American Culture

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American workplace differs vastly from your own.

As you adjust you may also face unique social

customs, corporate language, and unfamiliar workplace etiquette. Based on these scenarios it
mentioned that if have a problem American expects explanations and solutions. “In America, if
you talk around things, people get frustrated with you,” I’ll adjust in the way of being typically
direct communicators , speaking honestly, clearly and explicitly to arrive straight to the point.
This does not intend to be rude or disregard courtesy in communication (for example, criticism
may be delivered vaguely in order to remain polite and avoid offence). Americans value
individuality and a “do-it-yourself” mentality. Companies often will invest in employees that can
bring value on an individual level as well as the ability to work as part of a team. Americans can
be perceived as competitive and will strive to be recognized individually for their
accomplishments. This isn’t to say that your American coworkers will be unwilling to help and
provide guidance. While there may be an emphasis on being unique and showcasing your
strengths, many company cultures recognize that everyone brings a vital aspect the overall
company goals. At work or elsewhere while talking, if you want to say yes, just say ‘yes’. Don’t
nod your head up and down. Moving your head side to side is found to be very confusing, and it
is mostly taken as ‘no’. Avoid talking in your native language in presence of people of other
ethnicities in a social gathering. It is not courteous. Americans can come across as very friendly
and personable people in business. They often cultivate a casual business environment that makes
partners feel comfortable enough to trust them and share their position. However, while they are
often very warm and welcoming, Americans do necessarily seek to build personal relationships
with business partners. Depending on the industry, business is seen as strictly professional with
little association to one’s personal life. Therefore, be aware of how much you open up in this
informal atmosphere and how it can expose you.

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