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40+ Google Interview Questions & Answers

to Help You Ace the Process

If you’re looking to land an interview with Google, you’re going to need to prepare
yourself beforehand by doing some research into their interview process and the types
of questions they ask potential employees. We have done the research and compiled
the requisite information for you in this guide. This comprehensive list of the top 40+
Google interview questions has been updated and expanded with the most researched
and ingenious answers. Also, make sure you brush up on your interview skills by
practicing these sample questions before your big day!
Google Interview Process

● Recruiter Connect: The recruiter can contact the candidate based on his/her
profiles on LinkedIn and other employment-oriented online service providers or
if any of his/her friends/acquaintances have referred him/her to the company.
However, it’s always best to message the recruiters via LinkedIn and apply for
the roles on the Career page of Google. If the candidate is good in DS & Algo
skills, it is highly recommended that he/she participate in Google Kickstart- a
hiring contest conducted by Google six times a year. The recruiters will
contact you if the results in those competitions are good enough.
● Interview Rounds: Google conducts a total of seven rounds of interviews. The
first two are telephonic interviews where the interviewer mostly asks one
medium or two easy Algo DS problems to the candidate, and the candidate
has 45 minutes to solve the problems. However, if Kickstart's performance is a
success, you move straight to the next round. Next, they have five onsite
interviews, out of which four are Algo DS interviews, and one is a Googliness
interview, which is mostly a behavioral interview.

After the interviews are over, the recruiter will contact you with feedback from the
interviews. If the performance is good and the interviewers are satisfied, your profile
goes to different teams in Google for a team matching round. In the team matching
round, you understand the work style and interests of each other and learn about the
requirements and expectations of the teams. If both sides are satisfied and comfortable
with each other after finishing the discussions, an offer letter is prepared to offer you a
job at Google.

Interview Rounds

● Telephone interviews (two rounds): These are two 45-minute telephonic calls
during which the interviewer asks you to solve either a medium problem or
two easy problems from a list of Algorithms and DS questions. It is expected
that the candidate first explains the solution of the problem to the interviewer
and then codes the problem on Google Docs in the given duration of time.
(Suggestion: Practice writing the code on Google Docs if you have any
interviews coming up, as it is a different experience compared to writing the
code in any text editor).
● Algo DS Interviews (Three or Four Rounds): These are 45-minute interviews
where the interviewer shares a Google Doc with the candidate and asks
medium to hard problems about Algorithms and DS. It is expected that the
candidate first explains the solution of the problem to the interviewer and then
codes the problem on Google Docs within the given time frame.
● Googliness Interviews (One Round): This is an interview process started by
Google in 2020. The goal is to check for cultural compatibility with the
company as much as interviewing skills. It is primarily a behavioral interview
to check the adaptability of a candidate to the diverse cultural environment of
the company.

How to Answer Google Interview Questions

Are you sure you know enough about golf balls to make a speech about how many
could fill up a school bus? Most likely not. Don't you think it's important to have
first-hand knowledge about what you're speaking? Being put on the spot with a question
like that would make anyone nervous.

One of the drawbacks of this hiring procedure is that such challenging questions can
throw candidates off their game, and they may fail miserably; answering such questions
can be exhausting. However, even though it might help fetch suitable candidates to a
few hiring authorities; there is no evidence that these bizarre hypothetical interview
questions actually identify capable applicants, which is why they are not in practice

Let’s look at the strategy you can follow to sail through the interview process.

Even if you're only going to be asked normal interview questions, you shouldn’t go in
without a strategy, especially when your goal is to impress the interviewer.

● Start by looking at the job description to understand what the hiring manager
will be looking for. This will ensure you give all the pertinent information in
your interview.
● Then, review the company’s mission and values statements to learn more
about the organization, including its priorities and perspective.
● Finally, look at Google’s profiles for company news about recent
accomplishments, or do a quick news search for more details. If you can
discuss new developments with the hiring manager during an interview, there’s
a good chance the interviewer will be impressed.

Okay, now you've got some great material to work with!

Moving forward, how do you answer the simple, straightforward questions?

Straightforward questions can be answered with a simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. To demonstrate,

for example, if the hiring manager wants to know if you have a skill, reply with yes or no,
followed by telling them how you acquired or used that skill. If your answer is no or you
know little of that skill, explain that you're making an effort to improve in that area.

Now, how to handle those tricky interview questions? The ones that don't have a "right"
or a "wrong" answer. The key here is to adopt the right strategy. Follow the STAR method
which is a structured manner of responding to behavioral-based interview questions by
discussing a specific situation and providing information about the task, action, and
outcome of the situation, but add in the Tailoring Method and then make your answers
specific to the interview to maximize your chances of getting selected. The tailoring
method is essentially a way to customize your job interview to align exclusively with the
specific company and position you are seeking.

Top 4 Google Interview Questions

It's important to note that the Google interview questions you face will vary depending
on the position one is being interviewed for. For instance, a software engineer will not be
asked the same set of questions as an HR professional. However, certain common
questions can apply to almost any subject or career.

The four Google interview questions you may be asked are-

1. What Google product do you use the most? How can you fix it?
This is a question to assess how much you know about Google's offerings. The answer
you give doesn't matter, as long as you talk about the company with excitement and say
how it's changed your life somehow.

I use YouTube to find new ideas, gain skills and explore new subjects, while others use it
to promote their work. To provide more customization to the users, I would implement
an option to say how the video recommendations are affected by each video. The
overload problem may be solved depending on the feedback that the YouTube
community wants.

2. Who are Google's top competitors? Does Google stand out from the rest?

With this question, the hiring manager can tell if you are familiar with the other
companies who are vying for the same position as Google and give you a fair
opportunity to mention your relevant strengths. This can be specifically helpful for more
creative or experimental roles such as product managers, or software developer jobs,
where demonstrating how you are more experienced or better is important.

Google's competitors vary, depending on the market. Google has the ability to
seamlessly integrate its services into one user experience. In addition, Google offers a
variety of services, making it versatile and easy to avoid leaving the website to
accomplish a task.

3. How do you go about ensuring that your co-workers are doing what they need
to do?

Accountability is an integral factor for employers; in the eyes of Google, you want to
make sure that you take on your responsibilities and live up to the company's
expectations. A hiring manager may favor candidates who can also help their
co-workers stay accountable, especially if the company expects a lot of group projects.

For me, accountability is always a priority. One of the things I do to stay accountable is
to track all of my deliverables and associated due dates. A list is how I stay organized,
create notifications and block out time on my calendar as necessary, ensuring I can
focus on the task and finish on time when projects are larger. I also employ the use of
mini-milestones, which helps me explore the step-by-step process and plan more
Working with my co-workers, I find that keeping in touch is often helpful. This can be in
the form of scheduling team meetings to discuss our progress or bouncing ideas back
and forth. Additionally, I try to contact them periodically to check if they need anything
or offer assistance if they appear to be falling behind.

4. Have you ever done something professionally, risked a lot, and failed? What
was it? What made you take the risk, and what did you take away from it?

Google seems to love innovation, and with innovation comes risks. So, when Google
finds a creative person, it is appreciative and respectful of the courage to do something
no one else would. There should be something to help that next effort succeed in future

More Google Interview Questions

5. What drew you to Google in the first place?

The presence of free food and the ability to bring your pet to the Googleplex isn't what
you want to do here — although it is a very important factor to some. Instead, discuss
how your skills mesh with what Google is looking for, what the company offers, and the
specific job you're applying for. This is your chance to show that you are the right person
for the job and understand the company.

Google always releases new devices and apps. Your skills as an app developer could be
of assistance to this group. Tell them that you would like to get together with the team
and discuss how you can be of help.

6. What is your knowledge of Google's history?

Headquartered in Mountain View, California, Google LLC, formerly Google Inc.

(1998-2017), is an American company which develops, produces, and distributes
software in diverse technological domains. With more than 70% of worldwide online
search requests being handled by Google, it is essential to most internet users’
At first, Google just focused on its search function, but now it offers a multitude of
products such as email, document-creation software, and more. However, 2012's
acquisition of Motorola Mobility enabled it to sell its own hardware as well.

Google's wide range of products, size, and influence on the high-tech market makes it
one of the four largest companies alongside Apple, IBM, and Microsoft. Yet, its search
tool is its core product which drives its success.

Google earned all of its revenue in 2016 from advertisements based on people's search

7. In your opinion, should people have to use their legal names when setting up a
Gmail account?

Although it is required by Google, you don't need to use your real name (or the Google
username of your choice) to complete this profile. You can put your nickname, make
sure it sounds authentic like a first name, and you should be all set.

8. What changes do you think digital marketing will undergo in the next five

It is difficult to predict how digital marketing will change in the next five years, but it will
most likely be more integrated into our daily lives. Digital marketing is already
widespread in most countries, and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. With the
popularity of smartphones and other mobile devices, users are spending a large
percentage of their time online and on mobile apps instead of watching TV or reading
magazines like they used to. As such, advertisers are quickly adapting to the way people
consume information on the go.

9. How would you explain this Google product to a young person? Say a

This is a complicated test which can seem impossible when you are not well prepared.
Chances are the interviewer will ask you questions about Google products connected to
the job you are applying for, so focus on those. Know how the product works, what it
does, and whether you understand it well enough. If you understand it well enough, you
should be able to rephrase it enough so a four-year-old can understand.

Well, do you know how we pay the cashier at the grocery store for our food? It's easier
than ever to use my phone to pay the cashier with Google Pay. My bank account is
directly connected to the purchase, so I don't have to worry about leaving my card

10. What do you think of Google charging for their productivity apps? Do you
agree or disagree?

I disagree with Google charging for their productivity apps. By charging for these apps, it
will be difficult for them to get a large user base, as not everyone is willing to pay for
software. Many users use these apps every day as part of their jobs and don’t want to
pay money for them. By charging these fees, they may see a decrease in their users, or
they may even lose potential customers due to high prices.

11. Share a detail about yourself that you haven't put on your resume.

Hiring managers often use interview questions like these to see how quickly you think
on your feet and to get a sense of your personality. Be ready to describe something
unique about yourself that isn’t listed on your resume or in any other documents you
provided. Avoid getting flustered and struggling for words, but also be careful not to
oversell yourself or give off a false impression. For example, if you say you can juggle
flaming bowling pins while riding a unicycle, hiring managers might want to know why
that skill is relevant to their business. (Hint: It probably isn’t.)

12. Can you give me an example of a time when you and your manager were at
odds? How did you two finally come to an agreement?

I once disagreed with my boss about a decision that would have cost the company a lot
of money. It was about how we were going to handle our Facebook advertising, and I
suggested a solution that saved the company about a grand. I wrote up a document
with my plan and emailed it to him, asking if we could discuss in person. He loved the
idea, so we went with it, and it ended up working out wonderfully.
13. What does multithreaded programming mean?

A multithreaded program is an executable program with multiple execution threads,

each running on its own processor. Sometimes there could be multiple threads running
simultaneously on multiple processor cores.

14. Could you briefly explain AdWords to someone who's unfamiliar with the
product and online advertising?

Google Ads is an online advertising platform used by companies to promote their

products and services on Google Search, YouTube, and other sites. With Google Ads,
companies can also specify what kind of traffic they want the ads to generate. With a
Google Ads account, advertisers can customize their budgets and targeting and start or
stop their ads at any time. This question tests whether you can articulate a complicated
business issue and solve someone's problem. It’s not about how much you know but
how well you can communicate it to someone else.

15. If you were told to create an initiative to increase Gmail's user base, what
would you do?

If you were in charge of marketing Gmail, how would you go about getting more people
to start using it? This type of question is designed to see if you can formulate a strategy
on your feet. Show them that you can brainstorm and execute strategies. Give an
example of a time when you increased your team’s sales numbers or user base by X%
through a particular initiative. It could be a real situation or something hypothetical. Just
make sure it’s relevant!

16. Describe a time when you faced a technical problem. How did you fix it?

Working in my current position, I often get to call customers on the phone and fill orders
through the company's system. However, on one particular day, the system went down,
and there were more than 100 callers waiting to place their orders. Initially, it was
difficult, but then I realized that there were a number of things I could do to help with the
problem. I contacted our customers and reassured them that we were doing everything
in our power to assist them. I spoke to as many customers as I could so that they were
on top of the priority list and their wait time would be shorter. I always stayed sincere
and helpful and told them the truth - our system was down momentarily.
I have always enjoyed telling our customers the truth about their service when it hasn't
been perfect, and I love taking the initiative to get to the bottom of messy situations
when my managers have left me in charge. I am very eager to tell your customers about
your wonderful product, should there be a time when your system is temporarily

17. Let me know three non-Google sites that you like to visit. What do you like
about them?

Google has developed a reputation for asking brainteasers that don’t actually provide
much insight into candidates. And no, your answers shouldn’t mention Turing machines
or anything like that. Still, Google is interested in knowing how you think; remember to
describe your reasons and back them up with examples from your experience and
knowledge. Your answer might be straightforward. For instance, you can say you like
CNN because you always know what’s going on in the world, and you love sites like
Facebook because it lets you connect with friends. Whatever you choose, make sure to
stick to it—Google will ask follow-up questions about why you said what you said.

18. How do cookies move along through the HTTP protocol?

A cookie is transmitted as part of an HTTP protocol via a header field. Cookie lifecycle:
The first time a browser connects with a particular server, there are no cookies. The
server creates a unique identifier, and returns a Set-Cookie: header in the response that
contains the identifier.

19. What is the function of congestion control in TCP protocol?

To prevent congestion or mitigate congestion after it has occurred, the TCP protocol
incorporates congestion control mechanisms. In contrast to the sliding window used in
the flow control mechanism, TCP uses the congestion window maintained by the

20. If an advertiser doesn’t see the benefit of Adwords due to poor conversions,
how would you convince them to stay on board?
If conversion rates are low, I'd first try to work out why. Usually, the client's website is the
problem in cases like this.

My approach to this is pretty straightforward: I can either sell them a new website or
improve their existing one. On the other hand, I can make a landing page with a tool like
Unbounce to see if we get any leads or make sales- it only really works for lead
generation, not e-commerce.

You can test if your conversion tracking is actually working and make sure you're
tracking every conversion you can, contact forms, sales, phone conversions, etc.
Sometimes a client may not see any benefit, even though conversions are happening, as
they are not being tracked. You need to show them how successful your Adwords
campaigns are. In other words, Adwords is only an issue when it is related to converting
views. Present them with numbers such as time on site, number of pages visited, and
bounce rate. But do it with an idea of what the problem is and how to fix it. Let the client
know that you spotted a potential problem and gave them a potential solution, even if
it's just a test.

21. Pick an app on your phone’s home screen. What do you like about it? What do
you dislike about it?

I would like to share my opinion on my app, iFitness, which has a home screen. I like that
it is simple and easy to use while having multiple features. But there are many things I
dislike about it, such as having to pay every month even if you do not use all of its
features. The app is also very complex and takes up a lot of memory on my phone,
making it longer for my phone to boot up.

22. What steps could YouTube take to improve its business model?

YouTube is currently a free platform for users and makes money primarily through
advertisements. YouTube could possibly create paid accounts for users who wish to
avoid ads. Another option would be to offer users pay-per-view videos and exclusive
content only available with a subscription.

23. Describe a time when you were faced with adversity. How did you overcome
My former employer put me through an Excel training course that I flunked. It was too
challenging. I soon realized I shouldn't have started with an advanced-level course. I
brought up this issue with my boss, and we both came to the conclusion that I wasn't
quite ready for advanced-level coursework. I am not a skilled user, but I have used
computers a lot. To solve the problem, I studied online for a few weeks and then took up
the course again when I was better prepared. This approach was much more successful
as I not only managed to complete it, I secured 92%.

24. Could you explain why the Google homepage is mostly blank?

In the wake of annoying pop-ups and advertisements, the Google founders have made it
simple for the users, which ultimately led to a better interface.

25. In layman's terms, how would you explain the balance sheet to someone who
isn't familiar with accounting principles?

A balance sheet is a simple, one-page financial statement showing what you own and
what you owe. They're simple to create and comprehend. On one side, it lists what your
business owns, while the other side lists how much debt you owe as well as how much
of the company you own. The info on a balance sheet will give you, your lenders, and
your investors a brief overview of your company's current fiscal health. That is, when
you need to take your company's temperature, a balance sheet is your thermometer.

26. How would you assure a hesitant client that making the move to a cloud
solution is the right thing to do?

You’d want to understand what specifically about a cloud solution is causing them to be
hesitant. You’d also want to gain an understanding of how it would impact their
operations, as well as any potential security or compliance concerns. Most importantly,
you’d want to establish a clear course of action that will help your client make peace
with moving forward with a cloud solution and ensure that they fully understand how
and why such a move will benefit them in the long term.

27. What is Google's largest concern right now?

For a while now, Microsoft has been Google's biggest threat. It has had a tough time
making gains in the PC market but is still firmly entrenched in the office space.
Industries that Google is aggressively trying to compete in include technology, business,
gaming, and the cloud. If Microsoft's phones can be significantly upgraded, they may
have the ability to outperform Google in various areas. To note, Google's greatest
competitor in advertising at this point is Facebook, while Microsoft is their main
competitor in search with a spot at #2 position with significant gains. As is the case
with many Android-based phones, Android companies have moved away from using
Android due to their disdain for the way that Google dictates their product, choosing to
launch their own alternative software.

28. Given an autosuggest issue in a developing country, what steps would you
take to correct it?

A few steps to resolving an autosuggest issue for searches in a developing country

would include: 1. Identify keywords that are being searched frequently in your country,
and then test those out for feasibility as suggested search terms by watching live
autosuggest results, testing out potential abbreviations, etc. 2. Try to find similar
countries or regions where you can test it first before launching it on a larger scale.

29. Tell me about an area where you believe Google is underinvested.

If you work for Google, it’s a pretty safe bet that they are already investing heavily in
social media. But even if you don’t, your job is to be able to pinpoint areas where Google
is underinvested and potentially could use some extra help. For example, if you believe
Facebook has been expanding into YouTube territory by producing engaging videos and
therefore has a potentially lucrative revenue stream at its fingertips, then explain why.

30. Tell me about an area where you think Google is overinvested.

Just as above, your answer should follow the same formula—replace underinvested
with overinvested.

31. Share a time when a project had expanded beyond what was originally
This is an open-ended question that you should handle carefully. While it is good to be
honest, you don’t want to come across as arrogant by saying something like your
project was so important that they couldn’t ignore it. Instead, you should simply say
something like it was clear early on that we had far more work than we had initially
anticipated. The key thing to remember is that there are always unexpected issues in
any given project. When faced with a situation where there is more work than
anticipated, your response will help determine whether or not you are viewed as
someone who can take charge of a situation and ensure things get done or if you’re
someone who cannot effectively manage time and resources. A good answer would
acknowledge their concern while also reassuring them that even though there were
challenges, everything worked out in the end.

32. What can I discover about your personality by checking your browser history?

Some of these questions may seem odd or irrelevant but remember that interviewers
are trying to get a sense of your personality. Many candidates have failed not because
they couldn’t answer questions about technology and data structures but because they
lacked social skills (that is, being a team player). While there isn’t really any right answer
for these questions, it helps to be personable and show your human side through
examples that you come up with off-the-cuff. For example, if asked if you open your
browser history, what will they learn about your personality? One answer could be that
you spend a lot of time on Facebook—you like connecting with friends and family! But if
they look at your LinkedIn profile instead, they might see that your interests revolve
around artificial intelligence. When you were younger, you wanted to work at IBM

33. Share a story with me about when you had to handle confusing

All of us have to handle confusing circumstances at work. It’s important to remember

that you don’t have to come up with a solution on your own in such situations; instead,
you can seek help from colleagues and mentors. If you have an opportunity to work at
Google or other huge technology companies, then it’s very important to prepare such
questions beforehand.

34. Let me ask you something: what do you enjoy doing outside of work?
The idea behind this type of interview is to have a more conversational style. One-way
interviewers can get a sense of who you are and what matters most to you is by asking
you about something in your life that isn't related to work. You may discuss what
matters to you the most in life. You may speak about your family, non-profit, or your
favorite sports team. Share with others not just what you like but also why it matters to

Why does it matter to you? Do you mind if I ask why you care so much? I'm curious how
it has influenced your career. If you had no fear of failure, what would be your dream
job? - Some companies interview potential candidates by asking them what they would
do if they weren't afraid of taking risks and didn't fear trying new things because they
want people who are cautious risk-takers and can take up challenging assignments.

35. Tell me a time when you had to "sell" or propose a solution to an Engineering
or Stakeholder Team.

I had a codebase that I inherited from another developer. It was unmaintainable

because it was a confusing mess of spaghetti code; many developers were afraid to
change it. I put together a presentation and shared my plan for refactoring it with my
team, then made changes using pair programming so we could all learn something new
together. Afterward, we worked through bugs collectively, passing fixes back and forth
until our process became smoother and more efficient.

36. What's the maximum number of golf balls that can fit in a school bus?

School buses are enormous vehicles, often reaching lengths of about 40 feet. The
average school bus can hold about 56 students, but how many golf balls could fit in a
school bus? In 1994, one person calculated that approximately 34 million golf balls
could fit into a single school bus. And that’s not just a guess—he had actually measured
it! At least two were inside each seat, and another 16 were scattered in every square
foot of the floor space as well.

37. Between learning and earning, which one do you enjoy more?

I enjoy learning, and I’d rather focus on being more career-oriented than money-minded,
as I feel that's how you become more qualified at what you do. Knowledge will lead to
wisdom and a deeper understanding of what you are doing.
Five Great Questions to Ask at the End of a Google

38. When I first started working for Google, what surprised me was...

…the diversity of its workforce. It's important to be aware that most people there are
talented in their own way. When I first joined, I imagined everyone who worked there to
be like a typical computer geek. Every one of my co-workers comes from a different
background, and I have learned something new from each of them. This welcoming of
new ideas is another of your company's core values, which inspires me to constantly
challenge myself, improving my skills at work and elsewhere.

39. What challenge is Google facing today? What does this role hope to do to fix
this challenge?

Google faces several a multitude of challenges every single day. The company has to
ensure that its products and services stay on top of customer trends and ahead of
competitors’ offerings, or else it risks being irrelevant in today’s fast-moving business
landscape. Google is always innovating new products and updating old ones to make
them more user-friendly, so you should mention one challenge Google faces in this area
and how you hope to help fix it if hired.

40. What does an average day look like for this role?

This question is all about making sure you know what you’re getting yourself into, so be
honest with your interviewer. If a typical day involves any of these things—like working
on Saturdays or traveling several times a month—say so. That way, you won't have any
later unforeseen surprises.

41. What does success mean to you in relation to this job?

By asking this question, they want to see if your definition of success matches that of
the potential employer. Don't try to hide your answer and expect them to give you a
different one. There are many different ideas of what success means, so the important
thing is that you're honest with yourself about what makes you successful and write that

42. On average, what do the most successful people in this position share in

Most successful people in this position share not only a willingness to learn and put in
the effort but also a great enthusiasm for their position and their area of expertise.

Happy learning!

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