Module 2

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Module 2 – Orthogonal Coordinate

Systems and Coordinate Transformations

Learning Objectives Upon finishing this module, the learner should be able to:
1. Review the three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system
2. Illustrate Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems
3. Perform transformation of vector from one coordinate system to

Topic Outline 2.1 Orthogonal Coordinate Systems

2.1.1 Cartesian coordinate system
2.1.2 Cylindrical coordinate system
2.1.3 Spherical coordinate system
2.2 Coordinate Transformations

2.0 Introduction
In Electromagnetics, we deal with physical quantities that are functions of space and time.
Therefore an appropriate coordinate system must be used to describe the spatial variations of these
To uniquely identify any point in space, Cartesian (or rectangular) coordinate system is
commonly used. But there are cases where it is more convenient to solve problems in coordinate system
other than Cartesian. The cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems are also very much utilized in
electromagnetics as you will see in our succeeding lessons in electrostatics and magnetostatics.
We will deal with coordinate transformation in this module. Worked out example problems show
how to transform the points and vectors from one coordinate system to another.

Author: Engr. Rizza T. Loquias (Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges)

2.1 Orthogonal Coordinate Systems
An orthogonal coordinate system is one in which all the coordinates are mutually perpendicular.
Point P in space can be located by means of its coordinates as shown in Fig 2.1, Fig. 2.2 and Fig 2.3 for
the Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical systems, respectively.

2.2.1 Cartesian Coordinate System

Point P is located in terms of x, y, and z. Vector A is shown as an arrow from the origin to
point P.


Figure 2.1 Cartesian coordinates

2.2.2 Cylindrical Coordinate System

The same point P can be desribed in terms of the

cylindrical coordinates (ρ , φ , z) where ρ is the radius of
the cylinder or distance from the z-axis to the lateral
surface of the cylinder as shown in Fig. 2.2. The angle φ
is the angular displacement between the x-axis and the
projection of ρ on the x-y plane while z is the same as in
cartesian system.

To transform cartesian coordinates to cylindrical z

coordinates: Cylindrical
ρcosφ x
ρ=√ x 2 + y 2 (ρ ≥ 0)

Engr. Rizza T. Loquias |Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges 2 y

−1 y


To transform cylindrical coordinates to cartesian coordinates:


y= ρsinφ


Fig. 2.2 Cylindrical coordinates

2.2.3 Spherical Coordinate System

To transform cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates:

r =√ x 2 + y 2 + z 2 (r ≥ 0)

−1 z
√x 2
+ y2 + z2

−1 y

To transform spherical coordinates to cartesian


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Fig. 2.3 Spherical coordinates


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Example 1: Convert the following to cylindrical coordinates
A. (4, 7, 8)
B. (-2, 3, -5)

Example 2: Convert the following to Cartesian coordinates

A. (7, 35°, 11)
B. (5, 113°, -9)

2.2 Coordinate Transformations

Engr. Rizza T. Loquias |Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges 6

Transformation of a vector from Cartesian to cylindrical

Vector in Cartesian coordinates:

A=A x a x + A y a y + A z a z

Vector in Cylindrical coordinates:

A=A ρ a ρ + A φ aφ + A z a z

To transform Cartesian to cylindrical components:

A ρ= A x cosφ+ A y sinφ
A φ=− A x sinφ+ A y cosφ
A z= A z
In matrix form.

[ ][ ][ ]
Aρ cosφ sinφ 0 A x
A φ = −sinφ cosφ 0 A y
Az 0 0 1 Az

To transform cylindrical to Cartesian components:

A x = A ρ cos φ−A φ sinφ
A x = A ρ cos φ−A φ sinφ
A z= A z

Engr. Rizza T. Loquias |Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges 7

xample No. 3
At point P (-2, 6, 3) and given a vector A= y a x +( x+ z )a y

a. Solve for vector A at P.

b. Obtain the cylindrical form of vector A at P.

Example No. 3
At point P (-3, -4, 5), express the vector that extends from P to Q (2, 0, -1) in:
(a) Rectangular coordinates
(b) Cylindrical coordinates

Transformation of a vector from Cartesian to Spherical coordinates

Vector in Cartesian coordinates:

A=A x a x + A y a y + A z a z

Vector in Spherical coordinates:

Engr. Rizza T. Loquias |Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges 8

A=A r a r + A θ aθ + A φ a φ

To transform Cartesian to spherical components:

Dot Products of Unit Vectors in the Spherical and Rectangular Coordinate Systems

ar aθ aφ
ax sinθcosφ cosθcosφ −sinφ
ay sinθsinφ cosθsinφ cosφ
az cosθ −sinθ 0

Ar = A x sinθcosφ+ A y sinθsinφ + A z cosθ

Aθ =A x cosθcosφ + A y cosθsinφ− A z sinθ

A φ=− A x sinφ+ A y cosφ

Example No. 4:
At point P (-3, -4, 5), express that vector that extends from P to Q (2, 0, -1) in:
(a) Rectangular coordinates
(b) Cylindrical coordinates
(c) Spherical coordinates
(d) Show that each of these vectors has the same magnitude.


R PQ=( 2+3 ) a x + ( 0+ 4 ) a y + (−1−5 ) a z=5 a x +4 a y −6 a z

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@Q (2 ,0 , 1)

φ=tan ❑

Example No. 5:
Given a vector field

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1 2
D=rsinφ ar − sinθcosφ aθ +r a φ

(a) D at P(10, 150°, 330°)
(b) The component of D tangential to the spherical surface r = 10 at P

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