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System Life Cycle Revision Questions

1. A company buys a new software package. This package includes a user guide.
Give two sections that should be included in this user guide.
 How to load/install/run the software
 How to save files
 How to do a search
 How to sort data
 How to print out
 How to add, delete or amend records
 The purpose of the system/program/software package
 Limitations of the system
 Screen layouts (input format)
 Print layouts (output format)
 Hardware requirements
 Software requirements
 Sample runs (with results and actual test data used)
 Error handling/meaning of errors
 Troubleshooting guide/help lines/FAQs (frequently asked questions)
 How to log in/log out
 Tutorials
 Error messages/meaning of error messages
 Glossary
2. A school is to introduce a new, computerized registration system. One method of introduction
of the new system is by phased implementation.
Give two other methods that the school could use.
Methods: Direct, parallel, pilot

3. The manager of a local cinema has employed a systems analyst to update the present
administration system.
Give two methods the analyst might use to collect data about the present system.
 Observation
 Questionnaires
 Interviews
 Examination of existing documents
4. A small company has decided to computerize its stock control system.
a) State two fact-finding methods that could be used to obtain information about the current
b) Explain why parallel running is often chosen as a method of implementation.
With this method, the old and new systems are run side by side for a time before the new system
takes over altogether so that if the new system fails, the old system is still available as a backup.

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