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Text 1 for number 1 - 10


- Handheld juicer
- Sieve
- Glass Ingredients
- 2 oranges
- 2 teaspoons of sugar
- pinch of cinnamon
- Knife
- Cutting board

- First, wash the oranges and put them on a cutting board.
- Then, cut the oranges into halves.
- After that, prepare the handheld juicer and put the oranges on the juicer and
squeeze them one by one.
- Continue doing this till all oranges have been juiced.
- If you want your juice without pulp use the sieve to take out all the pulp.
- Now, add 2 teaspoons of sugar and a pinch of sugar and a pinch
- Now, add 2 teaspoons of sugar and a pinch of cinnamon if you want and stir till the
sugar and cinnamon has completely dissolved
- finally, your orange juice is ready to be served

- You can add ice cubes to make it cold.
- You can peel the rind of the orange and put it on the glass as decoration.
- Orange juice can stay fresh for 2 days in the fridge.
- Do not leave it outside.

1. What are ingredients we need when we make orange juice?

a. 2 apples and 2 teaspoons of sugar

b. 3 oranges and 3 teaspoons of sugar
c. 2 oranges and 2 teaspoons of sugar
d. 1 banana and 1 orange
e. 2 oranges, 2 bananas and sugar
Glass, knife and hammer
Knife, glass and sieve
Sieve, stove and knife
Stove, glass and plate
Plate, stove

2. What is the first step to make orange juice?

a. cut the oranges into halves

b. wash the oranges and put them
c. till all orange juice
d. handheld the orange juice
e. ready to be served

3. What is the title of the procedure text above?

a. Orange juice good for our healthy

b. We must drink orange juice every day
c. Preserving of the orange juice
d. How to make orange juice
e. Orange juice is my favorite drinking
4. How long orange juice can stay fresh in the fridge?

a. 2 centuries
b. 2 weeks
c. 2 years
d. 2 months
e. 2 days

5. What is plural of “knife”?

a. Knifed
b. Knifes
c. Knives
d. Knifing
e. Kniving

6. What are tips of orange juice?

a. Do not drink with soda

b. You can drink every day
c. Do not leave it inside
d. You can add ice cubes to make it cold
e. Orange juice can stay fresh 2 months in the fridge

7. What is the second step to make orange juice?

a. Wash the orange and put them in the cutting board

b. Prepare the handheld juicer
c. Cut the oranges into halves
d. Stay fresh 2 days in the fridge
e. Add ice cubes to make it cold

8. “Do not leave it outside”. The word “it” refers to . . .

a. Glass
b. Orange juice
c. Knife
d. Juicer
e. Fridge

9. What kind of the text above?

a. Review text
b. Report text
c. Spoof text
d. News item text
e. Procedure text

Grammar test for number 11 - 20

10. He is . . . than me

a. As tall
b. Taller
c. The most tall
d. More tall
e. Tall as

11. She . . . not study English every night

a. Do
b. Did
c. Does
d. Have
e. Has

12. I have studied in . . . university since 2004

a. A
b. An
c. at
d. of
e. On

13. I . . . a good idea for my project.

a. Has
b. On
c. In
d. Have
e. At

14. She is as . . . as me

a. The most beautiful

b. More beautiful
c. Beautiful
d. Much beautiful
e. Many beautiful

15. The fire is . . . than water

a. More dangerous
b. Dangerously
c. Danger
d. On dangerous
e. A dangerous

16. I thanked the woman . . . helped me last night

a. Who
b. Whom
c. Whose
d. Which
e. What

17. The book . . . is on the table is mine

a. Who
b. Whom
c. Whose
d. Which
e. What

18. My dictionary is expensive and . . . is cheap

a. You
b. Your
c. Yours
d. Yourself
e. Yourselves

19. I always go to shopping with . . .

a. Her
b. Hers
c. The her
d. The hers
e. His

Conditional sentences for number 21 - 30

20. If I were you, . . .

a. I will go to the beach with my friends
b. I would go to the beach with my friends
c. I could go to the beach with my friends
d. I went to the beach with my friends
e. I have gone to the beach with my friends
21. If Lana was rich, . . .
a. She would have spent all the money on clothes
b. She can probably spend a lot of money on clothes
c. She will probably spend all her money on clothes
d. She has been spent all the money on clothes
e. She had spent a lot of money on clothes
22. If I had enough money, . . .
a. I will go on safari to Kenya
b. I would go on safari to Kenya
c. I can go on safari to Kenya
d. I go on safari to Kenya
e. I don’t go safari to Kenya
23. Siti will never pass her exams, . . .
a. If she couldn’t study harder
b. If she doesn’t study harder
c. If she didn’t study harder
d. Is she can be study harder
e. I f she studies harder
24. What would you do . . .
a. If you could lose your job
b. If you will lose your job
c. If you lost your job
d. If you can lose your job
e. If you have lost your job
25. If I lived in a village, . . .
a. I would have a farm
b. I will have a farm
c. I could have a farm
d. I have a farm
e. I had been a farm
26. If you heat ice, . . .
a. It is melts
b. It melts
c. It will melts
d. It would melts
e. It couls melts
27. If I knew her address, . . .
a. I would send her an invitation card
b. I will sent her an invitation card
c. I can sent her an invitation card
d. I have sent her an invitation card
e. I send her an invitation card
28. If I wake up late, …
a. I usually hurry to get ready
b. I will hurry to get ready
c. I would usually hurry to get ready
d. I hurry to get ready
e. I can usually hurry to get ready
29. I would go on holiday, . . .
a. If I won the lottery
b. If I win the lottery
c. If I will win the lottery
d. If I would win the lottery
e. If I am winning the lottery

Text 2 for number 31 - 40


Cheetahs are considered as the world's fastest land animals. The word
cheetah comes from Sanskrit word “Citrakayah” which means spotted or
variegated body. Cheetahs can be found in most parts of Africa, Southern Asia
and Middle East.
Cheetahs have lean and tall body unlike leopards. Even though cheetahs
are often mistaken as leopards but their features are totally different. One of
the distinguishing marks of cheetahs is their teardrop shaped line on each side
of their nose that extends from corner of its eyes to its mouth.
Their muscular and powerful bodies are ideal for fast and short runs.
They have bendy flexible backs that aid them in running. Cheetahs are designed
for speed and can run up to 45 miles/hour. Cheetahs' feet are like running shoes
and have grips and spikes to dig into the ground. During the sprint only one foot
touches the ground.
Even though cheetahs belong to the cat family but their claws are
semiretractable unlike any one of the cats. Cheetahs are carnivores and eat
animals like gazelle, small antelopes, hares etc. They use their long and heavy
tails as a stabilizer and single-mindedly pursue their intended prey. Once the
cheetah has pounced, It knocks its victim off balance and grips it by the throat
as it falls. However, due to their weak jaws and small teeth, cheetahs are not as
effective in killing their prey as quickly as lions and leopards.
Female cheetahs give birth to an average of three young ones that they
rear by themselves. Once fully grown, the animals usually live alone, though
males sometimes form small groups. Most cheetahs live about twelve to fifteen
Cheetahs are now an endangered species and many conservationists are
trying to help protect the habitats of these interesting creatures
30. What is the text talk about?
a. Female cheetahs give birth to an average of three young ones that they rear
by themselves
b. Their muscular and powerful bodies are ideal for fast and short runs
c. Cheetahs are considered as the world’s fastest land animal.
d. Cheetahs are now an endangered species.
e. Cheetahs belong to the cat family.
31. What animal describe of the text above?

a. Leopards
b. Cheetahs
c. Cats
d. Female cheetahs
e. Cats family

32. Where we can be find cheetah?

a. Asia, south Africa and Europe

b. America, Asia and Africa
c. Africa, southern Asia and middle east
d. Australia, java and east borneo
e. Everywhere in the world

33. How long cheetah can run up?

a. 45 kilometers/hour
b. 55 miles/hour
c. 55 meters/hour
d. 45 miles/hous
e. 5 miles/hour

34. What does cheetah name’s in word Sanskrit?

a. Female cheetahs
b. Leopards
c. Cats
d. Citrakayah
e. Gazelle

35. How long time the most cheetahs can live?

a. Twelve to twenty years

b. Fifteen to thirty years
c. Twenty to fifty years
d. Two to five years
e. Twelve To fifteen years

36. What characteristics of cheetahs?

a. Cheetahs can run up 55 miles/hour

b. Cheetahs are like leopards
c. Female cheetahs have thirty young
d. Cheetahs family of cats
e. Cheetahs have lean and tall body unlike leopards

37. Cheetahs are designed for speed and can run up 45 miles/hour. Cheetahs feet
are like . . .

a. Cheetahs feet are like walking shoes

b. Cheetahs feet are like running shoes
c. Cheetahs are family cat
d. Cheetahs is the most fastest animal
e. Female cheetahs have three young

38. What does cheetah eat?

a. Cheetahs eat ant and mosquito

b. Cheetahs eat animal like gazelle and hares
c. Cheetahs eat small antelopes and snake
d. Cheetahs eat female cheetah
e. Cheetah are unlike leopards

39. What kinds of the text above?

a. Narrative text
b. Descriptive text
c. Recount text
d. Review text
e. Proceduretext

Vocabulary test for number 41 - 50

40. Fastest :

a. Cepat
b. Tercepat
c. Lebih cepat
d. Cukup cepat
e. Kecepatan

41. Tall body :

a. Tubuh
b. Rendah badan
c. Tinggi tubuh
d. Suhu tubuh
e. Normal

42. Female cheetah :

a. Cheetah Jantan
b. Cheetah Betina
c. Anak cheetah
d. Kucing cheetah
e. Keluarga cheetah

43. Powerful :

a. Keberanian
b. Kecepatan
c. Ketahanan
d. Kekuatan
e. Kerapuhan

44. Middle east :

a. Timur barat
b. Timor timur
c. Timur tenggara
d. Timur
e. Timur tengah

45. Running shoes :

a. Sepatu roda
b. Sepatu senam
c. Sepatu
d. Sepatu lari
e. Sepatu bola

46. Interesting :
a. Menarik
b. Menekan
c. Mengolah
d. Membuat
e. Menahan

47. Victim :

a. Korelasi
b. Teman dekat
c. Musuh
d. Pemburu
e. Korban

48. Cat family :

a. Keluarga macan
b. Keluarga singa
c. Keluarga kucing
d. Keluarga besar
e. Keluarga kecil

49. Carnivores :

a. Pemakan sayur
b. Pemakan daging
c. Pemakan segala
d. Pemakan buas
e. rakus


Hello my name is dinda. I study at SMKN 1 surabaya. I like listening music,

swimming, cooking and watching films. My favorite foods are gado gado and rending. I
usually cook breakfast for my family on Sundays. I cook fried rice or sambel tempe
with omelet, sayur asem with salted fish and sambel terasi. Occasionally, I I make gado
gado for our lunch. My family always compliments, my cookings and they encourage me
to be chef. That’s what I want to be.

1. What does didnda do during her spare time?

A. Watching films and reading

B. Hanging out with her friends
C. Swimmimg and watching tv
D. Cooking and listening to the music
E. Reading novels and cooking

2. Why does dinda want to be a chef?

A. likes eating
B. Her She cooking are delicious
C. She loves sambel tempe with omelet
D. She likes cooking traditional food
E. She is smart and polite

3. What is the suitable title for the text?

A. Dinda hobbies
B. Dinda and her family
C. My favorite food
D. Dinda activities
E. A happy family

4. Rangga is happy when . . . meets fid old friend

A. Him
B. His
C. She
D. He
E. Her
5. Mr. dadang is a famous mechanic . he . . . a workshop at home. Many people come
to his workshop to repair their vehicles.

A. Is
B. Has
C. Are
D. have
E. Will



Good morning, everybody. I am sari, sari pertiwi. This time would like to tell you
about my family. My parents are wachers. My father mr rangga nusa teaches at SMKN
2 denpasar and my [6] . . . mrs ayu teaches at SMAN 6 denpasar. I have [7] . . . dewa
utama. He is four years older thn me and studies at udayana university. I also have
[8] . . . adelia pertiwi. She is two years younger than me. She studies at SMPN 1
denpasar. We live in a big house at jl senggigi no 59 denpasar. That’s my family. Thank


A. Mother
B. Sister
C. Aunt
D. Uncle
E. grandmother


A. an elder sister
B. an elder brother
C. elder brothers
D. a younger brother
E. a younger sister


A. a cousin
B. an elder sister
C. an elder brother
D. an elder sister
E. a younger sister

Dear Evans

I would like to introduce myself. I am aditya hendrawan, please call me aditya.

I am sixteen years old. I am ryan’s classmate at senior high school. You know ryan
right? He was your friend at junor high school.
Evans, I like collecting stamps and have collected them since I was in the first
grade of junior high school. I’d like to make friendship you because we have similar
hobby, which ryan told me about. Would you like to exchange your stamps with mine? I
have several similar stamps and if you don’t mind. I would like to exchange them with
O.K. that’s all for now. Please reply me soon. Thanks.
Sincerely yours
9. who is aditya

A. he is ryan old friends

B. he is ryan classmate
C. he is evan old friend
D. he is evan classmate
E. he is evan and ryan classmate

10. why does aditya friend to make friendship with evan? Because . . .

A. Evan is ryan old friend

B. evan has a good personality
C. both of them have similar interest
D. both of them study at the same school
E. he has many old stamps


Hello, Alia! Let me introduce myself. My name is Hannah. I know your name from
my friend, Caroline. She told me that you sent her an email telling her that you would
like to have more pen pals from the US. I’d really like to be your E-pal. You sound
really cool!

I guess I’d better tell you something about myself first. I’m 16 years old and I
attend Thomas Edison High School here in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. I have two
brothers and two half sisters and I’m the middle child. My father died a few years ago
so my mother runs the house and the family business. My father was a barista.
I have lots of hobbies. I like music – mostly classical music and folk music – but I
don’t play an instrument. I like sports, especially tennis and basketball. At school I’m in
the basketball team and I spend most of my extra-curricular time playing basket ball.
I’m into animals very much. My sister and I have three dogs, a rabbit and an iguana.
They need lots of attention as you can imagine. At school, I have many Hmong friends
who were not fully fluent in English. Their family moved here from Asia. I enjoy talking
to them about our different cultures. My favorite subjects at school are art and
geography. I think I’d like to become a park ranger when I graduate, perhaps work for
the National Parks Service.
I haven’t got much interest in fashion, although we have ‘Mall of America,’ the
biggest mall in Minnesota. We can reach the mall very easily. A commuter train runs
every 15 minutes, buses also come from different directions. We can also drive to the
mall. It’s much faster than going there by train or by bus.
I don’t like reading but I love drawing and painting. How about you? Please drop
me a line, Alia! Can’t wait to hear from you!

11. How does Hannah contact Alia? Is there anybody introducing Hannah to Alia?
A. By phone. Yes, there is
B. By message. Yes, there is
C. By Email. Yes, there is
D. By letter. Yes, there is
E. By taxi. Yes, there is
12. Does Hannah want to be Alia’s friend?
A. Yes, she did
B. Yes, she does
C. No, she didn’t
D. No, she doesn’t
E. Yes, she has

13. Where does Hannah study?

A. Al azhar university in Egypt
B. Mulawarman university in east Kalimantan, Indonesia
C. Thomas Edison high school in Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
D. International high school in Jakarta, Indonesia
E. Oxford university in England

14. Tell me about Hannah’s family?

A. She has two brothers and two half sisters
B. Her mother is a teacher in Thomas Edison high school
C. He father still alive and work as a barista
D. She hasn’t brother and sister
E. She is the first child

15. What are Hannah’s hobbies?

A. She likes reading novel and short story
B. She likes music mostly classical music and folk music
C. She likes fashion
D. She likes sports especially football and badminton
E. She likes listening pop and rock music

16. Does she like animal? What animals does she have?
A. Yes, she does. A rabbit, a dog and an iguana
B. Yes, she does. Three dogs, a rabbit and an iguana
C. Yes, she does. An iguana, two dogs and a rabbit
D. Yes, she does. Three rabbits, a dog and an iguana
E. Yes, she does. Three iguanas, a rabbit and three dogs

17. What do Hannah and Hmong friends love to do?

A. They always go to mall in America
B. They are playing basketball in extracurricular
C. They are talking about different culture
D. They eat in the restaurant
E. They are drawing and paintin

18. What profession would she like to have after graduating from her school?
A. Runs the house
B. I would like to a barista
C. I’d like to parks ranger
D. I play an instrument
E. I just stay at home
19. What does Hannah’s father job?
A. Her father was a teacher
B. Her father was a businessman
C. Her father was a engineer
D. Her father was a barista
E. Her father was a author
20. What are Hannah favorite subjects?
A. Mathematic and art
B. Geography and English
C. Art and geography
D. Biology and sport
E. History and art


Nura arrives in a big city to help her parents settle their debts. She moves into
Juna’s house as a hired servant. In the house, Juna is a rich and proud young man who
inherits his father’s business. He is lazy and goes to campus just to meet friends and
chase pretty girls who love his wealth.
In his chaotic life, Juna is betrayed by his own cousin and uncle leading to his
downfall. Juna’s life is in a real mess. However, Nura helps him gain his confidence and
reorganize his life. Nura begins to teach the rich spoiled brat some manners through
her down to earth scolding and no-nonsense attitude. The girl helps
him pick up the pieces in his life, from defeat to success. Finally, after a long
struggle and hard work, he can regain his life. He is now in the position of the director
of the company that he inherits from his father.
Many of his friends congratulate him. Johny, his best friend, says,
“Congratulations! You deserved it, man.”
“Thank you very much. This is because you’re always with me,” Juna responds
“I’m very happy for you, Juna. Your company is now back to you,” another friend
Juna replies with a happy tone, “Thank you. I cannot forget your help to me.
“ Others shake his hand and say, “That’s wonderful, Juna,” “Good for you!” “Good
luck,” “Best of Luck!” “Well done,” “Fantastic job!”
“You must be very proud of your achievement.
” He responds to them joyfully, “Oh, thanks,” “Thank you very much for saying
so.” “Oh, I have a lot to learn, yet,” “I am glad you think so.
” His staff also congratulate him, “I’d like to congratulate you on your
accomplishment, Sir!” “Please accept my warmest congratulation,”
“I must congratulate you on your success in returning the company back to your
Again, he answers those expressions contentedly, “It’s very good of you to say
so,” “How nice of you to say that,”
“Thank you very much for saying so.” Nura observes this event from the
backdoor. She cries happily for her master who has changed into a mature, stable young
21. Who is Nura?
A. Nura ia a girl who arrive in the big city
B. Nura is lazy girl from big city
C. Nura is a servant house
D. Nura is juna’s friend
E. Nura don’t like juna
22. Who is Juna?
A. Juna is a rich and proud young man
B. Juna is a young man who arrives in the big city
C. Juna is nuna’s friend
D. Juna is a poor and sad man
E. Juna don’t like nuna

23. What is juna’s negative characteristics?

A. Juna is lazy and goes to school just to meet friend
B. Juna is clever and wear good school uniform
C. Juna is smart and always study hard
D. Juna is crazy and don’t have friend
E. Juna is rich and goes to school by car
24. How does nura teach Juna?
A. Nura teaches juna some manners
B. Nura teaches mathematic and biology
C. Nura always come late to teaches juna
D. Nura teaches juna two times in one week
E. Nura teaches juna in hospital

25. What leads juna’s life to his own fall?

A. Juna is betrayed by his own cousin and uncle
B. Juna is leading nura in school
C. Juna lifes with his father and mother
D. Juna is rich man and arrogant
E. Juna likes shopping in the downfall
26. What does nura do to return the wealth of juna’s family?
A. Nura helps him gain his confidence
B. Nura teaches table manners
C. Nura helps her uncle and cousin
D. Nura is going to big town
E. Nura is betrayed juna in downfall
27. Who first congratulates juna when he regains success?
A. Many of his friends
B. His cousin and uncle
C. Nura and friends
D. All people in school
E. No one give congratulate

28. How do they congratulate juna? What expressions are used?

A. They express the congratulations informally
B. They are only says something
C. They say “good job”
D. They express formally
E. There is no give congratulations for him
29. What expressions are used by juna’s staff to congratulate him?
A. I’d like to congratulate you on your accomplishment
B. I want to says something special in school
C. I’d like to say good work guys
D. That’s a great job
E. It is so amazing

30. How does nura feel about juna’s achievement?

A. Nura is sad for juna
B. Nura is happy for juna
C. Nura don’t care for juna
D. Nura just say something
E. Nura is proud for juna
I have a lot of friends in my school, but Dinda has been my best friend since
junior high school. We don’t study in the same class, but we meet at school everyday
during recess and after
school. I first met her at junior high school orientation and we’ve been friends ever
Dinda is good-looking. She’s not too tall, with fair skin and wavy black hair that
she often puts in a ponytail. At school, she wears the uniform. Other than that, she likes
to wear jeans, casual t-shirts and sneakers. Her favourite t-shirts are those in bright
colors like pink, light green and orange. She is always cheerful. She is also very friendly
and likes to make friends with anyone. Like many other girls, she is also talkative. She
likes to share her thoughts and feelings to her friends. I think that’s why many friends
enjoy her company. However, she can be a bit childish sometimes. For example, when she
doesn’t get what she wants, she acts like a child and stamps her feet.
Dinda loves drawing, especially the manga characters. She always has a
sketchbook with her everywhere she goes. She would spend some time to draw the
manga characters from her imagination. Her sketches are amazingly great. I’m really
glad to have a best friend like Dinda.
31. Who is being described in the text?
A. Dinda
B. I
C. The writer
D. I and the writer
E. Best friend
32. How long have the writer and Dinda been friends?
A. Since senior high school
B. Since junior high school
C. Since child
D. Since elementary school
E. Since adult
33. What does Dinda look like?
A. Dinda is bad looking. She is short body
B. Dinda is good looking. She is not too tall
C. Dinda is ugly. She is too fat
D. Dinda is lazy. She is stupid
E. Dinda is good looking. She is not smart
34. What are her favourite clothes?
A. She likes to wear jeans, casual t-shirt and sneakers
B. She likes to wear jeans, casual jacket and t-shirt
C. She likes to wear skirt, casual jeans and shoes
D. She likes to wear shirt and sandals
E. She likes to wear hat and tie

35. What kind of t-shirts does she like?

A. Her favorite t-shirt is bright color like pink, green and orange
B. Her favorite t-shirt is bright color like red, yellow and blue
C. Her favorite t-shirt is light color like white, brown and green
D. Her favorite t-shirt is bright and light color
E. Her favorite t-shirt is all color
36. Why do many friends enjoy dinda’s company?
A. Because she is cheerful and friendly
B. Because she is beautiful and smart
C. Because she is lazy and foolish
D. Because she is strong and arrogant
E. Because she is bad characteristics
37. What is dinda bad habit?
A. When she doesn’t get what she wants, she acts like a child and stamps her feet
B. When she doesn’t get some money, she acts like old people
C. When she doesn’t get many books, she acts like grandmother
D. When she doesn’t have much money, she like children
E. When she doesn’t have much time, she like baby
38. What is dinda’s hobby?
A. Dinda loves drawing, especially manga characters
B. Dinda loves painting, especially baby characters
C. Dinda loves skating and dancing
D. Dinda loves singing and shopping
E. Dinda loves drawing animal and plants

39. What kind of the text above?

A. Narrative
B. Descriptive
C. Recount
D. Procedure
E. News item
40. What is the suitable title for the text above?
A. Old friend
B. Best friend
C. Best sister
D. Old cousin
E. Lovely friend


Dear Anneke

Not many people love praying chess. You are an exception. You have played this game
since you were at elementary school. Your hard effort has paid off. You are a famous
chess player now. Congratulations. Always be the best.


41. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To greet anneke
b. To invite anneke
c. To warn anneke
d. To congratulate anneke
e. To ask anneke to do a task
42. When did anneke start playing chess?
A. Before she was at elementary school
B. since she was at elementary school
C. after she graduated from elementaryt school
D. when she was at junior high school
E. since she was at junior high school
43. why does alo write ‘your hard effort has paid off’ because . . .
A. anneke is a famous chess player now
B. anneke loves playing chess
C. he has played chess for years
D. he knows how to play chess
E. he is a famous chess player now


Dear Farel

I would like to be the first to congratulate you. Finally your dream has come true. Now
you are the master of the 2016 slam dunk. Hope to see you again in 2017 with the same
Your friend


44. from the text we know that?

A. Kunto is very good at slam dunk
B. Farel won the 2016 slam dunk competition
C. Farel and kunto play basketball together
D. Kunto will join the 2017 slam dunk competition
E. Kunto promises to see farel slam dunk performance
45. From the text it can be conclude that?
a. Kunto and farel joined the 2016 slam dunk competition
b. Kunto will join the slam dunk competition next year
c. Farel wishes kunto will win the 2017 slam dunk competition
d. Kunto congratulates farel on the success
e. Finally kunto won the 2016 slum dunk competition
46. ‘finally your dream has come true”. The underlined word is similar to . . .
a. At last
b. Hopefully
c. Originally
d. At once
e. At the moment

The following dialog is for questions 47 to 50

Tyas : what are you going to do with your cardboard?

Nala :I am going to make pictures frame

Tyas : interesting. Are you going to sell them?

Nala : no I am not. I am still in the learning process but intend to sell them one day
if my frames are good enough. Anyway, would you like to join me/

Tyas ; sorry, I am not interesting in making handcrafts. I rather play sports. Would
you like to make me one, please/

Nala ; sure.

47. What is Nala intention?

A. Play sports
B. Run a business
C. Make handcrafts
D. Collect unique items
E. Own a handcrafts shop
48. From the dialog, we know that nala is . . .
A. Honest
B. Creative
C. Arrogant
D. Friendly
E. Generous
49. Why does tyas refuse nala offer?
A. Tyas is busy
B. Tyas is not interested
C. Tyas has to attend a course
D. Tyas has to return home soon home
E. Tyas is unable to sell the product
50. Tyas asks “are you going to sell them”. What does them refer to?
A. Capturss
B. Pictures frames
C. Learning process
D. Sardboard
E. Sports equipment

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