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Raj Lata Public School

Annual Examination
Subject – Science
Class – IX
Time MM – 80

• Question paper is divided into Four sections A, B, C and D.

• All Questions are compulsory.
1. Conversion of solid state into vapour state without passing through the liquid state called: 1
(a) Evaporation (b) Boiling (c) Sublimation (d) Melting
2. Which is not a characteristic of gaseous state. 1
(a) No definite shape (b) Definite volume (c) High compressible
(d) Have fluidity
3. Which of the following is chemical change: 1
(a) Burning of wood (b) Cutting of wood (c) Hammering on wood
(d) Melting of wax
4. Chemical formula of calcium phosphate is: 1
(a) CaPO4 (b) Ca₂PO4 (c) (CaPO4)3 (d) Ca3(PO4)2
5. Carbon and oxygen combine to form carbon dioxide. What is the ratio of carbon and oxygen by,
mass? 1
(a) 1:2 (b) 3:8 (c) 2:1 (d) 8:3
6. The number of neutrons present in 11Na & 12Mg is: 1
(a) 11 and 11 respectively (b) 12 and 12 respectively (c) 11 and 12 respectively
(d) 12 and 11 respectively
7. Isotopes of an element have: 1
(a) Same physical property (b) Different chemical property (c) Same atomic number
(d) Different atomic number
8. Which cell organelles plays a crucial role in detoxifying many poisons and drug 1
(a) Golgi Apparatus (b) Lysosomes (c) Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
(d) Vacuoles
9. Which of the following in plants have the capability of continuous cell division: 1
(a) Parenchyma (b) Sclerenchyma (c) Xylem (d) Apical Meristem
10. The displacement of an object is proportional to distance covered when the object moves: 1
(a) on straight path (b) on zigzag path (c) on a circular path
(d) both b and c
11. If a body executes uniform motion, then body: 1
(a) speed will constant (b) speed will not constant (c) acceleration will constant
(d) speed will zero
12. A person standing in a bus falls backward when bus starts moving suddenly due to: 1
(a) Balanced force (b) Newton's first law of motion
(c) Newton's second law of motion (d) Newton's third law of motion
13. Why does a person get injured in case of hitting by a moving object? 1
(a) due to inertia (b) due to mass (c) due to momentum (d) due to friction
14. The value of acceleration due to gravity 'g' will be: 1
(a) same on equator and poles (b) less on poles (c) less on equator
(d) increases from pole to equator
15. When a body falls freely towards the earth, then its total energy? 1
(a) Increases (b) Decreases (c) Remains constant
(d) First decreases and then increase
16. Work done on an object does NOT depend upon 1
(a) Displacement (b) Force applied (c) Angle between force & displacement
(d) Initial velocity of object
Q.17 to 20 are 'Assertion-Reasoning' based questions. These consists of two statements-
Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these questions. Selecting the appropriate options given

(a) Both A and R are true. R is correct explanation of A

(b) Both A and Rare true. R is not correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true

17. 1
A: In a chemical substance, the elements are always present in definite proportion by mass.
R: Atoms of different elements have different masses and chemical properties.

18. 1
A: Cartilage is a type of connective tissue which can bend easily.
R: It has very tightly packed hard matrix and cell.

19. 1
A: It has difficult to push or pull a heavy box over the ground.
R: Heavy objects have more inertia.

20. 1
A: Rotating a crop in the field is known as crop rotation.
R: This prevents the damage by pests.

21. Classify the following as mixture and compound: 2
(a) Iron and sulphur react to form from iron sulphide
(b) Salt is dissolve in water.

22. Why is the cell called structural and functional unit of life? 2

23. Write any two differences between Meristematic and Permanent tissue 2
What are the functions of Areolar connective tissue? (White any two functions)

24. An auto-mobile vehicle has a mass of 1500 kg What must be the force between the vehicle and
road if the vehicle is to be stopped with a negative acceleration of 1.7 ms-2? 2

25. What is an Echo? What should be minimum distance required between reflecting surface and
audience for echo? 2


What is the frequency of sound wave whose time period is 0.05 sec?

26. What are the benefits of cattle farming? 2

27. 3
(a) What is dry ice?
(b) What happens when it is heated?
(c) Name the phenomenon in change in state.

28. Write the chemical formula of the following: 3

(a) Calcium Carbonate
(b) Sodium chloride
(c) Potassium oxide

29. Which cell organelles is known as powerhouse of cell and why? 3

(a) Name two cell organelles which have their own DNA and ribosome.
(b) What is the role of these DNA and ribosome in them?

30. Identify the following tissues: 3

(a) Tissue that forms inner lining of our mouth.
(b) Tissue that connects muscle to bone in human.
(c) Tissue that translocates food in plants.

31. For how long should a force of 100N acts on a resting body of 20 kg so that it acquires a
velocity of 100ms-1. 3

32. What is Ultrasonic Sound? Name any two animals can produce ultrasonic sound. 3

33. What factors are responsible for storage losses in agriculture produces? 3

(a) How many electrons can be accommodated in K, L and M shell of an atom? 3
(b) Write electron distribution (configuration) of Mg++ and Mg (Atomic Number 12). 2
(a) Why do He, Ne and Ar have zero valency? 3
(b) Write the symbols of the following elements: 2
(i) Silicon (ii) Silver (iii) Sulphur (iv) Sodium

(a) What are the functions of vacuoles? 2
(b) Expand the following: 3
(i) ATP (ii) DNA (iii) SER


Answer the following:

(a) Where are the protein synthesised inside the cell? 1
(b) What is Osmosis? Give one example. 2
(c) Which organelle is known as 'kitchen of cell' in plant? Why? 2
36. A ball is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity of 49 m/s. (g = 9.8 m/s²) Calculate -
(a) The maximum height to which it rises. 3
(b) The total time it takes to return to the surface of the earth. 2


(a) Define pressure? Write the factors on which pressure depends. 3

(b) Write any two differences between Mass and Weight. 2

37. Meenu observed that as an object falls freely from a height, its potential energy gets converted
into kinetic energy. Therefore, this potential energy decreases and kinetic energy starts increasing.
As this object touches ground, all the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.

(a) What is the total energy of stone at near the ground? 1

(b) Which type of energy possessed by a stretched spring? 1
(c) Write the energy transformation takes place in a wind turbine providing electricity. 2


(c) What are various forms of energy that we observe around us? (Any four) 2

38. Complex tissues are made of more than one type of Cells. All these cells coordinate to perform a
common function. Xylem and phloem are examples of such complex tissues. They are both
conducting tissues and constitute a vascular bundle.

Answer the following questions:

(a) Name the living tissue in xylem. 1
(b) Name the dead element present in phloem. 1
(c) What is the function of xylem? 2


(c) What is the function of phloem? 2

39. The conversion of states of mater is a physical change because these changes occur without a
change in composition and no change in chemical nature of the substance. Although ice, water and
water vapour all look different and show different physical properties.

(a) Which type of change taken in burning candle? 1

(b) In how many forms water can exist? 1
(c) What is colloidal? Give one example? 2


(c) Write any two examples of Tyndall effect. 2

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