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favourite website
My favorite website is youtube.com. It's a website that you can use to watch lots of videos of
people talking about different topics. The purpose of this website is to talk about ideas worth
spreading. One reason I recommend it is because of the variety of talks, there are many available
to watch on the Youtube website including health, technology, science, love, religion , human
rights, entertainment and many other topics.
I like this website because the talks are given by many different people from all over the world
and you can enjoy the talks and learn English, or other subjects thereof, at the same time. The
design of the website is simple and really easy to use. There is a menu and a search engine where
you can search for a specific topic by entering a name. You can also choose the language, watch
online or download.
I visit this website every day, there is a community of users and another great feature is that you
can participate in online discussions and participate in submitting your comments.
I highly recommend this site, there is something for everyone to see.
2.Recent achievement.
I was never very good at languages when I was at school so learning Welsh was a huge
challenge for me. I wanted to learn Welsh because I was living in Wales and my wife spoke
Welsh. So, I decided to enrol for a course at the university and go for classes twice a week. I
soon fell in love with the language - it's so gentle and musical. I began to realise how many
people living around me loved and treasured their national language. Welsh has beautiful
expressions and has often been called the language of poets. It's not an easy language to learn,
but it's very satisfying. I feel like I've achieved a lot. Now, when I go into my local shop, I try
to speak to people in Welsh. I'm sure I make a lot of mistakes, but everyone is very kind to
me, and they always smile.
More and more people are watching satellite television. The main advantage is that you can
choose exactly what you want to watch, and in addition to this you can watch programmes in
other languages. However, this means that whereas people used to talk about programmes with
colleagues and friends, now they usually don't watch the same programmes.
On the other hand, there is too much choice. There are so many programmes to choose from that
people can't decide what to watch. This means that I'm concerned, they watch too much
In my opinion ,satellite television is a good thing, as it gives people more choice.
However, people need to be careful that they choose their programmes carefully.

4.recent challenge
- There are some memorable events in my life that I can recall, I want to talkabout the time when
I was preparing to take the university entrance exam. InVietnam, the university entrance exam is
very important for any student's future.Every high school graduate is required to take this exam
to enter college. So thepressure is very high. During that time, I not only had to go to school but
alsohad to take extra classes because the exam content was very large . I go toschool from 7 am
to 9 pm. The pressure was very high because I had to get goodscores to be accepted into
universities. However, my parents are very supportiveand caring, so I try harder and harder.
When I took the exam, because it wasraining, I had a high fever. Luckily, I still finished the
exam even though I wasvery tired. Looking back, although the pressure seems unhealthy, I think
it wasworth it. That's why this is a very memorable event in my life
5.stressed about your work/ study
Failure is inevitable in life. And the failures we experience are also valuable lessons for us to
better ourselves. Me too, I have encountered many incidents but have overcome them all. My
funniest failure was on an oral exam a year ago in math class. A few days ago I was tested and I
thought the teacher wouldn't call on me anymore. But then she called me to the board. When she
asked, I was confused and answered in despair. Finally, I got a score of 0 in my notebook and
asked my parents to sign the notebook. Even now, even though it has been a long time and I have
thoroughly learned the knowledge, I still cannot forget that day. I think that day taught me a
valuable lesson: Never neglect a task. If it weren't for that day, I wouldn't be here today.
I am a second-year student at Hoa Binh University, Hanoi city. I am studying pharmacy, a very
important industry in our lives. In this article, I will talk about my future plans when studying
pharmacy. This is a difficult industry, it is very dangerous because it involves human health. This
job requires excellent knowledge of drugs, understanding medical terms to prescribe drugs and
dispense appropriate drugs for patients. core. I will try my best to study to graduate on time.
After that, I will open a pharmacy in my hometown to sell medicine to people when they are
sick. Working in the pharmaceutical industry can also mean contributing to the science of drugs.
Overall, pharmacy is one of the most important jobs in the world and I hope it will continue to
7. favourite film
When it comes to my favorite movie, I would say it is the 2017 Beauty and the Beast remake.
I am always a big fan of musical romantic films, and this movie is the best one that I have
ever seen. It is a love story between a beautiful girl named Belle and an ugly beast who used
to be a handsome prince. Still, he and every person in his castle were punished by an evil
witch. She handed him an enchanted rose and warned him he would always be a beast if he
could not learn to love a girl and win her affection until the last petal dropped. I love
everything about this movie including its sound effect, a-list movie stars, and the meaning
behind it. It teaches me how to respect other people despite their flaws, and I should not judge
a book by its cover. All in all, this movie is a masterpiece for me.
8. important events in your life.
Every person is born with a birthday. My birthday last year was the first time I had a birthday
party. It was a great day. I think even if I experience many other birthday parties in the future, I
won’t forget that day. To prepare the party, my mother and I went to the supermarket together
and bought decorations and food. It took us a day to prepare. I invite a lot of friends. My
classmates, friends near my home, and loved ones. That day I made a buffet. Plates of fresh and
delicious fruit and snacks are beautifully laid out. I received a lot of gifts and birthday greetings.
In response to everyone’s enthusiasm, I sang to everyone my favorite song. At 11 pm, everyone
started to leave. After the party was over I cleaned up with my mother and I still couldn’t help
smiling. This is the first time I feel the joy of my birthday. I want to thank mom for helping me
have a great day.

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