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1. Forensic Science is ______________________________

A. dialogue about scientific theories in judicial setting
B. A place where the Romans held business or formal meetings.
C. The application of medical principles in the conviction of criminals.
D. Is discussion or argument used for legal matters in the courts of law.
2. The first known fact that the forensic science originated in ______________.
3. This scientific technique was used because of business loans 7th century.
A. Bertillonage system
B. Fingerprint
C. Signature
D. Ming Yuen Shih Lu
4. DNA was first used to exonerate an innocent suspect in _____________________
A. 1996 C. 1977
B. 1986 D. 1991
5. A location where valuable physical evidence can be found is called _____________.
A. Crime Scene
B. Crime Scene Processing
C. Crime Scene Operation
D. Crime Statistics
6. A method of identifying victims of mass fatalities.
A. Fingerprint examination
B. Crime scene operation
C. Disaster victim identification
D. Criminal investigation
7. A forensic crime investigator which was trained and appointed by authorities but has no certificate
as medical expert could be ________________________________.
A. Medicolegal officer
B. Coroner’
C. Pathologist
D. Crime Scene Specialist
8. A forensic crime investigator which was trained and appointed by authorities but has certificate as
medical expert cound be __________________________________________ .
A. Medicolegal officer
B. Coroner’s
C. Pathologist
D. Crime Scene Specialist
9. The
earliest history book which detailed the difference between drowning and strangulation.
A. Hsi Duan Yu
B. Clay sculpture
C. Criminalis Vulgaris
D. Hammurabi Code
10. Officer Grant analyzes, compares, identifies, and interprets physical evidence, the report results for
use in the justice system. Officer Grant is ____________________.
A. Coroner
B. Criminalist
C. Medico-legal officer
D. Pathologist
11. Mr. Wright examines biological remains to determine the ages, gender, race and possible cause of
death. Mr. Wright is _______________________.
A. Coroner
B. Pathologist
C. Anthropologist
D. Toxicologist
12. Dr. Cruz conducts postmortem examination, autopsy and determine cause of death. Dr. is _____.
A. Pathologist
B. Coroner
C. Odontologist
D. Forensic examiner
13. An investigator was able to collect a bottle of seem to be poisonous substance from a crime scene.
He then submitted this evidence to a forensic laboratory and examined by __________.
A. Medicolegal officer
B. Questioned document examiner
C. Pathologist
D. Toxicologist
14. The untimely death of a politician is under investigation. Medical records show that there is minimal
manifestation of diseases. Which examination technique needs to be done?
A. Autopsy
B. Histopathology
C. Anthropometry
D. Dactyloscopy
15. Forensic Medicolegal officers focus on:
A. Civil cases
B. Criminal case
C. Natural disasters
D. Man-made disaster
16. The Objects of Medicolegal examination could be:
A. A dead body
B. Living body
C. Biological evidence
D. Non-biological evidence

17. A stabbing incident took place at the crossroads of ecotourism highway. The body of the victim was
recovered at Bitukang Manok in Atimonan,Quezon. Bitukang Manok is ____________________.
A. Primary crime scene
B. Secondary Crime Scene
C. Tertiary Crime Scene
D. Scene of the Crime
18. A tropical storm hit Camarines Norte and many were missing because of a landslide. If you are the
investigator in that area, which experts to do you need to help in the identification of mass
A. DVI Team
B. SOCO Team
C. EOD Team
19. You are directed to collect biological evidence from a bloody crime scene. Choose the best evidence
to identify a cadaver who is an advanced decomposition.
A. Tissue
B. Blood
C. Personal effects
D. Larvae
20. DNA samples can be taken from suspects/victims to establish:
A. Identify
B. Paternity
C. Cause of death
D. Mechanisms of death
21. In 1700, Forensic Science was used in the determination of :
A. Guilt of an accused
B. Innocence of a suspect
C. The Burden of proof
D. Criminal liability of the accused
22. Forensic Anthropologists specialize in:
A. Physical Anthropology
B. Archeology
C. Osteology
D. Anthropometry
23. What branch of the law deals with the application of law to medicine or, conversely, the application
of medical science to legal problems?
A. Jurisprudence
B. Medical Jurisprudence
C. Legal Medicine
D. Forensic Medicine
24. An Odontologist is responsible for:
A. Proper handling, examination and evaluation of dental evidence
B. Age Estimation based on teeth
C. Bite marks Examination
D. Dental Malpractice
E. All of the above
25. What specific biological evidence uses acid phosphate test?
A. Blood
B. Saliva
C. Tissue
D. Semen
26. In 1950, Max Frei-Sulzer developed a tape lift technique of collecting this evidence:
A. Biological Evidence
B. Chemical Eviddence
C. Trace Evidence
D. Macrospic Evidence
27. In 1991, Walsh Automation, Inc. launched this development of an automated imagaing system.
28. Forensic Medicine deals mainly with crimes against person such as but not limited to:
A. Sexual offense
B. Homicide
C. Arson
D. Theft
29. First Responders could be:
A. The first person to arrive at the crime scene.
B. The first Police officer at the crime scene.
C. The barangay official who was authorized by the investigating unit
D. The person who first discovered the incident.
30. Duties of the first responders include:
A. Identify and retain for questioning the person who reported the incident
B. Retain if possible all persons who are present around the scene of incident.
C. Preserve the crime scene from unauthorized entry.
D. Evacuate injured person to the nearest health
31. The FRs needs to collect the evidence when:
A. The evidence are apparent
B. The evidence are located outside the barricade.
C. There is danger that the evidence be destroyed.
D. The evidence are located at the secondary crime scenes.
32. All investigating personnel is allowed entry into the crime scene when:
A. To aid the injured persons
B. To take photos
C. To sketch the scene
D. To collect evidence
33. Life-saving measures should be the duties of:
A. The FRs
B. The IOCs
C. The Experts
D. The Coroners
34. Notes taking starts at:
A. The time incident report was received.
B. The time of arrival at the scene
C. The time when the crime was verified.
D. The time when interviews of witnesses begun.
35. Preserving the Crime scenes means;
A. Keeping the scene of the crime in the same condition as when it was left by the
B. The physical evidence are well documented and intact.
C. The crime scene is accessible to the Police Officers.
D. Suspects and victims are separated
36. The reason why crime scenes must be protected.
A. To avoid contamination
B. To obtain the maximum information about the criminal from the evidence.
C. To collect properly the evidence
D. To keep away from the unnecessary disturbance during of processing.
37. In a heinous crime, the IOCs need to collect,
A. Relevant information from the witnesses, suspects and any involved in a crime.
B. The evidence as soon as time will allow.
C. Both witness and expert’s testimonies.
D. Weapons and all trace evidence.
38. The full authority in solving a crime relies on:
A. The FRs
B. The IOcs
C. The community
D. The Forensic Investigators
39. The ones who take the initial and the last surveys over the crime scene.
A. The SOCO Team Leader
B. The IOC
C. The First Responders
D. The SOCO Team Leader and the IOC
40. The difference between the good and efficient investigator.
A. The community’s trust and confidence
B. The number of cases filed in courts.
C. The number of cases solved
D. The rate of convicted criminals
41. To document a crime scene means:
A. There scene was recorded via written notes and reports
B. The scene had initial and final sketch

C. The scene had videos and photographs

D. All of the above
42. Who defines the crime scene search area?
A. The FRs
B. The IOcs
C. The SOCO Team
D. All of the above
43. Crimes become Sensational in nature EXCEPT:
A. A British citizen is involved in a Crime
B. A Barangay Tanod is involved in a Crime
C. A Municipal Treasurer is involved in a crime
D. A businessman is involved in a crime
44. It is a procedure performed by trained personnel of the PNP Forensic Group through scientific
method of investigation in order to preserve the crime scene, gather scientific=information,
documenting, collecting and laboratory analyses of the physical evidence.
45. Legal authority of conducting Scene of crime operations.
A. RA 6975 as amended by RA 8551
B. RA 9630
C. RA 6013
D. PD1866
46. A means sanctioned by the law, of ascertaining in a judicial proceeding the truth respecting the
matter of fact.
A. Evidence
B. Corpus delicti
C. Testimony
D. Investigation
47. In a murder case, which type of evidence is the weapon.
A. Real evidence
B. Testimonial Evidence
C. Documentary evidence
D. Demonstrative evidence
48. Heinous crimes may include EXCEPT:
A. Parricide
B. Kidnapping
C. Bombing
D. Mauling
49. The IOC is responsible for:
A. Overall outcome of the investigation
B. Lifting the Crime Scene

C. Filing an Information
D. Apply for Warrant
50. Identification is necessary for the living because:
A. One can avoid identity crises
B. One can claim previleges under the constitution
C. It resolves conflicting claims of properties
D. It is needed for cremation purposes
51. Specific identity features include:
A. Gender
B. Age Group
C. Race
D. Facial Features
52. The science of identifying criminals using Bertillonage system.
A. Anthropology
B. Anthropometry
C. Odontology
D. Facial Superimposition
53. Method of Age Estimation using human remains:
A. Precipitin Test
B. Pubic Symphyses
C. Serology
D. Anthropometry
54. Screening test for the presence of Hemoglobin.
A. Takayama Reagent
B. Precipitin Test
C. Benzidine Tes
D. ABO System
55. To differentiate Human from Animal’s Blood.
A. Takayama reagent
B. Precipitin Test
C. Benzidine Test
D. ABO System
56. Specific Method of Identifying a Human Being
A. Fingerprinting
B. Anthropometry
C. Serology
D. Facial Reconstruction
57. These refer to the tripod of life.
A. The Circulatory System
B. The Nervous System
C. The Respiratory System
D. Functions of Brain, heart and lungs

58. Somatic death is also known as Clinical death which is determined by:
A. Absence of pulse
B. Absence of heart sound
C. Flat ECG.
D. All of the above
59. Post Mortem signs of death could help the investigation to:
A. Determine the time of death
B. Determine cause of death
C. Determine the manner pf death
D. All of the above
60. Individuals who are below 18 years of age and those over but are unable to protect themselves
because of some health conditions are protected by this law.
A. RA9262
B. RA7610
C. RA8551
D. RA6713
61. In VAWC, one of the elements to prove the commission of Crime is:
A. Legal marriage
B. Dating relationship
C. Proof of identity
D. Frequency of abuse
62. This refers to the dissection of the body in order to determine the cause, manner and mechanisms of
A. Background investigation
B. Antemortem examination
C. Postmortem signs
D. Autopsy
63. During DVI, accurate identification is achieved by:
A. Proper retrieval and rescue operations
B. Quick response
C. Comparison of AM an PM
D. All of the above.
64. The subject under investigation is a graveyard. Being an investigator, you need to identify each
human remain. Which method is necessary?
A. Anthropometry
B. Anthropology
C. Serology
D. Zoology
65. In Age estimation, which part of the human body should you collect for laboratory examination?
A. Femural bone
B. Skull
C. Cubit
D. Knee bone

66. Whenever blood is the only physical evidence, which test is best for identification?
A. Serology
C. Odontology
D. Dactyloscopy
67. In missing person, which method is the best to establish identity?
A. Bertillionage System
B. Portrait Parle
C. Photography
D. Anthropometry


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