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Connecting to the

Dutch high-voltage grid

How TenneT can help you

Introduction The energy transition is driving new dynamics in the energy
sector Europe-wide. This has prompted numerous organisations
to consider entering the Dutch energy market. This document
outlines how TenneT can help you. As a regulated organisation,
TenneT has been assigned clearly defined statutory duties and
responsibilities. Against this backdrop, we are committed to
serving you to the best of our ability.

Connecting to the Dutch high-voltage grid - TenneT 2

COBRAcable (Denemarken)
NorNed (Noorwegen)


1. TenneT in a nutshell 4
- About the TenneT grid 4 Meeden
- Statutory frameworks and legal status 4

4 5
2. Connecting to the TenneT grid 5
- Which grid is best for your connection? 5
- Location of your connection 6
- Costs of a grid connection 6 Ens
- Procedure and lead time 7 Hollandse Kust (noord) Alpha
- The connection process 7 Zwolle
- Hessels 8
- European codes 8 Hollandse Kust (zuid) Alpha Hengelo G

6 7
Diemen (D
- Compliance verification obligations 8 Hollandse Kust (zuid) Beta
3. Obligations for connected parties 9
- Requesting your own BRP or MRP recognition 9 Westerlee Dodewaard
- Balance Responsible Parties (BRPs) 9 BritNed (Groot-Brittannië)
- Metering Responsible Parties (MRPs) Maasvlakte Wesel (Duitsla
- About e-programmes and imbalance settlements Geertruidenberg
- Transparancy 9Borssele Beta
4. Doing business with TenneT 10Borssele Alpha

9 10
- Digital portal MyTenneT 10
- Contact details 10
Van Eyck (België)
Zandvliet (België) Maasbracht
Rommerskirchen (Du
Siersdorf (Duitsland)

Connecting to the Dutch high-voltage grid - TenneT 3

1. TenneT
TenneT in the supply chain

in a nutshell Power

Transmission/ Consumers/
Renewables In-feed (Extra) High-voltage grid
distribution prosumers

TenneT manages the high-voltage grid

in the Netherlands and large parts
of Germany. From the places where
electricity is generated, we transmit Import Export
it to end-users over more than 22,500
kilometres of high voltage lines and
other electricity infrastructure. Our
onshore and offshore cross-border
connections form an indispensable
link between electricity producers Statutory frameworks and legal status
and consumers in the Netherlands Both in the Netherlands and in Germany, TenneT almost exclusively performs
and a large part of Germany. regulated tasks arising from our designation by law as a grid operator.
These tasks are to:
99.99% voltage grid is one of the most • provide connection and transmission services
availability reliable of the world. In part this is • provide system services
The Dutch government thanks to our good technical • facilitate the energy market
has entrusted TenneT infrastructure, which we constantly In performing these tasks, we are bound by statutory frameworks, such as the
with the task of maintain and expand. The near- Electricity Act 1998 (Dutch only) , the European codes and the Electricity
ensuring a reliable continuous availability of our grid is Grid Code (Dutch only). In the Netherlands, our compliance with legislation is
and safe electricity supply, now and also the result of careful balancing, overseen by the Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACM); in Germany,
in the years ahead. With availability i.e. keeping the demand for and the same is done by the Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA), the Federal Network
already at 99.99%, the TenneT high- supply of electricity in balance. Agency. TenneT is wholly-owned by the State of the Netherlands.

Connecting to the Dutch high-voltage grid - TenneT 4

COBRAcable (Denmark)

2. Connecting
NorNed (Norway)

to the TenneT grid

Eemshaven Oudeschip Eemshaven
Eemshaven Oost


Diele (Germany)


Hollandse Kust (noord) Alpha

Which grid is best for your connection? Beverwijk

Oostzaan Hengelo
The electricity grid in the Netherlands consists of the national high-voltage Vijfhuizen Diemen
Gronau (Germany)
Hollandse Kust (zuid) Alpha

grid and several regional grids. TenneT manages the national high-voltage Hollandse Kust (zuid) Beta

grid, which transmits electricity at 110, 150, 220 or 380 kV. The regional Arnhem

electricity grids, with voltages of 66 kV or less, are managed by seven Bleiswijk

Westerlee Waddinxveen

regional grid operators. BritNed (Great-Britain)

Krimpen a /d IJssel
Dodewaa rd

Wes el (Germany)

For connection to the Dutch electricity grid, there is a similar distribution Geertruidenberg

of tasks as the one that exists for managing the grids. TenneT provides
connections with power greater than (approximately) 100 MW. Connections
Borssele Beta
Borssele Alpha

with power less than (approximately) 100 MW are usually provided by the
relevant regional grid operator (refer to the overview of their coverage Borssele

areas). TenneT and the regional grid operators cooperate with each other Van E yck (Belgium)
380 kV-verbinding/station/transformator
380 kV-verbinding/station
Maasbracht project
op steel
Zandvliet (Belgium)
and will jointly assist you in finding the optimum solution for you in terms 380 kV-interconnector R ommerskirchen (Germany)
380 kV-interconnector Sproject
iersd orf (Germany)

of grid engineering. 220 kV-verbinding/station/transformator op steel

220 kV interconnectoren
150 kV-verbinding/station/transformator op steel

Connection < 100 MW Connection > 100 MW 110 kV-verbinding/station/transformator op steel

110 kV-verbinding project
380 kV-verbinding/station/transformator op steel Onshore DC-verbinding project
380 kV-verbinding/station project Zee interconnector
380 kV-interconnector Zee interconnector project

Contact the relevant regional TenneT, read this brochure 380 kV-interconnector project
220 kV-verbinding/station/transformator op steel
Offshore verbinding
Offshore verbinding project
grid operator (see overview) for the conditions 220 kV interconnectoren Offshore converterstation/station
150 kV-verbinding/station/transformator op steel TenneT hoofdkantoor
110 kV-verbinding/station/transformator op steel TenneT kantoor
110 kV-verbinding project Productie eenheid
Onshore DC-verbinding project Meeden Naam station
Zee interconnector 5
Zee interconnector project Aan deze kaart kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend.
Offshore verbinding 30 juni 2017
Location of your connection
TenneT can advise you on the engineering feasibility (or unfeasibility) of a connection Once the connection is ready, you pay TenneT each month:
at a certain place and will provide you with a rough planning and cost estimate. The • the periodical connection charge. This is an annual fee for
connection will generally be to the nearest high-voltage substation where capacity is managing and replacing the connection;
available or can be created. Together with you, TenneT can examine the possibilities. • the transmission tariff, which covers TenneT’s transmission
Decisions about locations of wind and solar farms are the responsibility of the Ministry of electricity. These costs consist of a fixed amount for costs
of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and the regional or local authorities (i.e. the unrelated to transmission (e.g. for invoicing, administrative work
provincial or municipal authority concerned). TenneT plays no role in these decisions. and similar) and a variable amount for transmission-related costs,
charged as an amount per kilowatt. ACM sets the tariffs from year to year
Costs of a connection on the recommendation of TenneT. The transmission tariffs of TenneT are
Costs are obviously associated for a new connection. ACM downloadable from the ACM website.
issues guidelines for our pricing in the Electricity Tariff code
(Dutch only). For installing a new connection, TenneT charges: If you wish to stop using your connection, TenneT will charge:
• the connection tariff (or initial investment costs). These costs vary, because • a non-recurring contribution towards removing the connection.
every connection has to be customised. By way of indication, here is an Again, these costs vary according to the type of connection. TenneT will
approximate overview of the costs (2018 price levels) of bays in an outdoor charge you these costs in the event of the breaking or expiring of your
configuration, for the most frequently occurring connections: connection and transmission agreement.
- 110 kV and 150 kV: approx. €1.5 million
- 220 kV and 380 kV: approx. €3 million

Connecting to the Dutch high-voltage grid - TenneT 6

Procedure and lead time
In the case of a new connection,
TenneT will discuss the possibilities
with you, and together we will explore,
if necessary with the regional grid
operator, what the best connection
option is for your particular situation.
We will then produce a technical plan
for this, accompanied by an offer.
After the order has been placed,
TenneT will create the connection.
As soon as the connection is delivered,
it will be put into service. On average The connection process
it takes 12 to 18 months to create a
new connection to the high-voltage
1: Information phase 2: Basic design phase 3: Construction phase
grid (in a situation where expansion
of the grid is unnecessary).

This phase is used to hold talks The basic design will work out This phase formally starts at the
with the customer. Based on the request for a connection in time of signature of the construction
the outcome, TenneT will make greater detail, including a project agreement. Throughout
a quick scan so as to identify description, planning aspects, the entire construction phase,
the substation to which the licences and the technical TenneT will hold regular talks
customer can be connected, properties of the connection. with the customer, for example
provide a rough timeline for Subject to approval, this phase to close an Connection and
doing this and estimate the total will end with signature of the Transport agreement.
costs. On request TenneT will also construction agreement, in which
submit an offer for a basic design. the planning and the costs will
In order to arrive at a good basic be agreed.
design offer, the customer must fill
in the appendix to this brochure.

Connecting to the Dutch high-voltage grid - TenneT 7

Hessels European codes
A customer who wants a The new European connection codes are coming into effect in the course of 2019. Based on
connection to the grid with a English titles, these codes are designated using the following abbreviations:
connected load greater than
10 MVA can have TenneT perform • NC RfG
the work or subject the connection This code contains requirements for the grid connection of generators/electricity-
work to public tender. generating units and comes into effect on 27 April 2019.

If the customer has the connection • N

work performed by someone other This code contains requirements for the grid connection of demand facilities
than TenneT, no connection fee will and closed distribution systems and comes into effect on 18 August 2019.
be charged for the connection in
question other than for the tasks • N
performed by TenneT in association This code contains requirements for HVDC connections and electri-
with the connection work, such as city-generating units with direct current connections and comes
ensuring that the safety and into effect on 8 September 2019.
reliability of the grid is maintained.
The European codes (Dutch only) can be found at various
TenneT and the customer shall locations, including the TenneT website.
agree on a reasonable fee for these
tasks, which will be specified Compliance verification obligations
according to task and based on the The European codes set all kinds of requirements for
number of hours actually spent by demonstrating that the connected facilities actually comply with the European
TenneT on them. Labour costs for codes, these exceeding those incorporated in current Dutch codes.
the hours spent on each task shall These measures constitute what we call compliance verification.
also be specified. For small electricity-generating units (up to 1 MW), it is sufficient to submit a
certificate. For larger electricity-generation units and for demand facilities
In addition to establishing the whose supply is driven by demand, more extensive testing is required to verify
connection, the connected party compliance.
may also request tenders for work Together with regional grid operators, TenneT has drawn up a document that
involved in maintaining the provides detailed explanations of the tests required for the specific facilities.
connection, modifying the This document (Dutch only), which is currently limited to electricity-
connection and removing the generating units, can be consulted on the website of branch association
connection (removal). Netbeheer Nederland.

Connecting to the Dutch high-voltage grid - TenneT 8

3. Obligations About e-programmes and imbalance settlements

for connected parties

If the actual production and consumption of electricity do not properly
correspond with the forecast, TenneT must intervene in order to
maintain the balance in the grid, for example by deploying reserve or
even emergency capacity. Therefore, there are financial consequences
for a Balance Responsible Party (BRP) if its ‘e-programme’ (i.e. the
Laws and regulations impose various Requesting your own sum of the traded energy of all customers of a single BRP) fails to
obligations on affiliates, including the BRP or MRP recognation match the metered quantity. This is called the ‘imbalance settlement’.
following: To keep supply and demand in balance For the Netherlands as a whole, TenneT handles the financial
in the Dutch grid, it is essential for resolution of imbalance settlements, via the recognised Balance
Transparency TenneT to be in possession of reliable Responsible Parties.
Connected parties are obliged by law forecasts of the planned electricity
to inform TenneT daily about their production, consumption and trans-
planned and their actual electricity mission needs, and also reliable
production, consumption and trans- metering data of the actual production,
mission needs. This is necessary to consumption and transmission. These
maintain the balance in the high voltage data are so important to the electricity Balance Responsible Metering Responsible
grid: TenneT keeps electricity supply grid’s functioning that, under Dutch law, Parties (BRPs) Parties (MRPs)
and demand in equilibrium, 24 hours a they may be issued only by organisations Balance Responsible Parties must Metering Responsible Parties must
day, 365 days of the year. Connected approved for that purpose (‘recognised satisfy the requirements contained satisfy conditions including require-
parties may contractually assign these parties’). These organisations are called in documents including the Transparen- ments contained in the Metering Code
obligations to recognised parties if they Balance Responsible Parties (BRPs) and cy laid down by regulator ACM. (Dutch only) laid down by the Authority
wish. Metering Responsible Parties (MRPs). As an organisation that issues for Consumers and Markets (ACM).
If there is no such approval, the grid recognitions, TenneT will check As an organisation that issues recog-
operator may stop managing or disable compliance with the admission nitions, TenneT will check compliance
the connection concerned. As a requirements. On the TenneT website with the requirements. On the TenneT
connected party, you can ask TenneT you will find a register of recognised website you will find a register of
for your own recognition as a BRP or parties with balance responsibility. recognised parties with metering
MRP, or engage a recognised external If you want to apply for your own responsibility.
party. The external parties are stand- BRP recognition, you should contact If you want to apply for your own
alone, independent organisations: the TenneT Customer Care Center at MRP recognition, you should contact
as the organisation that issues recogni- We will assist the TenneT Customer Care Center at
tions, TenneT has no financial and/or you in completing the steps necessary
organisational ties with those parties. to satisfy the BRP recognition criteria.

Connecting to the Dutch high-voltage grid - TenneT 9

4. Doing business
with TenneT
As a TenneT client, you conveniently. The digital dashboard • manage your contact information • Want to know more about possibi-
can maintain contact consists of various elements for connec- • find the details of your TenneT lities for getting a connection to the
with us in different ted parties and for Balance Responsible contact persons TenneT grid? Contact one of our
ways: face-to-face and Parties and Metering Responsible Parties. customer relations managers or the
digital. Face-to-face It is accessible in Dutch and English My TenneT is user-friendly. It’s simply TenneT Customer Care Center at
contacts will be with one of our customer versions via the TenneT website. a question of ‘click & go’. A particularly
relations managers. Each of these useful feature is your ability to set which • Want more information about recog-
managers is responsible for a specific Using MyTenneT, you can perform 24 hours employees in your organisation are nition as a Balance Responsible
region of the country or area of attention. a day, 7 days a week such activities as: allowed certain privileges. As the My Party or Metering Responsible Party?
You can also contact us at any time via • view your invoices TenneT data are privacy-sensitive, this Contact the TenneT Customer Care
the TenneT Customer Care Center. • view the details and status of your website has the highest level of security. Center at
connection project(s)
Digital portal MyTenneT • view the details of your connection(s) More information
TenneT also operates an online portal • find the details of your BRP or TenneT helpt u graag uw plannen
called My TenneT to enable you to take MRP recognition voor de Nederlandse energiemarkt
care of TenneT matters quickly and • view your financial guarantee te realiseren.

Connecting to the Dutch high-voltage grid - TenneT 10

TenneT TSO B.V.

Postbus 718
6800 AS Arnhem

+31 (0)26 373 11 11

Disclaimer: The contents of this

brochure are intended for infor-
mation purposes only. Changes
resulting from jurisprudence, laws
and regulations take precedence
over this brochure. No rights can
be derived from this brochure and
it does not bind TenneT in any way.


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