btu, Because 'm kindof um... Pm kindof shit phobic “There are lke weied lil arin it Elke cholate tpi padi ‘Who brings pudding ito a movie theater?! Sao ges att fora wile, then srsightons wp, part and ge buck 0 roeping. Same noir Avery wating bi and gets a Bee sf consis 1M take care oft ate. “The sve for awhile. Th: What does that mean, shit-phobic? Like other people shit makes me. . like mikes me want co poke Wall sre we ues Yeah, Bue with me i realy «like 31 go inc the stall and ‘someone has, um, lke if someone’ let something there 1 arly sometimes ike. 1 actully need to puke Like sometimes L actualy puke Hoh, Passe. Have you herd ofthat website where people sendin pictures ‘ofthe shit and then other people rate it Yes have heard of hat website, Tha weit slike my worst nightmare. Sam gies. So if wanted tobe relly ike cruel I could ike eave my lp top open with that website wp and you / would — | would erally poke all ewer your laptop, Sam gigs. ‘Ohman, A bappy pase in wbich they realize they've brake the raion, and tho eaksarl pans fling has bape pre. They go bck 10 scepng. A minut later someone appears inthe winds ofthe rejection bth eis agin. Shes ming around, changing ek ppenring in and oto ee, ‘Se ates ber ‘Oh, He Thats Rose Acryl wp HEY ROSE! ‘be doe barbie for litle hie Hud, 1 gues she lke hates me or something. ROSE! (pase) ROSE! Wow. She realy hates me, Maybe she an hes you ‘She can hear me. Rose! | want to intaduce you wo her. She's coal Rose! Rave continues ming around nthe projection bt, evi ” (ary fpr azoyeregitd a) ROOOOSSSSS!! Roe resin sins Wa She officially hates me Sum and Avery guce up atthe proeton hot bile Rae maces ‘round, then dispar fo view. Avery gus back to seeping ‘Sam hese ntching the wind a if be hopes she might appar gin, Thi goes for bo te von ten lack. SOME TaREE A fe days later: Sem and Ary arin the ide of oping om ‘Bei separ ie of thee, Jack Nicholson. Jack Nicholson and wh ‘And ub Renée—no, Dakota Fanning Jick Nicholson and Dakots Fanning A short pou That 00 ean: Well ust da ie chen, ‘were, Jack Nicholson tm Cruse in A Few Goud Men, “Tom Cruise to Dakota Fanning in Wa ofthe Worlds Hk Come up with a beter one Fine. Fine Uh Pauly Shor. Pauly Shoe and uh tan Holm, by. Avery tink, He suits and is his des finger igh, aif exsing spate assis epuaions nthe a, Ape abot ix sande Pauly Shore to Stephen Baldwin in Bio-Dome ‘You have ic already? ‘Stephen Baldwin to Kevin Pollak in'The Usual Sospect, Uh.