Chapter 5

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Mekelle University

Ethiopian Institute of Technology-Mekelle

School of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Regulations and Control Engineering

(MEng 4162)

Chapter -5
Stability of Control Systems

Prepared by : Zina G.
(M.Sc. in Mechanical System Design)
5. Stability of Control Systems
 A system is stable if finite input produces a bounded or finite

 For example for every step input applied to a system the out put
must be finite.

 When it is subjected to an impulse input the output dies away to

zero as time goes infinity.

 If the output tends to infinity as t approaches infinity, then the

system is unstable.

 If the output does not die out to zero or increase to infinity but
tends to some finite but non-zero value then the system is said to
be critically or marginally stable. 2
Poles and Zeros
• The closed-loop transfer function G(s), generally be
represented by:

Where: z1, z2, ….,zm are zeros

• values of s for which G(s) = 0
p1, p2, ….,pn are poles
• values of s for which G(s) = 
k - Gain of the system
• Generally poles and zeros can be real or complex.
s    j
s 1 s 1
a) 2   poles are +2 and +2 ; zero +1
s  4 s  4 ( s  2) 2

1 1  1  4 1  j 4  1
b) 2 ; s1,2    0.5  j 0.87
s  s 1 2 2

Pole-zero plots 1
• Poles are marked with ‘x’ σ
-2 -1 1 2
and zeros with ‘o’ -1

jω jω jω
2 2 2
1 1 1

σ σ σ
-2 -1 1 2 -2 -1 1 2 -2 -1 1 2
-1 -1 -1
-2 -2 -2
Fig.1 Fig.2 Fig.3 5
• In general when an impulse is applied to a system the output
is in the form of the summation of a number of exponential

• The following is possible to happen:

– If just one of the exponential terms is of an exponential growing
type, the system is unstable
(i.e if any one of the poles has a +ve real part)
– If all the poles are on the left side of the pole-zero plot or s-
plane, then the system is stable.
– If just one pole is in the right hand side it is unstable.
– If one or more poles lie on the vertical axis of a pole-zero plot,
then it is Critically stable.
Summary 1

Figure: Pole location corresponding to three values of ς

Summary 2

Figure: Time functions associated with points in the S-plane

(LHP, left half-plane; RHP, right half-plane)
Stability of Higher Order Systems

C1( s ) 10( s  1)
 5 Un-Stable
R1 ( s ) s  3s 3  2s  5

C2 ( s ) 10( s  1)
 Stable
R2 ( s ) s( s 4  s 3  3s 2  s1  2)
5.1 Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion
• It is a method for determining continuous system stability.
• This method yields stability information without the need to
solve for the closed-loop system poles.
• The roots of the characteristic equations of a system may not
be well easily obtained if it is in the form
ansn + an-1sn-1+an-2sn-2+ ----+a1s+ao, n>3
• The Routh-Hurwitz criterion states that “the number of roots
of the characteristic equation with positive real parts is equal
to the number of changes in sign of the first column of the
Routh array”.
• Using this method, we can tell how many closed-loop system
poles are in the left half-plane, in the right half-plane, and on
the jw-axis. (Notice that we say how many, not where.)
Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion
The method requires two steps:
1. Generate a data table called a Routh table.
2. interpret the Routh table to tell how many closed-loop
system poles are in the LHP, the RHP, and on the jw-axis.
In General: Inspect the coefficients
 If all are +ve and none of them is zero then the system can
be “Stable”.
 If any coefficient is negative then the system is definitely
 If any coefficient is zero then the system is most probably
“Critically Stable”.
Examples: s3+2s2+ 3s + 1  can be stable
s3 -2s2+ 3s + 1  unstable
s3 +2s2+ 3s  at the best, critically stable
Routh Array:
The first 2 rows of the array are obtained from the characteristic equation
ansn + an-1sn-1+an-2sn-2+an-3sn-3+an-4sn-4+an-5sn-5+ ----+a1s+ao.
sn an an-2 an-4 an-6 …
sn-1 an-1 an-3 an-5 an-7 … • Further rows are calculated from
sn-2 b1 b2 b3 … elements in the two rows immediately
sn-3 c1 c2 c3 …. above.
. . • Successive rows are calculated until
. . only zeros appear.
s2 x1 x2 x3
s1 y1 y2
s0 z1

Generating a basic Routh Table

• Only the first 2 rows of the array are obtained from the characteristic
eq. the remaining are calculated as follows;
Routh’s Stability Condition
• If the closed-loop transfer function has all poles in the left half of
the s-plane, the system is stable. Thus, a system is stable if there are
no sign changes in the first column of the Routh table.

• The Routh-Hurwitz criterion declares that the number of roots of

the polynomial that are lies in the right half-plane is equal to the
number of sign changes in the first column. Hence the system is
unstable if the poles lies on the right hand side of the s-plane.
• Consider the following characteristics equation:

Develop Routh array and determine the stability of the system.

• Because TWO changes in sign appear in the first column, we find

that two roots of the characteristic equation lie in the right hand side
of the s-plane. Hence the system is unstable.
• Consider the following system:

Develop Routh array and determine the stability of the system.

• Because TWO changes in sign appear in the first column, we find

that two roots of the characteristic equation lie in the right hand side
of the s-plane. Hence the system is unstable.
Find the stability of the continues system having the characteristic
polynomial of a third order system is given below፡

• The Routh array is

• Because TWO changes in sign appear in the first column, we find that
two roots of the characteristic equation lie in the right hand side of the
s-plane. Hence the system is unstable.
Determine a range of values of a system parameter K for which
the system is stable.

• The Routh table of the given system is computed and shown is the
table below;

• For system stability, it is necessary that the conditions 8 – k >0, and

1 + k > 0, must be satisfied. Hence the range of values of a system
parameter k must lie between -1 and 8 (i.e., -1 < k < 8).
Special Cases
• Case-1: Zero in the first column
– If first element of a row is zero, division by zero would be
required to form the next row.
– To avoid this phenomenon, zero is replaced by a very
small +ve number (say є) & proceed to evaluate the rest
of the Routh-array. Then examine the signs of the 1st
column by letting ε →0.
Determine the stability of the system having a characteristic equation given below;

The Routh array is shown in the table;


There are TWO sign changes due to the large negative number in the first column,
Therefore the system is unstable, and two roots of the equation lie in the right half
of the s-plane.
Determine the range of parameter K for which the system is unstable.

The Routh array of the above characteristic equation is shown below;


• Therefore, for any value of K greater than zero, the system is unstable.
• Also, because the last term in the first column is equal to K, a negative
value of K will result in an unstable system.
• Consequently, the system is unstable for all values of gain K.
Case-I: Stability via Reverse Coefficients (Phillips, 1991).

• A polynomial that has the reciprocal roots of the original polynomial

has its roots distributed the same—right half-plane, left half plane, or
imaginary axis—because taking the reciprocal of the root value does
not move it to another region.
• If we can find the polynomial that has the reciprocal roots of the
original, it is possible that the Routh table for the new polynomial will
not have a zero in the first column.
• The polynomial with reciprocal roots is a polynomial with the
coefficients written in reverse order.
• This method is usually computationally easier than the epsilon method.
Determine the stability of the of the closed-loop transfer function;

Table-1: The complete Routh table is Table-2: shows the first column of Table-1 along with the
formed by using the denominator of resulting signs for choices of ε positive and ε negative.
the characteristic equation T(s).

• A zero appears only in the first column (the s3 row).

• Next replace the zero by a small number, ε, and complete the table.
• Assume a sign, positive or negative, for the quantity ε.
• When quantity ε is either positive or negative, in both cases the sign in the first
column of Routh table is changes twice.
• Hence, the system is unstable and has two poles in the right half-plane.
Determine the stability of the closed-loop transfer function;

• First write a polynomial that has the reciprocal roots of the denominator of T(s).
• This polynomial is formed by writing the denominator of T(s) in reverse order.

• The Routh table is

• Since there are TWO sign changes, the system is unstable and has TWO right-half-
plane poles.
• This is the same as the result obtained in the previous Example.
• Notice that Table does not have a zero in the first column.
Case-II: Entire Row is Zero.
• Sometimes while making a Routh table, we find that an entire row
consists of zeros.
• This happen because there is an even polynomial that is a factor of
the original polynomial.
• This case must be handled differently from the case of a zero in
only the first column of a row.
• This condition indicates that there are symmetrically located roots
in the s-plane (pair of real roots with opposite signs and/or pair of
conjugate roots on the imaginary axis and/or complex conjugate
roots forming quadrates in the s-plane).
• The polynomial whose coefficients are the elements of the row just
above the row of zeros in the R - array is called an auxiliary
• This polynomial gives the number and location of root pairs of the
characteristic equation which are symmetrically located in the s-
plane. The order of the auxiliary polynomial is always even
Determine the stability of the system. The characteristic equation
q(s) of the system is
Where K is an adjustable loop gain.

The Routh array is then;

For a stable system, the value of K must be;

Example-8: Determine the stability of the system.

• Also, when K = 8, we obtain a row of zeros (Case-II).

• The auxiliary polynomial, U(s), is the equation of the row preceding the row of Zeros.
• The U(s) in this case, obtained from the s2 row.
• The order of the auxiliary polynomial is always even and indicates the number of
symmetrical root pairs.
Example-8: Determine the stability of the system.

• The auxiliary polynomial, U(s), can be obtain as;

5.2. Root Locus Technique
• Consider a unity feedback control system shown below.
R(s) C (s)
s 1

• The open loop transfer function G(s) of the system is G( s) 
s 1
• And the closed loop transfer function is
C ( s) G( s) K
 
R( s ) 1  G ( s ) s  1  K
• The open loop stability does not depend upon gain K.
• Whereas, the location of closed loop poles vary with the
variation in gain.
Root Locus Technique
• Location of closed loop Pole for different values of K
(remember K>0). C (s) K

R( s ) s  1Pole-Zero
 K Map
K Pole 1

0.5 -1.5
1 -2 0.5
Imaginary Axis

2 -3
3 -4 K 0
5 -6 K 
10 -11
15 -16
-16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2
Root Locus Technique
• Possibility of unstable operation is inherent in all
feedback control systems, because of the very nature of
feedback systems.
• Hence, the determination of stability of a system is
necessary but not sufficient, because a stable system
with low damping is still undesirable.
• Therefore, we should proceed to determine the relative
stability of a stable system after we make sure the
absolute stability.
• Relative stability in terms of:
– peak overshoot
– Settling time,
It is directly related with the location of the closed
loop poles of a stable system.

Design problem
• Achieving the desired performance of a system by
adjusting the location of its closed-loop poles in the
• This will be possible by varying one or more system

Possible solution

• Routh's criterion does not help to solve this.

• Classical technique (factorizing & determining roots of the

characteristic equation) is laborious for higher degrees
greater than 2.

• Root Locus technique (by W.R. Evans) is the best solution.

• The technique Provides graphical method of plotting the

locus of the roots in the s-plane as a given system parameter
is varied over the complete range of values (i.e. 0 to ∞).
• Roots corresponding to a particular value of the system
parameter or the value of the system parameter for a desired
root location can be determined from the locus. And it:

is the best way to analyze a system’s dynamic


also provides a measure of sensitivity of roots to the

variation in the parameter

is applicable for single as well as multiple loop systems

Root Locus
• Consider the following simple 2nd Order system.
R(s) +

k C(s)

- s( s  a )

C ( s) k
  2
R( s ) s  as  k Characteristic Equation

a  a

s1,2       k   always stable for +ve a and k
2  2  
• But the dynamic behavior is controlled by the
magnitudes of a & k.
• Consider a variable gain k (common practice) while
a is held constant.
1. 0 ≤ k < a2/4 → real & distinct roots.
Specially, When k = 0 → s1 = 0 and s2 = -a and this
are called the open loop poles.
2. k = a2/4 → real and equal roots, s1 = s2 = -a/2.

3. a2/4 < k <  → complex conjugate roots with

unvarying real part (i.e. -a/2)

Root Locus Plot

↑ • Roots lying on the –ve real axis
k jω
k> a2/4
corresponds to an over-damped
s system, (i.e. 0≤ k <a2/4).
k=0 θ2 -a/2 θ1 • k = a2/4 → critically damped
-a σ system.
k = a2/4 • k > a2/4 → Under damped
k Break-away
↓ Point
system. Roots move along the
k > a2/4 ∞ line σ = -a/2

• The above locus is plotted from direct solution of the

characteristic equation and is highly tedious for higher
order greater than 2.
Angle & Magnitude Conditions
• In constructing the root loci angle and magnitude conditions
are important.
• Consider the system shown in following figure.

The closed loop transfer function is:

C ( s) G( s)

R( s ) 1  G ( s ) H ( s )
• Characteristic equation →1 + P(s) = 0
– where P(s) = G(s)H(s)
– G(s)H(s) is termed as Open loop Transfer Function (in block
diagram terminology) and Loop Transmittance (in signal
flow graph terminology)
– Since G(s)H(s) is a complex quantity it can be split into angle
and magnitude part.
Angle & Magnitude Conditions
• The angle of G(s)H(s)=-1 is
G( s) H ( s)    1
G( s) H ( s)  180 (2k  1), Where k  1,2,3
• The magnitude of G(s)H(s)=-1 is
G( s) H ( s)   1
G( s) H ( s)  1
• Angle Condition
G(s) H (s)  180 (2k  1) (k  1,2,3...)
• Magnitude Condition
G( s) H ( s)  1
These are the two Evan’s Conditions.
• A plot of the points in the complex plane that satisfy this angle
criterion is the Root Locus. And a gain corresponding to a root (point
on the root locus) can be determined from the magnitude criterion.
Angle and Magnitude Conditions (Graphically)
For example if G(s)H(s) is given by
s 1
G( s) H ( s) 
s( s  3)(s  4)
• To apply Angle and magnitude conditions graphically we
must first draw the poles and zeros of G(s)H(s) in s-plane.
Pole-Zero Map

Imaginary Axis


-4 -3.5 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0
Angle and Magnitude Conditions (Graphically)
Pole-Zero Map

Imaginary Axis

θ1 θ2 ɸ1 θ3

G(s) H (s) s  p  1  1   2  3
• If angle of G(s)H(s) at s=p is equal to ±180o(2k+1) the
point p is on root locus.

-4 -3.5 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0
Angle and Magnitude Conditions graphically
Pole-Zero Map


A B1
Imaginary Axis

B3 B2

s  1 s p A
-0.5 G( s) H ( s) s  p  
s s p s  3 s p s  4 s p B1 B2 B3

-4 -3.5 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0
Angle and Magnitude Conditions (Graphically)

Angle condition

• Where ɸ1, θ1, θ2, θ3, and θ4 are

measured in counter clockwise
Magnitude Condition

• Where B1, A1, A2, A3, and A4 are

the magnitudes of the complex
quantities s+p1, s+p2…..
Construction of Root loci
• 1 + G(s)H(s) =0
• G(s)H(s) is generally known in the factored form as it is
obtained by modeling the TF of individual components
comprising the system

n m m n
Where, k= k '  p j  zi  k '  z  p
i j
j 1 i 1 i 1 j 1

k and k’ are the open loop gains.

-zi=-1/ zi (i=1,2,3,…,m) are the zeros of P(s).
-pj=-1/ pj (j=1,2,3,…,n) are the poles of P(s). 44
Note: In all physically real systems n>m,
i.e. number of poles of P(s) > number of zero of P(s)
The Evans condition will then be:
 s  zi
Magnitude criterion: k i 1  1 and
 s  pj
j 1
m n
Angle criterion:  ( s  zi )   ( s  p j )  (2 q  1)180o ; q  1,2,3,...
i 1 j 1

• Follow a trial and error procedure to satisfy the angle

criterion for a point on the root locus.
• After determining many loci points in this manner, draw a
smooth curve through these pts. 45
• The value of k for particular location of so, from the
magnitude criterion.
 so  p j
j 1
k  m
 so  zi
i 1
Products of phasor lengths from so to open loop poles
k 
Products of phasor lengths from so to open loop zeros

• Apply angle and magnitude conditions (Analytically as
well as graphically) on following unity feedback system.

• Here G( s) H ( s) 
s( s  1)(s  2)
• For the given system the angle condition becomes
G( s) H ( s)  
s( s  1)(s  2)

G(s) H (s)  K  s  (s  1)  (s  2)

K  s  (s  1)  (s  2)  180(2q  1)
• For example to check whether s = -0.25 is on the root
locus or not we can apply angle condition as follows.

G(s) H (s) s 0.25  K s 0.25  s s 0.25  (s  1) s 0.25  (s  2) s 0.25

G(s) H (s) s 0.25  (0.25)  (0.75)  (1.75)

G(s) H (s) s 0.25  180  0  0

G(s) H (s) s 0.25  180(2q  1)

• Now we know from angle condition that the point s=-0.25

is on the root locus. But we do not know the value of gain
K at that specific point.
• We can use magnitude condition to determine the value of
gain at any point on the root locus.
s( s  1)( s  2) s 0.25

 1
(0.25)(0.25  1)(0.25  2) s 0.25 (0.25)(0.75)(1.75)

1 1 K  0.328
 0.3285 0.328
• This is a tedious procedure.
• For quick approximate sketch of root locus the
following construction rule could be used.
Construction Rules
• Provides a guide for selection of a trial point such that
more accurate root locus can be obtained by few trials.
Rule 1:
• The root locus is symmetrical about the real axis.
– Proof: Roots are either real or complex conjugates or
combination of both.
Rule 2:
• As k increases form 0 to ∞, each branch of the root
locus originates from an open-loop pole with k=0 and
terminates either on an open-loop zero or on infinity
with k=∞.
 The number of branches terminating at infinity equals
the number of open-loop poles minus number of zeros.
Rule 3:
• A point on the real axis lies on the locus if the number of
open-loop poles plus zeros on the real axis to the right of this
point is odd.
Rule 4:
• The (n-m) branches of the root locus which tend to infinity, do
so along straight line asymptotes whose angles are given by:
 2q  1 180
A  ; q  0,1,2,...,(n  m  1)
Rule 5:
• The asymptotes cross the real axis at a point known as
centroid, determined by the relation:
(sum of real parts of poles-sum of real parts of zeros
(number of poles-number of zeros)
Rule 6:
The brake away points of the root locus are the solutions
of dk/ds=0.
Defn.: Brake away points are points at which multiple
roots of the characteristic equation occur.
• All the roots of equation dk/ds=0 are not breakaway points. The
actual breakaway points are roots at which the root locus angle
criterion is met.
• If a point at which dK/ds=0 is on a root locus, it is an actual
breakaway point.
• Stated differently, if at a point at which dK/ds=0 the value of K takes
a real positive value, then that point is an actual breakaway point.
Break away directions of Root locus Branches
The root locus branches must approach or leave the breakaway
point on the real axis at an angle of +180o/r, where r is the
number of root locus branches approaching or leaving the points.
Consider following unity feedback system.

• Determine
a) Root loci on real axis
b) Angle of asymptotes
c) Centroid of asymptotes
d) The breakaway point
a) Determine Root loci on real axis
The first step in constructing a root-locus plot is to locate
the open-loop poles and zeros in s-plane.
Pole-Zero Map
G( s) H ( s) 
s( s  1)(s  2)

Imaginary Axis 0


-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
Real Axis
b) Determine the asymptotes of the root loci.
 180(2q  1)
Angle of asymptotes   
 180(2q  1)

  60 when q  0
 180 when q  1
 300 when q  2
 420 when q  3

• Since the angle repeats itself as q is varied, the distinct angles

for the asymptotes are determined as 60°, –60°, -180°and 180°.
• Thus, there are three asymptotes having angles 60°, –60°,
c) Determine Centroid of asymptotes
• Before we can draw these asymptotes in the complex plane, we
must find the point where they intersect the real axis.
• Point of intersection of asymptotes on real axis (or centroid of
asymptotes) can be find out as Pole-Zero Map

 poles   zeros
nm 0.5

(0  1  2)  0
Imaginary Axis

 180 60
30 0
  60
  1
3 -0.5   60 ,60 , 180
  1
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
d) Determine the breakaway point.
G( s) H ( s) 
s( s  1)(s  2)

• The characteristic equation of the system is

1  G( s) H ( s)  1  0
s( s  1)(s  2)

 1
s( s  1)(s  2)

K  s(s  1)(s  2)

• The breakaway point can now be determined as
  s( s  1)(s  2)
dK d
ds ds
d 3

s  3s 2  2s 
d 3

s  3s 2  2s 
 3s 2  6s  2
• Set dK/ds=0 in order to determine breakaway point.
 3s 2  6s  2  0
3s 2  6s  2  0

s  0.4226
 1.5774
• Since the breakaway point must lie on a root locus
between 0 and –1, it is clear that s=–0.4226 corresponds
to the actual breakaway point.
• Point s=–1.5774 is not on the root locus. Hence, this
point is not an actual breakaway.
• In fact, evaluation of the values of K corresponding to s=–0.4226
and s=–1.5774 yields

Pole-Zero Map


s  0.4226
Imaginary Axis

180 60
  60


-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
Rule 7:
• The angle of departure from an open-loop pole is given
by: p = + 180o(2q+1)+, q= 0,1,2, …
– where  is the net angle contribution, at this pole, of
all other open-loop poles and zeros.
• Similarly, the angle of arrival at an open-loop zero is
given by: z = + 180o(2q+1)-, q= 0,1,2, …
– where  means the net angle contribution at the zero
under consideration of all other open-loop poles &
 The angle of departure from a real open-loop pole or the
angle of arrival at a real open-loop zero is always 00 or
1800. Hence, no need to calculate these angles for real
pole and zero, but need for complex poles & zeros.
Rule 8:
• The intersection of root locus branches with the imaginary
axis can be determined by use of the Routh criterion.
– For present system the characteristic equation is :

To determine the points where root loci cross the

imaginary axis.
– The Routh Array Becomes
• The value(s) of K that makes the system
marginally stable is 6.

• The crossing points on the imaginary

axis can then be found by solving the
auxiliary equation obtained from the
s2 row, that is,

• Which yields
• An alternative approach is to let s=jω in the characteristic
equation, equate both the real part and the imaginary part to
zero, and then solve for ω and K.
• For present system the characteristic equation is
s 3  3s 2  2s  K  0

( j )3  3( j ) 2  2 j  K  0

( K  3 2 )  j (2   3 )  0
Equating both real and imaginary parts of this equation to
(2   3 )  0 ( K  3 2 )  0
Which yields
Root Locus

Imaginary Axis





-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
Real Axis
Root Locus of 1st Order System
• 1st order systems (without zero) are represented by following
transfer function.
G( s) H ( s) 
s 
• Root locus of such systems is a horizontal line starting from -α
and moves towards -∞ as K reaches infinity.

-∞ σ

Root Locus of 1st Order System
• 1st order systems with zero are represented by following
transfer function.
K (s   )
G( s) H ( s) 
s 
• Root locus of such systems is a horizontal line starting from -α
and moves towards -β as K reaches infinity.

-β -α
Root Locus of 2nd Order System
• Second order systems (without zeros) have two poles and the
transfer function is given
G( s) H ( s) 
( s  1 )( s   2 )

• Root loci of such systems are vertical lines.

-α2 -α1
Root Locus of 2nd Order System
• Second order systems (with one zero) have two poles and the
transfer function is given
K (s   )
G( s) H ( s) 
( s  1 )( s   2 )
• Root loci of such systems are either horizontal lines or circular
depending upon pole-zero configuration.

jω jω jω

σ σ σ
-α2 -β -α1 -β -α2 -α1 -α2 -α1 -β

• Sketch the root locus of following system and

determine the location of dominant closed loop
poles to yield maximum overshoot in the step
response less than 30%.

• Step-1: Pole-Zero Map

Pole-Zero Map



Imaginary Axis






-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
Real Axis

• Step-2: Root Loci on Real axis

Pole-Zero Map



Imaginary Axis






-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
Real Axis
• Step-3: Asymptotes
Pole-Zero Map


  90 0.4
Imaginary Axis


  2 0





-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
Real Axis
• Step-4: breakaway point
Pole-Zero Map



Imaginary Axis


-0.2 -1.55



-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
Real Axis
Root Locus

Imaginary Axis




-4.5 -4 -3.5 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5
Real Axis

• Mp<30% corresponds to

1 2
Mp e 100


1 2
30%  e 100

  0.35
Example#11 Root Locus

6 0.35

Imaginary Axis



-6 0.35

-4.5 -4 -3.5 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5
Real Axis
Root Locus

6 0.35

System: sys
Gain: 28.9
Pole: -1.96 + 5.19i
2 Damping: 0.354
Overshoot (%): 30.5
Imaginary Axis

Frequency (rad/sec): 5.55




-6 0.35

-4.5 -4 -3.5 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5
Real Axis

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