Booty Candy - Robert O'Hara

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Robert O'Hara | Bootycandy | SAMUEL FRENCH SAMUELFRENCH.COM SAMUELFRENCH-LONDON.CO.UK ‘BOOTANDY ws ft prance bythe Wooly Marmot These ‘Company ‘Hae Stuns Ara Duet Joey Herman, Sanaging ecto a When, D.C ane ne proms ‘es dee Rober O'Hara i se by Toe Kame, cates ote Tes aes gy Con Bis an on Ln one eaten Sogn om Win ven Hi scronons Jose ace ee seroR1¥0. Phlip ane ramon OOTCANDY ws wnequenty produced by the Vilna Theaie {Compu unisise, tase eo) Phinda Fenn tn Ma 018. The pertnnance waned by Rabe Oa, wh Seu aed ensames by Cine Rama Ihab Drow Bes, sh ound Ua joes The con bags Mg ms Pans cron ose, Jessy ich cron ¥0. ila seas ‘cron na. Be ay Tae ‘RoOTYCANDY rece NewYork premiere Pag Hoos {in Sto Arne Det fr 3018 The pertormence me leery Rotrt Ota ah tal eres by Cn Ren gh ph Wldemun, aso ty Line oes, run ‘Stege anager ae Masia ne fo scronoxt este anes Des ‘cron ro. Pag ame Brn Acton ‘oe Perino Acton OMe nick oman age 2020) SeTOR TO = Back Man ah 9-90) Py SUTTER ATOR THREE Bk Wa (ge 90-1) {ACTOR FOUR Rlck Mn (ge 940) ye NINDS RT TERR, NCTORNPE=Wie ae age 240) TIME a 2 ee TRE an ontrnce apy es ‘Gay ay Phone ACT ONE Scene One. Bootyeandy (A YOUNG BLACK MOM ditt her young som, SUFTER, who stands in his underucos, holding 2 il’ dona) SUTTER. Mommy where are we going? YOUNG BLACK MOM. I'm going to the depariment store snd then I'm taking you tothe barber shop to get a hair SUTTER I don't want a halreut YOUNG REACK MOM. Is not about what you want. you need a bar cut SUTTER. Why do Lhave ro get ahaireut every tine you say gota get a hair? YOUNG HACK MOM, Because I'm dhe Mama And you're ‘the Son Perio. SUTTER, Mommy whac's. period? YOUNG BLACK MOM What you puta the end of sentence wy? SUTTER. Because I had my ink pen burst in my pants the other day and the bys sud dha Lad my period and Tdida't understand what they meant (whisper) but ‘morn I think the period also means something else besides what you puta the end af a sentence. (Siler) YOUNG BLACK MOM, Look it up..thats what F bought you ‘har diesionaey for SUTTER, Id look ep. {YOUNG BLACK MOM And what di esa)? SUTTER. Is what you pt atthe end of a semtener. YOUNG BLACK MOM, Well that's wh jst sid. del you remember to pil ourself hack and wash? SUTTER, Yes ns“. Momny why do pull myeback and ra do pul YOUNG BLACK MOM. Because you're not elreumcised Suter, SUTTER, Circus! We going vo the CIRGUSII=7? ‘YOUNG BLACK MOM. Naw we sn" goin’ to no daran Czeam ‘alm down! You have to pall yourself back itd wash Because your have w heep your boaryeandy lean, SUTTER. Mommy why do you and granny ¢ ooseandy? YOUNG BLACK MOM. IC not called dick who told you ‘ha SUTTER, Nobody YOUNG LACK MOM. It's called a boogeandy ou to yong to be calling ita dick don’t etme heat yon say that again ave you lest your mind in ea ie? [SUTTER But why do you and granny cll its bootyeandy? YOUNG BLACK MOM. I don't kaow I gues because is the Candy 20 the Booty! SUTTER So ean Tek it? (Sion) YOUNG BLACK MoM. No, SUTTER. Mommy what's blowjob? (Site) {YOUNG BLACK MoM. Look ieup, SUTTER, Idi, YOUNG BLACK MOM. And? SUTTER. [sen there my diek YOUNG BLACK MOM, Then it most not be a wor Fight, Sutter? So vou should not sy thangs that ain't were [SUTTER Will Ales neas door wrote me a eter ad tld sme she wanted to gine mea blowjob. (Since) ‘YOUNG HACK MOM. Alesa needs era eat... don't et me hear you sy hat no more Ssormen. Wy? YOUNG BLACK MOM. Because I sid so and it aint a wor you looked it up dda’ yor and you ei’ find itso jst wid you dat means i ai't a word so don’t say. [SUFTER. Mommy Tsill don't know hy da fave to pull myself back and wash YOUNG BLAGS.MOM. 1 just told you because if you don’t your bootyeandy wil get din dowa there. SSUPTER. Then what? YOUNG BLACK MONE, Then youl die from dirt and your ick al off (Sitmce) ‘Where's your hat, Suter? SUTTER, In my coat pocket YOUNG HLAGK MOM. Puritan your head SUTTER. If og YOUNG BLACK MOM. I¢e nt gy. cold onside. you ‘ranna freeze to death nnd be hacia ad cough all right so tha have to be ranning yo down to the ‘hospital. who you uyin w be eute for. Ales? ‘Yon cant be cute and waro oo put that a on your Inead boy thas what T bougbtit fr (SUTTER puts ugly atom hi hen.) Serre, Wat nore we going to fis? YOUNG LACK MOM Value Ci SUTTER. Goody they got that new Jackson Five tape recorder! YOUNG RACK NONE I don'tyaneyou Ait Bi toy ea ys SETTER Our erry uth th YOUNG MACK ON. Rg SUPRER, When we ger there Tm going tothe dcparent won't touch nothin Tproase, YOUNG RACK MONE And when I come log for your Tanto be able 0 fnd yout done wae fey sech that nce sore al dy fr you T gata ae things odo wn. ay. yu eae surnam. SOUNG RACK HOM. Gine me your Rand. and ho don't have tall ou when'we gets the Hee Pesedonshow your ina se sos SUTTER No ma'am YOUNG BLACK MOM. Recaise Why? SUTTER. Because iT show my black as then that means You gonna have to show your black aa YOUNG BLACK MOM. nd what? SUTTER. Your lack sss bigger. YOUNG BLACK MOM. That's igh 0 touch nothing your deve go, ‘Scene Two, Dreamin In Church (i discer REVEREND MENSON bend «pul inom alert lanength rb.) chorch ‘he lst time Tapoke to you we was talkin bon the I HEARD FOLK. and we agreed tht these I HEARD FOLK, Joved to always come rounds igperin ques what THEARD and wee also agreed hare had alt of ther HEARD FOLK rt heal fnora chureh ‘nah whac didnt tell you lst ime ‘ens that these T HEARD FOLK, don't always hispa ‘they sometimes write and many of them have written mie over he pas ew reeks ‘bout somethin that THEY HEARD ya see when all the I HEARD FOLK get togetha on omethin then it becomes ‘THEY HEARD pd that what Ivana sci nay church wir ‘THEY HEARD 0 somebody wake up Deacon Foy ad Sista Sih somebody rch ora and tap Brotha Tamer snd pinch Modher Carter abd her three chien os 'm lable to sy somethin they don't wanna hes Pm fable w pt my foot down in somethin ‘hat don't smell 190 ees of fel jus eight (os the THEY HEARD FOLK are fit (@ssome mighty) Hr TO BE READ, (REVEREND HENSON pico reading lane and ode (ltt “Dear Res. Benson, because you are in charge of oura house of Cave we fel tha itis ony att that you know bout wats goin on In oura church home” “we kaow for a fact hae dere area eat 2 halt doven” ‘wexually perverted” “young men ‘who om a regular ase sang Gawd’ praises in oura church choi” “nese young me hare been scen ‘hin each otha knw fooks Dokn each othas bande bangin round wiehcertain™ mis and sin ie certain” a “ie realize that some of them don't come fom the bes of fariies some of them ain't even gat ‘father rosmd ike they need ‘or any ype of «rel maths fo that matter Du they mst be put att for gouen rd of all cogeha" con Gad dw’ low no sn fol inthe kingdom 0, shold’ ow that kind ‘noura ehureh” we know you wll understand Rey. Benson and you wll do the Gawain vat dang odo" nah the THEY HEARD FOLK. slmon never sign they names tonottin an when they da Shey sige omechin I Sconcemed worship” “yo brotha in Gaon” ‘but his parsicla lenr is signed he folks who pay yosalary” (REVEREND ENSON otis the ltr and takes is tery A the tora thes hi na ya se earch RUMORS, gested RUMORS etgoin ‘once the I HEARD FOLK change nwo the THEY HEARD FOLK sand from this leer rake i ehae some fot are concerned ‘hat some of ours ehoirbone arealisle reatye some folk ae worried that some of ona cholrboye ae tite “ited” conthey smile stone anoths costes have afte Took see stone anotha What the Man say? “ou cant make no connection Withascrew And another screw" What he as? "Mou need a Serew Anda Nuvi So-church RUMORS hat wha these THEY HEARD FOLK do RUMORS ‘har’ how these THEY HEARD FOLK fmcion ‘but wbat you might not knox: church ish some ofthese THEY HEARD FOLK, ake ui 0 sat up new RUMORS round MY doorstep epi in my windows tye o see who Fim with cot Iain’ don took me no wife some of these THEY HEARD FOLK lak o say "Reverend! when you gon ge itched” some of these THEY HEARD FOLK, lak to ay “Rest “ho you been seein ha you been doin" “howe you been doin ie wien you been doin “WHERE ie yo! NUTT" and Lust wanna say WHAT, Xo ow Hoi andthe WHO WHERE and WHEN fi thts hase Nah yo ee Church Thies an of ne What wha wha a a ha What he noma oe np One of ae Teac omens How dao oe ng na ‘What it say? aanamne “emcines ou ele aN nwa “semen you done™ Tan uo loksee tara ch aaa yoresernd srunin fd te a bose {10 yoreerend 5 (REMIREADBEGON pul op he hen i le nd ml en eat a Tot ny hee ony ach high he cs (REVRIND MENON pl ea laos ‘nd bien pact hay fet ng, hoe mripeclg (REVIAEND REASON pul ou pro bin rs free nfm bind gor my lipsick got my rouge and goc my bush [Nah some of'll bout vo GET UP Ie some of y'all tehein ya thangs togetha ready toro fo the hills ready to fly outa ms sight ‘bat bo you cerur etme tell you one mo thang Tim dred ‘ofcxeepin round Pm dred ‘of sneakin round Fm TIRED watchin every which way a Jookin o see who lokin in my diecton Fim tired cof pyin that game Vn ned ‘of folin wth you all rm sick and I's TIRED ‘na some of ll ookin at me ssitoy srl nab rex what you gon do mah? ‘a thatyox don up and saiitall fare you gon be a sy na are you gon be faggot nah are you gon be a lamin queen nah wel Tanta let you know ye words ‘ant TOUCH me yowords ‘ant REACH me Ym woo HIGH na os gat the word of GAWD Alcep down inside my oul 10 protect me find see me darough ALLL this mess GAWD'S word i FIRE SHUT UP IN MY BONES syn think Ym lain nah take a eloser look vee ‘os Tin on FUIVAMAAHE Yes Law nah back w this lever from the THEY HEARD FOLK ust wanna sy one thang, ont can I park here fo 3 moment? ‘Ym gon park heah for ONE MOMENT ‘uz if theres anybody inthis heah church ‘hac knows what JESUS rmostve flak back herein Galilee Tes these head hoirbone ‘hey know at ic fets ak be looked a tobe baked. and scorned ak Jeno wat so befo ya sare reeommendin wn should be put oa this hea euch sou oughta check yo set against my JESUS you oughsa check yo self against my GAWD See tl wanna go git yo qulk fix fowhaty we in THEM (REVEREND RENGON sings tee) (Pre spit has achat hi) ‘Bat MY GAWD My, ay a on any, ov 3, My GawD WILL FIXYA UP RATT snd Twa tel all you CHOIRROYS, ‘pin bea you an‘ gotta be alfa ‘oftwho you are you an’ gotta be fra ‘of what you do you an’ gata be afraid how ya wal, hove sacle what ya wear ‘he cu in yo bale you an’ gata beara hw ya it how ya whist and how ya wit ‘os the T HEARD FOLK And the THEY HEARD FOLK, wl always be san” around ta git they IX taut you ain’ gota be afraid otal hae MESS, Cos ake ty wich the money a dhe show say ‘THIS isa Teachabie Moment ‘CHURCH ‘My GAWD ol me ‘ay Ree. Benson REVEREND BENSON Say You need to TELL ALLEL THE CHOIRBOYS up inheat ity feel Lak SNAPPIN sometines up and down and sound again THATS ALLLRIGET ya fet Lak FLIPPIN yo wre socnetimes asifiasay “gon gurl gon" ‘THATS ALLLRIGHT "et aT might aswel ust et loose church Goon Gawn ALMICHTTY ity feet ak DRESSIN UP somesimes (REVEREND BENSON nda his he nd ml that nis wearing a divine dren) mars ALLELE LUELLA RIGHT corlak the rong sys Se RUPAUL 1057224 sastiay SHANTE, SASHAY SHANTE, SHANTE, SHANTE, ‘TURN TO THE LEFT ‘TORN TO THE RIGHT WERK YOOOOOGOLUUULU BETTA WERK! 30 FO ALL THE CHOMBOYS UP IN HEAL AND MORE THAN A FEW OF THE CHOIRGIRIS TooU! SOMEBODY needs ta STAND UP and ey “Rev. Benson TsewTE As" SOMEBODY needs tx nM UP and say “Ree. Benson WERK ON” SOMEBODY ned ts JOMP UP and SAY “AAAAAAAMEN" AMEN AMEN, ‘AMEN ‘AMEN (REVEREND BENSON continues repeating Yamen® for thereof hi fe) Scene Three. Genitalia (A Phone (Land Line] Conversation) [HUDARRIE Hove you gon go n name that chile Geniatia Took onan. clin you loot you bout mame at thy Ge ot soni. ike ig hiva ight rc ng wo ‘emasm. Gena’ brits Yea Genial Lalita Stlama Ae FAIRE. Taso ia nae fo eso ak somethin you ord to eat ou dan ead ot show other to yon get wsiame ABELLA, What about Avs and Cleada aint nuthin wrong it they names what you talkin? -HUDARRUE. One name afta a RentaCar n otha name aa blind insect soma so" DAM Soyo nae At How you ga com min so get (ap) kd on for asin gl etme se wh hi ion yori, Som EA ee wh (cin) ator Be SIME, ul hae Jou hear wha 0 Bos unanit. You kon dT kin the rt a PSM. Wel yw a sie Sens nt her hele tga el go hed ad mane ge, DARHT (ging) Tay emcy what Lvs boat her bat she don’ wanna liten ta obody ton top of ‘hat she gon tick on som shalaya ska rst shit ‘9 somethin ain't nobody never heard of n youn me bof now she don't know abit mo bout muslim than shit~ chile hel on let me gether off the line ne SUH. Tell ner Ly lay off hat pipe, (Chek) ‘upankus Adela you sll there? ADELLA. Yeah who dat on yo other Hine? UDARRIE. sg Shirley callin me cuz she heard you been ‘consulin with Dally Duck the rest of the Looney ‘Toon gang ova what name yo chile. ADRLEA rll can sy what ya won't bat Tak the sound oft UDARRIE And ike the sound of Fool, FOOL et me gon ‘nd sce what Shiney talbin bout you need tate 3 i time out n thnk about what it means to be puta all that on a li chile who dont know nin n can’ tll you t go ta hell fo namin it that TF call you in a bit. yoo sl goin tate bingo? ADELLA. Tight ty agit on ova there Tyas thinkin bout goin down athe Bou play me some quater soe [PUDARREE Cll me fo you leave.°Genialia" a foal I ‘ee that nah (ick) Yeah Shiley gu I'm hack ‘ic SEHR. You find out what she sin? UDARRIK I don’ know honey bit is song whatsness ‘iG SHIRLEY. (lough) Nab gul you never finish tein te bout how she showed er ass ont when all was bringin yo Ain Katie back from down Bama di Adela ceva sat the ear back up, Eudacre? BUDARIUE, Naw! Not at fics! She gon tell me that she didn’t have nough gas left git me home and if ‘waen't gonna split sta’ money with her I could at Tear come up off ome money Bom my ono pocket oval bic of gs. ‘Bic SALE. Wha? Outta yo" own pocket ‘BeDANRI, That's when Hooked ora andl seen that the tank ‘as reading hal fall, Dut she go sy that that seas Jes half emp no half fal, 16 seHRLAY. You know she pulled that site sit with me ‘bfo" when T had had her to take me to 4o si my ‘arin of Vigna Slins menthols cross the shes -RUDARRIE. We five fucking blocks from my enride ad she uyin to ghe me some mes "bout ga, ‘8 SHIRLEY She told me Towed her five dollar fo aking ‘me cross the gatdazan ver ~ XDUARRIE. All the time we racin down the street she ‘ecreamin bout how I'm sitin on a whole heap of ‘money Igo rom sellin that ol piece of howse of mine alter judge pase. [BiG SHIRLEY. Told her she cam Rss dhe fie dollar sie of ry as each. FFUDARRIE. Nzh, Isn't geno hella lot of mathin for that ‘house after i¢ wa al sid and done "1G SHIRLEY, Icain' none of er bigness how mich you et XDUARRIE. I yasa’t none of her biznes how much I gat from tin dhe ie place, ic SHIRLEY. Thats yo" money! UDARRIE Is my money! ‘ic Samus. acd, -EDUARKIE, That's xaedy what tld he 1G stuLeY*. That's yo" money! And if ou wanna take it and throw itp wild hog ase and yell SOOFY! -EUDARRIE 1's my money! And i€T wanna cake ie and throw iL up awd hog’ ae ud ye SOOEY te HE, You Wil "EUDARRUE. Will! 1G SHIRLEY. Beeaise Yo" Moneyt BUDARAIE. Because ts My sone! ~ (a) 1G SHHRLEY. — holon fo 3 secon gu hate my oth ine. (cick) Hele? 100. GUL SHE NAMIN HER CHILE PUSSY! BIG SHIRLEY. (aughing) Lucy you a fool she namin it Gentalia how you com up with PUSS {cx Dats what I heard ic suey. Well you beard wrong, Fin ein ta er it ‘Endare at ah hold on, (Gick) dong) Chile my sista ey on my other line so Jet me get off this phone you goin ta the bingo ronighto you gon ey ‘agit the boar [EUDARRE. Adela talkin bout yn t go a the Boss bt vay number cane through lastnight 90 got me Kee Dit of eash wT don't ow IF wana he loin all on some slot machines eo. dont know...t Tun sre Fiend upatone place o the otha sc eRe. Give mea calf yor go I might join -HUDARRIE. Alright chil, yous ake cae, Yalta yo 8000. (oh) IG SHRLE. Yeah gul, Genitalia..Genitalis somethin somethin min ‘WEY. Lane swe Jesus. She don los al of her mind soorxeany f Scene Four. Drinks and Desire | (SUTTER and ROY a various bor tonghou the cy) SUTTER, So what do yo dink? (Siena) ROY. Suter, Ton’ Row, SUTTER. Olay Roy. ROY. Imess.. don't know whes. Tknow 1 would ike wo ty. SUTTER. Try what? ROY. I don't kno... something surme What OF. don't know Sues, SUTTER What! ROY. don't know something! SUTTER when? OY. do, not exo SUTTER. Otay fine. Roy Powe) ROY. .ehat wold you want, eo. oak? (Sine) SUTTER. I would wat. ‘to pucyour dick in zy mouth sd suck onthe tp oft genaly then lick the shat and maybe maybe 1s your halls hen deep dhoat you ssn Rox (Silene) ROK, hen? SUTTER Nove ROY. We canto it here SUTTER Let's go somewhere our place SUTTER. why not? spoons there ov. rd Td wanna be able to leave 1 dic’ tike SUTTER, you'd lke it ox...well Ta SUTTER you'd. ike (Powe) SUTTER You need mote time? Rox. NOT 1 actually don't need more time Tse thought about this a lot Suter. svrrme. Lhnow ROY. An nfl lot SUTTER. know OY. J thought about wha if you were co SUTTER. No OF. Tno37 SUTTER. No wigs ROY. Hk (ows) wold you let me ack you? SUTTER Yes ROY. Without 2 condom SUTTER. ..maybe ROY. Could feu? SUTTER Where oY, Inside you SUTTER. Where Roy. ROY. Your mouth SUTTER Yes ROY. Your st SUTTER. 0. maybe.. suse) OY, kay surren, What? ROY. Olay SUTTER. What ROY. Lats go SUTTER, Where? OY. Your place SUTTER. Okay ROY. Okey SUTTER. Okay OY. Les SUTTER. Wait (ote) Rox. What SUTTER, What do you wanna da? ROY. Teal you T don't SUTTER. Say it ROY. don't ely = SUTTER Si Ie ROY... Twant you to nde my ick ‘sorter Your dick, ROY. dick SUTTER. Your big ck ‘ROY. want you to ride my bg dick And Jet me fuck deep inside you “anna fuck your face ‘anna fuck your as SUTTER Do you wanna fick me? SUTTER Do you wanna fack me? ROY. es. SUTTER, Wil you suck my dik? ROY. Yes SUTTER, Wil you suck my nipples? ROY. Yes SUTTER, Wil yu eat out my ass? ROY. Yes SUTTER. And kis me ov. No (ows) let go. serra. ler go (On; (Tien) ight) nov.11 Te been uh having thoughts surmen About what ROY. You sUrTms. and? serren What? ROY. Men Powe) SurTE. About me and other men or ov. Yes SUTTER Or you snd other men ROY. Yes serree What? ROY. About you and me and other SUTTER. fucking Roy. Yeah SUTTER You? 0X. Yes SUTTER. About other men fucking you Ro Yeah SUTTER. Oy oY, And ou. fucking me, (Sion) SUTTER. wae 16 ROY. What SUTTER My fist ine oY. Oh SUTTER, You wanted to know dt your ROY. Yeah 182 SUTTER Yeah ROY, Did et surrer Yeah OY. Pain pleasure..pain pleasure. pin Pleasure ROS. ho was SUTTER. You want me to sy ay fuer SUTTER. You want met sy my le ‘Your uncle? wos. Whar SUTTER. Tewas your unde oy. Whitt SUTTER. (ough Jus kidding RO. (laugh) Okay SUTTER Actual it was your father. (Silene) (Silene) Toeanted ox, SHUT THE SUTTER. {wanted it asked for Thegged for him to, (Powe) ‘You knew Ponte} ROY. Idd ROY. 1d know forse. SUTTER. My ster knew Trot her oY. .hen SUTTER. The day you matied her ‘And she sal She knew SUTTER. Don't Wit, Rox. Okay SUTTER. Asymore ROX. Okay SUTTER You're straight RO¥. know SUTTER. Stay dat way (Site) ROX. You red once. ‘Agi. OY. Who SUTTER. High schoo! ROX. Who! SUTTER Nobody you'd know ROY. Who! ROY. Green? SUTTER. Green. ROY. No SUTTER. Once. ROK. And SUTTER. Avil BOY. Ltled SUTTER What! ox. Tamara SUTTER.O Rox, Anil Caughts) SUTTER. Remember Kes OY. Her brother SUrrEn Yer OF. Nice SUTTER. Ase ROY. Yes! t (outs) mean ~ SUTTER. Gym cass ROY. Brey day surti.Frery. Day. HOY. Nie SUTTER. AS (Silmce) ‘ow. Iwanns be your fiend suse SUTTER Don's Call ROY, Piends I SUTTER. Don't tie OF... SUTTER. They need you (oY wach) Don't. ‘Tooch, Roy. Dar) (then) (digit) -ROY,IFanybody found out SUTTER. know ROY. Cry sorren. Yep, ROY. Lase 50 much SUTTER Yea ROX. Definitely your ster SUTTER Yep. Definite — f oY. Why’ you come? SUTTER you called... ss SUTTER ..n0, SUT. No ota good desired nor. oh SUTTER Desved desire vas ewer (Stowe) oF. don't love you Sate. SUFFER. know Roy. Ro. Tdon't SUTTER Yeah OY. Realy SUTTER. know Ror. Desire surrme Yes ROY ier sofort SUTTER es (Pose) ROY. Sop it SUTTER What Rov. Sop ie sure. an't Ro. Sop SUTTER. What! ROW Leting me needing me you make me ee, 0p owe) SUTTER. I don’: love you cither never loved you (Sitmees ROY, i. SUTTER. never= ROY. Donic SUrren. {aide OY, Saye SUTTER. No ROS. Say id SUTTER, Wht? ROX. SAV IT! Serres. DON'T! ROX. You love me Sate, sorrer, No ROX. Say ¢ SUTTER... "ROY. Fuck you!) ‘Say it sUrTen. Uru ROX. You do SUTTER. Uva oy. YOU BO! owe) loving) set (Powe) ROY... Pm omy (OY race ot) SUTTER, Don't touch Roy SUTTER. Thanks ROY. What? SUTTER. .thank you. Don) (Ten) igh) (may alms) (tte wit.) (tet) (te wait.) Scene Five, Mug (CUT stands om the srt. late a night, tng for abus.. CUNT los ped do the ste. es ff tath sight. After a moment CLINT specks f SOMEONE we cone) ‘cuyn...No No. No. aid no. ‘Why would you want do tha. 1 mean seriouy...ehy would you want to do I yollina Lexis here? .1'm waiting forthe Dus. Sam lo the morning and V's waiting for dhe ‘bus because T only ave thee dollars and it costs hat ‘much justo si down in a axl at this ime ofthe night look I gota driver's license metrocard snd few sated our credit cards. rants hat and 3 dolls. ‘what are you gonna do with that? .jou know what Tm saying? «don't you have beter things 10 do besides bop me over the head and cake my ite cash that won't even buy you 2 beer at the bar down the sree Here... most certainty ene boy you any wsable mount of drugs. you would ruin my already ballshic of night. and you'd ruin your lie. because you'd have wo il we. {as the only way you'll take anything of mine. and I'm certanly planning to either whe you widh me fr take a large plece of fou with me... 90 the cope ‘would eventually find you. ether here dead next 10 ‘ne of by doing some test an whatever chunks of 001 hhave between my dead fst or my dead weh.~ they do DNA tess blood ests what have you tet and since ‘you probably havea record already it won't ke then Fong to find out who you are and where your mother lines becase you obviously sil ive with her or maybe Just maybe with your baby's mata and they'd track ou down ina week maybe amonth maybe aie later and the d take you te cour and whsteyer you don't confess othe’ prove the jury You di an. you'd go to jal for murder this time. few other ‘args... end up back where you just got aut of what 2 eo Sweeks age. ‘bac tis cme that guy you fucked with when he Ast g0t there has now come up n gained weight been Working out waiting for you to come ack. hel eat the ling shit ou of you and thea sab alse ane made utensil in your eje or your neck or up your a ‘or maybe in hae space from where I wok eat chunk ‘of your flesh, .whereer snd you'd bleed to death thinking something tke ‘damm if just lef chat mthafocka lone at tha: bes don late that one night I wouldn't be geting nam all over and going to ell right now st this asshole above me stomps ty fae into the concrete ofthis Boor. s0.hy don’t you just go home..go to slep..ake up. go down to.. Mickey D's..the Gap. appiy for Job-cand.see what happen ‘who might make enough to. don't know ~ start payin child suppore on your wh? Six Kids? seven if you stare giving support for one of them.thataa begining. weat your moms to a dinner out..a decent pit of "kicks for yourself that you didnt have to "boos. you might meet few ols you'd never thought oud ‘eer hang out wit.go out for a drink afer wore. shoot the shi. leave and realize is way ite ta ou fist thought but you got the ls round a he bar ith your new found nondebinguie friends so now you have jst three dol o your name, you remember that you took your medication you Jong that unlimited metrocard yesterday 1 you're coh. wait for dhe bus. even dho ifs late. 1a0 late for wating. ‘then some kil come by you an. sokeep right on walkin Decause...he's got better things to do with his ‘evening. he's jas yin to got home withous geting Jacked himsei. (Sie) ‘Whats your name? Anthony.m Cline shave a good night, Anthony. -ne..thank yu... (CLINT laksa atch.) {deine tei forthe.) Scene Six. Conference (SUTTER ond « GROUP OF BLACK FLAFWRUGHTS, a! raed ina variation of UTTER’ extn, and aie MODERATOR stn a haf ce facing the audio} ong sites} WRITER. Po som = MODERATOR. Yes. ‘warren. I don't understand exacdy MODERITOR. What ‘WRITER. Why we're here, MODERATOR, Does anyone wants answer tha for Key ‘warn. Ten. MODERATOR. For Tey, WRI... don'.sonderstand ether, MODERATOR, So there are swo of Fou who have bsotitely to idea why you're here, WRTERS. Make dat 8 ‘sorren 4. (Powe) MODERATOR. ...None of you have any idea why we've here ‘ody? (Sone) (omborased) ‘Wall, someone screwed up dda they?— Umno ‘WRITERS. I this ike uh group? MODERATOR. A conference, (Ces) ‘ware 1, On what? MODERATOR. Well.of course on..playwriting = wnrTin. Pywriing? MODERATOR. Yes, yor all = all-pay = there a problem ~ you're ‘war 5.1 there. There? (The MODERATOR Laks lf hem in anezonen) MODERATOR, Are you svions? ‘WRITER, Do Tlook serous? MODERATOR Yes WAITER» Wat. Is the ile ofthis conference ~ (MODERATOR. The tl i. lack SUTTER. Bnet?) MoDeRAxOR. Fire “SUTTER. Wht! MODERATOR. Ffot~ ‘omer Ho? MODERATOR Emerging ~ wari . ve been writing for 20 yeas, MODERATOR. And Exablshed = [WRITER I haven’ a a production in 20 years MODERATOR. Unknoin ‘waren von a Pliteer MODERATOR. (gemne) ‘You dd, when? (The lak tien amazement) | didn’ = That's notin. notes, [SUrTER. Wo are you? ‘MODERATOR. I'm the Moderator (Powe) ‘WHITER 1 I hs a Break Out Sesion? MODERATOR. No. ‘warri ,So we're the conference? The entire conference? [MODERATOR. Well ciousy there’ an audience (Ae mations 0 the ioe euence and thy ka he ise sud asf they ave eng thm for the ft tne.) (Since) ‘ware , (eeu) ‘What the ck Is going on? MODERATOR. se auc) Ladies and gensemen there's been alight misaer~ SUTTER. Is hiss Talkback — MODERATOR, No it's conference. You al signed a rdease form WRITER 1. Release from wat MODERATOR. A Releate form not a re ~ You were —L'm ‘sony someone serewed up. This ie the part of the conference whese we ak You wht, .sou're working on, Then we have a Qand A WRITER 2. About wha? MODERATOR Your work. ‘wRrri . Why? MODERATOR. Because thar’ pat ~ this the part of the ‘conference where that happens where thats done People talk about =a ine about what you're = ¢hen (Since) So what are you all working on, Kerry uh Terry — (O'Malley, by dhe way Te oft wondered, hove exsey ‘id you get the name Terry O'Malley ~ seems oe for ‘black playright wo have the lst name © Maley how {id that come sbont? ‘ware 1, Stavey. (Silene) (MODERATOR, Ok... So what are you working on? WRITER 1. I'm working on a play about a Preacher,.who comes out ofthe clos, MODERATOR. O WRITER In front of his Congregation, MODERATOR Ok. WRITER In a dress MODERATOR. Obhkay.. don’ essay tink anyone's going © produce that ply de you? ‘wnITER 1. No. MODERATOR. Good. Um taras WHE?) And you? ‘WRITER 2, You don’t even know my name do your MODERATOR My-hele ‘WRITER 2, Michal. MODERATOR Michael. Strange name fora woman, (Siena) Right. What are you working on? ‘wnrren 2.1m wing a play about a woman on the phone, ‘With some other women. Talking aboot poss MODERATOR. What does that have todo wits Race? ‘WRITER 2, What does pussy have todo with Race? MODERATOR. What do women on the phone talking about Pay have i do with Race? [WRITER 2 Why does it have o have anything 10 do with Race? MODERATOR. You're a bink playwright ‘warru Yah. MODERATOR. Aid you're jst wating play about a woman ‘on the phone wth ote women? ‘WRITER 2, Yesh, And sy, ‘MODERATOR. Ait has nothing todo with Race? wren, No. MODERATOR. Ok ur owns) Sou... Tse hete that you've changed your name 10 2 Sib [WRITER 5. Yes, I fet that my par European oppressors name MODERATOR. So ow you write a4 jas Sb ‘WRITER 5. es MODERATOR. And what does your gmbol smboize? had given me a ‘WHT What do you tink [MODERATOR (hak pe) Wel. met Tots ike | (examines the paper ters) “Two people fackng? waren Exact | MODERATOR. O. What ae you working on? WRITER 5, I'm working on a play about two people feng. Aman and his Bote. nw opmrarom. na smatolc way. WHITER. No day relly ack each other, ooeeaTon are he Bt, (Siew) “Theres bent ind NODERATOR. Oth. Oay.0% I gt itt aly 2 ight ide fo a py. Creat. nave actually hed a play done just ecenlyrght here om dis very stage aa matt of fet SUTTER Yes [MODERATOR. Is i.e tei slipping my mind, bu. ‘what was it eal SUTTER Mug MODERATOR. Aus! And when as ic done? SUTTER. Ten minntes ag ‘MODERATOR, Right... Ok Now dae ply was about « White PERATOR Rh lay | SUTTER. It wasnt abouts whice san — MODERATOR tn"? SUTTm No. Ithad nothing to do with a white man, MODERATOR. But. I recall a white man being on the stage forthe entire pla serra. So MODERATOR. There were no other people on stage with ‘im, sorter, MODERATOR So your play Mug whieh only has a White Man on sage by hue the ence ~ SUTTER, Hove do yout know he was white? SUTTER. He was a wlte actor. MODERATOR. But he wasn't playing a white character? SUTTER, Fm jus sping my plays not about a white man. i’sabout woiding a Mugging.the pay could've been done wth a ue midget ows} -MonERaToR. So the white ator was actually paying. a le Midget and nota white man? SUTTAR It has nothing to do with a white man. I don't seit playr aboot white people MODERATOR. Right..right.. So what sre you working on now? SUTTER, I'm doing rewrites on a piece shout how my ‘mother ws to call my penis Booty Can MODERATOR. (rows) Did she know you were gay when she called i tha? server... What? (lak to the ace) ‘MopERATOR. Hoot. Canc, Did she know you wee.. (He ahs a gay guste, Looks to the aionce. Then Sack o SUTTER) nothing (Sion) ‘WRITER. I there a Stipend for this cont MODERATOR. Is in your pocket = packet ~ a the packet that you got = you'll get shoulave it WRITER 1. Whats this conference about — MODERATOR. This conference has been convened 0 ‘open up the question of the debate that has been the contention of the controversy inside the dsc surrounding the conundrum while we invest gate and raise query igo the interrogation on the sone ‘ican ~ American — ‘wnuTaR 1. What the fuck ae YOU talking aboot? MODERATOR The question, ‘wnat 2, There's something seriously wrong with you, MODERATOR Is that a question? WRITERS. psintng fo edo} ‘Are dhow subscribers? MODERATOR. (king ou! a the ude) [Not fr long, (Gackt WRITERS) So... Hach of you seems to have a tong facili with language and srucare a8 well grappling vith some rather provocative ismues and risky scaations.- In ‘wondering what you are hoping the audience comes vay with after seeing your Work? SUTTER. think the Audience should Chote, MODERATOR. Choke? \wnrren 1. don't want therm to digest it easly waren 2.1 wasn' easy to write it and it should’ be easy toexperience i. ‘WRITER. Exit should not melt in yo" mouth SUTTER. The work shoulé be work. \warter 1, After you choke on something and you strugele ‘o gett down your threat You can FEEL is presence inthe space iewent through. wT Ie gers there warren . There isa physical memary afer one chokes WRITER, Lingering SUTTER. It makes you aware chat al chocolate't the sane [WRITER I Some of “em gate Nut “em, [WRITER Some of em fled with cream. \Wiurans 3. Orhers topped with Cheris MODERATOR, Are we talking Auto Erotic Aspyxtaton? ‘WRETERS. Ye. MODERATOR. Or Choking om a big piece of Fried Chicken ‘Neck Bone. ‘was. Yet (Th Bight and sound changes) (The omerens and SORTER bg 2 cht) ‘Choke Muthaficka Choke! Choke Muafocka Choke! (Choke Muthafocka! (Choke Muthafocka! Choke Muthafucka Choke! (Lights and sound change back t normal ad we ore Dac tthe conference rt ofthe gather aon) (The MODERATOR gins f ks) ‘wares AD SUTTER, Breathe (tts manages abst, The MODERATOR ls ext) MODERATOR, Let al take a shot. Breather, (deswiion) Scene Seven. Happy Meal (Std a th itchen table) (A Happy Bo! dinner hes en eaten.) (AxOUNG SIBLING ploy with an ation figure from "2 Happy Moat A STEPEXTIER fobs o ors varng ts the oer A tarnge som, SUTTER, ads face (Glin note A MIDDLE AGED MOTHER als to no one in portilar) [MIDDLE AGED MOTHER... know Basbara sa up here "that front desk and think she's runnin shi bur she tn’, She st chee ll damn day being nose, in and ‘ut of other folks biznes and thins she's the head ‘gga in charge but Thad co tell her fata coday that she watt unin shit... She likes to sit up dere and fran her damn mouth all damn day wi her nosey 2nd lke T said, I walked right up to her today “and had! o pat her in er place. ad to jst let her kno, you oon; shat se wasn running shit. She st ‘ght up tere, jabberig on that daran phone for halt aro hour looking ike she's in change of something Thue walked right wp 0 her this morning and sid Barbora, you n't run shit around here”. tld Ihe, Tsai, “Barbar, you ted t9 know something and Tm gona be the one to tell yoo". looked her ight jn the face when 1 got i today and saw her sing up there with her chest poked ost wid hat dama ragaedy ‘a le sweater she likes wo hang across the back her ‘damn chairs Laid “Barbar, there i something that nec to be sil so Pm gonna be the one say i. Twent right nto work ths iuorning and sev bet siting here and marched my fe as right up int her fae and sald "Barbara" TTEENAGLSUTTER. A man followed me home today MIDDLE AGED MOTHER you an’ he one manning sit stound =" (oTmxacesurmes) Wnae ‘TEENAGE SUTTER. A man ied to follaw me home toa. MIDDLE AGED MOTHER. What are you talking abou? TTINAGESUTRER A man - MIDDLE AGED MOTHER. What man? "TEENAGE SUTTER. don’ ows mame, (Silene) MIDDLE AGED MOTHEER. What was you doing? "TEENAGE SUTTER... Noting MIDDLE AGED MOTHER You had tobe doing something for ome man to ty and follow you howe. Aint no man ‘ver ered eo follow me home, [TEENAGESUTTER Las at the brary MIDDLE AGED MOTHER. Doing what? “THINAGE SUTTAR...Reading [MIDDLE AGED MOTHER. Reading what? CTEENAGESUTTER, A Book, ADDL AGED MOTHER. You vs jus sting up in Library ‘reading a Book and some man got up and decided {yf follow you home, ‘TRENAGE SUTTER. Yes mua‘am. MIDDLE ACED MOTHER, He ddn’e sey nothing. ‘TEENAGE SUTTER. No maz. MIDDLE AGED MOTHER He ust stared following you home, ‘TEENAGE SUTTER Yes a's, MIDDLE AGED MOTHER, Well you had to have done something for him to star following you home. Folks don’t just up and stars following teenage boss home jue for no reason. You had vo have been doing something to ‘THENAGE SUTTER. I vas reading @ Book inthe Library. 1 Jett she brary and he started following me. I went oven the wrong street tick him. Then Iran MIDDLE AGED MOTHER, Irt?.. What Iran got to do with it? Who you know in Tran? [TEENAGE SUTTER. Ras... chrongh someone's back yd. 1 gotto our suet and I dink Flt him bat Tow he oss ing to follow me home (Siew) (Phe MIDDLE AGED MOTHER Tooks 10 the ‘sremmaran) SSTEPEATIER. (spl ft) You need to take up tome Spor {TEENAGE SUTTER. Sport? sreseaTue. Wiest. [TRENAGESUTTER. Wiestng. ‘SrerraTie. Yeah, Footbal wresin, something. You need tostart doing some spore You come t this table every lghe with 2 boo in your hand. TTEENAGESUTTER. A MAN. Followed me home today = STEPFATHER. Baseball — [TRHAGESUTTER And itvasn'the fist dime (Silmce) (The sMDDLE AGED MOTHER Tooke tothe SrerraTHER,) ‘MIDDLE AGED MOTHER, (TEENAGE SUTEN) ‘How many times has this man tied to follow you home? ‘TENAGE SUTTER A few dines MIDDLE AGED MOTHER. A few times CTRNAGE SUTTER After he pt hears arin me.hike 1 was wang for the bus. In oat of the school. He sometimes comes tothe front of the sco! and alts orme with che other bids nd, one day he came over tome and asked me iT was lonely. Tsaid.yes, Heid that did't have to be lone He she had ove sons and wen they get Tonely he age them. So he asked sme iT needed i hg and Tsai. yes. And he pa his arms around me and asked me iT wanted to come back w his place. (Sience) (The MEDDLE AGED MOTHER looks to the STErATIER STEPRATIBR. Kang fu, (Sitmee) [TEFNAGE SUTTER ..He would wait for me after the bus Drought us back from King’s land, When I was working dere over dhe sanmer. Remember? I called ou and said J wanted you to come pick me up? Ts ‘here was a man who always waited for me ater the bus eft us ff at night And you sid to bring my ass ome and quit lking sly. Thats the sine man (Site) MIDDLE AGED MOTHER. This school year No muses ‘ERNAGE SUTTER. Box they're doing De Wis MIDDLE AGED MOTHER. You are Hot going to be in no damn Wi, [TEENAGE SUTTER. Tve been cata the Scarcrow aren, MIDDLE AGED MOTHER. don’ cage if you been casas the Scarecrow’ Mana. You are gong to walk in there and tell that teacher that you can't do no move musi Because you have to go wees. bounce ball or Jump a hurdle {TEENAGE SUTTER. Michael Jackson pled the Scarecrow. EDDIE AGED MOTHER T dont cate if Michael Jackson's ‘Mama payed the Searecom” | STEPFATHER. (siple fac) You need to start bending your ‘knees when you pick sup. (Sie) TmNAGESUITIR What ‘MEDOLE AGED MOTH, You don't sy “what” to hin. This 's your father [TEENAGE SUTTER. Sep father. unoLe aceD som. What? "TEENAGE SUTTER Nuthin “STerraripn. You need to start bending your knees when you pick xl wp.and when you empry your plat i fhe garbage "WENAGE SUTTER Uh... Ob, MDLE AGED MOTHER. Okayi2? “TEENAGE SUTTRR (io STEPATHER) Yes [STEPEATHIR And you nec! ro sop playing those Whitey Houston alums... And stop talking on the phone for three hours everynight with Brandon about Str Serch And stare mowing the lawn ice a wee. DMDDLE AGED MOTHER. And wash my car STEPFATHER. And sero the bathroom with mone Comet MIDDLE AGED MOTHER. And do the dishes wichont inening so that Culuse Cb, [STEPPATHER, And take then stickers of DeBarage and “Madonna and Prince andthe Jacksons off the side of your bank bed. [MIDDLE AGED MOTHER And stop watching ntrteinment Tonight [STEMEATHER. And stop playing so much UNO. [MIDDLE AGED MOTHER. And ride your bike around the comer afew Ses every Ssrerrartn. And pot that Trin set cogether downstairs. \MEDDLE AGED MOTHER. And stop pretending t Conduct a (Gospel Chorin your oom withthe door closed STHPATHER. And sop making up Songs about Food MIDDLE ACED MOTHER. And rlop taking your lie der ‘outother top bunk to seep i your bottom Bank wi you everynight because you're reared ofthe dark und en puting her back in br tp bunk before we comme inand wake you up for schoo. “STEPEATIER. And stop siting down to Ree MIDDLE AGED MOTHER. And bud 2 Snovenan for once ia ‘oie ‘srumrarisen, And sop paying with my Anal Beads DIODE AGED MOTHER And learn how t lat. STEPRATIER. And sop jigging so much when you vals [MIDDLE AGED corte. And ‘Track sme dit in this house ‘om playing in some Fel, STEPFATHER. And lara the diference Between & wrench and plies. MIDDLE AGED MOTHER. And stop snapping your bobble um, [STEPEATHIR. And build Tree House ov back [MIDDLE AGED MOTHER. And fed and valk that Dog. (Silen.) ‘TEENAGE SUTTER. There are no Trees out back and the dog died lst year MIDDLE AGED MOTH, Are you giving us wor for word? TEENAGE SUTTER. I don't understand what ay of dhs has to-do wth what jae i MIDDLE AGED MOTHER. What about ir don't you vnderstnd? ‘TEENAGE SUTTER. A man followed me home, And you're asking me what did 1 doz? You're teling me to eat vesting and stop doing musial and ~ [MIDDLE AGED MOTHER. Whats shat hoak you're rea (Se tae the book.) [TEENAGE SUTTER. Jackie Coline’ new book, [MIDDLE AGED MOTHER. Whee di yo get THIS? [THENAGESUTTER The Library MIDDLE AGED MOTHER. Don’t this book pot Jor of fuckin ‘TRENAGESUTTER (

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