33 Exercício - Trabalhar Com Os Dados Da Lista - Training - Microsoft Learn

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Exercício – Trabalhar com os dados da lista

8 minutos

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Use slices to retrieve portions

of a list
You might need to work different sections of a list. In this notebook, you will create a
project to display planets closer to and farther away from the sun than a planet that the
user enters.

This exercise is broken into a series of steps. For each step you will be presented with the
goal for the step, followed by an empty cell. Enter your Python into the cell and run it. The
solution for each step will follow each cell.

Create the list of planets

First, create a variable named planets . Add the eight planets (without Pluto) to the list.
The planets are:


# Enter your code below

Your code should look like this:

planets = ["Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Saturn", "Uranus",


Prompt the user for the reference

Next you will add the code to prompt the user for the name of a planet You will do this by
# Enter code below

Your code should look like this:

user_planet = input("Please enter the name of the planet (with a capital letter to start)")

Find the location of the selected planet

Now it's time to determine which planets are closer than the one that the user entered. To do this, you need to find
where he planet is in the list. You can use the index method to perform this operation. Add the code to find the index
of the planet, and store it in a variable named planet_index .

# Enter code below

Your code should look like this:

planet_index = planets.index(user_planet)

Display planets closer to the sun

With the index determined, you can now add the code to display planets closer to the sun than the one selected. Use the
slicing abilities of a list to display all planets up to the one selected.

 Código  Markdown

  # Enter code below

Your code should look like this:

print("Here are the planets closer than " + user_planet)


Display planets further

You can use the same index to display planets farther from the sun. However, remember that the starting index is
included when you're using a slice. As a result, you'll have to add 1 to the value. Add the code to display the planets
farther from the s n

# Enter code below

Your code should look like this:

print("Here are the planets further than " + user_planet)

print(planets[planet_index + 1:])

 Sem computação Computação não conectado  Exibição Kernel não conectado

Unidade seguinte: Verificação de conhecimentos

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