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ID: 215810


SUBMITION DATE:- 29/12/2015 E.C

1, Explain Effective Leadership & the reality of strategic development?

Effective leadership requires a combination of various qualities and skills that enable
leaders to inspire and guide others towards achieving common goals. It involves
having a clear vision, strong communication skills, empathy, the ability to make
tough decisions, and the capacity to adapt to changing situations.

In the context of strategic development, effective leadership plays a crucial role in

ensuring that organizations achieve their long-term objectives. Strategic
development refers to the process of formulating and implementing strategies that
align with an organization's goals and help it gain a competitive advantage. It
involves analyzing the internal and external environment, setting objectives, and
making decisions on resource allocation and implementation.

Reality in strategic development entails a deep understanding of the current state of

affairs, potential opportunities, and challenges of an organization or industry.
Effective leaders are critical thinkers who can accurately assess the situation and
formulate strategies that are realistic and feasible. They are also resilient and
adaptable, as the business landscape is constantly evolving.

2, Do you think Leadership can provide good governance & development?

Yes, leadership can provide good governance and development. Effective leadership
is essential for establishing and maintaining good governance practices within an
organization or a society. Good governance involves making sound decisions, being
transparent and accountable, and ensuring that resources are used efficiently and
effectively. Strong leaders can establish clear policies and procedures, foster a
culture of ethical behavior, and promote fairness and exclusivity.

Leadership also plays a crucial role in driving development. Effective leaders can
identify opportunities for growth and innovation, set ambitious goals, and inspire
their team or organization to achieve them. They can create a vision for the future
and develop strategies to bring that vision to life. Additionally, leaders can facilitate
collaboration and teamwork, encourage learning and development, and empower
individuals to reach their full potential.

Overall, leadership is instrumental in providing good governance by establishing and

upholding principles of transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior. It also
drives development by setting goals, inspiring innovation, and fostering a culture of
continuous improvement.
3, What is Leadership Theory? Explain the basic differences
between Trait,Behavioral and Contingency Theory? Comment
Leadership theory is a set of ideas and concepts that attempt to explain how
effective leaders behave and what qualities they possess. There are several
different types of leadership theory,including trait theory, behavioral theory, and
contingency theory. Trait theory suggests that effective leaders possess certain
inherent traits or characteristics, such as intelligence, charisma, and confidence.
This theory assumes that leaders are born with these traits and thatthey cannot
be learned or developed over time.
Behavioral theory, on the other hand, focuses on the actions and behaviors of
effective leaders. This theory suggests that leadership is not determined by
inherent traits, but rather by the actions and behaviors of the leader. Behavioral
theory identifies two main types of leadership behavior: task-oriented and people-
Contingency theory suggests that effective leadership depends on a variety of
situational factors, such as the leader's personality, the characteristics of the
followers, and the nature of the task or situation at hand. This theory suggests
that there is no one-size-fits-all approach toleadership and that effective leaders
must adapt their behavior to suit the specific situation.

4. Imagine you as leader plan a venture capital company with 50

software consultants and management experts. What trait do you
think will qualify youas an effective leader to the company?

As the leader of a venture capital company with 50 software consultants and

management experts, several traits would qualify me as an effective leader. These
traits include:

1. Visionary: I would need to have a clear vision for the company's growth and
success. This would involve setting long-term goals, identifying potential investment
opportunities, and charting a strategic path for the company.

2. Strong Communication Skills: Effective communication is crucial in leading a team

of consultants and experts. I would need to be able to clearly articulate my vision,
provide guidance, and ensure that everyone is on the same page. Additionally, active
listening skills would be essential to understand the needs and concerns of team

3. Decisiveness: As a leader, I would need to make timely decisions based on

thorough analysis and evaluation of potential investments. Being able to weigh risks
and rewards quickly while considering various factors is crucial in the fast-paced
world of venture capital.
4. Adaptability: The technology industry is constantly evolving, so being adaptable is
essential as a leader in this field. I would need to stay updated with the latest trends,
technologies, and market dynamics to make informed decisions and guide the team

5. Empathy: Understanding the needs and aspirations of my team members is vital

for their motivation and productivity. By showing empathy towards their concerns,
providing support when needed, and fostering a positive work environment, I can
build strong relationships with my team.

6. Strategic Thinking: To identify promising investment opportunities in the

software industry, I would need strong analytical skills combined with strategic
thinking abilities. This involves assessing market trends, competitive landscapes,
potential risks, and growth potentials before making investment decisions.

7. Team Building Skills: Building a cohesive team that works well together is
crucial for success in any organization. As a leader, I would focus on fostering
collaboration among team members by encouraging open communication
channels, promoting knowledge sharing sessions or workshops, recognizing
individual achievements, and creating a supportive work culture.

5. Suppose your organizations Management is taken over by Foreign

Management Group. What do you think about this change? Will it be
a success?What leadership theory is applied in this case?

The success of a change in management largely depends on various factors such as

the capabilities and experience of the new management group, their understanding
of the organization's culture and market dynamics, and their ability to effectively
communicate and implement their strategies. It is difficult to predict whether this
change will be successful without more specific information about the foreign
management group and the context of the organization.

1. Transformational Leadership: If the foreign management group aims to inspire

and motivate employees through a vision for change, focusing on individual growth
and development, they might adopt a transformational leadership approach.

2. Situational Leadership: If the foreign management group adapts their leadership

style based on situational factors such as employee readiness and task complexity,
they might follow a situational leadership theory.

3. Contingency Theory: If the foreign management group believes that effective

leadership depends on matching their style to specific organizational situations or
contexts, they might apply contingency theory principles.
6. Review leadership theories in the present global context. How
changes inleadership affected Ethiopian companies? Comment?
In the present global context, leadership theories have become more diverse and
complex dueto the increasing globalization and diversity of workforces. There are
several leadership theories that have emerged in recent years, including
transformational leadership, authentic leadership, servant leadership, and
situational leadership.
Regarding the changes in leadership that affected Ethiopian companies, it is
difficult to make a general statement as each company's situation is unique.
However, some companies have experienced positive changes in their
performance and growth after implementing new leadership styles and strategies.
For instance, some companies have adopted transformational leadership, which
focuses on inspiring and motivating employees to achieve their full potential.This
approach has helped companies to create a positive work environment, increase
employeeengagement and productivity, and improve overall performance.
On the other hand, some companies have struggled with changes in leadership
due to various factors such as resistance from employees and lack of
understanding of the local market and culture. In such cases, the new
management group may need to adopt a more flexible leadership approach that
considers the unique needs and challenges of the organization.

7. Do you think Leadership can provide good governance &

leadership is often seen as a crucial factor in determining the quality of
governance and development in an organization or a nation. Effective leadership
can provide direction, make informed decisions, and inspire others to work
towards a common goal. Skilled leaders have the ability to foster innovation,
promote effective policies, allocate resources efficiently, and create an
environment conducive to growth and development. Nevertheless, the impact of
leadership on governance and development depends on various factors such as
the leader's capabilities, values, integrity, and the specific context in which they
operate. Ultimately, the success of leadership in providing good governance and
development is determined by the outcomes achieved.

8, How has transition of conflict taken place?

The transition of conflicts can occur through various means depending on the
specific circumstances and players involved. It is important to note that conflict
resolution is a complexand dynamic process, and there is no one-size-fits-all
approach. Here are a few common ways in which the transition of conflict takes
1. Negotiation and Diplomacy: Conflicting parties engage in dialogue and
negotiation to findmutually agreeable solutions. This can involve formal peace
talks, diplomatic efforts, or mediation by neutral third parties.
2. Peacebuilding and Reconciliation: Efforts are made to address the root causes
of the conflict and build lasting peace. This can involve initiatives such as truth
and reconciliation commissions, community dialogues, and programs aimed at
healing and rebuilding social trust.
3. Power-Sharing and Political Settlements: Conflicting parties agree to share
power and responsibilities, often through political agreements or constitutional
reforms. This can lead to the creation of inclusive governments or the devolution
of power to regions or minority groups.
4. International Intervention and Peacekeeping: The international
community intervenes inconflicts to provide mediation, peacekeeping forces,
humanitarian aid, and support for rebuilding institutions. This can help create
a conducive environment for the resolution andtransition of conflicts.
5. Military Victories and Ceasefires: Conflicts can also transition through
military means, with one side gaining a strategic advantage or achieving a
decisive victory. Ceasefires or peace agreements may then be negotiated to
halt the violence and begin the transition to a more peaceful situation.
These methods can be combined or adjusted depending on the specific context
and the nature of the conflict. The transition of conflict often requires sustained
efforts, commitment, and a comprehensive approach involving political, social,
and economic dimensions.

9. Explain with help of diagram Pony’s conflict management process

Pony’s conflict management process, also known as the " Pony’s model," was
developed by Dwight Waldo Pony’s a renowned scholar in the field of
organizational behavior and conflict management. It consists offour stages: latent
conflict, perceived conflict, felt conflict, and manifest conflict.
1. Latent Conflict: The first stage, latent conflict, refers to the presence of factors
or conditions that have the potential to create conflict in an organization or
interpersonal relationship. These factors can include incompatible goals, scarce
resources, differences in values or beliefs, or structural issues.
2. Perceived Conflict: In the perceived conflict stage, individuals or groups become
aware of the existence of a conflict. This awareness may arise through direct
observation, communication, orexternal events that highlight the differences and
disagreements between the parties involved.
3. Felt Conflict: Felt conflict is the stage in which individuals or groups
experience emotional responses to the perceived conflict. This involves
feelings of tension, anxiety, frustration, oranger due to the perceived.
4. Manifest Conflict: The final stage, manifest conflict, refers to the outward
expression of the conflict through observable behavior or actions. This can
include overt hostility, arguments, power struggles, or competing efforts to
achieve individual or group objectives. Manifest conflict can have both
constructive and destructive consequences, depending on the approachtaken by
the parties involved in managing the conflict.
It's important to note that Pony’s conflict management model provides a
conceptual framework to understand the progression of conflicts. The actual
management and resolution of conflicts often involve additional stages,
strategies, and processes to address the underlying issues and promote
constructive outcomes.

10. What are the various causes of conflict?

There are various causes of conflict, including:
1. Miscommunication: Poor communication or misunderstandings can lead
to conflicts. Differences in communication styles, language barriers, and
misinterpretation of messages can contribute to misunderstandings and
2. Limited resources: Scarcity or competition over limited resources such as
money, land,water, or power can be a significant cause of conflicts. When
resources are insufficient, disputes may arise among individuals, groups, or
3. Differences in values and beliefs: Conflicts often arise when individuals or
groups hold contrasting values, beliefs, or ideologies. Disagreements over
religion, politics, social norms, or moral principles can lead to deep-rooted
4. Power struggles: Conflicts can stem from struggles for power, authority, or
control. In organizations or relationships, disputes may arise when one party
tries to dominate or exertinfluence over others.
5. Personal differences: Conflicts can occur due to personality clashes,
differing personalities, or incompatible personal goals. Differences in values,
communication styles, or working preferences can lead to interpersonal
6. Historical or cultural conflicts: Long-standing conflicts driven by historical
grievances, ethnic or religious tensions, nationalism, or cultural differences
can contribute to ongoingconflicts that are deeply ingrained.
It is important to note that conflicts often have multiple causes
that interact with each other in complex ways. Understanding the
underlying causes can help in managing and resolving conflicts





ID: 215814

SUBMITION DATE:- 29/12/2015 E.C


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