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Data and Discourse Studies (M.

A) - Effective 01 October 2019

The degree programm consists of 120 Credit Points (CP) in total: Language of Tui�on:
Mandatory Subject Area: 15 CP cer�ficates required
Elective Subject Area: 40 CP
Studium Generale: 5 CP
Area of Mobility: 30 CP
Research/Thesis: 30 CP

The following module overview is an abbreviated, easy-to-read version of the official course schedule in the examina�on regula�ons, to be found
in the Satzungsbeilagen of TU Darmstadt:

1st semester 2nd semester 3rd semester 4th semester

Current Topics in Empirical

Data and Discourse Studies Research in the Humani�es and
(5 CP) Social Sciences I
(10 CP)

Current Topics in Empirical
Philosophy of Science and of Study achievements obtained
Research in the Humani�es and Master Thesis
Research in the Humani�es during studies abroad at partner
Social Sciences II (25 CP)
(5 CP) universi�es of the TU Darmstadt;
(5 CP)
courses from the areas
Methodology: Methodology, Background,
Digital Linguis�cs or Discourse Analysis Project Methods and Procedures, or
Digital Literary Studies or (guided self-study) Deepening Modules that
Sociology were not taken before
(5 CP)
(10 CP) (30 CP)

Governance or Digital Humani�es
Studium Generale Thesis Defence
or Modern and
Contemporary History (5 CP) (5 CP)

(5 CP)

Methods and Procedures of Data Analysis

(10 CP)
choice of 2 modules Satzungsbeilage: 2019_II | State: 08.11.2023

Brief Description Admission
Data and Discours Studies is an interdisciplinary course of studies For informa�on on applica�on deadlines please refer to
in discourse analysis with a focus on research data. Discourse
analysis deals with the rela�onship between language,
knowledge and society. The focus is on combining language
analysis with historical, sociological, philosophical or poli�cal
science research. In addi�on, there is the close interlocking with
digital and informa�c approaches. A central point is the handling
of research data, their processing and digital analysis. The course
focuses on how to collect, organize, analyze, and interpret these
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-orientierung ZSB
Zentrale Studienberatung und Editorial office
President of TU Darmstadt Publisher
Opening hours:
Gebäude S1 | 01
Karolinenplatz 5, 64289 Darmstadt
Design: DUBBEL SPÄTH, Darmstadt | Titelfoto: Gregor Schuster, Darmstadt

(Central Student Advisory and Orientation Office)

Zentrale Studienberatung und -orientierung ZSB
Master of Arts (International Office)
Application and Admission for international students
Data and Discourse Studies
Course Schedule
Study Programmes

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