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Module: Leadership & Management
Code: BSS028-2




Grade (in number):
Student ID: 2145519044 ………………..
Cohort: K60BFB Grade (in words):
Semester: I ………………..
Academic year: 2023-2024 Examiner 1
(Signature & Fullname)
Headteacher: Vo Thi Thanh Hang
Lecturer: Pham Hung Cuong Examiner 2
Submission date: 10 October, 2023 (Signature & Fullname)
Student’s signature: ………………..

Ho Chi Minh City, October 2023


----------***---------- ----------***----------

Module: Leadership & Management
Code: BSS028-2



Student’s fullname: NGUYEN NHAT NAM

Student ID: 2145519044
Cohort: K60BF-B
Semester: I Academic year: 2023-2024
Lecturer: Pham Hung Cuong

Ho Chi Minh City, October 2023



Except where reference is made in the text of the mid-module assignment,

this assignment contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole
or in part from an assignment that I have submitted or qualified for or been
awarded another degree or diploma.
No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgment in
the mid-module assignment.
This mid-module assignment has not been submitted for the evaluation of
any other modules or the award of any degree or diploma in other tertiary

Ho Chi Minh City, October 2023

(Signature and full name)

Nguyen Nhat Nam


I. INTRODUCTION ABOUT FPT CORPORATION ..............................................1

II. OVERVIEW OF MOTIVATION ...........................................................................2
1. Motivation process ...............................................................................................2
2. Motivation theories .............................................................................................. 2
2.1. Maslow – hierarchy of needs ....................................................................3
2.2. McClelland – Need for achievement, affiliation, and power: ................. 4
2.3. Herzberg - Two-factor theory ...................................................................5
2.4 Vroom's expectancy theory ....................................................................... 6
2.5. The Four-Drive Theory ............................................................................ 7
MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................... 8
1. The Organizational Structure of FPT Software .................................................. 8
2. The Application of Maslow’s Hierarchical Theory .......................................... 10
2.1. Physiological needs ................................................................................ 10
2.2. Safety needs ............................................................................................ 11
2.3. Love and belonging ................................................................................ 12
2.4. Esteem .....................................................................................................13
2.5. Self-actualization .................................................................................... 13
3. The Application of McClelland’s Need Theory ............................................... 14
3.1. Achievement Need ................................................................................. 14
3.2 Affiliation Need ....................................................................................... 15
3.3 Power Need ..............................................................................................15
Table 1.1. Brief information of FPT Corporation ..........................................................1

Figure 2.1. Motivation Process Model ...........................................................................2
Figure 2.2. Motivation Theories Model .........................................................................3
Figure 2.3. McClelland’s Need Theory .........................................................................5
Figure 2.4. Hezberg - Two-factor theory .......................................................................6
Figure 2.5 Vroom's expectancy theory ..........................................................................6
Figure 2.6 The Four-Drive Theory ................................................................................7
Figure 3.1 Ogr Chart of FPT Software ..........................................................................8

Figure 3.2 Maslow’s Hierarchical Theory ...................................................................10



FPT Software is a member of FPT Corporation which was founded in 1988 by
13 young scientists. FPT is a leader in the development and study of new technologies
in Industry 4.0, including Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cloud Computing, etc. FPT
is a leader in Vietnam when it comes to forming alliances with top technology
companies like GE (Predix), Siemens (MinSphere), Airbus (Skywise), Amazon AWS,
etc. to develop the most cutting-edge digital platforms.
Being the first Vietnamese IT company to complete an international merger
and acquisition, FPT Software purchased RWE IT Slovakia, a business unit of RWE
that specializes in information technology, in June 2014. With $230 million in revenue
and 10,000 workers in 2016, FPT Software was on par with the Top 20 IT Services
businesses in India. Regarding the operational network, FPT is able to use both
internal and external resources simultaneously to offer services and solutions to
customers thanks to its presence in 178 offices across 27 nations and territories.
With more than three decades of global project implementation experience,
FPT assists clients in overcoming obstacles and achieving peak performance in their
journey toward digital transformation. FPT provides cutting-edge technological
solutions and services to assist customers in operating proactively and adapting in all

Table 1.1. Brief information of FPT Corporation

(Source: FPT Company profile)


1. Motivation process

Figure 2.1. Motivation Process Model

(Source: Principle Management 2008)
This is the earliest and most widely known theory of motivation, developed by
Abraham Maslow (1943) in the 1940s and 1950s. This theory condenses needs into
five basic categories. Maslow ordered these needs in his hierarchy, beginning with the
basic psychological needs and continuing through safety, belonging and love, esteem
and self-actualization (Figure 2). In his theory, the lowest unsatisfied need becomes
the dominant or the most powerful and significant need. The most dominant need
activates an individual to act to fulfill it. Satisfied needs do not motivate. Individuals
pursue a higher need when lower needs are fulfilled.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is often shown in the shape of a pyramid: basic
needs at the bottom and the most complex need (need for self-actualization) at the top.
Maslow himself has never drawn a pyramid to describe these levels of our needs, but
the pyramid has become the most known way to represent his hierarchy.
2. Motivation theories
We can distinguish between content and process motivation theories. Content
theories focus on “WHAT”, while process theories focus on HOW human behavior is
motivated. Content theories are the earliest theories of motivation. Within the work
environment, they have had the greatest impact on management practice and policy,
whilst within academic circles they are the least accepted. Content theories are also
called needs theories: they try to identify what our needs are and relate motivation to
the fulfillment of these needs. The content theories cannot entirely explain what

motivates or demotivates us. Process theories are concerned with “how” motivation
occurs, and what kind of process can influence our motivation.
The main content theories are Maslow’s needs hierarchy, Alderfer’s ERG
theory, McClelland’s achievement motivation, and Herzberg’s two-factor theory. The
main process theories are Skinner’s reinforcement theory, Victor Vroom's expectancy
theory, Adam’s equity theory, and Locke’s goal-setting theory. No single motivation
theory explains all aspects of people’s motives or lack of motives. Each theoretical
explanation can serve as the basis for the development of techniques for motivating.

Figure 2.2. Motivation Theories Model

2.1. Maslow – hierarchy of needs
This is the earliest and most widely known theory of motivation, developed by
Abraham Maslow (1943) in the 1940s and 1950s. This theory condenses needs into
five basic categories. Maslow ordered these needs in his hierarchy, beginning with the
basic psychological needs and continuing through safety, belonging and love, esteem,

and self-actualization. In his theory, the lowest unsatisfied need becomes the dominant
or the most powerful and significant need. The most dominant need activates an
individual to act to fulfill it. Satisfied needs do not motivate. Individuals pursue and
seek a higher need when lower needs are fulfilled. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is
often shown in the shape of a pyramid: basic needs at the bottom and the most
complex need (need for self-actualization) at the top. Maslow himself has never drawn
a pyramid to describe these levels of our needs, but the pyramid has become the most
known way to represent his hierarchy.

Below is the hierarchy of needs:

● Physiological needs: are basic needs for survival such as air, sleep, food, water,
clothing, sex, and shelter.
● Safety needs: Protection from threats, deprivation, and other dangers (e.g.,
health, secure employment, and property)
● Social (belongingness and love) needs: The need for association, affiliation,
friendship, and so on.
● Self-esteem needs: The need for respect and recognition.
● Self-actualization needs: The opportunity for personal development, learning,
and fun/creative/challenging work. Self-actualization is the highest-level need
to which a human being can aspire.

2.2. McClelland – Need for achievement, affiliation, and power:

In the early 1960s McClelland – built on Maslow’s work – described three
human motivators. McClelland (Arnold et al., 2005) claimed that humans acquire, and
learn their motivators over time that is the reason why this theory is sometimes called
the ‘Learned Needs Theory’. He affirms that we all have three motivating drivers,
which do not depend on our gender or age. One of these drives or needs will be
dominant in our behavior.
McClelland’s theory differs from Maslow’s and Alderfer’s, which focus on
satisfying existing needs rather than creating or developing needs. This dominant

motivator depends on our culture and life experiences, of course (but the three
motivators are permanent). The three motivators are:
● Achievement: a need to accomplish and demonstrate competence or mastery
● Affiliation: a need for love, belonging, and relatedness
● Power: a need for control over one’s own work or the work of others

Figure 2.3. McClelland’s Need Theory

2.3. Herzberg - Two-factor theory

Herzberg proposed that there are two sets of factors - hygiene factors
(Extrinsic-Environmental) and motivators (Intrinsic-Psychological) that influence
employee satisfaction and motivation. Hygiene factors include salary, working
conditions, and job security, while Motivators encompass recognition, challenging
work, and opportunities for advancement. By focusing on both aspects, managers can
create a motivating work environment.

Figure 2.4. Hezberg - Two-factor theory

2.4 Vroom's expectancy theory
The expectancy theory places an emphasis on the process and on the content of
motivation as well, and it integrates needs, equity, and reinforcement theories. Victor
Vroom's (1964) expectancy theory aims to explain how people choose from the
available actions. Vroom defines motivation as a process that governs our choices
among alternative forms of voluntary behavior. The basic rationale of this theory is
that motivation stems from the belief that decisions will have their desired outcomes.
The motivation to engage in an activity is determined by appraising three factors:
● Expectancy: a person’s belief that more effort will result in success. If you
work harder, it will result in better performance.
● Instrumentality: the person’s belief that there is a connection between activity
and goal. If you perform well, you will get the reward.
● Valence: the degree to which a person values the reward, the results of success.

Figure 2.5 Vroom's expectancy theory


A person who doesn’t see the connection between effort and performance will
have zero expectancy. A person who can’t perceive the link between performance and
reward will have zero instrumentality. For a person who doesn’t value the anticipated
outcome, the reward ill have zero valence
2.5. The Four-Drive Theory

Figure 2.6 The Four-Drive Theory

(Source: Principle of Management 2008)
Suggesting that human behavior is driven by four fundamental needs: the drive
to acquire, the drive to bond, the drive to learn, and the drive to defend. The drive to
acquire refers to the desire to obtain resources and status, such as wealth, power, and
prestige. The drive to bond is the need for social connections and belonging, which
can be satisfied through relationships with family, friends, and colleagues


1. The Organizational Structure of FPT Software

Figure 3.1 Ogr Chart of FPT Software


Above is a diagram of the management hierarchy in FPT, for senior managers

at FPT such as the Chairman, and CEO will often use Delegating leadership style for
CFO, and COO... because the objects that Chairman, the managing CEO is a person
with high capacity and commitment, so the use of Delegating style at a high level in
FPT is often applied.
In order to improve the management quality of the regional, regional, and city
management levels, FPT regularly invites experts in the field of Human resources who
have many years of experience in human resource management to train for the group's
management team. This can be considered as a Coaching leadership style of FPT
company. Coaching leadership is proven through working with employees. In making
decisions, Mr. Truong Gia Binh often collects the opinions of his subordinates. Mr.

Truong Gia Binh once said: “Every leader and employee can share ideas, and we can
accept even different ideas, supporting those ideas to be implemented for the sake of
the whole corporation. There will be people who are irresponsible, speaking out loud.
But he was not afraid. He believes that the majority will support him. Any employee
who is against it, at most, will take leave without pay. He believes in the value of
teamwork and teamwork. That teamwork requires the leader to listen, be persuasive to
everyone, in addition to the ability to decide decisively.” Members have the right to
participate in the decision-making process for the major decisions made by the
organization. Each group member tends to become the subject who offers thoughts
and opinions to solve the fundamental difficulties presented by practice.
For lower management levels such as managing a small team of 4-5 people in a
project department, the most applied style at FPT is the Directing style. This style
requires the manager to regularly monitor the progress of the work, and urge his
employees, the capacity level is not too high, but there is a good commitment.
FPT Software now has headquarters in 27 countries around the world, which
proves that the scale of FPT is very large. In order to be able to operate the apparatus
most effectively, FPT has been divided into many management levels in the company.
Besides, doing business in many countries will also face many different types of
employees, because they will be influenced by the traditions and customs of the host
country. Therefore, the application of many leadership methods, including Delegating,
Coaching, Directing, and Supporting, has become a must for FPT to ensure it is
suitable for all levels and levels of management.

2. The Application of Maslow’s Hierarchical Theory

Figure 3.2 Maslow’s Hierarchical Theory

(Source: Education Library)
Based on Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs model as above, Physiological needs,
Safety needs, Love and belonging, Esteem, Self-actualization will be applied to
employees at FPT Software company.
2.1. Physiological needs
The physiological needs in the hierarchy of needs relate to fundamental human
necessities. Employees require access to essential services and opportunities within
the workplace to ensure their basic needs are satisfied. This can include access to
water, food, rest, and a comfortable working environment. When these needs are not
met, employees may experience feelings of discomfort, discontentment, or even
physical harm. Therefore, it is essential that employers prioritize the physiological
needs of their employees to create a safe and healthy workplace environment
To help each individual maximize their potential and become the "best" version
of themselves, the new working environment at FPT does not stop at building a core
development strategy. core business but also realized in a modern, creative working
environment. With 07 facilities nationwide and 27 branches worldwide. All are

designed to include working areas, open spaces for relaxation, sports and
entertainment areas... Besides, the company has combined mini supermarkets such as
CircleK, and GS 25,... and located its convenience store right on or near FPT's campus,
to create convenience for FPT employees to have a reputable, quick, and convenient
source of food and drinking water. In addition, FPT also built additional facilities such
as gyms, swimming pools, and sports fields to organize sports activities and improve
the health of FPT employees.
2.2. Safety needs
Workplace safety is very important for each and every employee in the industry
because all the workers desire to work in a safe and protected atmosphere. Health and
safety is the key factor for all the industries in order to promote the wellness of both
employees and employers.
FPT always prioritizes ensuring the safety of workers, considering this one of
the most important factors in building a healthy and effective working environment.
FPT focuses on creating a healthy work environment for its employees. The company
encourages employees to take breaks and relax reasonably, and provides healthcare
services to employees.
Occupational Safety and Health Policy and Procedures (OSHA): FPT has a
comprehensive OSHA system, including policies, procedures, and processes designed
to protect workers from occupational hazards. This system is updated regularly to
ensure compliance with current regulations.
● Safety training: FPT provides safety training to all employees, including
training on accident prevention measures, how to use safety equipment, and
how to respond in an emergency.
● Safety inspections: FPT conducts regular safety inspections at all workplaces to
identify and address potential hazards.
● Accident reporting system: FPT has an accident reporting system that allows
employees to report safety incidents safely and confidentially.
● Some specific activities that FPT undertakes to ensure the safety of workers

● Ensuring a clean and safe working environment: FPT always focuses on

maintaining a clean and safe working environment for employees. The
company regularly cleans and inspects workplaces to ensure that there are no
potential hazards.
● Providing adequate safety equipment: FPT provides employees with all the
necessary safety equipment to protect them from occupational hazards. The
company also regularly inspects and maintains safety equipment to ensure that
it is always in good condition.
2.3. Love and belonging
FPT Corporation is a leading technology corporation in Vietnam with a
workforce of more than 60,000 employees. The corporation always attaches great
importance to building a happy working environment, where employees feel loved
and belong. Here are some examples of how FPT meets the need for love and
belonging of employees:
Firstly, creating a friendly and inclusive working environment: FPT has a
corporate culture that values respect and equality. All employees are treated fairly,
regardless of gender, age, religion, or background. The corporation also regularly
organizes exchanges and connections between employees to help them understand
each other better and build close relationships.
Secondly, providing opportunities for collaboration and development: FPT
encourages employees to collaborate with each other to complete projects. This helps
employees feel connected to their work and to their colleagues. The corporation also
has training and development programs to help employees improve their skills and
knowledge, thereby developing themselves and contributing more to the company.
Thirdly, recognizing and rewarding achievements: FPT regularly organizes
award ceremonies to recognize the achievements of employees. This helps employees
feel recognized and valued, thereby strengthening their confidence and commitment to
the company.
Finally, supporting employees in difficulty: FPT is always ready to support
employees in difficult times. The corporation has welfare and healthcare programs for
employees, as well as counseling and psychological support services. This helps

employees feel loved and cared for, thereby overcoming difficulties and continuing to
dedicate themselves to the company.
2.4. Esteem
FPT's esteem for its employees is one of the things that makes the company a
great place to work. Employees at FPT feel valued and appreciated, and they are
motivated to do their best work.
Firstly, creating a culture of respect and appreciation. FPT values its employees
as individuals and as members of the team. The company encourages employees to
share their ideas and feedback, and to collaborate with each other to achieve common
goals. FPT also celebrates employee success and recognizes employee contributions.
FPT has a number of employee recognition programs in place, such as
quarterly awards, annual awards, and special awards for outstanding performance.
FPT always recognizes and celebrates employee success in other ways, such as
featuring employee stories on the company's website and social media channels. This
helps to boost employee morale and motivation.
Secondly, providing opportunities for growth and development. FPT offers
employees a variety of opportunities to learn new skills and advance their careers. The
company provides training and development programs, as well as opportunities for
employees to take on new challenges and responsibilities. FPT also encourages
employees to set goals and develop their careers.
Thirdly, creating a positive and supportive work environment. FPT provides
employees with flexible work arrangements, such as the ability to work remotely and
to take flexible hours. This helps employees to balance their work and personal lives.
FPT also promotes a culture of diversity and inclusion. The company values
employees from all backgrounds, and it strives to create a workplace where everyone
feels welcome and respected. FPT focuses on 3 elements to motivate employees
which are energy, direction, and persistence.
2.5. Self-actualization
Self-actualization is the highest human need, the need to develop one's
maximum potential and live a meaningful life. FPT Corporation always attaches great

importance to developing employees in both professional and soft skills, to help them
develop their full potential and achieve their career goals.
Providing comprehensive training and development programs. FPT has a
systematic and diverse employee training and development system, including
professional training, soft skills, and leadership development programs. These
programs help employees improve their knowledge, skills, and leadership abilities,
thereby developing themselves and advancing at work. FPT has the "FPT Future
Leaders" program for talented young employees. This program helps young
employees develop leadership skills and prepare for the future. This program includes
in-depth leadership training courses, practical activities, and workshops with leading
Encourage innovation. FPT is a leading technology corporation, always
encouraging employees to innovate. The Group has programs to support employees in
starting businesses and developing new products and services. This helps employees
develop their creativity and contribute to the company's development. The "FPT
Innovation Contest" program is a creativity contest for FPT employees. This program
encourages employees to develop innovative ideas.
3. The Application of McClelland’s Need Theory
3.1. Achievement Need
Achievement Need is one of the strongest needs that drives FPT employees.
The company has a corporate culture that values success and encourages employees to
set high goals and strive to achieve them. Some specific evidence that FPT meets the
achievement needs of its employees include:
The "FPT Star" program is an annual awards and recognition program for
individuals and teams with outstanding achievements. This program helps FPT
employees feel recognized and encouraged to continue to strive. FPT's training and
development program provides employees with opportunities to improve their skills
and knowledge, helping them achieve their career goals. FPT's challenging and
competitive work environment helps employees develop and perfect themselves.

3.2 Affiliation Need

Affiliation is also an important need for FPT employees. The company has an
open and friendly work environment where employees feel connected to each other.
Some specific evidence that FPT meets the affiliation needs of its employees include:
FPT's extracurricular activities and team building events help employees
connect and build relationships with each other. The "FPT Care" program provides
health care and welfare services for employees, making them feel cared for and
supported. FPT's corporate culture that values respect and equality helps employees
feel accepted and valued.
3.3 Power Need
Power Need is not the strongest need for FPT employees. However, some
employees may have a high need for power, such as senior leaders. FPT provides
these employees with opportunities to develop leadership skills and influence others.
Some specific evidence that FPT meets the power needs of its employees include:
FPT's leadership training and development program helps employees develop
the skills they need to be successful leaders. FPT's corporate culture that values
fairness and equality helps employees with a need for power feel respected and valued.
Overall, McClelland's Need Theory provides insights into the motivation of
FPT employees. The company can use this theory to design programs and policies that
encourage employees to reach their full potential.


3. FPT Software. About FPT Corporation. Retrieved from https://www.fpt-
4. Yoshani's Edublog. 2020. Managerial skills. Retrieved from
5. FPT Telecom career. Giới thiệu phòng ban. Retrieved from

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