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a Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Course Number: ME-420 Group Number: B21 Course Title: Steam and Power Plant Sessional Experiment Number: 01 ‘Name of the Experiment(s): Perlormonce Tes! of a Cooling “Tower. Date of Performance: 06/12] 2021 Date of Submission: 07/12/2021 SUBMITTED BY Name: Moria lHtesum Student ID: 1610096 Department: Mechonical Page 1 of 31 Department of Mechanical Engineering, BUET, Dhaka-1000 ‘ME 420; Steam and Power Plant Sessional Experiment No.: 01 | Name of the Experiment: Performance Test of a Cooling Tower Date of Performance: 06/12/2021 Date of Report Submission: 07/12/2021 ‘Submitted by: [Maria (Hesum 1. Line Diagram of Test Set up Draw the line diagram ofthe experimental set up, label important components. Also indicate the locaton of Ware ee eee Hel Weer es, ———\ costing 1A Bows | > “Tower Make-up Wele | ac i of x e Mee ld Wale, ld Woler Page 2 of 31 A Physical Dimension: 1 Cooling Tower: a. Length, L=2.00m b. Breadth, b= 1.88m c. Height, h=261m Fill material ofthe cooling tower: I. AirDuct: & DuctDia, y= 0.482 m b. Orifice Dia, d,=0.216m Water Pipe: a. PipeDia, d= 0.076 m_ b. Orifice Dia, de = 0.032. m I B. Ambient Condition: |. Atmospheric Pressure, p-__#€0 mm of Hg= _!01-325_kPa I __Dry Bulb Temperature, Toxi= _22°5 °C ML Wet Bulb Temperature, Twa _ah_ °C Sample Calculation real 01) ® Ae density, P = 101325) 1195, gl? ~ berx @254273) 1> Ae veltly, Vy, ee 2x2-B1x [as Om = meee ee ONE S49 mls Toh Ue wdc a a » 15669 Be a maar 2°624 mjs aay ‘ir, my = ar [mass Hou vole ob oie, tie Cy Edt Ve = 06 xx 6% 1195 1349 = 0-461 kgls M We : (Mass Har vole ol woler, ty = CaxT dog Vo = OGRE XK (o032)% 1000x 2-624 = 1266 Igls @® fer- air raf ot Pe t2ee > = eS. (©) From psychometric chart, us = 0-015 vq woler vapor [kg dry air 3 = 0:0235 ly woler vapor | dry air © 409 = cs,-c8; = (o-0235- 0-015) - 0:0085 @ ™ lakesup water, Mp= made = [oraelx 00085) ~ 3-9185 x 10° ly/s [D % makeup woler - Me x looy 3 i 2 ¥400%, = 0-305 % 1) Range, Ba 2 Tw,i - Tue = (26-24)'C = 2° © Theoretical Range, Rr = Texi - Tua = fee -2)e east ® ccaling ebficteney, ry, = ee x 100% - Sx 100% = 40% © Hest of incoming bol ler, Hus 2 rhs hak f (1266 109-08) = @ Heat eo} oulgcing cold woler, Huo = thw hw,0 = (v266 x1 a) = 127-486 kW © Entralpy at dry air at inlel, Ho,i = mohai > te (1005 Tp) = (o-46i)x(1005% 229) 138-095 kW = 10-424 kW [Otntholpy of ae id toaler vapor in air of inl, Hays 2 raha = nets (2500 +186 Typ; 20-461 xo-015 x | 25004 186 x 225) [Dinthaly ot dy fe = 17-577 kW dey air ab oul, Hey = rig hag = a 005 a) s0-G6lx(1005x30) = 13°99 kh © Enthaley of wsoler vapor in ofr ot outlet, Huo = Me hares Mitta (28046 Ton) = O-G4Glx (¢-023)x(2800% 86x 30) = 27-099 kW 30, Unaccourted Heat = Hin ~ How =(199-095-+ 10-4244 19579) = (ile sia 2-2-3388 kW Page 3 of 31 4. Calculation Sheet No of Observations ; 5 55 fi 5 Density of Air, p (kg/m’) 1195 | vi9s fyvos | uted | 25 Mass Flow Rate of Air, m (kg/S) o-4cr | o-4c) | 04) | O-46! ogues Mass Flow Rate of Water, mw (kg/s) 1-266 | 17133 | 0-98! 0°80! |0°567 Water Air Ratio, me/ ms 2446 | 2458 1128 | 1-738 ee eee iol ne A Gm vaporkg | o-ols | ovis | ols | oW> [ols Se eee oa venom Tgpnag | 0-025 | 7026 | 0-285 | 0-922 ‘Aco( kg water vapor/kg of dry Air) e-cogs| 00! | 0°OllS 09-0135 |O°0142 Make-up Water (ke/s) Larasratl cho] 5301 n0? Fe amen % Make-up cas [our | 0°54 oF [ie ‘Actual Cooling Range, Ra (°C) 2 By 3 4 3 ‘Theoretical Cooling Range, Rr (°C) 5 u 16 16 20 Cooling Efficiency tot, | B42 30% 28% | 29% Heat Content of Incoming Hot ‘Water (kW) 198 -095|133-099) 127-5! 124-17 | 97-34 Heat Content of Outgoing Cold Water (kW) y2F-GBG| 23-584] 5-206 | 1108! g554 Heat Content of Dry Inlet Air (kW) toy [i0-424 | 10-424 | 10-424] 10-424 Heat Content of water vapor in air at Inlet (kW) (7597 | 19-579 | 17-577 19-577 | 19-877) Heat Content of Dry Air at Outlet (KW) 13899 | 13999 [14-3¢2 | 14-926 | 14-36 Heat Content of water vapor in air at Outlet (kW) 2.7-0% [29-455] 34-246 | 33°C28 | 34-49 ‘Unaccounted Heat (kW) ag. 308 | 588! |-5- 1532 |- 7-0 L¢ 299 ‘Nomenclature tem) ee R: Universal Gas Constant= 287 The Toni Dry Bulb Temperature at ambienvnlet condition al Velocity of Air @ Orifice (m/s) ‘AH: Equivalent Air Column Height ‘corresponding to the manometric deflection of air orifice meter Mass Flow Rate of Air, ma (kes) Cr Co-ailicient of Discharge of Air Orifice meter (0.6) Velocity of Water @ Orifice (m/s) “AFicaxi Equivalent Water Column Height ‘corresponding to the manometric deflection of water orifice meter ‘Mass Flow Rate of Water, me (ke) Cz: Co-fticient of Discharge of Water Orifice meter (0.6) Water Air Ratio ‘Make Up Water ke/s) '% Make Up ‘Actual Cooling Range, Ra (*C) ‘Theoretical Cooling Range, Rr (C) ‘Cooling Efficiency Heat of incoming Hot Water (kW) Tha.e Enihalpy of incoming hot water (Assume saturated water at Ts) Heat of Outgoing Cold Water (kW) hr: Enthalpy of outgoing cold water (Assume saturated water at Ts) Enthalpy of Dry Air at inlet (kW) Enthalpy of water vapor in air at inlet(kW) Enthalpy of Dry Air at outlet (kW) FH, =m,h. =m, 00575...) Enthalpy of water vapor in air at coutlet(kW) H,, =m,h,, =,0,2500+1.86T,)| Page § of 31 Draw the line dia components, important € 1d label impo gram of the modular cooling tower in the lab ani y Fill Material power, Distributor System and Modular Cooling ; bt Graph: —e— % Make-up Water TTP —- Cooling Efficiency, » 1.2 . 40 ! as a8 3s s o S = 35 5 2 2 ? 5 er ii 2 S 30 2 = 3 x 06 3 oO 25 04 2 G2 1 1.5 2 25 3 0 Water-Air Ratio, m,/m, Figure: Variation of Cooling Efficiency and % Make-Up Water with Water-Air Ratio. 7, Results and Discus Plot Cooling Efficiency and % Make-Up water against water -air ratio in plain graph. ‘Analyze the process data and obtained results and write a comprehensive discussion ‘on construction and performance of cooling tower. xz. ' : aa) yl cet ae ditle P E components ob a costing ower. cooling dower 8 on i" jepen L00li jer. uuoy to remove low-grade heel rom the o qeunter-Hos, indeed In our experimeml, the — woling Jower wes aah bs. Air is Here, unter (hai) enters the fouer end trove! chunenr : ., induced info the base of the tower by a Hon - ee _ Some of the water evoporates os il passes tev a This ok the remaining water thal falls ilo the basin. : af process 1S called “Eroporatie Catling”. A portion of the earezied water fs recltmed by Drill Eliminator. Here, nozzles tn distrtludion system ore used 40 distribule the wale ¢ and to cover o | area. ise: iL Fills re used to facililak heal drarnder by maxintizing wale contact. By using Jills elective area @ increase 4-5 Tins. Tn ow experiment, dim fills were used Make up water wos supplied by @ pump. We Fave platted cooling edfidiency —_againt woter—air ratio. Goong elficierey ineveases with water - air ratio. Pee. Ba Tero Tosi_ gg, more wnler veuvers loses at “Two.0 ~ Toa, ebiiciently. So beter iy Ard, % make up water — Idaveoses with ualer- oir votio, Bal thee wns 0 slyht deviation. 1 Th ingygases oh ian 13 dixedh= So, weneed = move. makeup woter Ao, roll ‘armen } 2 waler eontoirs high inlet. ouflel temp. so, -wale. t with dpami diy. and vice verse. In this oper = eperimerl, we hove laced some tusuts with the Tashumels For instan, ii a instance, the oritice meters we used hod teh 0% which is vey low, ¢ he orifice meters were vey old ond did rol provide 9 good pertermare, a ‘ tee orctue Appin, mometer that was used A ald wcler wna brian. So, ve dd mol gh why, we found some ee a at's 00 a3 stm my BS tim (gy BL tien etd Rt caw no gt com ax ms ae tom ge Mt Mae tae ay tM cr a a ames tata owe i aaa nw Ravers a oe tome eines mr Se a owen osm tnsm owe oss 60s cose 05089 BT 25800 Boose sms? ay, Ko ym Ree aia og (oom! sore 9100 su pase 0h 0K zo eas 25705 COTS OH forty Bin 0151087508 BONE fo 2g aang 020M STR BTEC? Porm CT I seat Me eg gO Re RE vss acne saat «B0NTA ASA pias 265305061 724BB 8800 ee eg ora ras aa re ed ms es orem TT mr mn) ones 17 me es ms os 70m 7 my fae 3182 sows 75 mo zs 8 some 78 ms mele 83, seers 7460 mo amas 07 ‘sme 1880 so zm) 19 oan 7869 gos mses som 140 ors ze sos iso zo fee 1857 fs aes ged or sme sore 1 maa s ee onus ao Sime 67 sez anaes ee ‘ele, ig tanita TS gees i i 4 © sen ans 27 SSSSSSSezRsBBsaass 2 a, kg ae a ™ oss naz m2 evngane sen enna aap ta 10 ap gs argon ci oe smmseduns ane ia 7aAz1 vas 2c SZE"L0L einssoig 21HoWOeS SLINN ORULAW IS SS¢MNLVYAdW3L TVWYON LUVHD SINLANONHOASd 1210 8 ofed

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