Israel and Palestine

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a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish
nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl,
and was later led by Chaim Weizmann.

the conflict between palestine and israel started with -

starting point for palestine and irael war was the us vote foe dividing palestine into two states one for
arabs and another for jews in 1947 this exposed most of the jewry to holocaust

hamas a palestinian military group led an air strike in israel at 6:30 am of 7th october the iron dome
system of israel was failed against 5000 rockets fired by hamas these militants from hamas entered the
gaza of israel and killed many innocent civilians while many people were kept hostage.

yom kippur war - syria and eygpt suddenly attacked israel which led to war in israel in 1973

the israel and palestine are located in west asia the palestine is divided into two territories one was gaza
and another was west bank of palestine the gaza was completely controlled by hamas while the border
villages of west bank were under the control of fatah a political party both have conflict.

hamas military commander muhammad al dief named this opertion as operation al aqsa flood which
was in response to the atrocities in israel over palestinians

al aqsa masjid conflict in jerusaleum

israels response

israel led operation iron sword which was a multipronged attack including army, navy and airforces and
launched drones in gaza also israel energy minister israel katz cut off the electricity supply in gaza while

prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu

mossad israel intelligence agency failed to detect this attack

india supported palestinian cause for self determination howver indian pm modi supported israels
innocent victims and civilians which is justified looking at the terrorism spread by hamas

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