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ESG Data Challenges

General Challenges

Data Consolidation Errors:

Integrating data from different sources can result in
discrepancies or redundancies. Achieving cohesion among data
from various departments or regions is frequently difficult.

Incomplete Data Collection:

Occasionally, not all operational sites contribute data, resulting
in gaps in the overall ESG representation. Ensuring
comprehensive data collection is crucial for accuracy.

Frequent Changes in SPOCs:

The alteration of a Single Point of Contact can interrupt the flow
of data collection, potentially causing delays or inconsistencies.

Lack of ESG Awareness:

When on-ground staff are unaware of or insufficiently trained
about the ESG objectives, the provided data can frequently be
inaccurate or incomplete.

Past Reporting Inaccuracies:

Inconsistencies in previously reported data can impact the
coherence and trustworthiness of subsequent reports.
ESG Data Challenges
Environment Data Challenges

Recording Gaps:
Key environmental metrics such as water consumption, waste
generation, or e-waste certifications may not always be
documented, resulting in notable gaps in reporting.

Waste Management Issues:

When waste is stored on-site for prolonged periods without
adequate documentation or disposal methods, it presents both
environmental risks and reporting complications.

Fuel Consumption Oversight:

Neglecting specifics such as diesel or petrol usage for machinery
or failing to differentiate between fuel sources (mobile vs.
stationary) can distort emission data.

Inaccurate Emission Data

Failure to record, audit, or report air emissions with incorrect
units of measurement can result in regulatory and reputational
ESG Data Challenges
Social Data Challenges

Employee Data Ambiguities:

Lacking a clear differentiation between employee types, such as
regular employees and workers, can undermine the accuracy of
social metrics.

Training Deficiencies:
Inadequate recording of training sessions or failure to train
critical personnel can impact the organization's ESG

Inadequate CSR Data:

While financial contributions to Corporate Social Responsibility
may be documented, details regarding beneficiaries or impact
metrics might be absent.

Health & Safety Reporting:

Essential data regarding injuries, fatalities, or other safety
incidents may not be consistently recorded across sectors,
thereby impacting the integrity of the report.
ESG Data Challenges
Governance Data Challenges

Lack of ESG Framework:

The absence of dedicated ESG committees or responsible board
members can hinder the governance aspect of ESG.

Policy Gaps:
Missing policies or the absence of board approvals on existing
policies can lead to governance shortfalls.

Absence of Redressal Mechanisms:

Lack of proper grievance redressal channels may lead to reduced
stakeholder trust and regulatory compliance issues.

Value Chain Oversight:

Not including value chain partners in governance policies or not
setting clear ESG targets can dilute the efficacy of governance
Date: 16th April to 28th April, 2024
Venue: Online (Zoom)
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