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Privacy-Preserving Traceable Functional Encryption for Inner Prod-

Muyao Qiu, Jinguang Han
arXiv:2404.04861v1 [cs.CR] 7 Apr 2024

• Each user can anonymously obtain a secret key from the key generation
center without releasing anything about his/her identity.

• The tracer can trace the key holder’s identity if required.

• Our scheme is formally treated, in terms of definitions, security models

and security proof.
Privacy-Preserving Traceable Functional Encryption for
Inner Product
Muyao Qiua , Jinguang Hana
School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Southeast
University, Nanjing, 210096, Jiangsu, China

Functional encryption introduces a new paradigm of public key encryption
that decryption only reveals the function value of encrypted data. To curb
key leakage issues and trace users in FE-IP, a new primitive called traceable
functional encryption for inner product (TFE-IP) has been proposed. How-
ever, the privacy protection of user’s identities has not been considered in
the existing TFE-IP schemes. In order to balance privacy and accountability,
we propose the concept of privacy-preserving traceable functional encryption
for inner product (PPTFE-IP) and give a concrete construction. Our scheme
provides the following features: (1) To prevent key sharing, a user’s key is
bound with both his/her identity and a vector; (2) The key generation center
(KGC) and a user execute a two-party secure computing protocol to generate
a key without the former knowing anything about the latter’s identity; (3)
Each user can verify the correctness of his/her key; (4) A user can calculate
the inner product of the two vectors embedded in his/her key and in a ci-
phertext; (5) Only the tracer can trace the identity embedded in a key. The
security of our scheme is formally reduced to well-known complexity assump-
tions, and the implementation is conducted to evaluate its efficiency. The
novelty of our scheme is to protect users’ privacy and provide traceability if
Keywords: Functional Encryption, Inner Production, Traceability, Privacy,

1. Introduction
The increasing advancements in big data and cloud computing has led to a
greater emphasis on data security. Traditional public-key cryptography only

Preprint submitted to Information Sciences April 9, 2024

allows for an all-or-nothing decryption approach, meaning that the decrypted
data can either reveal all of the original information or nothing at all. Func-
tional encryption (FE) introduces a new paradigm of public key encryption
that decryption only reveals the function value of encrypted data [1].
An instance of functional encryption is functional encryption for inner
product (FE-IP), which only allows to compute the inner product of the
vector associated with a secret key and the vector embedded in a ciphertext.
FE-IP has numerous practical applications, such as machine learning [2, 3, 4],
federated learning [5], data marketing [6, 7], Internet of Things (IoT) [8], etc.
In existing FE-IP schemes [9, 10], a trusted central authority (CA)is re-
quired to generate secret keys for users according to the description of vectors.
Hence, the CA must be fully honest; otherwise, it can impersonate any user
to decrypt ciphertexts and may release users’ personal information. Han et
al. [11] proposed a privacy-preserving FE-IP scheme where a user can obtain
a secret key from the CA anonymously without releasing his/her identity.
Although this approach provides full anonymity in the key distribution pro-
cess, it does not address the problems in existing FE-IP, including privacy
and traceability. Therefore, a malicious user may share his secret key with
others without being identified.
To monitor malicious key leakage while protecting user privacy, we pro-
pose the first privacy-preserving traceable functional encryption for inner
product (PPTFE-IP) scheme. In PPTFE-IP, a tracer is introduced to iden-
tify the identity of a key holder when he/she shares his/her key with others.
However, the CA knows nothing about a user’s identity.

1.1. Related Work

In this section, we review schemes related to our scheme.

1.1.1. Functional Encryption

Functional encryption [1] is a novel form of public key encryption that
decryption only reveals the function value of encrypted data. The concept of
functional encryption was first introduced by Boneh et al. [1], who formalized
the definition and security model of this encryption technique.
Abdalla et al. [9] first proposed the idea of FE-IP, whereby the decryption
process only outputs the inner product of the vector in the ciphertext and the
vector in the key. Abdalla et al. [9] presented a simple FE-IP scheme with
selective security. Building on this work, Abdalla et al. [12] proposed a novel
generic construction which is secure against adaptive adversaries. Agrawal et

al. [10] proposed fully secure FE-IP schemes based on the same assumptions
as [9] and gave a simple method to achieve the bounded collusion FE for
all circuits. Classical FE-IP schemes have a central authority (CA), who
generates a secret key for each user. To simplify the key management in
classical FE-IP, Song et al. [13] proposed a hierarchical identity-based FE-
IP, where identity has a hierarchical structure and supports delegating secret
key. Han et al. [14] proposed a delegatable FE-IP (DFE-IP) scheme where
the delegatee is allowed to decrypt ciphertexts on behalf of the delegator in
a specified time period.
In above FE-IP schemes, CA must be trusted fully because it keeps all
the secret keys of users. This is known as the key escrow problem [15]. Some
FE-IP schemes, such as decentralized FE-IP [16], decentralized multi-client
FE-IP [17] and dynamic decentralized FE-IP [18], were proposed mainly to
reduce trust on the CA and solve the key escrow problem. Abdalla et al. [16]
proposed a decentralized FE-IP to transform any scheme with key-derivation
into a decentralized key-derivation scheme. Chotard et al. [17] proposed a
new primitive decentralized multi-client FE-IP where clients generate cipher-
texts non-interactively, and secret keys are generated in a decentralized way.
Jérémy et al. [18] proposed the first dynamic decentralized FE-IP, which al-
lows participants to join dynamically during the lifetime of a system. In
these schemes, multiple authorities or clients issue keys to users, instead of
one CA.
To reduce trust on CA and protect users’ privacy, Han et al. [11] proposed
a decentralized privacy-preserving FE-IP scheme, where the user’s secret
key is generated jointly by the multiple authorities and the user, and the
authorities do not know the identity embedded in the user’s key.

1.1.2. Traitor Tracing

Traitor tracing schemes can trace the identity of a key holder who leaked
the secret key [19]. There are two types of traitor tracing, white-box tracing
and black-box tracing. In white box tracing [20, 21, 22], the malicious users
are traced given a well-formed secret key. In black box tracing [23, 24, 25],
the malicious users are traced using a black box (including an unknown key
and algorithm) which can decrypt ciphertexts.
Schemes [23, 24] introduced black-box traceable ciphertext-policy attribute-
based encryption (CP-ABE) to trace the malicious user; however, these
schemes were impractical because the composite-order group is required. To
overcome the problem, Xu et al. [25] proposed a CP-ABE scheme based on

the prime-order group supporting black-box traceability.
In white-box tracing schemes [20, 21], a user’s identity is embedded in
his/her secret key. In [20], the tracer generates part of keys for users and
records some auxiliary information for trace. Han et al. [21] used a similar
method as [20] but a binary tree was applied to reduce the cost of storing
user identities and corresponding information. In [22], if the secret key is
leaked/abused, anyone can trace the owner of the key, this is called public
traceability. However, restricting tracing to only the tracer is essential to
ensure user privacy.
To curb key leakage issues and trace users in FE-IP, [26] defined a new
primitive called traceable functional encryption for inner product (TFE-IP)
and proposed a concrete black-box tracing scheme for FE-IP. Following [26],
Luo et al. [27] proposed the first efficient trace-and-revoke FE-IP scheme
supporting public, black-box traceability, which is adaptively secure against
chosen-plaintext attacks in the standard model. Luo et al. [27] also proposed
the first generic TFE-IP schemes that achieved adaptive security. Dutta et
al. [28] proposed the first fully collusion resistant TFE-IP schemes support-
ing public, black-box traceability, and gave generic constructions of TFE-IP
based on both pairing and√ lattices. The ciphertext size of their pairing-based
schemes is linear with n, while the size is linear with n in lattice-based
schemes, where n is the number of users in the system. Branco et al. [29]
proposed a new traceable FE-IP model based on registered FE where users
generate their secret-public key pairs and register their public keys. They
introduced registered traitor tracing supporting an unbounded collusion of
traitors, and proposed two registered traceable FE schemes for quadratic
functions and inner product functions respectively.
However, a traceable FE-IP scheme with private traceability has not been
considered. Also, users’ privacy and anonymity may be violated by traceabil-
ity. To balance the relationship between privacy and traceability, we propose
a PPTFE-IP scheme.
Table 1 shows the comparison of different features between our scheme
and existing schemes. Our scheme can recover a user’s identity through a
well-formed secret key, while other schemes can trace a user’s identity via
decryption boxes; therefore, our scheme is white-box traceable, while other
schemes are black-box traceable. Among existing schemes, schemes [27, 28,
30, 29] are publicly traceable, which undermines user privacy. [26] provides
similar trace functionality with our scheme, namely, only the tracer can trace
the identity embedded in a key, so [26] and our scheme are private tracing;

on the contrary, [27, 28, 30, 29] are public tracing. The novelty of our scheme
is to protect users’ privacy and provide traceability if required.

Table 1: Comparison with Existing Work

Scheme Traceability Public/Private Traceability Privacy-Preservation

[26] Black box Private –
[27] Black box Public –
[28] Black box Public –
[29] Black box Public –
[30] Black box Public –
Ours White box Private !

1.2. Our Contributions

Our PPTFE-IP scheme balances the relationship between traceability and
anonymity in FE-IP. Specifically, our scheme provides the following features:

1 For the sake of tracing and preventing key sharing, a user’s secret key
is bound with a vector (function) and his/her identity.

2 To protect the privacy of users, the secret key is generated jointly by a

user and KGC executing a two-party secure computing protocol. KGC
does not know the user’s identity, but the user can get his own unique
secret key and verify the correctness of the key.

3 The user can only use the secret key to calculate the inner product
of the vectors embedded in his/her secret key and the ciphertext, and
learn nothing else.

4 If required, the tracer can trace the key holder’s identity.

Our contributions are as follows:

1 The definitions and security models of our PPTFE-IP scheme are for-

2 We construct a concrete TFE-IP scheme based on the asymmetric pair-


3 We propose a privacy-preserving key generation algorithm for our TFE-
IP scheme.
4 We analyse the efficiency of the proposed PPTFE-IP scheme.
5 The security of our PPTFE-IP scheme is formally reduced to well-
known complexity assumptions.

1.3. Techniques and Challenges

The main challenges to construct our PPTFE-IP scheme are as follows:
1 In order to implement tracing and prevent key sharing, it is necessary
to embed a user’s identity in his/her key. Therefore, to protect privacy,
it is challenging to generate a key for a user without knowing his/her
2 A secret key is generated by the KGC and a user jointly, hence it is
challenging to enable the tracer to trace the identity of the user.
3 Different users may jointly generate new secret keys via collusion, and
it is challenging to prevent user collusion attacks.
4 In our PPTFE-IP scheme, both privacy and traceability are consid-
ered. It is challenging to balance the relationship between privacy and
To overcome the challenges mentioned above, we employ the following tech-
1 To protect the user’s identity embedded in the key, the two-party secure
computing technique is applied to enable the KGC to generate a key
for a user without knowing his/her identity. During key generation,
KGC does not know the identity of the user and the generated secret
2 To enable the tracer to trace the identity of a key holder, when generat-
ing a secret key, the user encrypts his/her identity under the public key
of the tracer and provides a zero-knowledge proof about the encryption.
3 To prevent the combination of secret keys, all elements in a key are
bound together by a random number. Therefore, even two users col-
lude, they cannot combine their secret keys.

Table 2: Notation Summary

Notation Description Notation Description

FE Functional encryption DL Discrete logarithm
FE-IP FE for inner product DDH Decisional Diffie-Hellman
TFE-IP Traceable FE-IP q-SDH Q-strong Diffie-Hellman
PPTFE-IP Privacy-preserving TFE-IP 1λ A security parameter

x A vector ⟨⃗ y⟩
x, ⃗ The inner product of ⃗x and ⃗
KGC Key generation center BG A bilinear group generation algorithm
ϵ(λ) A negligible function in λ PP Public parameters
⊥ Empty ζ Failure
com Commitment decom Decommitment
θ User’s identity A A probabilistically polynomial time
GG A group generation algorithm adversary
C A challenger S A simulator

4 The key is generated jointly by the user and the KGC, and other users
and the KGC cannot learn the embedded identity from the key. Hence,
the user’s privacy is protected. Meanwhile, the tracer traces the iden-
tity embedded in the key when necessary.

1.4. Organization
In Section 2, we provide an overview of the preliminaries as well as the
formal definition and security models of our scheme. Section 3 presents the
concrete construction of our PPTFE-IP scheme. Section 4 offers a detailed
security proof of our scheme. In Section 5, we conduct a comparative analysis
of our scheme with existing TFE-IP schemes, implement and evaluate our
scheme. Finally, Section 6 concludes this paper and outlines future work.

2. Preliminaries
This section presents the preliminaries utilized in this paper. The nota-
tion used throughout this paper is summarized in Table 2. Figure 1 depicts
the framework of our PPTFE-IP scheme. There are three entities involved
in our scheme: user, KGC and tracer. Each user interacts with KGC and
jointly generates a secret key, which is stored by the user and KGC is un-
aware of the secret key. If a malicious user shares his/her secret key, the
tracer can trace his/her identity id∗ from the shared key.

2.1. Bilinear Groups and Complexity Assumptions

Definition 1 (Prime Order Bilinear Groups). Let G and GT be two (mul-
tiplicative) cyclic groups of prime order p and g be a generator of G. A

3. Privacy-Preserving Key Generation

Key 𝑖𝑑𝑖
Generation 4. Decrypt Ԧ𝑚
Center 𝑓Ԧ
𝑓Ԧ 𝐔𝐬𝐞𝐫𝒊 𝑖𝑑𝑖
1. Setup Key Sharing

Data 2. Encrypt 5. Trace


𝑚 Ciphertext Tracer 𝑖𝑑∗

Figure 1: The Framework of Our Privacy-Preserving Traceable Functional Encryption for

Inner Product Scheme

map e : G × G → GT is a bilinear pairing if all the following conditions are

1 Bilinearity. ∀a, b ∈ Zp , g, h ∈ G, e(g a , hb ) = e(g b , ha ) = e(g, h)a·b ;
2 Non-Generation. Let 1 be the identity element of GT . ∀g, h ∈ G, e(g, h) ̸=
3 Computability. ∀g, h ∈ G, e(g, h) can be computed efficiently.
Definition 2 (Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) Assumption [31]). GG(1λ )
→ (G, p, g), where λ is security parameter, G is a group of prime order p gen-
erated by g ∈ G. Given α, β, γ randomly  chosen from Z  p , DDH assumption
α β αβ α β γ
holds on (p, G) if the tuples g , g , g and g , g , g are computationally
indistinguishable by all probabilistic polynomial-time adversaries A with the
negligible advantage ϵ(λ), namely

AdvA = Pr A(g α , g β , g αβ ) = 1 − Pr A(g α , g β , g γ ) = 1 ≤ ϵ(λ).

Definition 3 (Discrete Logarithm (DL) Assumption [32]). GG(1λ ) → (G, p,

g), where λ is security parameter, G is a group of prime order p generated
by g ∈ G. Given g, y, DL assumption holds on (p, G) if all probabilistic
polynomial-time adversaries A have negligible advantage ϵ(λ) in computing
x ∈ Zp from y = g x , namely

AdvA = Pr [y = g x |A (g, y) → x)] <ϵ(λ).

Definition 4 (q-Strong Diffie-Hellman (q-SDH) Assumption [33]). GG(1λ )

→ (G1 , G2 , p, g1 , g2 ), where λ is security parameter, G1 , G2 are two cyclic
groups of prime order p respectively generated by g1 and g2 . Given x ran-
domly chosen from Zp , q-SDH assumption holds on (p, G1 , G2 ) if  given a
 2 q
(x ) (x )
(q+2) -tuple g1 , g2 , g2x .g2 , · · · , g2 as input, output a pair c, g1x+c
here c ∈ Zp . An adversary A has negligible advantage ϵ(λ) in solving q-
SDH, namely


2 (xq )
q−SDH x (x ) x+c
AdvA = Pr A g1 , g2 , g2 , g2 , · · · , g2 = c, g1 ≥ ϵ(λ).

2.2. Formal Definition

In a traceable functional encryption scheme, the tracer can trace the
identity of the corresponding key owner from the secret key. We follow the
definition introduced in [26] and [20] to define our TFE-IP. We first formalize
the definition and security model of our TFE-IP scheme, then introduce the
formal definition and security model of our PPTFE-IP scheme.
Definition 5 (Traceable Functional Encryption for Inner Product). A TFE-
IP scheme is formally defined by the following five algorithms:

1 Setup 1λ → (msk, T k, P P ). The Setup algorithm takes a security
parameter 1λ as input and outputs the master secret key msk, trace key
T k and public parameters P P .
2 Encrypt(P P, m) ⃗ → Ct. The Encryption algorithm takes public pa-
rameters and a vector m ⃗ as input, outputs the ciphertext Ct.
3 KeyGen msk, f⃗, id → skf⃗,id . The KeyGen algorithm takes master
secret key, a vector f⃗ and a user’s identity id as input, outputs skf⃗,id
as user’s secret key for function f⃗.
4 Decrypt Ct, skf⃗,id , id → ⟨f⃗, m⟩⃗ or ⊥. The Decryption algorithm
takes ciphertext, user’s secret key and user’s id as input, decrypts the
inner product value. If the decryption failed, the algorithm outputs ⊥.

5 Trace skf⃗,id , T k → id or ⊥. The Tracing algorithm takes user’s
secret key skf⃗,id and tracer’s trace key as input, outputs the user’s id
or failure ⊥.

2.3. Security Model

2.3.1. s-IND-CPA Security
To define the security, we apply the selective indistinguishability against
chosen plaintext attacks (s-IND-CPA) model. This security model is defined
by the following game executed between a challenger C and an adversary A.
• Initialization. The adversary A submits two vectors m
⃗ 0, m
⃗ 1 with
the same length.

• Setup. The challenger C runs 1λ → (msk, P P ) and sends P P to

A and creates a set V which is initially empty.

• Phase-I (KeyGen Query) . A submits an identity id and a vector f⃗

with the limitation that ⟨f⃗, m ⃗ 0 ⟩ = ⟨f⃗, m
⃗ 1 ⟩. C runs KeyGen(msk, f⃗, id)
→ skf⃗,id , and returns skf⃗,id . C updates V ← V ∩ {f⃗, id}. This query
can be made multiple times.

• Challenge. C flips an unbiased coin with {0, 1} to get a random bit

δ ∈ {0, 1}. C runs Enc(P P, mδ ) → Ct, and returns Ct to A.

• Phase-II. Phase-I is repeated.

• Output. A gives a guess δ ′ about δ. If δ ′ = δ, A wins the game.

Definition 6 (s-IND-CPA Security). A traceable functional encryption for
inner product scheme is secure in the s-IND-CPA model if any probabilistic
polynomial-time adversary A has a negligible advantage ϵ(λ) in winning the
above game, namely
AdvA = Pr[δ ′ = δ] − 1
< ϵ(λ).

2.3.2. Traceability
For traceability, we follow the security model proposed in [20, 34, 35]. This
security model is defined by the following game executed by a challenger C
and an adversary A.
• Setup. C runs Setup 1λ and sends public parameters P P to A.

• Key Query. A submits (id, f⃗) in which id represents identity and f⃗
represents function. C returns the secret key matching the queried pair
to A. This query can be made multiple times.
• Trace Query. A sends a key (ski )i∈[r] = (K1i , K2i , K3i , K4i , K5i ) to
C. C runs Trace(ski , T k) to recover the identity and returns it to A.
This query can be made multiple times.
• Key Forgery. A forges and outputs a secret key sk∗ . Assume the
identity embedded in sk∗ is id∗ . A wins the game if T race (sk∗ , tsk, P P ) ̸=
id∗ or T race (sk∗ , tsk, P P ) ∈
/ {⊥, id1 , id2 , · · · , idq }.
Definition 7 (Traceability). A traceable functional encryption scheme is
fully traceable if any probabilistic polynomial-time adversary A has a negligi-
ble advantage ϵ(λ) in winning the above game, namely
AdvA = Pr[{T race (sk ∗ , tsk, P P ) ∈
/ {⊥, id1 , id2 , · · · , idq }} ∨

{T race (sk , tsk, P P ) ̸= id∗ }] < ϵ(λ).

2.3.3. Privacy-Preserving Traceable Functional Encryption for Inner Product

A PPTFE-IP scheme comprises the same Setup, Encryption, Decryp-
tion, Trace algorithms as the TFE-IP scheme mentioned in Section 2.2. The
PPKeyGen algorithm replaces the KeyGen algorithm in TFE-IP scheme.
The PPKeyGen algorithm is described below.

PPKeyGen(U ser(P P, id, f⃗, decomu ) ↔ KGC(P P, msk, f⃗, comu ) → (⊥,
skf⃗,id ). This algorithm includes the interaction process between the user and
the KGC. Let Commitment(P P, id) → (comu , decomu ) be a commitment
scheme which takes as input the public parameters and a secret identity id
and outputs the commitment commu and decommitment decomu . Given the
public parameters P P , the private key msk, a vector f⃗ and the commitment
comu , KGC outputs ⊥. The user takes the public parameters P P , an iden-
tity id, a vector f⃗ and decomu as input. If decommitment(P P, id, decomu ,
comu ) = 1, a secret key skf⃗,id is output; Otherwise, the output fails. The
formalization of the security model for PPKeyGen algorithm employs two
games [36, 37]: selective − f ailure − blindness and leakage − f ree.

Selective-failure-blindness. In this game, KGC is malicious and the

user U is honest. KGC tries to distinguish a user’s identity id embedded in
the key.

• KGC publishes public parameters P P and submits two identities id0 , id1 .

• KGC chooses a random bit δ ∈ {0, 1} and gets two commitments

comδ , com1−δ which belongs to id0 and id1 respectively. KGC can use
two oracles U (P P, idδ , decomδ ) and U (P P, id1−δ , decom1−δ ) to generate
skδ for idδ and sk1−δ for id1−δ .

1)skδ =⊥, sk1−δ =⊥, U returns (ζ, ζ) to KGC;

2)skδ =⊥, sk1−δ ̸=⊥, U returns (⊥, ζ) to KGC;
3)skδ ̸=⊥, sk1−δ =⊥, U returns (ζ, ⊥) to KGC;
4)skδ ̸=⊥, sk1−δ ̸=⊥, U returns (sk0 , sk1 ) to KGC.

• KGC gives a guess δ ′ about δ. If δ ′ = δ, KGC wins the game.

Definition 8 (Selective-Failure-Blindness). The PPKeyGen algorithm is se-

lective - failure - blind if KGC can win the above game with negligible advan-
tage of ϵ(λ),

AdvKGC = Pr[δ ′ = δ] − 1
< ϵ(λ).

Leakage-free. Suppose that the user U is malicious and the KGC is honest
in this game, user U has interaction with KGC in an attempt to obtain
information about the secret key. This game is defined by a real-world and an
ideal-world scenario, where a distinguisher D tries to distinguish the outputs
of each scenario.

• Real-world: User U chooses identity θ and interacts with KGC by

PPKeyGen, and D can see the interaction between KGC and U.

• Ideal-world: The simulator S chooses an identity θ, then asks a

trusted party T P to generate a key through KeyGen. D observes
the interaction between the simulator S and the T P .

Definition 9 (Leakage-Freeness). If D can distinguish real-world outputs

from ideal-world outputs with only a negligible advantage of ϵ(λ),

AdvU = Pr[D(RealUP P KeyGen ) = 1] − Pr[D(IdealST P ) = 1] < ϵ(λ),

we call that the algorithm is leakage-free.

Definition 10 (Security of PPTFE-IP). A PPTFE-IP scheme Ω = (Setup,
Encrypt, PPKeyGen, Decrypt, Trace) is secure if the following two con-
ditions hold:

• The TFE-IP scheme ∆ = (Setup, Encrypt, KeyGen, Decrypt, Trace)

is secure in s-IND-CPA model;

• The privacy-preserving key generation algorithm PPKeyGen satisfies

two properties: selective-failure-blindness and leakage-freeness.

3. Our Constructions
In this section, we first describe the concrete construction of our trace-
able FE-IP scheme, then present the construction of privacy-preserving key
generation algorithm.

3.1. Traceable Functional Encryption for Inner Product

We start with an overview of our scheme, and then describe the formal
construction. Our scheme is formally constructed in Figure 2.
High-level overview. Our TFE-IP scheme works as follows:

• Firstly, the system runs Setup, KGC generates the master secret key
and public parameters. The tracer generates a pair of secret-public

• Secondly, to compute the inner product of the vectors ⃗y and ⃗x, the user
needs to get the key sk⃗y,θ = {K1 , K2 , K3 , K4 , K5 } with the identity θ
and a vector ⃗y embedded from KGC and the ciphertext of a vector ⃗x
from data owner. In particular, K1 is bound with the vector ⃗y and
K2 is bound with the identity θ. KGC binds the identity and vector
together in users’ secret keys using a random number. K3 , K4 and K5
are used in tracing and decryption. To prevent collusion attacks, all
elements included in a key are bound together by a random number.
Users can verify the correctness of the secret keys distributed by KGC.

• Thirdly, the data owner can use the public parameters to encrypt a
vector ⃗x.

Setup. Let BG(1λ ) → (e, p,G, GT ), and g0 , g1 , g2 be generators of G. KGC selects ⃗s = (s1 , s2 , · · · , sl ) R
s R
←Zl and computes ⃗h = {hi = g i } f or i ∈ [l]. Tracer selects a random b ← Zp as the trace secret key
p 1
and computes B = g2b as the trace public key. KGC selects a random a and publishes Y = g0a . The
public key of KGC is (⃗h, Y ) and the secret key is msk = (a, si ). The secret-public key pair of the
tracer is (b, B). The system’s public parameters are P P = (e, p, G, GT , g0 , g1 , g2 , B, Y, h1 , · · · , hl ).
Encrypt. To encrypt a vector ⃗ x = (x1 , x2 , · · · , xl ) ∈ Zlp , the data owner (DO) first selects a random
r ← Zp , then computes
cti = hri · g1 i f or i ∈ [l], ctl+1 = g1r , ctl+2 = g2r , ctl+3 = g0r ,
The ciphertext is Ct = (cti )i∈[l] , ctl+1 , ctl+2 , ctl+3 .
y = (y1 , y2 , · · · , yl ), to generate a secret key for a user with an identity θ,
KeyGen. Given a vector ⃗
KGC chooses random numbers w, d ∈ Zp and computes

w 1 1
⟨⃗ s⟩
y ,⃗
· B d+a , K2 = g0 · (g2 · B)w · g2θ , K3 = g1d+a , K4 = w, K5 = d.

K1 = g0 d+a

The user receives the key sky⃗,θ and verifies

• e (K1 , g1 ) = e (hi )yi · e(B w , K3 );
g0 ,

• e K3 , g0K5 · Y = e (g0 , g1 );

• e K2 , g0K5 · Y =e (g0 , g0 ) · e (g0 , g2 · B)K4 · e (g0 , g2 )θ .

If all the above equations hold, the secret key sky⃗,θ is valid; otherwise, it is invalid.
Decrypt. A user uses his/her secret key (K1 , K2 , K3 , K4 , K5 ) to decrypt the ciphertext as follows.:
(cti )yi
e g0 , ·e(ctl+1 ,K2 )
e(g0 , g1 )⟨⃗x,⃗y⟩ = K
e(K1 ,ctl+1 )·e(K3 ,ctl+3 )·e(K3 4 ·K3θ ,ctl+2 )

Further, the user calculates the discrete logarithm of e(g0 , g1 )⟨⃗x,⃗y⟩ with respect to e(g0 , g1 ) to obtain
⟨⃗ y ⟩. This discrete logarithmic operation requires that ⟨⃗
x, ⃗ y ⟩ should not be too large.
x, ⃗
Trace. Given a key sky⃗,θ , the tracer can compute

e(K2 ,g1 )
e (K3 , g2 )θ = K K ·b
e(g0 ,K3 )·e(g2 ,K3 4 ·K3 4 )

to recover the user identity embedded in the key, where b is the tracer’s secret key.

Figure 2: Traceable Functional Encryption for Inner Product Scheme

• Fourthly, given a ciphertext, a user can use his/her secret key to calcu-
late the inner-produce of the vectors embedded in the ciphertext and
his/her secret key. Additionally, e(g0 , g1 )⟨⃗x,⃗y⟩ needs to be small to solve

⟨⃗x, ⃗y ⟩.

• Finally, if tracing is required, only tracer can use the trace secret key
to recover e (K3 , g2 )θ from the secret key sk⃗y,θ . Tracer computes the
discrete logarithm of each identity based on e (K3 , g2 ) to discover the
identity embedded in the secret key.
Correctness of our TFE-IP Scheme. The scheme described in Figure 2 is
correct since the following equations hold.
! l
Y Y  1
e g0 , (cti )yi ·e(ctl+1 , K2 ) = e(g0 , hri ·g1xi )yi ·e(g1r , g0 ·(g2 ·B)w ·g2θ d+a )
i=1 i=1
1 w w 1
= e(g0 , g1 )⟨⃗x,⃗y⟩ · e(g0 , g1r )⟨⃗y,⃗s⟩ · e(g1d+a , g0r ) · e(g1d+a , g2r ) · e(g1d+a , B r ) · e(g1d+a , g2r )θ
w 1 w 1
= e(g0 , g1 )⟨⃗x,⃗y⟩ · e(g0 , g1r )⟨⃗y,⃗s⟩ · e(g1d+a , B r ) · e(g1d+a , g0r ) · e(g1d+a , g2r ) · e(g1d+a , g2r )θ
w 1 w 1
y ,⃗s⟩
= e(g0 , g1 )⟨⃗x,⃗y⟩ · e(g0 · B d+a , g1r ) · e(g1d+a , g0r ) · e(g1d+a , g2r ) · e(g1d+a , g2r )θ
= e(g0 , g1 )⟨⃗x,⃗y⟩ · e(K1 , ctl+1 ) · e(K3 , ctl+3 ) · e(K3 , ctl+2 )w · e(K3 , ctl+2 )θ
= e(g0 , g1 )⟨⃗x,⃗y⟩ · e(K1 , ctl+1 ) · e(K3 , ctl+3 ) · e(K3K4 · K3θ , ctl+2 ),
w 1 1
y ,⃗s⟩  d+a
and K1 = g0 · B d+a , K2 =! g0 · (g2 · B)w · g2θ , K3 = g1d+a , K4 = w, K5 = d.
(cti )yi ·e(ctl+1 ,K2 )
e g0 ,
Therefore, K = e(g0 , g1 )⟨⃗x,⃗y⟩ .
e(K1 ,ctl+1 )·e(K3 ,ctl+3 )·e(K3 4 ·K3θ ,ctl+2 )
e((g0 ·(g2 ·B)w ·g2θ ) d+a ,g1 )
For tracing, e(K2 ,g1 )
K K4 ·b = 1 w w = e (K3 , g2 )θ .
e(g0 ,K3 )·e(g2 ,K3 4 ·K3 )
e(g0 ,g1d+a )·e(g2 ,g1d+a ·(g1d+a )b )

3.2. Privacy-Preserving Key Generation Algorithm

In order to prevent user collusion attacks, a user’s identity is embedded in
his/her secret key. Therefore, the KGC knows the identity of each key holder
and his/her secret key. Considering privacy issues, we propose a privacy-
preserving key generation (PPKeyGen) algorithm where each user and the
KGC jointly generate a secret key by executing a secure two-party computing
protocol. In PPKeyGen algorithm, the key is generated jointly by the user
and the KGC, while other users and the KGC cannot learn the embedded
identity from the key. Figure 3 shows the construction of our PPKeyGen
algorithm. The instantiation of zero-knowledge proof ΣK and ΣU in our
PPKeyGen algorithm are presented in Appendix A.

GID θ, w1 ← Zp , τ ← Zp msk ⃗s, w2 , d ← Zp
1. Select w1 ← Zp , τ ← Zp , and
A1 = hτ · B w1 , A2 = (g2 · B)w1 · g2θ , 2. Select w2 ← Zp and compute
A ,A l 1
(g0 i )si · (A1 · B w2 ) d+a ,
Generate ΣU = P oK {(w1 , θ, τ ) : B1 =
ΣU i=1
A1 = hτ · B w1 ∧ A2 = (g2 · B)w1 · g2θ B2 = (g0 · A2 · (g2 · B)w2 ) d+a ,
1 1
B 3 = g1 , B4 = h d+a , B5 = d.
Generate n 
ΣK = P oK a, w2 , (si )i∈[l] :
3. Compute w = w1 + w2 and set B2 = (g0 · A2 · (g2 · B)w2 ) d+a ∧
1 w2
B1 w ,B ,B ,B ⟨⃗ s⟩
y ,⃗
K1 = τ
, K2 = B2 , K3 = B3 , ←−2−−−
1 2
−− 3
−−− B 1 = g0 · A1 d+a
· B d+a ∧
B4 ,B5 ,ΣK

K4 = w, K5 = B5 B3 = g1d+a ∧ B4 = h d+a

Figure 3: Privacy-Preserving Traceable Functional Encryption for Inner Product Scheme

Correctness of Our Privacy-Preserving Key Generation Algorithm. Let

w = w1 + w2 , the secret keys created in Figure 3 are correct as the following
equations hold.
1 w2 1 w2
y ,⃗s⟩ ⟨⃗
y ,⃗s⟩
B1 g · A d+a · B d+a B1 g · (hτ · B w1 ) d+a · B d+a
K1 = τ = 0  11 τ = τ = 0  1 τ
B4 h d+a B4 h d+a
w1 +w2 w
y ,⃗s⟩ ⟨⃗
y ,⃗s⟩
= g0 ·B d+a = g0 · B d+a ,
1 1
K2 = B2 = (g0 · A2 · (g2 · B)w2 ) d+a = (g0 · (g2 · B)w1 · g2θ · (g2 · B)w2 ) d+a

 1  1
= g0 · (g2 · B)(w1 +w2 ) · g2θ d+a = g0 · (g2 · B)w · g2θ d+a ,
K3 = g1d+a , K4 = w1 + w2 = w, K5 = d.

4. Security Analysis
Theorem 1. Our traceable functional encryption for inner product scheme is
(ϵ(λ), t) secure against chosen-plaintext attack (CPA) in the selective model if
the DDH assumption holds on the bilinear group (e, p, G, GT ) with (ϵ(λ)′ , t′ ),
where ϵ(λ)′ = ϵ(λ)
Proof. Suppose the existence of a probabilistic polynomial-time adversary A
who can (t, ϵ)-break the TFE-IP scheme in the IND-CPA security model,

there exists a simulator B who can run A to solve the DDH problem as
follows. Challenger C flips an unbiased coin with {0, 1} to get a random bit
µ ∈ {0, 1}. If µ = 0, C sends (g α , g β , Z = g αβ ) to B; if µ = 1, C sends
(g α , g β , Z = g τ ) to B, in which τ ∈ Zp is a random number. B will output
his guess µ′ on µ.

• Initialization. A submits two vectors x⃗0 = (x0,0 , x0,1 , · · · x0,l ), x⃗1 =

(x0,0 , x0,1 , · · · , x0,l ), where l is the length of vectors.

• Setup. B randomly chooses a, c0 , c2 ← Zp and sets g1 = g, g0 =

g c0 , g2 = g c2 , Y = g0a . Let spc(x⃗0 − x⃗1 ) be a linear space with ba-
sis (η⃗1 , η⃗2 , · · · , η⃗l ) and the basis of spc(x⃗0 − x⃗1 )⊥ is (ζ⃗1 , ζ⃗2 , · · · , ζ⃗l ).
B randomly selects a vector ⃗π = (π1 , π2 , · · · , πl ) ∈ spc(x⃗0 − x⃗1 )⊥ ,
and computes (hi = (g1α )πi )i∈[l] . B returns public parameters P P =

g0 , g1 , g2 , Y, (hi )i∈[l] to A. B impliedly defined ⃗s = (si )i∈[l] = (α ·
πi )i∈[l] .

• Phase-I. A submits ⃗y = (yi )i∈[l] ∈ Zp , θ ∈ Zp with the limitation that

⃗y ∈ spc(x⃗0 − x⃗1 )⊥ . B selects random w, d ← Zp and computes

w w 1
y ,⃗s⟩  d+a
K1 = g0 · B d+a = B d+a , K2 = g0 · (g2 · B)w · g2θ , K3 =
g1 , K4 = w, K5 = d.
B returns sk⃗y,U = (Ki )i∈[5] to A.

• Challenge. B flips an unbiased coin with {0, 1} to get a random bit

δ ∈ {0, 1}. B computes
c c
ct∗i = Z πi · g xδ,i f or i ∈ [l], ct∗l+1 = g β , ct∗l+2 = g β 2 , ct∗l+3 = g β 0 ,

outputs ciphertext Ct = (ct∗i )i∈[l] , ct∗l+1 , ct∗l+2 , ct∗l+3 .

• Phase-II. Repeat the same process as in Phase-I.

• Output. A gives a guess δ ′ about δ. If δ ′ = δ, B outputs µ′ = 0; If

δ ′ ̸= δ, B outputs µ′ = 1.

To complete the proof, we need to calculate the advantage with which B can
solve the DDH assumption.
• If µ = 0, Z = g αβ , ct∗i = Z πi · g xδ,i = g αβ i · g xδ,i , ct∗l+1 = g β , ct∗l+2 =
c c
g β 2 , ct∗l+3 = g β 0 is a correct ciphertext of xδ . Therefore, Pr[δ ′ = δ|µ =
0] = 21 + ϵ(λ). When δ ′ = δ, B outputs µ′ = 0, so Pr[µ′ = µ|µ = 0] =
+ ϵ(λ).

• If µ = 1, Z = g τ , ct∗i = Z πi · g xδ,i = g τ πi · g xδ,i , ct∗l+1 = g β , ct∗l+2 =

c c
g β 2 , ct∗l+3 = g β 0 . This information theoretically hide both x0 and x1 .
Therefore, Pr[δ ′ ̸= δ|µ = 1] = 21 . When δ ′ ̸= δ, B outputs µ′ = 1, so
Pr[µ′ = µ|µ = 1] = 21 .

In conclusion, the advantage of B in breaking the DDH assumption can be

computed as follows:
Pr[µ′ = µ|µ = 0] − 12 Pr[µ′ ̸= µ|µ = 1] = 12 · 12 + ϵ(λ) − 21 · 21 = ϵ(λ)

2 2

4.1. Traceability
Theorem 2. Our TFE-IP scheme is (δ, ϵ) − traceable if the q-SDH assump-
tion holds with an advantage no greater than ϵ1 , and then DL assumption
ϵ1 q ϵ2 p−1
with an advantage no greater than ϵ2 , where ϵ = max 4 1 − p + 4 p3 ,
ϵ1 q 1
1− p + q and δ < q is the number of key generation queries made
by A.
Proof. Suppose the existence of a probabilistic polynomial-time adversary
A, there is a simulator B who can run A to break theSDH assumption as
2 q
follows. The challenger C sends g, g z , g z , · · · , g z , h, hz to B. B will output
(c, g z+c ) where c ∈ Zp
• Setup. B sets (Φi = g zi )i∈[q] , randomly selects a, µ1 , µ2 , · · · µq−1 ← Zp ,
R Qq−1
⃗s = (s1 , s2 , · · · , sl ) ← Zlp , and lets f (z) = i=1 (z + µi ) = Σq−1 i
i=0 δi z ,
(g )δi = g̃ z , ⃗h =
Qq−1 zi δi q−1 z i+1
then computes g̃ = i=0 (g ) = g f (z) , ĝ = i=0
{hi = g1si } f or i ∈ [l], Y = g0a . B chooses γ1 , γ2 , γ3 , π, ρ, κ, b ←
Zp , sets B = g̃ b , then calculates g0 = g̃ γ1 , g2 = ((ĝg̃ π )κ g̃ −1 ) ρ =

g̃ ρ , g̃ = g γ3 . B is the trace public key. A is given public pa-
rameters (e, p, g̃, ĝ, g0 , g1 , g2 , g3 , B, Y, h1 , · · · , hl ) from B.

• Key Query. In the i − th query, A sends (θi , ⃗yi )i≤q to B. B sets

f (z) q−2 j R
fi (z) = z+µ i
= Σj=0 ηi j z , randomly selects w ← Zp , computes

Y f (z) 1
νi = (Φj )ηi j = g fi (z) = g z+µi = g̃ z+µi ,
y ,⃗s⟩
K 1 = g0 · νib·w , K3 = νiγ1 , K4 = w, K5 = µi ,
q−2  ηi j · κρ ·(γ2 ·w+θi ) Yq−2  ηi j ·(( (π·κ−1)
z j+1 zj ρ )·(γ2 ·w+θi )+γ1 )
K2 = g · g ,
j=0 j=0

and returns sk(θi ,⃗yi ) = (K1 , K2 , K3 , K4 , K5 ) to A. We prove that sk(θi ,⃗yi )

is correct.
b·w w
y ,⃗s⟩ ⟨⃗
y ,⃗s⟩ ⟨⃗
y ,⃗s⟩
K1 = g0 · νib·w = g0 · g̃ z+µi = g0 · B z+µi ,
q−2  ηi j · κρ ·(γ2 ·w+θi ) Yq−2  ηi j ·(( (π·κ−1)
z j+1 zj ρ )·(γ2 ·w+θi )+γ1 )
K2 = g · g ,
j=0 j=0
q−2 q−2
j+1 · κ ·(γ ·w+θ ) (π·κ−1)
g ηi j ·z ·(( ρ )·(γ2 ·w+θi )++γ1 ) ,
Y Y j
= g ηi j ·z ρ 2 i
j=0 j=0
(Σq−2 j+1 )· κ ·(γ ·w+θ ) q−2
· g (Σj=0 ηi j ·z )·(( ρ )·(γ2 ·w+θi )+γ1 )
=g j=0 ηi j ·z ρ 2 i

((z+π)κ−1)·(γ2 ·w+θi )
(Σq−2 j
j=0 ηi j ·z )· +γ1
=g ρ

(z+π)κ−1 γ1 (z+π)κ−1 γ2 ·w+θi

·(γ2 ·w+θi ) · z+µ
= g γ1 ·fi (z) · g fi (z)· ρ = g̃ z+µi · g̃ ρ i

1 γ2 ·w+θi
= (g0 · (g2 · B)w · g2θi ) z+µi ,
z+µi z+µi
= g0 · g2
1 γ1
= g̃ z+µi = νiγ1 .
K3 = g1

• Trace Query. A adaptively submit a key ski = (K1 , K2 , K3 , K4 , K5 )

to B. B computes
e(K2 ,g1 )
K K4 ·b = e (K3 , g2 )θ
e(g0 ,K3 )·e(g2 ,K3 4 ·K3 )

B sends the discrete logarithm of identity θ to A.
• Key Forgery. A forges a secret key sk(θ∗ ,⃗y∗ ) = (K1∗ , K2∗ , K3∗ , K4∗ , K5∗ )
and sends the key to B. We consider the following two types of forgery.
• Type I The user’s identity embedded in the key hasn’t been previously
queried, namely, θ∗ ∈ / {θ1 , θ2 , ..θq }. This type can be classified to the
two cases below.
Case − I : θ ∗ ∈ / {θ1 , θ2 , ..θq }, µ∗ ∈ / {µ1 , µ2 , ..µq−1 , π}.
∗ f (z)
Set f (z)1 = z+µi = Σj=0 ψj z , f (z)2 = f (z)·(z+π)
q−2 j ∗
= Σq−1 ′ j
j=0 ψ j z , f (z) =
(z + µ∗ ) · σ(z) + χ, σ(z) = Σq−2 j ∗
j=0 σj · z and thus K2 = (g0 · (g2 · B) ·
1 1 1 1
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
g2θ ) z+K5 = (g0 · (g2 · B)w · g2θ ) z+µ∗ = (g0z+µ ) · ((g2 · B)w · g2θ ) z+µ∗ .
Furthermore, we have
∗ ∗ ∗ −1 ((z+π)κ−1)·γ2·w∗ ((z+π)κ−1)·θ ∗ −1
g0z+µ = K2∗ ·((g2 ·B)w ·g2θ ) z+µ∗ = K2∗ ·((g̃ ρ )·g̃ ρ ) z+µ∗
−((z+π)κ)·(γ2 ·w∗ +θ ∗ ) γ2·w∗+θ ∗ −f ( z)·((z+π)κ)·(γ2 ·w∗ +θ ∗ ) f ( z)·(γ2 ·w∗ +θ ∗ )
= K2∗ ·g̃ ρ·(z+µ∗ ) ·g̃ ρ·(z+µ∗ ) = K2∗ ·g ρ·(z+µ∗ ) ·g ρ·(z+µ∗ )

−f2∗ (z)·κ)·(γ2 ·w∗ +θ ∗ ) f1∗ (z)·(γ2 ·w∗ +θ ∗ )

= K2∗ · g ρ ·g ρ

q−1   −ψi′ ·κ·(γ2 ·w∗ +θ ∗ ) q−2   ψi ·(γ2 ·wρ ∗ +θ∗ )

zi zi
Y ρ
= K2∗ · g · g .
0 0

Qq−1   −ψi′ ·κ·(γρ2 ·w∗ +θ∗ ) Q   ψi ·(γ2 ·wρ ∗ +θ∗ )

· q−2
By setting Θ = K2∗ · 0 g 0 gz , we
∗ f (z)·γ1 (z+µ∗ )·σ(z)+χ χ
Θ = g0z+µ = g z+µ∗ = g γ1 z+µ∗ = g γ1 σ(z) · g γ1 z+µ∗ .

Therefore, we have
1  χ·γ1
g z+µ∗ = Θ · g −σ(z) 1

! χ·γ1
q−1   −ψi·κ·(γ2ρ·w ′ ∗ +θ ∗ ) q−2   ψj ·(γ2·wρ ∗ +θ∗ ) Yq−2 
k (−σk )
zi j
∗ z
= K2 · g · g · gz
i=0 j=0 k=0

B can output (µ∗ , g z+µ∗ ) from the above generation. Therefore, B can
use A to solve the q − SDH problem. The probability that µ∗ ∈ /

{µ1 , µ2 , · · · , µq−1 , µ} is (1 − pq ).
Case − II : θ ∗ ∈ / {θ1 , θ2 , ..θq }, µ∗ = µi .
∗ ∗ 1
In this case, we have K2∗ = (g0 · (g2 · B)w · g2θ ) z+µ∗ , (K2 )i = (g0 · (g2 ·
B)wi · g2θi ) z+µi . Given µ∗ = µi , K2∗ = (K2 )i , we obtain
∗ ∗
g0 · (g2 · B)w · g2θ = g0 · (g2 · B)wi · g2θi
∗ ∗
(g2 · B)w · g2θ = (g2 · B)wi · g2θi
∗ −w ∗
(g2 · B)w i
= g2θi −θ
θi −θ ∗ −w∗ +wi
w∗ −wi
B = g2
θi −θ∗ −w∗ +wi
B can compute logg2 B = by using A. Therefore, B can use
w∗ −wi
A to solve the discrete logarithm problem. The probability of this case
is computed as p1 · p1 · (1 − p1 ) = p−1

• Type-II: The user’s identity embedded in the key has been previously
queried, namely, θ∗ ∈ {θ1 , θ2 , ..θq }. We consider the following two cases.
Case − III : θ ∗ ∈ {θ1 , θ2 , ..θq }, µ∗ ∈ / {µ1 , µ2 , ..µq−1 , π}.
B can compute (µ, g z+µ ) in the same way as Case-I to solve the q−SDH
problem and the probability that µ∗ ∈ / {µ1 , µ2 , ..µq−1 , µ} is (1 − pq ).
Case − IV : θ ∗ ∈ {θ1 , θ2 , ..θq }, µ∗ ∈ {µ1 , µ2 , ..µq−1 , π}, K2∗ =
(K2 )i .
The probability that µ∗ = µ is 1q . Because µ ∈ / {µ1 , µ2 , ..µq−1 }, B can
compute (µ, g z+µ ) in the same way as Case-I to solve the q − SDH
To complete the proof, we need to calculate the advantage with which
B can solve the q −SDH problem. The probabilities of Case-I, Case-II,
Case-III and Case-IV forgeries are denoted as Pr[Case − I ], Pr[Case−
II ], Pr[Case − III ] and Pr[Case − IV ] respectively. The four cases are
independently and identically distributed, each occurring with a prob-
ability of 41 . Hence, B’s advantage in breaking the q −SDH assumption
and DL assumption can be calculated as follows.
ϵ1 q ϵ2 p − 1
Pr[Type-I] = Pr[Case − I ] + Pr[Case − II ] = 1− +
4 p 4 p3
ϵ1 q 1
Pr[Type-II] = Pr[Case − III ] + Pr[Case − IV ] = 1− +
4 p q

ϵ = max {Pr[Type-I], Pr[Type-II]}
ϵ1 q ϵ2 p − 1 ϵ1 q 1
= max 1− + , 1− +
4 p 4 p3 4 p q

4.2. Privacy Preservation

Theorem 3. Based on the DL assumption, the privacy-preserving algorithm
PPKeyGen depicted in Figure 3 is leakage − free and selective-failure
blind. To prove the above theorem, the following two lemmas are needed.

Lemma 1. The PPKeyGen algorithm explicated in Figure 3 is selective-

failure blindness under the discrete logarithm assumption.

Proof. KGC is malicious and tries to distinguish the user’s identity θ embed-
ded in the key. Let BG(1λ ) → (e, p, G, GT ), and g0 , g1 , g2 be generators of G.
KGC selects ⃗s = (s1 , s2 , · · · , sl ) ← Zlp and computes ⃗h = {hi = g1si } f or i ∈
[l].Tracer selects a random b ← Zp as the trace secret key and computes
B = g2b as the trace public key. KGC selects a random a and publishes
Y = g0a . The public key of KGC is (⃗h, Y ) and the secret key is msk = (a, si ).
The secret-public key pair of the tracer is (b, B). The system’s public param-
eters are P P = (e, p, G, GT , g0 , g1 , g2 , B, Y, h1 , · · · , hl ). KGC submits (θ0 , ⃗y )
and (θ1 , ⃗y ) and chooses a random bit δ ∈ {0, 1}. KGC has access to the user
oracles U (P P, θδ , decomδ ) and U (P P, θ1−δ , decom1−δ ). Subsequently, KGC
and an honest user U execute the protocol illustrated in Figure 3. The oracle
U will output sk0 (θ0 , ⃗y ) and sk1 (θ1 , ⃗y ).

1)skδ =⊥, sk1−δ =⊥, U returns (ζ, ζ) to KGC;

2)skδ =⊥, sk1−δ ̸=⊥, U returns (⊥, ζ) to KGC;
3)skδ ̸=⊥, sk1−δ =⊥, U returns (ζ, ⊥) to KGC;
4)skδ ̸=⊥, sk1−δ ̸=⊥, U returns (sk0 , sk1 ) to KGC.

In PPKeyGen, the user computes A1 , A2 , generates a zero knowledge proof

ΣU = P oK{(w1 , θ, τ ) : A1 = hτ · B w1 ∧ A2 = (g2 · B)w1 · g2θ } and sends

A1 , A2 , ΣU to KGC. Until this stage, KGC executes either one or both or-
acles whose perspective on the two oracles remains computational indistin-
guishable, because of the hiding property of commitment schemes and the
zero-knowledge property of zero-knowledge proofs. When KGC has the abil-
ity to compute the k = (K1 , K2 , K3 , K4 , K5 ) for the first oracle, it can predict
kδ without using the steps below.
  1 w2
y ,⃗s⟩
• Firstly, KGC verifies ΣK = P oK{ a, (si )i∈[l] :B1 = g0 ·A1d+a · B d+a ∧
1 1 w2 1
B2 = g0d+a ·A2d+a · (g2 · B) d+a ∧ B3 = g1d+a ∧ e(B3 , g1B5 · Y ) = e(g1 , g1 ) ∧
e(B4 , g1B5 · Y ) = e(g1 , h)}. If it is invalid, KGC returns k0 =⊥.
• For the second oracle, KGC outputs another χ = (B
 1 , B2 , B3, B4 , B5 )
and generates a zero-knowledge proof ΣK = P oK{ a, (si )i∈[l] : B1 =
1 w2 1 1 w2 1
y ,⃗s⟩
g0 · A1d+a · B d+a ∧ B2 = g0d+a · A2d+a · (g2 · B) d+a ∧ B3 = g1d+a ∧ e(B3 , g1B5 ·
Y ) = e(g1 , g1 ) ∧ e(B4 , g1B5 · Y ) = e(g1 , h)}. If it is invalid, KGC returns
k1 =⊥.
• If both of the two steps above are successful, then KGC proceeds as
1)k0 =⊥, k1 =⊥, U returns (ζ, ζ) to KGC;
2)k0 =⊥, k1 ̸=⊥, U returns (⊥, ζ) to KGC;
3)k0 ̸=⊥, k1 =⊥, U returns (ζ, ⊥) to KGC.

• If k0 ̸=⊥, k1 ̸=⊥, KGC returns θ0 and θ1 . KGC aborts when any of

them fails, otherwise it returns (k0 , k1 ).
The prediction of sk0 (θ0 , ⃗y ) and sk1 (θ1 , ⃗y ) is correct and has the same dis-
tribution as the oracle. Consequently, if both proofs are successful, by im-
plementing P P KeyGen(KGC ↔ U ), KGC can generate a valid secret key
that U possesses. Therefore, if KGC can forecast the output of the two or-
acles, the advantage of KGC in distinguishing between U (P P, θδ , decomδ )
and U (P P, θ1−δ , decom1−δ ) is the same as the probability of no interaction.
Therefore, the advantage of KGC should come from the received A1 , A2 and
the proof ΣU = P oK{(w1 , θ, τ ) : A1 = hτ · B w1 ∧ A2 = (g2 · B)w1 · g2θ }. Due
to the witness indistinguishability property of zero-knowledge proofs and the
hiding property of commitment schemes, KGC is incapable of distinguishing
between the two with a non-negligible advantage.

Lemma 2. The PPKeyGen algorithm, as delineated in Figure 3, is leakage-
Proof. Assuming the existence of a malicious user U in the real-world exper-
iment, U interacts with an honest KGC executing the PPKeyGen protocol.
A corresponding simulator S can be established in the ideal experimental,
which can access a trusted party performing the ideal KeyGen protocol. S
simulates the communication between D and U by conveying D’s input to
U and U’s output to D. The process of the real-world experiment is shown

• The simulator S sends public parameters P P to malicious user U.

• U computes A = (A1 , A2 ) and generates a zero knowledge proof ΣU =

P oK{(w1 , θ, τ ) : A1 = hτ · B w1 ∧ A2 = (g2 · B)w1 · g2θ }. S aborts if the
proof fails. Otherwise, S can rewind (w1 , θ, τ ) from ΣU .

• S sends θ to the honest KGC, executes KeyGen to generate (K1 , K2 ,

K3 , K4 , K5 ).

• S computes B4 = K4 , B1 = K1 · B4τ , B2 = K2 , B3 = K3 , B5 = K5 .

If (K1 , K2 , K3 , K4 , K5 ) is a valid key in the ideal-world experiment from the

honest KGC and (B1 , B2 , B3 , B4 , B5 ) is a valid key from KGC in the real-
world experiment. Furthermore, (K1 , K2 , K3 , K4 , K5 ) and (B1 , B2 , B3 , B4 , B5 )
distribute identically. Therefore, D cannot distinguish real-world experiment
from real-world experiment.

5. Comparison and Implementation

5.1. Comparison and Efficiency Analysis
In this subsection, we compare the performance of our PPTFE-IP scheme
with existing schemes [26, 27, 28, 30] in terms of the features presented
in Section 1. We mainly consider the computationally intensive operations
such as exponential, pairing and hash operations, while disregarding other
operations. Additionally, for notational simplicity, we define the following
notations: l represents the dimension of vectors; |G1 |, |GT | and |Zp | represent
the length of elements on group G, GT and Zp , respectively; Ex and ExT
represent the time of executing one exponential operation on G and GT ; EH

represents the time of executing one hash operation, and P represents the
time of executing one pairing operation.
Table 3 and Table 4 respectively show the computational and communi-
cation costs of the three schemes : [26], Trace-and-Revoke IPFE from DDH
scheme in Section 5.2 of [27] and ours. From Table 3, with the assumption
that l ≫ 1, we know that the communication cost of our Setup and En-
cryption is lower than the other two schemes, while Key Generation is
slightly more expensive than [26, 27]. Moreover, as observed in Table 4, the
computational cost of our traceable scheme is the same as [26, 27].

Table 3: Communication Cost Comparison between Existing Work and Our TFE-IP
Scheme in Figure 2.

Scheme Setup Key Generation Encryption

[26] (2l + 1)|Zp | + (l + 1)|G1 | + (l + 1)|GT | |G2 | l|GT | + l|G1 |
[27]1 (l + 2)|G| + 2l|Zp | l|S| + 2|Zp | l|Zp | + (l + 2)|G| + l|S|
Ours (l + 5)|G1 | + (l + 2)|Zp | 2|Zp | + 3|G1 | (l + 3)|G1 | + |Zp |
1 In [27], |S| means the size of one element in the public directory pd, namely, a vector of size l.

Table 4: Computation Cost Comparison between Existing Work and Our TFE-IP Scheme
in Figure 2.

Scheme Setup Encryption KeyGen Decryption Trace

8λN 2
[26]1 lEx1 + lExT lEx1 + 2lExT Ex2 lEx1 + lExT µ(λ)
+P +P (lEx1 + 2lExT )

(N +1)λN 2
[27]1 2lEx (2l + 2)Ex 0 (l + 3)Ex µ(λ)
(2l + 2)Ex

Ours2 (l + 2)Ex (2l + 3)Ex 9P + (l + 11)Ex (l + 2)Ex + 5P 4P + 3Ex

1 In [26, 27], µ(λ)is a non-negligible function of security parameter λ, N is the number of users.
2 The computation cost of our TFE-IP scheme includes an extra cost of Key Verification, while the
other schemes don’t include the Key Verification function.

5.2. Implementation and Evaluation

In this section, we implement and evaluate our TFE-IP scheme presented
in Figure 2 and the PPKeyGen algorithm described in Figure 3. We conduct
the scheme in Ubuntu20. 04 (64 bit) system on an Intel (R) Core (TM)

Table 5: Communication Cost of Our Privacy-Preserving Key Generation Algorithm in
Figure 3.

Scheme User KGC

Ours1 5|G1 | + 11|Zp | (4l + 5)|Zp | + (l + 8)|G1 |
1 The communication cost of our Privacy-Preserving Key Generation Algorithm includes the extra com-
munication cost of zero-knowledge proof during the two-party secure computing.

Table 6: Computation Cost of Our Privacy-Preserving Key Generation Algorithm in Fig-

ure 3.

Scheme User KGC

Ours1 (3l + 25)Ex + 2EH (l + 18)Ex + 2EH
1 The computation cost of our Privacy-Preserving Key Generation Algorithm includes the extra com-
putation cost of zero-knowledge proof during the two-party secure computing. Because multiplying
several discrete logarithms with the same base can be viewed as adding their exponents together,
l yi ·si l
y y Ql s′
i.e. (g0 i )si i=1
(g0 µai ) · (g0 d·yi ) i calcu-
(g0 i )si and
= g0 , so we consider the cost of 0
i=1 i=1
lated by KGC as the cost of one exponential operation. In ΣK , the cost of l0 (g0 µai ) · (g0 d·yi ) i
computed by the user is (1 + l)Ex because the user doesn’t know µai .

i7-8550U CPU with 8G of RAM. For bilinear pairing, we use the PBC li-
brary [38] in Linux. And we use socket programming for two-party secure
computation. This program is implemented in C language on Linux.
When implementing our scheme, we consider the following five cases:
l = 10, l = 20, l = 30, l = 40 and l = 50, and each time is obtained by taking
the average value after 10 experiments. Figure 4 depicts the time spent by
the algorithms in each stage of our PPTFE-IP scheme.
As shown in Figure 4, the Setup algorithm takes 0.0341988s, 0.0547218s,
0.0695288s, 0.0871566s and 0.1064724s in each case. The Encryption pro-
cess costs 0.0429196s, 0.0748678s, 0.1075483s, 0.1420852s and 0.1828628s for
each case. Encryption takes more time than Setup, but slightly less than
twice Setup time.
Moreover, Figure 4 shows that the Key Generation algorithm takes a
longer execution time than the other algorithms. Our experiment shows that
the Key Generation algorithm (including key verification) takes 0.2387588s,
0.3687528s, 0.4979975s, 0.6324328s, 0.7862466s time in the five cases, respec-
tively. Due to the two party secure computing, the PPKeyGen algorithm
takes more time. On the other hand, multiple pairing and exponentiation op-
erations are required during the key verification, which are time-consuming.

Especially, in each cases the Decryption algorithm costs 0.0286769s,
0.0468638s, 0.0649096s, 0.0802697s and 0.098845s, which is faster than Setup.
We use the socket to simulate the communication between the KGC and a
The computation cost of Setup, Encryption, Key Generation and
Decryption algorithm is linear with the dimension of vectors. Conversely,
the Tracing algorithm takes 0.0113066s, 0.0119908s, 0.0122832s, 0.0114053s,
0.0124318s in the five cases, respectively. It is indicated that our Tracing
algorithm is efficient since it is independent of the vector dimension.

Vector size = 10
Vector size = 20
Vector size = 30
Vector size = 40
0.6 Vector size = 50






Setup Encryption Key Generation Decryption Trace

Figure 4: The Computation Cost of Our PPTFE-IP Scheme

6. Conclusion and Future Work

To protect users’ privacy and realize traceability, in this paper, we pro-
posed the first privacy-preserving traceable functional encryption (PPTFE-
IP) scheme. Specifically, we presented the concrete construction of our TFE-
IP scheme and the privacy-preserving key generation algorithm. Addition-

ally, we offered a detailed security proof of our proposed scheme. Further-
more, we conducted a comparative analysis of our scheme with existing trace-
able FE-IP schemes, implemented and evaluated the efficiency of our scheme.
However, the computation cost of the key generation algorithm in our
scheme is high. Therefore, it is interesting and challenging to construct a
PPTFE-IP scheme with efficient key generation algorithm. We leave this as
an open problem and our future work.

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Appendix A. The Details of Zero-Knowledge Proof
Appendix A.1. The Detail of ΣU
An instantiation of the proof ΣU is given as follows.
• User selects τ ′ , θ′ , w1′ ← Zp , and computes
′ ′
A′1 = hτ · B w1 ,
′ ′
A′2 = (g2 · B)w1 · g2θ ,
c = H1 (A1 ||A′1 ||A2 ||A′2 ) ,
τ̃ = τ ′ − c · τ,
θ̃ = θ′ − c · θ,
w̃1 = w1′ − c · w1 ,
• User sends (A1 , A′1 , A2 , A′2 ) and c, τ̃ , θ̃, w̃1 to verifier (KGC) .
• After receiving (A1 , A′1 , A2 , A′2 ) and c, τ̃ , θ̃, w̃1 , KGC verifies

c = H1 (A1 ||A′1 ||A2 ||A′2 ) ,
A′1 = hτ̃ · B w˜1 · Ac1 ,
A′2 = (g2 · B)w˜1 · g2θ̃ · Ac2 .

Appendix A.2. The Detail of ΣK

An instantiation of the proof ΣK is given as follows.
• KGC selects (s′i )i∈[l] , a′ ← Zp , and computes

(g0 µai )′ = (g0yi )(a ) , µai = yi · a
B1d ′ −a′
d·yi (si )
( ) = B1 · (g 0 ) · (g 0 ) ,
A1 · B w2 0
g0 · A2 · (g2 · B)w2 ′ (a′ )
( d
) = B2 ,

g1 ′ (a′ )
( d
) = B3 ,
h (a′ )
( d )′ = B4 ,
B1d g0 · A2 · (g2 · B)w2 ′
g1 ′ h ′
c = H1 (g0 µai )′ ||B1 ||( ′
) ||B2 ||( ) ||B3 ||( d ) ||B4 ||( d ) ||B5 ,
A1 · B w2 B2d B3 B4
ã = a′ − c · a,
s˜i = si ′ − c · si f or i ∈ [l],

Bd w
• KGC sends (g0 ) µai ′
, B1 , ( A1 ·B1w2 )′ , B2 , ( g0 ·A2 ·(g
2 ·B) 2 ′
d ) , B3 , ( Bg1d )′ , B4 , B5

and c, ã, (s˜i )i∈[l] to verifier (User).

Bd w
• After receiving (g0 µai )′ , B1 , ( A1 ·B1w2 )′ , B2 , ( g0 ·A2 ·(g
2 ·B) 2 ′
) , B , (
3 Bd
g1 ′
) , B4 , B5
and c, ã, (s˜i )i∈[l] , User verifies

B1d g0 · A2 · (g2 · B)w2 · ′

? µai ′ ′ g1 ′
c = H1 (g0 ) ||B1 ||( ) ||B2 ||( ) ||B3 ||( d ) ||B4 ||B5 ,
A1 · B w2 B2d B3
(g0 µai )′ = (g0yi )ã · (g0 µai )c ,
B1d ′ ? −ã l µai d·yi s˜i B1d
)c ,

( w
) = B1 · Π0 (g0 ) · (g0 ) · ( w
A1 · B 2 A1 · B 2

g0 · A2 · (g2 · B) ′ ? ã g0 · A2 · (g2 · B)w2 · g2θ c

( ) = B2 · ( ),
B2d B2d
g1 ? g1
( d )′ = B3ã · ( d )c ,
B3 B3
h ? h
( d )′ = B4ã · ( d )c .
B4 B4


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