Composition of Living Alone

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In this composition I going to talk about the pros and cons of living alone. Like we know
living alone is something that happen to most of the people when we grow up. But also, is a
kind of lifestyle, to the point that people stay in the situation without marry or having kids.
So, let’s see.

Topic sentence: Let’s talk about the pros.
1)Main point: Organization
Detail 1: Cleaning
Detail 2: Time
2)Main point: Space
Detail 1: self-time
Detail 2: Things
3) Main point: Sound
Detail 1: Noise
Detail 2: Music
Conclusion sentence: These are some of the most common pros of living alone.

Topic sentence: Now, let’s talk about the cons.
1)Main point: Maintaining
Detail 1: Chores
Detail 2: Hard
2)Main point: Company
Detail 1: Love
Detail 2: Security
3) Main point: Mental illness
Detail 1: Introversion
Detail 2: Depression
Conclusion sentence: These are some random cons of living alone.


In conclusion we can see, living alone is not only good things, like playing our own music
and decorate like we want, is also a problem for ourselves sometimes, giving us a bad life.
Is good to have some time alone, but we are social specimen who needs be in company.

In conclusion we can see, living alone is not only good things, like playing our own music
and decorate like we want, is also a problem for ourselves sometimes, giving us a bad life.
Is good to have some time alone, but we are social specimen who needs be in company.

In this composition I going to talk about the pros and cons of living alone. Like we know
living alone is something that happen to most of the people when we grow up. But also, is a
kind of lifestyle, to the point that people stay in the situation without marry or having kids.
So, let’s see.

Let’s talk about the pros. First, and one I would like to live is the organization, imagine
cleaning just one time a week your home, have time for yourself and can live properly.
Second, you have space for yourself, you can do so many things alone and have your things
in the way you want. And Finally, Sound, you can live in a place full of peace without
noise, you choose de music you want to hear always, and nobody y mess with you. These
are some of the most common pros of living alone.

Now, let’s talk about the cons. First, we have the maintaining, a place requires things to do,
and sometimes is hard when is just one people, like chores and the payment of the rent.
Second, the necessity of company, when we are alone sometimes, we need love, and the
security, that is much safer when are more people in a place. Final, we have the multiple
mental illness that can surge, like the depression on being alone and become an introvert.
These are some random cons of living alone.

In conclusion we can see, living alone is not only good things, like playing our own music
and decorate like we want, is also a problem for ourselves sometimes, giving us a bad life.
Is good to have some time alone, but we are social specimen who needs be in company.

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