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Mario Herrera • Christopher Sol Cruz

Big English
Workbook 1
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12 13 14 15-VOll-1'118 17 16
Good Morning, Class! ....................... . 2

My Family ....................................12

My Body..................................... 22

Checkpoint,, Units 1-3 .......................... 32

My Favorite Clothes........................ 34

Busy at Home ............................... 44

On the Farm ................................ 54

Checkpoint .'. Units 4-6 .......................... 64

Party Time .................................. 66

Fun and Games.............................. 7 6

Play Time .................... . .............. 86

Checkpoint Units 7_q .......................... q6

Extra Grammar Practice........................... q 8

The Alphabet ...................................107

Numbers ......................................108 _
n Song JJ •••
• ••• •

From the mountaintops to the bottom of the sea, ••

From a big blue whale to a baby bumblebee­ • • ••

If you're big, if you're small, you can have it all,
And you can be anything you want to be!
It's bigger than you. It's bigger than me.
There's so much to do, and there's so much to see!
The world is big and beautiful, and so are we!
Think big! Dream big! Big English!
So in every land, from the desert to the sea,
We can all join hands and be one big family.
If we love, if we care, we can go anywhere!
The world belongs to everyone; it's ours to share. .J�)
It's bigger than you. It's bigger than me.
There's so much to do, and there's so much to see!
The world is big and beautiful, and so are we!
Think big! Dream big! Big English!
It's bigger than you. It's bigger than me.
There's so much to do, and there's so much to see!
The world is big and beautiful and waiting for me ...
a one, two, three ...
Think big! Dream big! Big English!

00 d Morn1,,
' � Listen and match. Then sing and color.

a. The Classroom Song

Good morning, class!
Good morning to you!
I'm happy to see you.
We're happy to see you, too!
My name is Parker. I have a marker.
My name is Sue. My pencil is blue!
My name is Em. This is my pen.
My name is Zack. I have a backpack!
c. Please take out your pencil case. (;dL.--�=!l......__
Now draw a funny face!
Say the words with me.
Let's start now. 1-2-3!

fl Draw a funny face.

2 Unit 1
Cl Match. Then trace the words.
1. a.

2. b.

3. c.

4. d.


Trace and color.

1. What color is it? 2. What color is it?

It's ellow. It's blue.

Unit 1 3
- - -- • . ·1 -•.... • . --, :.· - •
• -C,0
- • - ""ll"""t:" \" ·.-
••{:::::. • - � .·•
• ·• ...._.
,_ • -' - - ' • I' ...
' ,• , ' � • • • • •

• '

..· ,•
· - _. . .· · L�ng�age in Ac�-�n -
i.. •' •• • ,, � •

,.� Listen and check (�).


a.rzJ b.D

a.D b.D

a.D -1 b.D

a.D b.D
' · � Listen and read. Draw and color.
1. It's a pencil. 2. It's a book. 3. Ifs a crayon.
It's green. It's blue. It's yellow.

Unit 1 5
- . '


& Trace.
�What's this tJ
1. 2. 3.

It's a book. It' Sa desk. It' S a backpack.

' � Listen and circle. Then color.

1. 2.

a. b. a. b.

Unit 1 7
f The Alphabet I Sounds and Letters

G\ Trace.

a b C d e f 9 h
k m n 0
p r

s t u V w X
y z

Cl Find and circle the letters h, n, o, I, v, and w.

Circle the letters in your name.

a b c d e f g h k m

n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Unit 1 q
3 •• ,....----� �"''':"...
�-1� - --: V ...-.--� •- ....� • • - ,• - - •--
- - • • -

.• Vocabulary and Grammar I Review

fa Color.
( 1 = red 2 = blue 3 = green 'I= yellow)

Look at 20. Mat(h. Then trace the word.

1. What's this? It's red.-- a.It's an eraser.

2. What's this? It's blue. b. It's a ruler.

3. What's this? It's green. c. It's a era On.

4. What's this? It's yellow. d. It's a bac'koack.


Unit 1 11
' � Listen and sing. Then match.

I Love My Family
My family, my family!
I love my family.
) See them in this picture.
They mean so much to me.
My father, my mother!
My sister, my brother!
We have so much fun.
They're number one.
My family, my family!
I love my family.
I love them and they love me,
That's why we're family.

Draw your mother. Draw your father.

12 Unit 2
Trace and match.

[ randmother ] [ randfother ]

[ brother] sister

father [ mother J
Unit 2 13
I Language in Action

,.� Listen. Write the number.

1 Around the World I Connections

m Trace.

,.My name IS Maria.

2.My name IS Celine.

3.My name IS Minjoon.

Cl Write your name.

My name is _______
Unit 2 1q
. . . -

Vocabulary and Grammar I Review

&\ Find the family words. Color them green.

My Family





please thank you



G\ Circle. Who's in your family?

I have a mother a father a sister a brother
a grandmother a grandfather

Unit 2 21
' � Listen and match. Then sing.

My Body Song f.l

With my ears I hear.
With my eyes I see.
, . With my mouth I sing.
• ' Sing along with me!
I have ten fingers.
I have ten toes.
Two arms and two legs
But just one nose!
I wave my hands in the air.
I run my fingers through my hair.
I make a silly face and then
I sing my body song, my body song,
I sing my body song again!

22 Unit 3
fl Trace and match.
1. e es

2.mouth •

3. -Flnaers
J �·
4. feet • d

8 Trace and draw.

1. I have
ten flnaers.

2. I have
two eves.

Unit 3 23
Q Read and match.
1. I

It has big eyes .



' � Listen and check (./).


a.D b.D


Unit 3 25
r -
I - ···c:---��
I ��'�:-¥�����:;
Vocabulary and Grammar I ReView·

'&� Listen and circle.


1. ,-----· 2.




Look and write.

( eye


2. _____

4. -----

3. -----

Unit 3 31
fl Color. Then match.

1 = red

2 = blue

yellow boots


Unit 4 35
I Language in Action

Q Trace and circle.

,. old a. b.

2. new a.

3.small a. b.

4 . b ia a. b.

2. She's wearing a
big / small hat.
3. He's wearing
old / new pants.

4. He's wearing
old/ new shoes.

Unit 4 37
I Grammar

' : �·Listen and check(/").


a.D b.lZJ a.D b.D


a.D b.D a.D b.D

· Draw. What are you wearing?

Unit 4 3q
J · Around the World I Connections

41 Read and draw.

Funny Hats!
1. Her hat has dogs on it.


2. Her hat has pencils on it.


3. Her hat has shoes on it.

4. Her hat has flowers on it.

Unit 4 41

' � Look and color. Then listen and check (v').

1 = green 2= llow 3 = black
4 = blue 5 = orange 6 = purple

1. 2.

a.D b. lZI a.D b.D

3. I.I.

a.D b.D a.D b.D

m What are you wearing? Write.

a blouse a jacket a shirt a skirt

boots pants shoes

rm wearing----------

Unit 4 4-3
H ome a t

' � Listen and sing. Then match.


I'm Busy
I'm brushing my teeth.
I'm combing my hair.
I'm busy. I'm busy.
I have to get there.
I'm eating breakfast.
I'm washing my face.
I'm busy. I'm busy.
I have no time to waste.
I'm putting on my jacket.
And my backpack - wait!
I'm busy. I'm busy.
Bur II "'\., an'r haw Iar!.w•
I, I, ..,

44 Unit 5
fl Look and write.
. -..-­.
bedroom -----·-----·-
.. _...___._
¥________ •

dining room


living room

3. -----4. ------ 5. -------

Look. What are they doing? Look at the rooms in 2.

Write the room number.

Unit 5 4-5
f '" , ,- - . ·_ - -
Language in Acti�rl:

Q Look and color around the rooms.

kitchen Q))) D}):::l living room

bathroom Q))) ))}):::l dining room


1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

. Circle.

1. She's in the bathroom / bedroom.

2. She's in the living room I kitchen.

3. She's in the bedroom / dining room.

Unit 5 4-7
! Grammar

' · � Listen. Write the number.

Cl L ook at q_ Write. r
dining room
1. Where's Ana? kitchen

She's in the
2. Where's her father?
He's in the

CD Draw. Where are you?

m T I'm in the .T m

Unit 5 4q
t Short a Sound I Sounds and Letters

' � Write a. Listen and number.

b_throom j_cket

D_d fl_g

Color shapes. Write. D = green

0 = black
D= ellow

I:::.= red

What's this? It's a c_t.

Unit 5 51
--",,- . - . . ., . . - -- . - . --- .---�.-
--=- --;-, . - , .
Vocabulary and Grammar I Review

G\ Look. Follow the paths and match. Then write.

( bathroom bedroom kitchen )

C--'-' -�
She,s taking a bath.

She,s reading.-�
-:::.... --1 _I -
He,s eating breakfast.

She,s in the She,s in the He,s in the

Unit 5 53
fl Look. Write. Then circle.
1. It's a cow � "I

It's �atinV I flying.



2. horse
It's a " �

It's sleeping/ running.

3. It's a _______
It's eating/ swimming.

4. It's a _______
It's jumping/ sleeping.

5. It's a _______
It's swimming/ flying.

Unit 6 55
I Story
Cl Match.

They're eating
worms and bugs.

What's your horse eating?


It's eating hay.

What's the goat


3. What are the

chickens eating?

fl Look at 4. Write.
1. The goat is eating _____
2. The horse is eating _____
3. The chickens are eating _____

56 Unit 6
f ,, . . .

Gl Look and write.

eating flying
. . running sleeping swimming

What are they doing?

1. They're

2. They're

3. They're

4. They're
5. They're

6. They're

Unit 6 sq
! Short e Sound I Sounds and Letters

11 Underline e. Match and color.


dress skirt


cow ten


hen goat



hat pets


frog nest
Unit 6 61
, • • - .._., ,.. "' -. •
.(,;:-;_r ..;""•_AI
"',X"" r·: f\'r"I.•' ... �:' - --;- --;"""'.'!"'""""' ' ;'•,.-:---=:,;��·;-,,, -.....-..-; ..�, ,r·--:!"�.�,lll'J��-:t'�-.. �•,,:-

: · '. .· . Vocabulary �nd Grammar· 1 · R��iew

- Listen and check (v'). Then write.

eating flying jumping sleeping swimming

They're ---..-·,v_m-'-+p_in-'-='9'---

a.lZ] b.D

a.D b.D
Ifs _______

a.D b.D
4 ..
It's _______

a.D b.D
They're ______

a.D b.D
Unit 6 63
fl Match.
1. ...r--:,-�-· 2. 3.

1 �1'

4 ..· 5. 6.

Cl Look at 3. Write.
1. They're eating cake 4. They're eating _____
2. She's drinking 5. He's drinking _____
3. He's eating _______ . 6. She's eating ______
Unit 7 67
I Short i Sound I Sounds and Letters

Gl Find i. Underline. Then match.

1. milk 2. a pencil 3. six 4. sandwich 5.finger


'Q} Listen. Match words with i. Color i words.

Unit 7 73
f . . Vocabulary and Gra��a·r · 1 Revie�


Listen and match.

1. I Monday.

2.They Tuesday.

3.She Wednesday.

4.He Thursday.

5.She Friday.

6.They Saturday.

7. I Sunday.

Write have or has.

I _____ milk. He _____

a sandwich. She _____ Juice.
\ J

Unit 7 75

,.� Listen and number.

Cl Look and write.

( bike doll skates)

4, What do you want? J

( I want-----· 7
( I want a-----· 7
(I want a _____ . 7 ........
Unit 8 77
Language in Action

Q Read and number.

1. It's under the table.

2. The/re on the shelf.

3. It's in the washing machine.

fA Write in, on, or under.

1. ------ 2. 3. ------

4. ------ 5. ------ 6. ------

Unit 8 7q
! Grammar

(l Trace and draw.


, \
I \
2. I \

, __


. ' ----- C 1n
) ,,
\ /


' I
/( on )
" \
I /
; _._______..,,,
,,,, .....---....
-� ' ( under ];"

fl Look at 10. Write in, on, or under.

1. The toy car is ____ the toy box.

2. The crayon is ____ the toy box.

3. The stuffed animal is ____ the toy box.

4. The ball is ____ the toy box.

5. The hat is ____ the toy box.

Unit 8 81
f .- :';t':'" ,. ·.· Around the wodd I Connections

e Circle and write. r

\. �

1. This kite is ---- the

toy box.

2. This kite is ---- the 3. This kite is ---- the

desk. desk.

Q Connect the numbers 11 to 20. Color and write.


What color is your kite?

My kite is ______


Unit 8 83
r . - � ",-- �-,...,. . � ."" . -. '. -. -- . - -,"-,. �- .-�"..

Vocabulary and Grammar j"ife�iew


' : � Listen and number.

Gl Look at 18. Write in, on, or under.

1. I he airplane 1s ____ The sne1r.

_. -.-1 • I • . I I Ir

2. The action figu res are ____ the bed .

3. The ball is ____ the toy box.

4. The stuffed animal is ____ the chair.

ti Look at 18. Count and write.

How many toys do you see? ____

Unit 8 85
Play Time

' � Listen and sing. Then match and write.

Play Time Is Cool! )

We like play time at our school.
Jumping and dancing,
Throwing and catching. 1. -----
Play time is cool at our school!
2. -----
I'm throwing the ball.
It's so much fun!
She's hitting. He's catching.
Let's get a home run!
We're playing soccer. 3.
And we need to score
A goal! It's 2 to 1!
..... _____------=
Let's get two more.

fl Draw faces.

I'm dancing. I'm hitting the ball.

86 Unit g
a Follow the path. Write.

catching dancing hitting jumping kicking

riding running singing skating throwing
... ..

A Look at 3. Write this or ___ is Tim's house. It's orange.

that. Then color. ___ is my house. It's blue.

Unit q 87
Language in Action

fl Look. Check (./) the answer.

Is Tom skating?

Dves, he is.

D No, he isn,t.

2. Is Jen jumping?

D Yes, she is.

D No, she isn,t.

A Write the answer.

r J

Yes, it is.
No, it isn't.

1. 2. 3.

Is it playing? Is it singing? Is it sleeping?

Unit g sq
f' :.c '.t-f�C�..
_., -� :;::'<r _;;�, ,. -.�: -.. �,_;_...,. :·1.·:.' .�_:··. --� .�:-:-�: ...-�·::· ... �-r··:�!::,;,: ... -����:::�·:--;:�:-.

Short u Sound I Sound� a'rlciL�tte,�

Q Match words with u. Color u words.


1. pen

a.bugs 1.1,.hat

7. apple


Q Underline u.
1. Bugs are jumping in the sun.
2.A puppy is under the table.
3.I have a puppet and a drum.

Unit g q3

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