Rl-swp-001 - Hseq Action Plan

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1. HSE Management System
1.1 HSEQ Management System
1.2 Continuous Improvement Process
1.3 Annual HSEQ Objectives
2. Introduction
2.1 Objective
2.2 Document Hierarchy
2.3 Document Status
2.4 Definitions
3. HSEQ management system STANDARDS
3.1 Management Leadership and Commitment
3.2 Employee and Contractor Selection and Performance Review
3.3 Equipment Design and Selection
3.4 Risk Assessment and Change Management
3.5 Operations and Maintenance
3.6 Personal Health, Hygiene and Safety
3.7 Training and Communication
3.8 Incident, Hazard Reporting and Investigation
3.9 Emergency Response and Crisis Management
3.10 Assessment and Continual Improvement


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Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1. HSE Management System
1.4 HSEQ Management System
1.5 Continuous Improvement Process
1.6 Annual HSEQ Objectives
2. Introduction
2.1 Objective
2.2 Document Hierarchy
2.3 Document Status
2.4 Definitions
3. HSEQ management system STANDARDS
3.1 Management Leadership and Commitment
3.2 Employee and Contractor Selection and Performance Review
3.3 Equipment Design and Selection
3.4 Risk Assessment and Change Management
3.5 Operations and Maintenance
3.6 Personal Health, Hygiene and Safety
3.7 Training and Communication
3.8 Incident, Hazard Reporting and Investigation
3.9 Emergency Response and Crisis Management
3.10 Assessment and Continual Improvement


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NAVITRANS SA / CIAM vision is to be recognised by our employees, contractors and customers as
achieving HSE performance that exceeds our customer expectations through a positive workplace
culture in which all employees and contractors are actively involved and empowered in the
continuous improvement of HSE. To achieve this vision, NAVITRANS SA / CIAM will:

 Define and respond quickly to customer needs and expectations;

 Remain flexible in its’ approach to changing and expanding business conditions and market
 Establish our products and services in the market with a ‘quality’ reputation; and
 Be recognized as an industry leader in HSE management and performance.

Our HSE mission is to ensure that health, safety and environmental considerations become, and
remain, an integral element of our business management plan, for management, employees and
contractors. Minimisation of risk and prevention of loss from system failure is a recognised and
fundamental component of our continuous improvement culture and management systems.

HSE is a line management responsibility and requires visible and effective commitment, leadership
and involvement.

The practice and development of a safety culture will be communicated and empowered to all
employees and contractors. The safety culture philosophy will be communicated, shared and
practiced by all employees and contractors as an essential part of everyday’s business.

Fundamental to the establishment of the safety culture, is the belief that any injury and damage to
property is the result of a management system failure and is preventable.


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NAVITRANS SA / CIAM will strive for HSE success through:

 No injuries;  No loss of operational productivity;

 No environmental incidents;  No harmful emissions;
 No health-related incidents;  No failure of security.
HSE success will be achieved through:

 Visible and effective commitment, leadership and involvement of line management;

 Systematically holding line-management accountable for applying the HSE system
according to their roles and responsibilities;
 Effective implementation of incentive programs and objectives;
 Provision of mandatory appropriate training to an accepted company standard;
 Use of state-of-the-art training methods and systems;
 Ensuring all personnel are kept current on HSE matters;
 Integration of HSE into all product and service developments;
 Involvement in the development of industry standards and training programs;
 Establishment of a HSE career path.


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1 HSE Management System

The NAVITRANS SA / CIAM HSE and Quality Management System clearly identifies the
objectives by which we conduct our business, with regard to the health and safety of our
customers, employees, contractors, the environment in which we work and the quality of our

This HSE philosophy will be communicated to all employees, customers, contractors and third
parties associated with our business activities.

Each service and/or operation within NAVITRANS SA / CIAM is required to provide

affirmative evidence of commitment to, and conformance with, this HSEQ Management System.

1.1 HSEQ Management System

The NAVITRANS SA / CIAM HSEQ Management System adheres to the guiding principles of
the AS/NZS 4801:2001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Guidelines;
reference is also taken from the following standards:

 BS 8800 (1996) and OHSAS 18001 OH&S Management System Implementation;

The NAVITRANS SA / CIAM HSEQ Management System is comprised of 10 interrelated
elements, which are:

1. Management Leadership and Commitment;

2. Employee and Contractor Selection and Performance Review;
3. Equipment Design and Selection;
4. Risk Assessment and Change Management;
5. Operations and Maintenance;
6. Personal Health and Safety;
7. Training and Communication; OH&S Management
8. Incident and Hazard Reporting and Investigation;
9. Emergency Response and Crisis Management;
10.Assessment and Continual Improvement.

1.2 Continuous Improvement Process

The continuous Improvement process for these elements involves the use of:

 Supervision - daily checks to ensure standards and procedures are being met and applied;
 Monitoring - regular checks to ensure management systems are functioning correctly and
 Improvement - modification of policies, procedures, aims and objectives to ensure
employees and the management system remain focused upon safe operations affected by
Various changing conditions.


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1.3 Annual HSEQ Objectives

Principal NAVITRANS SA / CIAM HSEQ objectives are to:

 Zero Injury for the duration of the project;

 No reportable spillage of hydrocarbon or hazardous material to the environment;
 100% compliance with all required drills (regulatory and internal); and
 Full compliance NAVITRANS SA / CIAM HSEQ regulations and requirements.

2 Introduction

2.1 Objective
The objective of this Document is to demonstrate that the HSEQ Management System, covering
all NAVITRANS SA / CIAM operations activities is clearly stated.

In addition, this Document identifies the resources and mechanisms to ensure the provision of a
safe workplace environment that will result in the safe conduct of the logistics operations
supporting the activities.

2.2 Document Hierarchy

The HSEQ Management System documentation hierarchy is identified in the following diagram
and is driven from the NAVITRANS SA / CIAM Corporate Mission Statement and Standards.

This HSEQ philosophy is communicated to all employees, customers, contractors and third
parties associated with NAVITRANS SA / CIAM business activities, and each service function
within NAVITRANS SA / CIAM is required to provide positive evidence of commitment to, and
conformance with, this Management System.

Diagram 1: NAVITRANS SA / CIAM HSEQ Management System Documentation Hierarchy


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2.3 Document Status

The NAVITRANS SA / CIAM Corporate Mission, HSEQ Policies and HSEQ Management Standards
are mandatory to all NAVITRANS SA / CIAM services and operations;

 NAVITRANS SA / CIAM HSEQ Management System Standards are mandatory to all

NAVITRANS SA / CIAM services and operations. These documents address specific areas
(eg: corporate performance reporting, risk management, incident investigation, etc.) where it
is important that activities are carried out consistently throughout R-LOGISTIC
 NAVITRANS SA / CIAM HSEQ Project Bridging Document provides an overview of the
NAVITRANS SA / CIAM HSEQ system, interfaces and links between the Client (XXXX)
HSEQ expectations and NAVITRANS SA / CIAM HSEQ Management System only
applies to the sites, services and operations controlled by or under the contractual
 Operational and Service Specific HSEQ Procedures apply to the various NAVITRANS SA /
CIAM project sites, services and operations for which they are issued.
2.4 Definitions
An NAVITRANS SA / CIAM Service is a business stream that provides a service to R-
LOGISTIC MAURITANIENNE & OCEANS, contractors and the Client (XXXX)
personnel and families. Services are:

 Catering (restaurant and individual catering support);

 Accommodation at NAVITRANS SA / CIAM Restaurant;
 Waste management provision; and
A NAVITRANS SA / CIAM Operation is a business stream that conducts operational activities
in support of the Client (XXXX) activities. Operations are:

 Site yard;
 Warehouse;
 Waste yard; and
 Mobile equipment operations.


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3 HSEQ management system STANDARDS

3.1 Management Leadership and Commitment


To ensure a planned, measurable and achievable approach to managing HSEQ, through visible,
strong, personal commitment and involvement in the NAVITRANS SA / CIAM HSEQ system.


All NAVITRANS SA / CIAM Line Managers and Supervisors are required to demonstrate a
continuous, visible and effective commitment to HSEQ and to provide the necessary support and
resources to develop and maintain an integrated and proactive HSEQ Management System.

In addition, managers are required to demonstrate quality safety leadership in order to ensure a
positive HSE culture is developed and maintained within DBSM, which embodies HSE
considerations as a critical business activity and objective. Leadership and commitment to HSE
is demonstrated by (but not limited to) the following:

Ensuring there are regular HSE meetings with a high level of attendance;
 Review of the management systems to ensure on-going fitness for purpose;
 Development and implementation of service specific safety plans;
 Regular communications by senior management;
 Allocation of resources to HSE activities and issues.

Relevant Documents

Document Title Description

NAVITRANS SA / CIAM Identifies information and process to induct employees, contractors
Inductions and visitors to NAVITRANS SA / CIAM project sites
HSE Communication Details the process for Communication Consultation and Review of
Consultation and Review HSEQ issues through toolbox, safety and management team meetings
Annual HSEQ Activity Describes annual NAVITRANS SA / CIAM HSEQ objectives and
Plan KPI’s development, implementation and measurement
Location HSE Reviews Describes requirements for management, service and operations
group reviews of HSE issues
Annual HSEQ
Describes the process for conducting an annual review of the HSE
Management System
Management System
Safety Leader Program Details the processes and mechanisms for the implementation of a
HSE cultural development and safety leader program


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Document Title Description

Safety Operational Details the organisation of NAVITRANS SA / CIAM and the key
Procedures responsibilities and mechanisms for the implementation of the HSE
HSEQ Policies Identifies the intent and content of the various NAVITRANS SA /
CIAM HSE Policies


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3.2 Employee and Contractor Selection and Performance Review


To provide guidance to NAVITRANS SA / CIAM operations on the requirements for ensuring

that HSEQ capabilities are considered as an integral component of employee and contractor
selection processes.


Identifies the mechanisms for the selection of employees and contractors, including HSEQ
responsibilities and competencies in employee position descriptions and in tender and contracts


Employee selection criteria will be prepared for all personnel involved in safety critical activities
and will include (but not limited to):

 Inductions conducted for all personnel working on an NAVITRANS SA / CIAM site;

 Development and implementation of an effective training program, based on the position-
specific training needs analysis;
 Ensuring attendance at training sessions as required;
 Ensuring ongoing and effective verbal and written communication of HSEQ requirements
and issues to the workforce at all levels of the organisation;
 Ensuring regular communication of safety performance and initiatives to the Client (XXXX)
and NAVITRANS SA / CIAM Corporate Management.
Relevant Documents

Document Title Description

Recruitment and Selection Describes the process for recruiting, selecting and placing persons in
Procedure the NAVITRANS SA / CIAM project, with appropriate experience,
knowledge, competence and skills. Also defines the competency of
personnel responsible for recruitment and selection
Competency Based Defines the Competency Based Training and Assessment (CBTA)
Training and Assessment process including the preparation and control of the CBTA matrix,
Procedure recording, assessment mechanism, dispute resolution and training
provider evaluation
Training Identification Describes the processes to identify training needs, implement training
Matrix programs and the administration of related records and reports
Mandatory HSEQ Training Identifies the mandatory HSEQ training courses NAVITRANS SA /
Courses CIAM personnel are required to undertake
Annual HSE Management Describes the process for conducting an annual review of the HSE
System Review Management System


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3.3 Equipment Design and Selection


To ensure new and supplied (existing) equipment used by NAVITRANS SA / CIAM employees
and contractors is assessed as safe to operate.


This procedure applies to the following areas:

 Identification of hazards and associated risks before new facilities and equipment are
purchased, supplied or used by NAVITRANS SA / CIAM employees or contractors
Procedures to eliminate or otherwise control hazards or risks associated with new facilities,
new equipment and supplied equipment and vehicles

This procedure is designed to ensure that all new equipment, replacement equipment and/or
supplied equipment (existing) used for Navitrans / Ciam operations has been assessed as capable
of operating, and being operated in a safe manner. This includes (but is not limited to):

 Work platforms;  All mobile equipment (eg cranes, forklifts);

 Transport vehicles;  Hand tools etc.
All equipment is required to demonstrate compliance with legislative safety design and applicable
standards. Maintenance plans will be put in place to monitor condition of equipment and
competent personnel will be responsible for maintaining such equipment.

Regular inspections and checklists will be utilized to ensure safety guidelines are in place and
being followed.

Relevant Documents

Document Title Description

Management of Change Describes the process by which any changes to equipment or controls
Procedure are proposed, approved and implemented
Critical Function Testing Describes the general operations for equipment critical function
Asset Register Details the administration and control of the asset register and
maintenance management system
Planned Maintenance Provides consistent, efficient and cost effective inspection,
Procedure maintenance and ongoing fit-for-purpose practices across the DBSM

3.4 Risk Assessment and Change Management



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To provide guidance to all NAVITRANS SA / CIAM operations and services personnel to

ensure that risk associated with work activities and changes with HSE implications are formally
assessed before changes are made (changes include to equipment, vehicles, facilities or


To determine the degree of risk associated with hazards from current or likely to arise from
changed NAVITRANS SA / CIAM activities. To detail the process for ensuring that changes
associated with (but not limited to) modifications to vehicles, mobile equipment, fixed
equipment and procedures are reviewed for hazards and potential risk, prior to changes being


Risk assessment processes are required to be conducted for all activities and in particular those
associated with changes which may result in a hazard; controls are required to be implemented
based on the following hierarchy of controls:

Eliminate – remove the hazard;

Substitute – Replace the hazard with one less hazardous;
Isolate – Separate the hazard from the people;
Engineering – Modify by engineering to reduce risk;
Administrative Controls – Use effective procedures;
PPE – Consider only when control cannot be achieved by other means.
The key methods used to identify hazards and risk are:
HAZIDs Safety Inspection Checklists
JHA (Job Hazard Analysis) Data Analysis
Audits Hazard Reporting
Relevant Documents

Document Title Description

Risk Management Describes tools and processes used to ensure hazards and their effect on
Manual people, the environment and property are identified, assessed and
managed over the life of the project
Job Hazard Analysis Identifies the process and steps to control hazards identified in a specific
job or task to ensure a safe working environment
Toolbox Meetings Describes the purpose, philosophy and function of toolbox meetings
Hazard Reporting Details the requirements for reporting and investigating hazards, which
provides the opportunity for preventative actions to be planned and
implemented to prevent incidents
Hazard Register Provides an ongoing register and status of identified hazards associated to
NAVITRANS SA / CIAM project activities. The register provides detail
on Hazard Group, Area, Identification and Description


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Document Title Description

Safety Operational Details the organisation of NAVITRANS SA / CIAM and the key
Procedures responsibilities and mechanisms for the implementation of the HSE

3.5 Operations and Maintenance


To provide guidance to all NAVITRANS SA / CIAM operations and services personnel to

ensure that operations and maintenance on facilities and equipment (including vehicles) are
carried out in a safe manner.


Identifies the process for conducting all maintenance work and operating activities such as pre-
planning, recording of hazards and hazard control measures, ensuring employees and contractors
are competent to undertake work safely, isolation of equipment and management of risk in all
work areas and operations.


Equipment and Assets

NAVITRANS SA / CIAM will systematically incorporate HSE into the purchasing criteria of
equipment and products used for the project. All services will be subject to HSE considerations
and specifications as identified within the applicable Standards.

Inspection and monitoring programs will be in place to detect and/or prevent, unauthorised
modification, changes to equipment or facilities.


Service and Operations will systematically incorporate HSE considerations into all aspects across
the specific area. Critical areas within Services or Operations will require Line Management to
undertake a comprehensive JSA of tasks or activities before commencement. Consideration is to
be taken of the impact of concurrent activities, and the need to minimize the risk of malfunctions
and/or errors.


All equipment will be maintained according to manufactures specifications and service

schedules. Competent and qualified personnel will monitor equipment through visual
inspections and scheduled compliance checklists.

Relevant Documents


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Document Title Description

Risk Management Describes the tools and processes used to ensure hazards and their effect
Manual on people, the environment and property are identified, assessed and
managed over the life of the project or service
Safety Operational Details the organisation of NAVITRANS SA / CIAM and the key
Procedures responsibilities and mechanisms for the implementation of the HSE
Purchasing and Details the purchasing criteria mechanism for equipment and products
Procurement and provides the HSE considerations and specifications as identified
Procedures within the applicable Standards

3.6 Personal Health, Hygiene and Safety


Provides guidance to all NAVITRANS SA / CIAM services and operations personnel on specific
areas of HSE personal health, hygiene and safety management requirements to ensure risks to
health and hygiene are identified and controlled.


Identifies the guidelines which apply to personal health and safety at NAVITRANS SA / CIAM
including (but not limited to) the following areas:

Use of PPE Electrical Safety

Injury Management Fitness for Work
Health and Hygiene Fatigue Management

Detailed requirements are also found in external standards, codes of practice and legislative
requirements that are applicable to Mauritania. The following aspects of the HSEQ MS are also
required to be followed:

Competent personnel to supervise relevant scope of work;

OH&S survey to be conducted annually with a review of the health program to be carried out
following the survey;
Regular health hazard checks to be conducted to measure exposure of personnel to such hazards
and to provide decision making on the means of elimination or mitigation of the risk;
Occurrences of disease, illness or health related incident to be reported using standard reporting
MSDSs for all hazardous chemicals to be held by NAVITRANS SA / CIAM Materials
Supervisor and the HSEQ representatives, certification confirmed prior to handling any
Risk assessments (JSAs) to be completed for non routine work tasks;
Personnel to be classified (via pre-employment medical examinations) as to their suitability for
‘fit for work’.

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Relevant Documents

Document Title Description

PPE Policy Identifies the requirement for all PPE to meet an appropriate
International standard (such as Australian, European Union, or British

Health Program Describes mechanisms to identify health issues and to ensure they are
monitored and managed (includes the operation and administration of
medical stores and controlled drugs)
Infectious Disease Provides guidance on Infectious Disease Control, procedures to be
Control Guidelines applied to minimise the risk of transmission of disease
Hazardous Substances Details the mechanism to provide, approve and control MSDSs for
Control hazardous substances not currently included in the hazardous substance

3.7 Training and Communication


To provide guidance to NAVITRANS SA / CIAM services and operations personnel on

requirements for ensuring safety competencies of personnel, and ongoing communication of
safety requirements and issues.


NAVITRANS SA / CIAM services and operations will develop and maintain an effective
training program, based on a specific training needs analysis, and will maintain accurate records
of attendance and competencies which will include (but not be limited to) the following:

 Updating the training program, based on changing needs and requirements for refresher
 Ensuring ongoing and effective verbal and written communication of safety requirements
and issues to the workforce at all levels of the organisation;
 Ensuring regular communication of safety performance and initiatives to the Client (XXXX)
, NAVITRANS SA / CIAM Senior Management and external agencies.

All NAVITRANS SA / CIAM personnel and contractors are required to undertake a HSEQ
Induction prior to commencing employment, records will be maintained to track completed

Communication of the HSEQ information bulletins will be displayed on notice boards, sent
electronically and conveyed at all meeting levels. The training needs analysis approach will be
based on (but not limited to) the following approach:

Identification of tasks undertaken for each position;

Identification of training required to reduce risk and raise competency;
Training methods (eg-workshops, meetings, self-learning);

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Competency standards required.

Relevant Documents
Document Title Description
HSE Communication Details the process for communication, consultation and review of HSE
Consultation and issues through toolbox meetings, safety meetings and management team
Review meetings
Personnel Describes the process for recruiting, selecting and placing persons in the
Management Manual NAVITRANS SA / CIAM project, with appropriate experience,
knowledge, competence and skills. Also defines the competency of
personnel responsible for recruitment and selection
Competency Based Defines the Competency Based Training and Assessment (CBTA) process
Training and including the preparation and control of the CBTA matrix, recording,
Assessment assessment mechanism and training provider evaluation
Training Matrix Describes the processes to identify training needs, implement training
program and the administration of related records and reports. Identifies
the mandatory safety training courses DBSM personnel are required to

3.8 Incident, Hazard Reporting and Investigation


Provides guidance to NAVITRANS SA / CIAM services and operations personnel to ensure that
incidents and hazards are reported in a timely manner and to ensure:

 Incidents and hazards are thoroughly investigated and to identify root (real) causes of
 Identified causes are controlled in a timely manner and, for severe incidents, communicated
to other NAVITRANS SA / CIAM operations management.

Details the initial reporting and communication of hazards and incidents internally and
externally, and includes investigation and analysis of incidents within defined time frames and
personnel dependent on incident severity.


Procedures have been developed to ensure adequate training is provided to all personnel who
participate in hazard reporting and incident investigations including appropriate internal and
external communication and consultation are undertaken during and after the incident
investigation and reporting process. Other procedures include (but not limited too):

 Hazards with potential to result in incidents and those already resulting in incidents are
isolated and controlled in the shortest possible time;
 Records of incidents and hazards are recorded and trends analysed.

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Incidents are to be investigated to a level commensurate with the actual or potential seriousness
of the incident and the investigation will ensure the root causes of the incident are determined
and corrective actions are recorded to prevent re-occurrence.

Relevant Documents

Document Title Description

Incident Reporting and Details the requirements for reporting and investigating incidents and to
Investigation establish root causes, ensuring preventative actions to be planned and
Corrective Action Describe how corrective actions from audits and other sources are
Management tracked, followed up and closed out
HSE Communication Details the process for communication, consultation and review of HSE
Consultation and issues through toolbox meetings, safety meetings and management team
Review meetings
Hazard Reporting Details the requirements for reporting and investigating hazards, which
provides the opportunity for preventative actions to be planned and
implemented to prevent incidents

3.9 Emergency Response and Crisis Management


To provide guidance to NAVITRANS SA / CIAM services and operations personnel to ensure

emergency events are prepared for, detected, responded to and managed in an efficient manner,
to minimise the impact on people, the environment, company assets and reputation.


Addresses requirements for effective determination of services and/or operations specific

emergency scenarios and communication of emergency events to internal and external personnel,
additional elements addressed include (but not limited too) the following requirements:

 Requirements for defining roles for personnel involved in emergency response activities;
 Requirements for consultation and trauma management associated with emergency events;
 Requirements to minimise impacts on the business resulting from emergency events through
efficient crisis management;
 Requirements to review the efficiency of emergency response following emergency events
and exercises to ensure continual improvement of response and reduced risk to people and


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Identified credible emergency scenarios have been determined and include (but not limited to)
the following:
Fire and/or Explosion Medical Emergency
Civil Unrest or Terrorist Activity Vehicle / Mobile Plant Incident
Oil or Chemical spill Serious Injuries and/or Fatalities
Missing Person(s)

A clear and defined path of communication and role responsibilities is in place to respond to all
identified emergency scenarios. Training needs analyses will be conducted to determine skills
required for each role and all nominated personnel will be trained in emergency response
procedures within their area of work.

Emergency drills and exercises will be conducted for each service and/or operation and in
conjunction with the DBSM Emergency Management Team based in Mauritania.

Actions arising from drills and exercises will be logged and tracked and responsibilities
nominated for closing out action items. CBTA will be used for Emergency Response and Crisis
Management training and awareness to ensure all relevant personnel are suitably equipped to
address emergency events.

Relevant Documents

Document Title Description

NAVITRANS SA / Details the arrangements to prepare for, respond to, manage and recover
CIAM Emergency from any realistically foreseeable emergency associated to the
Response Plan NAVITRANS SA / CIAM project
DBSM Crisis Details the arrangements to prepare for, respond to, manage and recover
Management Plan from any realistically foreseeable crisis or business interruption associated
to the NAVITRANS SA / CIAM project
Drills and Exercise Describe the drills and exercises to be performed for NAVITRANS SA /
Schedule CIAM services and operations and when they should be performed
Oil Spill Contingency Details the arrangements to prepare for, respond to, manage and recover
Plan from any realistically foreseeable oil or chemical spill associated to the
Chemical and
Dangerous Goods Details the mechanisms for handling and managing chemicals and
Storage and Handling dangerous goods
NAVITRANS SA / Details the security arrangements in place for any services and/or
CIAM Security Plan operations associated to the NAVITRANS SA / CIAM project
Fatality Management Details the arrangements in place to manage the arrangements associated
Plan to an emergency incident resulting in a fatality(s), associated to the


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3.10 Assessment and Continual Improvement


To provide guidance to all NAVITRANS SA / CIAM services and operations personnel on

requirements for inspections, audits and continual improvement.


Details the assessment and continual improvement of formal and informal work areas,
vehicles, equipment inspections as well as formal audits of compliance with HSE
Management System requirements.


Formal safety inspections will be undertaken by NAVITRANS SA / CIAM employees and

contractors and will be performed using service or operation specific Safety Inspection

Inspections must be carried out on a regular basis and NAVITRANS SA / CIAM will use
external auditors to ensure compliance with international standards and client compliance.
These inspections/audits will include (but not limited) to:
Working at height Forklifts
Cranes Vehicle
Lifting equipment Mobile plant and equipment
Package integrity Electrical safety
Accurate records will be maintained from all inspections and audits undertaken and results
analysed and communicated. A remedial action plan will also be maintained to monitor
close out targets.

System audits will be carried out on a scheduled basis and may use internal or external
expertise. Internal personnel leading audit teams will receive training in auditing

Service and Operations Management and the HSEQ representatives will conduct a
program of site safety inspections and HSE reviews. Where deficiencies or gaps are found
in systems or their implementation, appropriate corrective actions shall be agreed,
documented and tracked to close out.

The HSEQ Management System will be reviewed each two years to determine its on-
going fitness for purpose and, as appropriate develop strategies to improve the systems
efficiency and effectiveness.
Relevant Documents

Document Title Description

Health Program Describes the mechanisms by which identified Health Issues are monitored,
and managed
Site Safety Inspections Describes the requirements and methodology for carrying out Site Safety
Matrix Inspections
Internal and External
Describes the procedure for performing internal and external audits
Corrective Action Describes how corrective actions from audits and other sources are tracked,
Management followed up and closed

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