PDF MCQ On Introduction To Management Concepts and Managerial Skills

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Multip h i usI so gement wt-1

MCQ on Introduction to management concepts and

managerial skills
1. Managemezst exists at the level of the orgaoiaation.

A. Lower
B. Middle
C. Top
D. All of the

above Answer : D

2. Management b

A. an art
B. a science
C both an art ard a science
D. none of the above

Answer: C

3. In what ord•r do managers typically perform the managerial functions?

A. organising, planning, controlling, leading

8. planning, organising, leading, controlling
C planning, organising, controlling,
D. organising, leading, planning, controlling

Answer: C

4. Ceordizsating people and human resources to accomplish

e+pantzationaI goal is the process ef

1 directing
B. planning
C leadership
D. management

Answer : C

S. Which of tHe following ie not a principle by Henry Fayol7

A Harmony not discord

B. Division of work
C Unity of command
D. Discipline

Answer: A

6. Which on• of th• following Is not one of Druckar's fiv• guiding prlndplas
of management?

& Making people's strengths effective and their weaknesses irrelevant,

B. Integrating people in a common venture by thinking through, setting and
exemplifyins the organisational objectives, values and goals.
C To operate the organisation's status system.
D. Enhancing the ability of people to contribute.
Answer : C

7. Planning, organizing, directing and conwolllng ar• tha:

A. goals of management.
B. functions of management.
C results of management.
D. all of the above.

Answer : B

8. Which one is not a recognised key skill of management?

A Conceptual skills
B. Humar skills
1 Technical skills
D. Writing sk Ils

Answer : D

9. Which of tHe following would be included in the "controlling function" 7

A explain ing routines

8. n'easuring results against corporate objectives.
C giving assignments.
D. setting standards.

Anuver : B

10.Supervisory management spends most of his/her time on

A. planning and organizing

B. planning and controlling
C organizing and controlling
D. direc: ng and

controlling Answer : D

1 t. Main functions of administrative management ara

A planning ,organizing,direct”ng and controlling

B. planning.organizing,coetrollit g and represt›tatiot
C planning.organizing ,staffing,directing and controlling
D. planning ,organizitag,staffing and directing

Answer : A

12.Management is said to be the combination of

A. arts, commerce and science

B. arts, science ano ensineering
C. arts, commerce and engineeri eg
D. arts, science ano pro(ession

Answer : D

13.Which of the following management functions ara closely related?

A planning and organizing

8. staffing and control
C. pIa.ining and staffing
D. planning and control

Answer : D

1J. Positive motivation makes people willing to do tlseir work in the best
way they can and improve tfseir

A Personality
B. Prorluctivity
C Performance
D. All of the above

Answer : C

15. Directing function of management embraces activ"rties of

A. supervising subordinates
B.providing leadership and motivation to suhordir›a-es
C issuing orders to subordinates
D. all of above

Answer : A

16. All ef the following are elemezsts of planning Expect

/L Developing Plans
B. 'Vlonitorirg Performance
C Fstablisi›ing Stratesies
D. Coordinate Activities

Answer : B

17. Planning function of management is performed by ...........

A Top Managerrent
B. 'VliddIe Management
C Lower Management
D. All of the above

Answer D

18. which of the following is not an element of administration?

A. coordinating

D. initiative

Answer : D

19. Guiding and supervising the efforts of subordinates towards

the attainment of the organization's gocls describes the function of

/L organizing
C. direc: ng
D. controlling


20. The central function of management embraces

A F nancial Control
B. Budsetary Control
C. Cost Control
D All of the above

Answer D

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