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Affidavit informing sales-tax officer about the closure of business

Before the Sales-tax Officer, ................
In the matter of M/s. Gupta Provision Stores
Affidavit of A aged about ....years, son of Shri ............... resident of ...................
I, A, aged about .................... years, son of Shri ................., resident of .................
do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows:
(1) That I am the proprietor of the firm M/s. Gupta Provision Stores and thus
well conversant with the facts deposed to below.
(2) That I was carrying on the business of ……………………….under the
name and style of M/s. Gupta Provision Stores at ...............................
(3) That I have closed the said business w.e.f. ...................... and after closing
the said business, I have joined as a sales representative with M/s. Systech
Sales Pvt. Ltd., .................
(4) That the shop which has been vacated by me has been taken on rent by
Shri .........................., who is carrying on the business of .......................... in
the name and style of M/s .........................., which is registered
with ................ Sales Tax Registration No. ......................... dated and CST
No. ......................... dated .......................... I have nothing to do with the
said business.
(5) That the inquiry may be made through your inspector in this regard.
(6) That I am enclosing a certificate dated .......................... from the owner of
the shop, which is enclosed herewith and marked as Annexure I.
I, A, the abovenamed deponent do hereby verify that the contents of paragraphs 1
to 4 are true to my knowledge and nothing has been concealed and no part of it is
false. So help me God.
Verified at .......................... this day of ......................... 20.......
Date ................ Deponent

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