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Name: Niña Kaye A.

San Jose Subject/Section: GGSR/FM – 3C

Date: September 1, 2022 Assignment: No. 1

Ethics in Everyday Life

Ethics determine the criterion between right and wrong. Ethics are the standards that help
people make better decisions in order to avoid harm, be fair and act in ways that deserve trust. In
everyday life we make decisions continually about what is right and wrong. Most of these
decisions are made quickly and without a lot of thought or reason.

Ethics maintain the solidarity of the society. Every individual is instilled with ethics by their
parents and social institutions. These morals helps us to take decisions in everyday life. How do
you judge that something wrong happened with you even when you did not deserve it? It is
through ethics you are able to judge the scenario or activity whether is correct or not. For
example in the family your father beat you because you came home late at night without giving
you an opportunity to explain but the truth is the reason behind this being at home late is you
finish your science project with your classmates. So through ethics, you are able to determine
that what your father did is ethically wrong for hurting someone without listening the reason.
Moreover, ethics consist of the rules of behavior. It certainly defines how a person should behave
in specific situations. For example, you are in the convenience store buying some essential
goods. Earlier, there is this woman seems like finding for something, while walking at the hall
way you found a black wallet and have some cash in it and ask the woman if that wallet is own
by her. The wallet was proven that it hers, she thank you because that those cash in it is for her
husband’s medicines. This situation tells us what we should do, ethics is doing what is right even
when no one is looking. In reality, our ethical behavior is at its best when intents, means, and
ends, individually and collectively pursue a greater good.

Ethics can give real and practical guidance to our lives. We are dealing ethics in our
everyday living. We need to be ethical because it defines who we are individually and as a
society. It is all about the choices we make either guides us to make the world a better place
through the choices we make.

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