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Please open Greenhouse.docx and make the following changes.

1. After heading Greenhouse gases and global warming, modify the picture
surrounded by the text "Greenhouse gases and global warming...known as
global warming." to height 2.36” (6cm), Square wrapped in the left of the picture.
2. Apply a Box page border with 3pt width and Orange - Accent 2, Darker 25% to
the document.
3. On the table of second page, repeat heading columns into the next page.
4. On the table Game time, sort the Game time column with ascending.
5. Configure autocorrect to replace UTa with Tah.
6. Before text “Chemical list” (The title of the table), insert Text wrapping page
7. Apply the Offset left Shadow Photocopy art style to the photo on the last page,
modify position in Top Right of the page.
8. Apply Casual Style set to the document.
9. Below the paragraph "The ocean also absorbs a lot ...This is called ocean
acidification.", insert the file/picture Flowerlist.jpg located in the Mock Test 1
10. Apply to Chemical list table Line spacing table row exactly at 18pt.
11. Insert a Banded Quote text box in the bottom center of the page that contains text
“IMPORTAN… …. good.” and insert the text "Sam, 2020".
12. On the last page, insert Basic Chevron Process SmartArt in the Bottom Right of
the page, then type the texts from left to the right " 1”, “2”, “3”.
13. Insert footnote after heading The greenhouse effect, move paragraphs
"IMPORTAN....good." into the footnote.
14. Show all the hidden formatting symbols.
15. Use Go to function, go to “Reversed” section, then apply the Landscape
16. Insert bookmark for the heading How are humans impacting the greenhouse
effect? name "Greenhouse".
17. Move the sentence "Human activities are changing Earth's natural greenhouse
effect." to after "NASA has observed increases in the amount ...This causes Earth
to warm up.", but not italic format.
18. Apply the Intense Emphasis Style to the headings "The greenhouse effect" and
"Greenhouse gases and global warming".
19. Remove all formatting from the sentence "More acidic water can be harmful to
many ocean creatures, such as certain shellfish and coral.”
20. In the bottom of the page 6, replace the word "[Symbol]" with the Copyright
21. Change the Status property of the document to Draft.
22. Inspect document and remove all Headers, Footers, and Watermarks about the
23. Set the bold text to the sentence "In Werne's opinion, there are three options from
this point forward:", underline this text with Blue, Accent 1, Darker 25%.
24. Set margins to the document so it is Narrow.
25. With the text "Just like a glass greenhouse...called ocean acidification.", create 2
columns with spacing between the columns of 0.3 inches (0.762cm)
26. Below the heading What Is the Greenhouse Effect? Apply Colorful range -
Accent colors 3 to 4 to the Smart Art.
27. Convert table to text, separate text with tab for Chemical list table.
28. Add number list to after the text “And,” on page 2 that has parentheses after the
29. Create a hyperlink to on the text click here located at the end of
the page 6.
30. Apply double line spacing to only the first paragraph after the heading How does
the greenhouse effect work?
31. After the heading Can the greenhouse effect be reversed? Increasing level list of
the paragraph 2. and 3. so that it is showed paragraph a. and b.
32. After the heading Can the greenhouse effect be reversed? Continue numbering
list from 1. a. b. to 4. 5. 6.
33. Convert text "Nutrition Facts. . . % Daily Value*" to table with 3 columns
separate text at tab, auto fit the window.
34. Split paragraph between heading Can the greenhouse effect be reversed? and
text "DO nothing and live with the consequences." into two columns. Ensure the
second column will start with the text “Josef Werne".
35. Add the current date to the blank footer of the entire document except the first
36. Create a citation for the website MOS2016 authored by the IIG Vietnam and
located at
37. Insert the Built-in Bibliography at the very end of the document so that it replaces
the note “Insert Bibliography here”.
38. On the page 1, update Table of Contents with entire table.
39. Insert the content from file Flower.docx under the horizontal line near in the
bottom of the page 6.
40. On the last page, add a Horizontal Scroll shape with text "Begin in October!"
Align it to the Middle left of the page.
41. Insert word art Gradient Fill Gray for the title "Chemical list" of the table.
42. Apply Center Vertical alignment to the entire document.

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