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5 sings you are ruining your opportunity for success

Unprofessional habits

Have you ever felt that your colleagues do not take you seriously? Or, you might have noticed
they talk behind your back and you have no clue why? Well, let me tell you there could be a
possibility that some of your habits are unprofessional, which are slowly ruining your
reputation without your knowledge. Doesn't matter for how long you have been working in an

You always show up late

It is okay if you are reaching office late occasionally, but it is not professional to show up late
every single day. This proves to be a bad indicator of how punctual and reliable you are as a
person, and how seriously you take your job. Moreover, leaving office early in the evening
every second day is another such practice that slowly diminishes your image and in turn,
hamper your professional growth.

Your negative attitude

Cribbing regards work constantly, or getting panicked even before a task is assigned and
being negative about everything is neither constructive nor appreciative. And even before you
realise, you would be considered as ‘uncooperative’ and ‘cry baby’ by your colleagues.
Instead of complaining about the problem, concentrate on finding a solution and maintain an
affirmative attitude. This will lead you to keep your stress at bay and become a better

What do you do at your work desk?

Do you take selfies while sitting in front of your laptop? Or obsessed for checking your social
media account every next hour? Or, you continuously use your phone to play games, browse
dating apps or chat with your friends? And the worst thing, do you apply make-up while
sitting at your desk and file your nails? Stop that immediately! This will create your
unprofessional image in the eyes of your colleagues and the boss. You are not only wasting
your time which should be devoted to work but also showing your colleagues that you
prioritise these other things over work. This is how you are making yourself a butt of
everyone's jokes.

Basic hygiene

If you are such a person who leaves used cups or napkin at your workstation, sneeze without
using a tissue, make weird noise while eating or burp loudly, you are almost inviting people to
comment on your conduct. Don't forget that you co-exist with people during office hours and
your work desk is not your personal bedroom where you can toss anything anywhere without
thinking twice.

Chatting all the time

While its alright to take some coffee or tea breaks and talk with colleagues once or twice in a
while, but doing so all the time is definitely not a professional habit. Do I need to explain
why? Moreover, taking personal calls, until and unless it is an emergency, during office hours
is an another big no. Think twice before constantly disturbing others by your
unprofessionalism, who are working because it gives the impression that you are irresponsible
and have no work to do.

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