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KEYC% AT LAST IT IS CHRISTMAS By Rev. Fr. Emem Umoren Male Voices for Christmas season mierewnicls ssid ena mle duis i eeti che eel, Look a- |round what a |beau—ty for | Christmas is When I tise in the |mor-ning the | cold re - minds Hear the | birds out in | the fields with |songsof glad— Lord Je-__| sus at this | Christmas we |all wel - come Sse tha Bnet ee ity rea Elis ere Sofa iy gs ee here be | hold Christ - | mas is | here me that [Christ - mas is | here ness it jis Christ - | mas a- | gain you as cou have | come to jus Remi fei|Saat cys: niger [dis er emia le eet eed See the | flowers all a | round the wea-— | ther Has And I | feel all the | peace and the | Joy it Shall I | not all the |more taise my | voice in and we | pray and be- |seech that you |bless __O. BU chsigeee 6. $l Cee mn ticle re ilies roe cea changed all are |e - cho - ing | Christ - mas brings for Christ | was born at_ | Christ - mas praise for a |child is born | for us lord our__|merr’ment __this_| Christ - mas Tt t 32 = .t dt fy Se ad! dy eee amet a u rt hse 1D ee ee + s SE oe) ee cede Si ated i ue | oe ee ee etl tr leecettgs fd ol (dite: ded Christ - | mas is here oO bless us mines it - uaa z a Shes, foe m |f = a BR adie 1 1 = = dt eect £ - fas a 2 Lord during sea- | son. Male voices im. 1 Vs ted’ d'info Je- sus Born at Christ- | mas, a as se dua : on ie mf |£ £ 3 Ste - ae = gue - £ 2 Last it is | Christ - mas

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