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Asignatura/ Curso Inglés – 8° año básico
Correo Electrónico para consultas
Fecha para trabajar Semana del 21 al 25 junio
Objetivo de la guía Reforzar uso de los COMPARATIVE Y

Comparative & Superlative Structures

1. Comparative
• Más que: 1 or 2 syllables.
Subject + verb to be + adjective+er + than + subject

• Más que: 2 or more syllables. (2: ing-ed-ful)

Subject + verb to be + more + adjective + than + subject

• Menos que: Any adjective.

Subject + verb to be + less + adjective + than + subject

• Igual que: Any adjective.

Subject + verb to be + as adjective as + subject

2. Superlative
• El/la más…: 1 or 2 syllables.
Subject + verb to be + the + adjective+est (+ comp.)

• El/la más…: 2 or more syllables. (2: ing-ed-ful)

Subject + verb to be + the + adjective+est (+ comp.)

• El/la menos…: Any adjective.

Subject + verb to be + the least + adjective (+ comp.)

Adjectives form for 1 or 2 syllables (Más que/ El-la más…)


They can
also use
“More/The most”

Dazzling – Peaceful – Crowded – Boring.

These adjectives do not follow the rule of er/est,

because their end in “ing – ed – ful”

Amazing – Attractive – Interesting – Beautiful

Old-fashioned – Polluted – Overpopulated – Expensive

These adjectives do not follow the rule of er/est,

because they have more than 2 syllables.
I. Look at the following sentences and choose the proper form to
change the adjectives depending on whether they are
Comparative or Superlative statements. Once a sentence is
completed, indicate in the gap below it if the statement is
Comparative or Superlative. (Observa las siguientes oraciones y elige la forma
apropiada para cambiar los adjetivos dependiendo si las oraciones son Comparativas o
Superlativas. Una vez que una oración esté completa, indica en la línea debajo de esta si
el enunciado es Comparative o Superlative)


1. Los Angeles is prettier (pretty) than Texas.


2. Chilean cities are _______________ (friendly)


3. Asia is ______________ (crowded) than America.


4. The Antarctica and Russia are ________ (cold) than Brazil.


5. Greek cities are as _________ as (dazzling) Italian cities


6. The Eiffel Tower is ________________ (beautiful) world heritage.

II. Identify which of the following sentences contain a mistake
concerning their structure and write down the correct form. If
the sentence does not have any mistake, there is no need to fill
the gap.
(Identifica cuáles de las siguientes oraciones contienen un error de acuerdo con su
estructura y escribe la forma correcta. Para las oraciones que no tienen error alguno, se
deja la línea en blanco)

1. Africa is the hottest continent in the world.


2. Easter Island is the less big than Chiloe.


3. The Taj Mahal is more beautiful than any British castle.


4. Talca is cosiest than Santiago.


5. England is the more boring country of UK.


6. Some Mexican cities are the most creepiest.

III. Look at the following pictures and write down 3 sentences using
Comparative. Also add 2 extra sentences (one for each picture)
using Superlative.
(Mira las siguientes imágenes y escribe 3 oraciones usando Comparative. También
agrega 2 oraciones extra (una para cada imagen) usando Superlative.)

Brazil New York

1. ____________________________________________________ (Más que)

2. ____________________________________________________ (Menos que)

3. ____________________________________________________ (Igual que)

4. _______________________________________________ (Superlative pic. 1)

5. _______________________________________________ (Superlative pic. 2)

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