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Observation Lesson Plan

Name: Kelly Hamrock Date/Time of the Lesson:

Mentor Teacher: Grade Level(s): 3rd
Clinical Coach:

Content Area for this Lesson: Data and Graphing Lesson Topic: What Question Does this Data Answer?

Big Idea(s) or Enduring Understanding(s) for this Unit that this Lesson Reinforces:
Data is collected for a specific purpose or to answer a particular question.

Lesson Content
Background Information/ Relevance/ Context/ Rationale (Purpose) – Please be clear about how this particular lesson is situated within the current instructional sequence (i.e.,
unit), why this content is important for students to learn, and how you will actively connect this lesson to students’ lives and experiences (i.e., to prior lessons but also to their lives outside of
Before this lesson, students will have previously been introduced to data and graphing. They will have had practice collecting their own data and evaluating
data to determine what question it is answering. For example, students will have previously completed an activity titled “Places Where We Like to Eat” where
they organized given data and decided on a question that the data answers.
The content of this lesson is important because it demonstrates to students that data is collected for a specific purpose/to answer a particular question. It
teaches students how to collect data and make informed decisions.
This lesson relates to students’ lives as it is building off of their own personal preferences (favorite snack).

VSOLs/CCSSs/TTSJs Addressed:--Please note that these are the standards (or the pieces of standards) that you are actively teaching and assessing as part of this lesson. Please do not
simply list all tangentially-related standards.
3.PS.1 The student will apply the data cycle (formulate questions; collect or acquire data; organize and represent data; and analyze data and communicate

Learning Targets
As a result of this lesson, students will know…
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to (do). . .
Please place an asterisk(*) next to the learning targets for which you will collect assessment data

Students will know data is collected for a specific purpose.

Students will be able to collect data.
Students will be able to determine a question specific data answers.
Plan for Assessment
As you plan your lesson, think about what evidence you will gather to determine if students have mastered the lesson’s learning targets. Develop a plan for assessing the degree to which your
students have mastered the learning targets in this lesson. Your plan should include at least one formative assessment at a minimum, but that may vary depending on the nature of the learning
targets and the placement of the lesson within the context of the unit. You need to assess every learner regarding every objective/skill you teach. Please add/remove tables as needed.

Prior to Lesson: How will you assess prior learning or diagnose readiness for the planned lesson?

Possible Options: Specific Plan:

➕❏Previous class work

Graphic organizer
I will assess prior knowledge by looking at previous classwork. Specifically, I will look at the activity done in class
titled “Places Where We Like to Eat”.
❏ Journal
❏ Previous exit tickets collected ahead of
❏ Other:
During the Lesson: How will you assess student progress and provide feedback throughout the lesson?

Possible Options: Specific Plan:

❏ Graphic organizer Throughout this lesson, I will assess each student’s understanding by observing as they participate in the small
❏ Think / Pair / Share group and collect their data. I will also observe as they fill out the worksheet associated with the activity and will
❏ One Minute Essay check-in for extra support if needed.

❏ Strategic Questioning
Other: Observation
After the Lesson: How do you know that students understood and learned as a result of the lesson? How will you evaluate students’ post-instruction learning in
relation to the learning targets? How will you determine mastery?

Possible Options: Specific Plan:

❏ Graphic organizer After the lesson, I will assess student understanding using the worksheet they completed during the activity. I
❏ Journal will look at their answers for “What question does this data answer?”.
❏ Think / Pair / Share
❏ One Minute Essay
❏ Strategic Questioning

❏ Exit Ticket
Other: Activity Worksheet
Lesson Sequence
Steps in the Lesson Planning for Learner Diversity / Instructional Scaffolds Modalities & Resources Utilized
● You should include all steps in the lesson. Please list ● You should identify specific ways you plan to ensure equity ● You should identify the
each step in a new row. and inclusion by building on learners’ diversity. This modality/modalities as well as digital
● Scripting and/or estimated time frames should be pertains to individual students and groups of students with and/or analog resources utilized in each
included; if they are not, the plan should at least be diversity in common. step of the lesson.
explicit and clear enough that another person would ● Guiding questions: ● Guiding questions:
○ How can you leverage students’ prior experiences and assets in this ○ How will students engage with content and
be able to teach from it.
step of the lesson? one another during this step of the lesson --
● Guiding questions:
○ How does this step address and build on learner diversity to ensure in-person, synchronously, asynchronously,
○ What will students be doing during each step?
equity? and/or analog (non-digital)?
○ What will you (the instructor) be doing during each step?
○ What feedback can you provide to acknowledge and value each ○ What grouping modes will be used during this
○ What directions will need to be provided to students to help
student’s contributions? step of the lesson -- whole group, small group,
them know what to do?
○ What challenges/ opportunities/barriers might exist for individuals or individual?
○ How will you transition from one activity to another?
groups of learners in accessing content and learning activities in this ○ What specific digital and/or analog resources
○ How will you help the students see the relevance/importance of
step of the lesson? Consider, for example, your English Learners’ will be utilized during this step of the lesson?
what they are learning?
unique needs.
○ Is the plan clear/detailed enough that another individual
○ How can you differentiate this step so that all students can access the
would be able to teach from it (e.g., don’t just say “share
content and learning activities? (Provide specific plans for individuals
vocabulary words with students.” Rather, include those vocab
and groups.)
words and definitions in the plan)?

Steps in the Lesson Planning for Student Diversity / Instructional Scaffolds Modalities & Resources Utilized

Students transition to my small group.

Today we are going to be collecting data in order to ● If no one has an example to share, provide own Whole group volunteer
determine what question it is answering. As you guys example: “could we collect data that answers
have already started looking at data and completing ‘what is our class’s favorite color?’”
a similar activity, this should be pretty familiar. Can
someone tell me an example of a question data could

That is a great example! As we can see, data is ● Use of pictures and words for each option listed Students listening as I explain how to
collected for a specific purpose or to answer a ● Physical modeling of how to fill in data - check for complete the worksheet:
particular question. For our activity today, we are understanding Observation Cycle 2 Activity
going to be completing this worksheet (show
worksheet). First, you will survey one another on the
options listed. You can write tallies in each box to
collect your data.
For example, out of these options listed, if ____’s
(use name of student in group) favorite was goldfish,
I would put one tally mark in the box next to goldfish.
If ____’s (use different student in group) favorite was
a granola bar, I would put one tally mark in the box
next to granola bar. Does everyone understand?

After you are finished collecting data, we will come

back together as a group. You will then answer the
question listed at the bottom of the worksheet
“What question does this data answer?”

Now we are ready to begin the activity! We are going ● I will observe and support students if needed as Students working within small group to
to stay within our group around this table to collect they go around the group collecting data collect data and fill in worksheet:
our data. Remember, other groups are trying to ● I will observe that students are staying on task Observation Cycle 2 Activity
work, so we want to make sure we are using quiet and participating - stop group if needed to remind
voices and calm bodies. When you are done them of expectations
collecting your data, you may have a seat and wait ● If they finish early, I will see if they want to start
for further instructions. answering the worksheet question

Go ahead and talk within our group to collect your


Now that we are all done collecting data, we will ● Provide individual support or prompting for Students individually fill in worksheet
work on answering the question listed at the bottom students struggling to come up with a question question: Observation Cycle 2 Activity
of the worksheet “What question does this data Whole group volunteer
answer?” Try filling this out on your own.

Can I have a volunteer to share their answer?

Yes! This data answers the question “what is your ● Provide individual support or prompting for
favorite snack?” students struggling to come up with their own
ideas (ex: favorite sport, color, etc.)
As you can see, data collection serves a specific ● I will observe each student to make sure they
purpose and answers a particular question. Today, have come up with at least one idea
our purpose in collecting data was to answer the
question “what is your favorite snack?”. There are all
kinds of data one could collect.
I hope you had fun collecting data today that answers ● Summarize key points to ensure understanding
a specific question. When looking at data in the
future, try and remember to ask yourself “what
question is this data answering?”. Data is always
collected for a specific purpose or to answer a
particular question. That is the end of our lesson, and
we will get ready to transition!

Materials/ Supplies/ Sources/ Digital and Interactive Instructional Technology (if appropriate): – Please list all necessary instructional supplies, materials, and sources.
Make sure that these are clearly labeled and referenced throughout the lesson plan to enhance clarity. Please link to copies of the resources/materials so your MT and Coach can easily access
Worksheet for activity: Observation Cycle 2 Activity

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