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Alex Terriza Ms. Moore-Cortizo Health 1 18/03/2024 Heart Strong Any person who is focused on achieving
goals will tell you that a plan of action is critical. Achieving and maintaining a quality level of physical fitness
is your overall goal. In order to accomplish this goal, your plan of action will include researching web sites,
reviewing fitness guidelines, and participating in activities that will increase your knowledge of fitness and
your fitness level. So, “Let’s Get Moving!” Goals 1. List fitness activities that you enjoy.

1. 75262960_1717666_201911281619_PersonalFitness7.6HeartStrongHandout.pdf - 100%
2. 44096042_3238975_20231026125029_HeartStrong.docx - 100%
3. Report #1204625 - 100%
4. Report #1162075 - 100%
5. Report #1212787 - 100%
6. 79963445_1936490_201962695744_HeartStrongHandout.docx - 100%
7. 20171848_2051476_2019710125652_HeartStrongHandoutGoogleDocs.pdf - 100%
8. 17206355_2098980_201982012275_HeartStrongHandoutAssignment.docx - 100%
9. 73719060_2035245_201983151316_HeartStrongHandout.docx - 100%
10. 74647388_2187280_2019104215938_HeartStrongHandout.docx - 100%
11. 88847220_3213797_2023111624519_HeartStrongHandout.docx - 100%
12. 88462243_3165795_202371713238_HeartStrongHandout.docx - 100%

List of Fitness Activities I Enjoy: Running, Swimming, Cycling, Basketball, Hiking. 2. Learn and explain in
detail where and how to find your heart rate. Your pulse can be on your wrist or neck. Place two fingers (not
the thumb) on top of the blood vessel, gently so, until a pulsation is felt. Count how many beats you feel in
15 seconds and then multiply by four to get your heart rate per minute.

1. 71050894_2487571_202010155210_HeartstrongPDF.pdf - 100%
2. 36656005_3063697_2023222212614_HeartStrongHandout.docx - 100%
3. Report #1503529 - 100%
4. 37443956_3234028_2023124114654_HeartStrongHandout.docx - 100%
5. 95718798_3306144_2023127171439_file1_HeartStrongHandout.docx - 100%
6. 88057412_3262921_20231221121936_HeartStrong.docx - 100%
7. 75262960_1717666_201911281619_PersonalFitness7.6HeartStrongHandout.pdf - 100%
8. 78781426_3052528_2022921103930_HeartStrongHandout.pdf - 100%
9. Report #1219990 - 100%
10. 65050231_1988948_2019618164525_HeartStrongHandout.docx - 100%
11. 12893251_2178405_20191031125034_HeartStrongHandout2.docx - 100%
12. 62091190_2146189_2019129191118_HeartStrongHandout.docx - 100%
13. 12874421_2129029_202052114155_HeartStrongHandout2.docx - 100%
14. 54024788_2491334_2020101545018_HeartStrongHandout.pdf - 100%
15. Report #1212787 - 100%
16. 44096042_3238975_20231026125029_HeartStrong.docx - 100%
17. - 100%
18. - 100%
19. - 57.14%
20. - 57.14%

3. Explain and apply the rating of perceived exertion scale. The Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale is
used to assess how hard you think your body is working during physical activity. It ranges from six to twenty
with six indicating no exertion and 20 meaning maximal exertion.

1. 92993584_3272528_2024315143631_HeartStrongHandout1.pdf - 100%
2. 27950164_3356432_202436123241_HeartStrongHandout.pdf - 100%
3. 75758911_3338536_202431495154_Heart.pdf - 100%
4. 95243846_3278164_20243119319_HeartStrongHandout.docx - 100%
5. 81587281_3351322_202431871924_HeartStrongHandout.docx - 100%
6. 64797653_3267119_20231248188_HeartStrongHandout.docx - 100%
7. 88462243_3165795_202371713238_HeartStrongHandout.docx - 100%
8. 98931608_1889776_202081522205_HeartStrongHandout.docx - 100%
9. 97673183_1915080_2021214183321_HeartStrongHandout.docx - 100%
10. Report #1212787 - 100%
11. 44096042_3238975_20231026125029_HeartStrong.docx - 100%
12. 75262960_1717666_201911281619_PersonalFitness7.6HeartStrongHandout.pdf - 100%
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20. - 66.67%

4. Explain the many benefits of including aerobic fitness in life and include health related issues that
affect the hearth with inactivity. There are numerous benefits associated with including aerobic fitness in
your life such as improved cardiovascular health, increased endurance, enhanced mood, better control of
weight and reduced chances for chronic diseases i.e. heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Inactivity causes
conditions like high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels; it could lead to obesity and raise the risk for
heart disease.

1. 44096042_3238975_20231026125029_HeartStrong.docx - 100%
2. 64797653_3267119_20231248188_HeartStrongHandout.docx - 100%
3. 42296453_2085525_2019814121830_HeartStrongHandout2.docx - 100%
4. 88847220_3213797_2023111624519_HeartStrongHandout.docx - 100%
5. 41694177_2357204_202087151128_HeartStrongHandout1.docx - 100%
6. 71050894_2487571_202010155210_HeartstrongPDF.pdf - 100%
7. Report #1212787 - 100%
8. 25324270_2897633_2022122913444_HeartStrongHandout.docx - 100%
9. Report #1161431 - 100%
10. Report #1161435 - 100%
11. 75262960_1717666_201911281619_PersonalFitness7.6HeartStrongHandout.pdf - 81.82%
12. - 50%

Grading--+1 point each and -.1 point for every 3 typo errors. Remember to use proper spelling and
capitalization and proper sentence structure. Work Cited Page Healthline Media. (n.d.). Aerobic exercise
examples: At home, at the gym, and more. Healthline. professional, C. C. medical.
(n.d.). The benefits of aerobic exercise to your health. Cleveland Clinic.

1. 27950164_3356432_202436123241_HeartStrongHandout.pdf - 100%
2. 92993584_3272528_2024315143631_HeartStrongHandout1.pdf - 100%
3. 95243846_3278164_20243119319_HeartStrongHandout.docx - 100%
4. 75758911_3338536_202431495154_Heart.pdf - 100%
5. 27950164_3356431_202435135534_SportsFitnessHandout.pdf - 40%
6. 75758911_3338535_20243148215_SportsFitnessHandout.pdf - 40%
7. Report #1208429 - 71.43%
8. 93913221_3292604_202412713338_CardiovascularFitnessProgramAnswers.pdf - 100%
9. Report #1212787 - 100%
10. 44096042_3238975_20231026125029_HeartStrong.docx - 100%
11. 75262960_1717666_201911281619_PersonalFitness7.6HeartStrongHandout.pdf - 100%
12. - 50% Academic

13. - 100%

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