Feasibility Report AAAAAAAA

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Session: 2023-24
Project Work/Dissertation

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Dr. Sunil Gupta BHAVNEET
Head of department R-Id: R31144
Table of Contents

1. About system
Existing system
Proposed System

2. Feasibility
Economic Feasibility
Time Feasibility
Quality of Service
Customer Satisfaction
Technical Feasibility
Legal Feasibility
Social Feasibility

3. Development timeline

Hereby, I declare that the project entitled “Vendue”, under partial

fulfillment for the course requirement of Project Work/Dissertation
under the program BCA and submitted to the School of Computer &
Systems Science, Jaipur National University is our work and has been
carried under the guidance of Dr. Sunil Gupta, Head of department,
School of Computer & Systems Science, Jaipur National University.

The work is organic and has not been submitted earlier to this
University or any other institution for fulfillment of the requirement of
any course or award of any Degree. All the sources of information used
in this Project Report have been duly acknowledged.


Place: JNU, Jaipur
About System

Existing System:-

Online auction systems offer countless benefits, but they also come with some
drawbacks that can be frustrating for both buyers and sellers. Here are some key
challenges to consider:

1. Technological challenges:

 Cybersecurity risks: Fake listings, fraudulent sellers, and data breaches can
pose significant security concerns.
 Technical glitches: Website crashes, bidding malfunctions, and payment
processing issues can disrupt the auction process and lead to losses.
 Digital divide: Limited access to technology and internet connectivity can
exclude certain demographics from participating.

2. Information asymmetry:

 Hidden costs: Shipping fees, taxes, and additional charges can add up
unexpectedly, leading to buyer dissatisfaction.
 Unclear value assessment: Determining the true value of an item online
can be challenging, leading to potential underselling or overpaying.
 Bidder anonymity: While anonymity has benefits, it can also make it harder
to hold bidders accountable for fraudulent behaviour.
Proposed System:-

The current auction system offers a dynamic platform for buying and selling, but
like any system, it has room for improvement. Here are some potential areas
for change:

1. Reduced financial barriers: Lowering entry fees, exploring alternative

payment methods, and offering financing options can open up
participation to a wider range of potential buyers and sellers.
2. Stricter verification and authentication processes: Implementing
more robust ID verification, item authentication services, and
reputation systems can combat fraud and increase trust.
3. Improved feedback mechanisms: Ensuring balanced and informative
feedback, addressing biased reviews, and offering dispute resolution
mechanisms can further solidify trust.
4. Greater data transparency: Providing clearer insights into bid
activity, potential manipulation attempts, and algorithm biases can
empower participants and promote fairness.
Economic Feasibility:

The economic feasibility of an online auction system depends on a variety of

factors, including

1. Target market: Who are you trying to reach with your auction system?
Businesses, consumers, or a specific niche? The size and characteristics of
your target market will determine the potential revenue and costs
associated with your system.
2. Type of auction: What kind of auctions will your system support? English
auctions, Dutch auctions, sealed-bid auctions, or a combination? Different
auction types have different fees and revenue structures.

3. Monetization strategy: How will you generate revenue from your auction
system? You could charge listing fees, transaction fees, subscription fees,
or a combination of these. The chosen strategy will impact your
4. Operational costs: What are the ongoing costs of running your auction
system? This includes things like website hosting, payment processing fees,
customer support, and marketing

Time Feasibility:
Time feasibility refers to the likelihood of completing a project within a specific
timeframe. It's essentially an assessment of whether the allocated time for a
project is realistic and achievable.

1. Size and experience of the development team: A large team of experienced

developers can work faster than a small team of less experienced developers.

2. Development methodology: Agile development methodologies, which

involve iterative development and frequent testing, can help to speed up the
development process.

3. Available resources: Having access to the necessary resources, such as

funding, equipment, and data, can also help to speed up development.

Quality of Services:

A high-quality online auction system should offer a secure, reliable, and user-
friendly environment for buyers and sellers to engage in fair and transparent
transactions. By focusing on these key dimensions, online auction platforms can
build trust, attract users, and foster a thriving marketplace.

1. Ease of use: Design a simple, intuitive interface for users to navigate

effectively. Ensure functionalities like searching, listing, and bidding are
straightforward and accessible.

2. Responsiveness and speed: Prioritize platform responsiveness and

minimize loading times. Users should be able to browse, bid, and
manage their accounts seamlessly without delays.

3. Mobile accessibility: Optimize the platform for mobile devices, allowing

users to participate in auctions and manage their accounts conveniently
from anywhere.

4. Detailed item descriptions: Provide comprehensive descriptions with high-

quality pictures, accurate dimensions, and clear condition details to
manage buyer expectations.

Customer Satisfaction:
Seller verification and buyer protection: Rigorous seller verification processes and
robust buyer protection mechanisms like escrow services and dispute resolution
options safeguard users from fraud and scams.

1. Secure transactions: Employing secure payment gateways and strong data

encryption is crucial to protect user financial information and maintain
transaction security.

2.Positive reputation: Encouraging user reviews and testimonials builds trust

and transparency. Actively addressing negative feedback and demonstrating
responsiveness to user concerns strengthens your reputation.

3.Value-added services: Offering additional services like shipping and

handling arrangements, item authentication for valuable items, or insurance
options improves user experience and provides a sense of additional value.

Technical Feasibility:

Technical Feasibility is just one aspect of a successful online auction system. You
should also consider market demand, business model viability, legal and
regulatory requirements, and marketing strategies to ensure your platform has a
strong foundation for success.

1.Payment gateways: What secure and reliable payment gateways will you
integrate to facilitate online transactions? This depends on your target
audience and preferred payment methods.

2.API integrations: Do you need to integrate with third-party APIs for

services like shipping, authentication, or data analysis? Ensure
compatibility and seamless integration with your chosen technologies.

3.Front-end design and development: Choose a user-friendly and

responsive design framework for the platform's website or mobile
app. Consider the user journey and prioritize ease of navigation, search
functionality, and bidding processes.
4.Database systems: Select a scalable and efficient database system to
store user data, item listings, bid information, and transaction
history. Consider the volume and type of data you expect to manage.

Legal Feasibility:

The legal feasibility of an online auction system depends on several key factors,
and it's crucial to carefully consider the relevant laws and regulations in your
target market.

1.Fair trading and advertising: Ensure your platform complies with

regulations regarding fair advertising practices and accurate product
descriptions. Avoid misleading information or deceptive tactics.

2.Consumer warranties and guarantees: Understand your obligations

regarding product warranties and guarantees, especially for used or vintage

3.Refund policies and dispute resolution: Have clear and transparent refund
policies and mechanisms for resolving disputes between buyers and sellers.

4.Digital signatures and electronic contracts: Check if electronic signatures

and online agreements are legally valid in your jurisdiction.
Social Feasibility:

Assessing the social feasibility of an online auction system involves exploring its
potential impact on individuals, communities, and broader society. Increased
access to goods and services: Can your platform provide users with access to a
wider range of items, particularly in geographically remote areas or for niche

1.Economic empowerment: Can the platform create opportunities for

individuals to sell their goods and services, generate income, and participate
in the local economy?

2.Community building and engagement: Can the platform foster interaction

and connection between buyers and sellers, creating a sense of community
and shared interest?

3.Sustainable consumption and reuse: Can the platform encourage practices

like buying and selling used items, promoting waste reduction and sustainable

4.Fraud and scams: Can the platform effectively address risks of fraudulent
listings, fake bidders, and other scams that can harm users?

 Planning and requirement gathering: 1-2 weeks

 System design and architecture: 2-4 weeks
 Front-end development (website or app): 4-8 weeks
 Back-end development (server-side logic): 4-8 weeks
 Database integration and configuration: 2-4 weeks
 Payment gateway integration: 2-4 weeks
 Security testing and implementation: 2-4 weeks
 User testing and feedback: 2-4 weeks
 Bug fixing and launch preparation: 1-2 weeks
Tasks Start date End date Duration

Project proposal 11/01/2024 12/01/2024 1 day

Feasibility report 12/01/2024 24/01/2024 2 weeks

SRS 24/01/2024 27/01/2024 3 days

SDD (system model) 27/01/2024 02/02/2024 1 week

SDD (database design) 02/01/2024 09/02/2024 1 week

Coding 02/02/2024 16/02/2024 15 days

Prototype & testing 16/02/2024 23/02/2024 1 week

Client acceptance certificate 23/02/2024 01/03/2024 1 week

Alumni acceptance certificate 01/03/2024 08/03/2024 1 week

Guide acceptance certificate 08/03/2024 15/03/2024 1 week

PPT 15/03/2024 22/03/2024 1 week

Report 22/03/2024 28/03/2024 1 week

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