Saluja Et Al 2020 The Rapid Prediction of Focal Wavefront Origins

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12, 2020




The Rapid Prediction of

Focal Wavefront Origins
Integration With a 3-Dimensional Mapping System

Deepak Saluja, MD,a Tal Bar-on, BA,b Gal Hayam, BA,b John Kassotis, MD, ENGSCID,c William J. Kostis, PHD, MD,c
James Coromilas, MDc


OBJECTIVES This study assessed the accuracy of an algorithm that predicts the origin of focal arrhythmias using a
limited number of data points.

BACKGROUND Despite advances in technology, ablations can be time-consuming, and activation mapping continues
to have inherent limitations. The authors developed an algorithm that can predict the origin of a focal wavefront using
the location and activation timing information in 2 pairs of sampled points. This algorithm was incorporated into an
electroanatomic mapping (EAM) system to assess its accuracy in a 3-dimensional clinical environment.

METHODS EAM data from patients who underwent successful ablation of a focal wavefront using the CARTO3 system
were loaded onto an offline version of the software modified to contain the algorithm. Prediction curves were retro-
spectively generated. Predictive accuracy, defined as the distance between true and predicted origin wavefront origins,
was measured.

RESULTS Seventeen wavefronts in as many patients (2 with atrial tachycardia, 3 with orthodromic re-entrant tachy-
cardia, 8 with premature ventricular complex and/or ventricular tachycardia, 4 with focal pulmonary vein isolation
breakthroughs) were studied. Thirty-three origin predictions were attempted (1.9  0.4 per patient) using 132 points.
Predictions were successfully calculated in 31 of 33 (93.9%) attempts and were accurate to within 5.7  6.9 mm.
Individual prediction curves were accurate to within 3.0  4.7 mm.

CONCLUSIONS Focal wavefront origins may be accurately predicted in 3 dimensions using a novel algorithm incorporated
into an EAM system. (J Am Coll Cardiol EP 2020;6:1478–87) © 2020 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.

C atheter ablation is commonly used to treat a

variety of arrhythmias. In modern practice, a
3-dimensional electroanatomical map (EAM) is
frequently used to characterize the arrhythmia wavefront
high recurrence rates (2,3). In addition, current
activation mapping techniques require a stable
fiducial electrogram (EGM), unambiguous anno-
tation of activation timing, and an arrhythmia
and the nature of the potential substrate (1). that persists long enough to create a sufficiently
Despite advances in EAM technology, ablations dense map (4), which are constraints that can be
may be associated with long procedure times and limiting in the presence of fractionated EGMs or

From the aDepartment of Medicine, Columbia University, New York, New York, USA; bBiosense Webster, Yokneam, Israel; and the
Department of Medicine, Rutgers-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA.
The authors attest they are in compliance with human studies committees and animal welfare regulations of the authors’
institutions and Food and Drug Administration guidelines, including patient consent where appropriate. For more information,
visit the JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology author instructions page.

Manuscript received February 12, 2020; revised manuscript received May 20, 2020, accepted May 20, 2020.

ISSN 2405-500X/$36.00

JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 6, NO. 12, 2020 Saluja et al. 1479
NOVEMBER 2020:1478–87 Rapid Prediction of Focal Wavefront Origins

rhythms that are transient and/or not clinically timing relation between the selected points ABBREVIATIONS

tolerated. (Supplemental Figures 1 and 2). AND ACRONYMS

Some of these limitations may be overcome with A more detailed description of the algo-
CI = confidence interval
alternative mapping techniques. We previously rithm is presented in the Supplemental
CV = conduction velocity
described a novel algorithm that predicts the origin of Appendix. The selection of predictor points
EAM = electroanatomic
focal wavefronts using a limited number of points and their relationship to the resulting pre-
sampled during mapping (5). In a feasibility analysis diction curves is shown in Supplemental
EGM = electrogram
using 2-dimensional projections of 3-dimensional Figure 3.
ORT = orthodromic re-entrant
anatomy, we showed that wavefront origins could
be localized to an accuracy of <1 cm using informa-
tients presenting to Robert Wood Johnson PV = pulmonary vein
tion derived from 2 pairs of points.
University Hospital between December 2016 and June
To assess the usefulness of this method in a
2018 for electrophysiology study and ablation were
clinically relevant environment, we adapted the al-
retrospectively assessed for inclusion into the study.
gorithm for 3 dimensions and modified a commer-
The study was approved by the Rutgers Health Sci-
cially available EAM system to project origin
ence New Brunswick Institutional Review Board.
predictions onto the 3-dimensional map surface. In
Seventeen patients with available data in whom a
this study, we report the accuracy of the EAM-
focal wavefront was successfully mapped and ablated
incorporated algorithm that was retrospectively
using the CARTO 3 EAM system (Biosense Webster)
applied to a population of patients who presented
were included. Patients with re-entrant rhythms that
for ablation of arrhythmias with focal wavefront
resulted in focal chamber activation (e.g., ortho-
dromic re-entrant tachycardia [ORT]) were included.
Patients who underwent pulmonary vein (PV) isola-
tion for atrial fibrillation, in which breakthrough of a
line of ablation was mapped, were also included
when a single ablation lesion at the point of break-
The derivation of the 2-dimensional prediction algo-
through resulted in isolation. In such patients, the
rithm was previously described in detail (5).
atrium was mapped during PV pacing. Patients with
Briefly, consider bipoles A and B recording acti-
an abnormal voltage (<1.5 mV for ventricular tissue
vation of a focal wavefront with origin O and
or <0.5 mV for atrial tissue) indicative of endocardial
conduction velocity (CV) (Figure 1A). The timing
scarring between the wavefront origin and the points
relationship between bipoles A and B can be
used for prediction were excluded. Procedures were
explained by an origin at points O 1 , O 2, O 3, or, more
performed under general anesthesia or moderate
generally, at any locus of points along an arc con-
sedation by a single operator (D.S.). Mapping was
necting them.
performed with either a multispline 20-pole catheter
The relationship between CV, t, and the distances
(Pentaray, Biosense Webster) or an irrigated ablation
between points A and B and the wavefront origin (OA
catheter (SmartTouch or SmartTouch RMT, Biosense
and OB, respectively) are described in Figure 1B. The
Webster), which was also used for ablation. Arrhyth-
locus of points O that satisfy the equation defines a
mias were determined to be focal using the results of
curve that contains the wavefront origin. Repeating
EAM, overdrive pacing (6), and the outcome of focal
this process with a second pair of points generates a
ablation, which was acutely successful in all patients.
second curve, and their intersection may define a
Bipolar EGMs were recorded using a multichannel
discrete origin prediction. When 2 curves intersect in
electrophysiologic recorder (Boston Scientific LS Pro,
>1 location, a third curve can be generated. Their
Marlborough, Massachusetts) with filtering set to 25
combined intersection defines a discrete origin
to 300 Hz. EGM timing was annotated to the maximal
(Figure 2, Central Illustration).
deflection slope at the time of the procedure. Ablation
We programmed a custom module for an offline
success was defined as acute ablation-associated
EAM system (CARTO 3, Biosense Webster, Diamond
arrhythmia termination, PV isolation, or abolition of
Bar, California) that contained the algorithm adapted
accessory pathway conduction, followed by
for 3 dimensions. The module asks the user to define
arrhythmia noninducibility where applicable.
point-pairs from among those acquired during acti-
vation mapping. The system then calculates and APPLICATION OF THE PREDICTION ALGORITHM.
projects onto the previously acquired chamber ge- Data from study patients were retrospectively
ometry all candidate origins within a pre-specified retrieved from the EAM system and loaded onto a
margin of error that could produce the observed laptop running the modified EAM software. The
1480 Saluja et al. JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 6, NO. 12, 2020

Rapid Prediction of Focal Wavefront Origins NOVEMBER 2020:1478–87

F I G U R E 1 The Origin of a Focal Wavefront

The origin of a focal wavefront that results in relative timing (t) between bipoles A and B (A) lies on a locus of points defined mathematically in
(B). CV ¼ conduction velocity.

F I G U R E 2 Bipoles Used to Generate Curves

(A) Bipoles A and B are used to generate a prediction curve. (B) Bipoles C and D are used to generate a second curve. (C) When superimposed,
their intersection predicts the origin (red dot). (D) When the curves intersect at more locations, a third curve (generated using bipoles B and C)
can define a unique origin.
JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 6, NO. 12, 2020 Saluja et al. 1481
NOVEMBER 2020:1478–87 Rapid Prediction of Focal Wavefront Origins

C ENTR AL I LL U STRA T I O N The Generation of Wavefront Origin Predictions

A O2 B

t = (OA/CV)-(OB/CV)
O3 or
CV * t = OA - OB

t t

100mm/sec 100mm/sec




100mm/sec 100mm/sec 100mm/sec 100mm/sec

Saluja, D. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol EP. 2020;6(12):1478–87.

Top left : (A) The recorded timing between 2 bipoles can be explained by a focal wavefront originating in any one of a series of points along a curve, which can be
defined mathematically as in B. Bottom left (A to C): Using 2 pairs of points, in intersection between 2 curves can define a unique origin. (D) When >2 intersections exist,
a third curve (produced using the same points in a different combination) can be added to define the unique origin. CV ¼ conduction velocity.

module requires the user to specify the point-pairs to For each prediction attempt, 2 point-pairs (pre-
be analyzed and to define values for CV and the dictor points) were chosen at random from among the
margin of error, which was administratively set at points mapped during the clinical ablation. The dif-
1 mm for all prediction attempts. ference in activation time (t) and geodesic distance
CV was calculated in a manner adapted from between the points were automatically calculated. A
previously reported studies (7–9). Isochronal maps prediction curve calculation was attempted for each
were constructed at 5-ms intervals. Pairs of adjacent pair of predictor points, and the output graphically
points whose activation was parallel to the local displayed on the EAM. When a single intersection of
vector were chosen from among the available the 2 curves was present, the mid-point of the inter-
points. The points used for CV measurement were section was considered the predicted origin. When >1
distinct from those used for prediction curve gen- intersection was present, a third curve was generated
eration. The number of CV measurements taken per using the same points in a different pair combination,
patient was dependent on the number of point-pairs and the mid-point of their smallest intersectional area
available with a suitable activation vector. For each was considered to be the origin prediction (see
pair of points, a CV was calculated as the difference Figure 2 and the Supplemental Appendix for addi-
in activation time divided by the linear distance tional information). Secondary intersections falling in
between them as measured by a digital measuring electrically inert regions of anatomy (e.g., in the
tool native to the EAM. Individual CV measure- middle of the mitral valve plane) were considered
ments were averaged to define a single CV value invalid and discarded.
per patient, which was used for all curve calcula- An example of the algorithm output is shown in
tions in that patient. Figure 3. Two prediction attempts per patient were
1482 Saluja et al. JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 6, NO. 12, 2020

Rapid Prediction of Focal Wavefront Origins NOVEMBER 2020:1478–87

F I G U R E 3 Origin Prediction for a LV PVC

Prediction curves (blue, green, and red lines) were calculated. Their intersection (oval) predicts the wavefront origin. Wavefront propagation is
graphically represented by the progression of colors from red (earliest) to violet (latest). The site of successful ablation (blue dot) is considered
the true wavefront origin. LV ¼ left ventricular; PVC ¼ premature ventricular complex.

targeted, although greater or fewer prediction at- Diego, California) and SPSS 23.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk,
tempts were allowed depending on the availability of New York). Continuous data are presented as mean 
adequate points. SD. Categorical data are presented as percentages.
Normality was assessed with the Shapiro-Wilk test.
OUTCOME MEASURES. For each wavefront, the true
Comparisons of continuous data were performed with
origin was defined as the center of the successful
analysis of variance or the Kruskal-Wallis test, as
ablation lesion. The primary accuracy outcome was
appropriate. Univariate linear regression analysis was
the distance between the predicted and true origins.
used to assess the effects of measured variables on
The secondary accuracy outcome was the minimum
the accuracy of the primary and secondary outcomes.
distance between an individual prediction curve and
Variables that were significant in univariate analysis
the true origin.
were retained for multivariate analysis. All reported p
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS. Statistical analysis was values were 2-tailed. Values of p # 0.05 were deemed
performed using Prism 7.0b (GraphPad Software, San statistically significant.
JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 6, NO. 12, 2020 Saluja et al. 1483
NOVEMBER 2020:1478–87 Rapid Prediction of Focal Wavefront Origins

T A B L E 1 Characteristics of the Patients and Wavefronts Studied

ventricle in 8 patients. Three patients had ORTs
using accessory pathways that were mapped at their
Patient # Sex Age (yrs) Chamber Ablation Type Origin Location
atrial insertion (2 during ORT and 1 during ventric-
1 F 62 LA PVI Right posterior carina
ular pacing). Twelve patients were women (70.6%),
2 F 74 RV PVC Posterior RVOT
and the mean age was 58.2  10.9 years. There were
3 M 42 LA AP Left lateral
4 F 80 RV PVC Septal RVOT 43.9  28.5 activation points available for analysis
5 M 54 LV VT Inferior basal per patient.
6 F 55 LA AP Left lateral
CV MEASUREMENT. There were 64 measurements of
7 F 48 RV PVC Septal RVOT
CV (3.8  1.6 per patient; range: 2 to 8). The overall
8 F 54 LA AT Lateral
average CV was 0.74  0.36 m/s. The measured CV
9 F 61 RA AT Lateral
10 M 64 RV PVC Basal septal and the cycle lengths at which they were measured
11 F 72 LA PVI Right septal are presented for individual rhythms and for the
12 M 51 LA AP Left lateral group as a whole in Figure 4. To assess the effect of CV
13 F 38 LV PVC Septal LVOT measurement variability on predictive accuracy, the
14 F 53 RV PVC Septal RVOT CV SD was recorded for each patient. The mean CV SD
15 F 57 LA PVI Right inferoseptal
was 0.25  0.17 m/s.
16 F 61 RV PVC Septal RVOT
17 M 63 LA PVI Right posterior carina PREDICTION GENERATION. A total of 132 point-pairs
were selected for prediction curve generation. Char-
AP ¼ accessory pathway; AT ¼ atrial tachycardia; LA ¼ left atrium; LV ¼ left
ventricle; LVOT ¼ left ventricular outflow tract; PVC ¼ premature ventricular acteristics of the predictor points are described in
complex; PVI ¼ pulmonary vein insolation; RA ¼ right atrium; RV ¼ right ventricle;
Supplemental Table 1 and Figure 5. The distance from
RVOT ¼ right ventricular outflow tract; VT ¼ ventricular tachycardia.
a predictor point to the wavefront origin (p < 0.001)
and the distance between point-pairs (p ¼ 0.009)
differed among the arrhythmias studied, but the
RESULTS value of t did not.
A total of 33 origin prediction attempts were made
One wavefront was studied in each of 17 patients. among 17 patients (1.9  0.4 per patient). In 16 of 33
The demographic and rhythm characteristics of the (48.5%) attempts, a unique prediction was defined by a
study patients are given in Table 1. Wavefront acti- single intersection between 2 prediction curves. In 17
vation initiated in the atrium in 9 patients and in the of 33 (51.5%) attempts, 2 intersections were

F I G U R E 4 Mean CV and Cycle Length/Coupling Interval of the Wavefront Studied

Mean CV and cycle length/coupling interval of the wavefront studied. AT ¼ atrial tachycardia; ORT ¼ orthodromic re-entrant tachycardia;
PVC/VT ¼ premature ventricular complex; PVI ¼ pulmonary vein isolation.
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Rapid Prediction of Focal Wavefront Origins NOVEMBER 2020:1478–87

F I G U R E 5 Characteristics of the Predictor Points

Characteristics of the predictor points used to construct prediction curves overall and for individual wavefront types. Abbreviations as in Figure 4.

encountered; 2 of the attempts were considered accuracy was best for ORTs and least for premature
anatomically invalid and discarded. Among the ventricular complexes (Figure 6). Sorted by chamber of
remaining 15 of the 33 (45.5%) attempts, a third curve origin, predictions were accurate to within 0.0 
was generated to define an unambiguous prediction. 0.0 mm (n ¼ 2) in the left ventricle, 3.9  4.4 mm in the
In these cases, the 2 intersections occurred 37.7  left atrium (n ¼ 16), 5.8  0.9 mm in the right atrium
18.6 mm apart. (n ¼ 2), and 9.3  9.4 mm in the right ventricle (n ¼ 11).
Among these 15 prediction attempts, the 3 curves We calculated an overlap index to determine to
resulted in a precise triple intersection in 11 (77.3%), what extent a lesion placed at the predicted origin
and in the remaining 3 of 15 (20.0%) attempts, bound would overlap the clinically successful lesion (see the
a region with an area of 0.17  0.12 cm 2 (Supplemental Supplemental Figure 5). With lesion radii of 3 mm, the
Figure 4). In 11 of 15 (77.3%) attempts, the 3 curves percentage overlap was calculated as 35.5  43.2%.
generated secondary intersections, and the smaller With 4-mm lesions, the overlap was 41.9  41.0%.
intersectional area was considered to be the origin Individual prediction curves were accurate to
prediction. The mean area of these secondary pre- within 3.0  4.7 mm (the secondary outcome; n ¼ 81).
dictions was 17.2  51 cm 2. In 1 case, the third curve For the individual arrhythmias, the order of accuracy
did not intersect the initial 2 curves at any point, and followed the same pattern as the primary outcome
the prediction failed. (Figure 6). Sorted by chamber of origin, individual
Eighty-six calculations were required to generate prediction curves were accurate to within 1.6  2.9 mm
81 prediction curves (94.2% success rate). On 5 occa- (n ¼ 7) in the left ventricle, 0.8  1.5 mm in the left
sions, no locations were found on the EAM map sur- atrium (n ¼ 37), 0.9  1.5 mm in the right atrium (n ¼ 6),
face that satisfied the observed t and the calculated and 6.4  5.8 mm in the right ventricle (n ¼ 31).
CV within the pre-specified margin of error, and the In univariate analysis, the primary accuracy
curve was unresolved. In each of these attempts, a outcome was associated with CV SD (p ¼ 0.02;
curve was successfully drawn using a different com- ß ¼ 0.39; 95% confidence interval: [CI]: 0.06 to 0.73).
bination of the previously sampled points. In 2 cases, The secondary accuracy outcome was associated
prediction curves were successfully drawn but did with the chamber of origin (p # 0.001; ß ¼ 0.46;
not intersect at any location. Therefore, successful 95% CI: 0.66 to 0.23), CV (p ¼ 0.001; ß ¼ 0.35;
origin predictions were made in 31 of 33 (93.9%) at- 95% CI: 0.14 to 0.56), CV SD (p ¼ 0.004; ß ¼ 0.32;
tempts (Supplemental Table 1). 95% CI: 0.11 to 0.53), rhythm (p ¼ 0.001; ß ¼ 0.36;
PREDICTIVE ACCURACY. Overall, origin predictions 95% CI: 0.57 to 0.15), and the distance between
were accurate to within 5.7  6.9 mm (the primary predictor point-pairs (p ¼ 0.03; ß ¼ 0.25; 95% CI: 0.03
outcome; n ¼ 31). Among individual wavefront types, to 0.47). However, in multivariate analysis, none of
JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 6, NO. 12, 2020 Saluja et al. 1485
NOVEMBER 2020:1478–87 Rapid Prediction of Focal Wavefront Origins

F I G U R E 6 Primary and Secondary Accuracy Results

(Left) Primary and (Right) secondary accuracy results overall and for individual wavefront types. Abbreviations as in Figure 4.

the variables retained significant independent asso- transforming arrhythmias, detailed activation map-
ciation (Table 2). ping may not be feasible. In certain such cases, abla-
tion of arrhythmogenic substrate may be considered
(12), but this strategy is not possible in patients with
idiopathic arrhythmias.
of 86 total attempted prediction curve calculations
Alternative mapping methods have been devel-
(5.8%) yielded an undefined solution. Although un-
oped to address some of these issues, including
derpowered for such comparisons, measured vari-
noncontact array (13) and body surface potential
ables were not different between predictor pairs from
mapping (14,15), but these require additional hard-
successful and unsuccessful calculations (Table 3).
ware. Our method allows for rapid origin pre-
dictions using conventionally obtained information.
Theoretically, using multipolar catheters, pre-
dictions could be generated with a minimum of 3
We previously demonstrated that wavefront origin
simultaneously acquired points used in different
predictions using a novel algorithm were accurate to
pair combinations during a single beat of recorded
within >1 cm in a 2-dimensional representation of
3-dimensional space. In the present study, we retro-
The concept used in this algorithm is analogous to
spectively assessed its accuracy in a clinically rele-
trilateration, in which a signal from a fixed position is
vant environment by modifying the algorithm for 3
used to calculate the distance to a location. When
dimensions and incorporating it into a commercially
signals from multiple positions are used, a unique
available EAM. Overall, 31 of 33 (93.4%) of the
location can be calculated. Similar methodology has
attempted predictions were successful. Predicted or-
been applied previously both in basic science (16) and
igins were accurate to within 5.7  6.9 mm and indi-
in clinical medicine (17).
vidual prediction curves to within 3.0  4.7 mm.
The evolution of EAM techniques, including the DETERMINANTS OF PREDICTIVE ACCURACY. Curve
development of high-density mapping with multipole predictions in this method assume a uniform value
catheters, has improved the ability to understand for CV between the predictor points and the wave-
wavefront propagation and substrates (10,11). How- front origin. Therefore, accuracy is vulnerable to the
ever, conventional mapping methods still have effects of anisotropy and errors in the measurement
certain limitations. Activation annotation requires a of CV.
stable fiducial point and cycle length, as well as un- In univariate analysis, predictive accuracy was
ambiguous determination of local activation. In pa- associated with factors that either inform the vari-
tients with unstable, short-lived, and/or rapidly ability in CV measurement or may be associated with
1486 Saluja et al. JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 6, NO. 12, 2020

Rapid Prediction of Focal Wavefront Origins NOVEMBER 2020:1478–87

error values would minimize unresolved calculations

T A B L E 2 Univariate and Multivariate Analyses of the
Determinants of the Primary and Secondary Endpoints
but compromise accuracy. Conversely, more restric-
tive error would improve accuracy while increasing
Univariate Multivariate
unresolved calculations. Because prediction curve
Primary endpoint
width increases with both the margin of error and
Rhythm 0.48 —
increasing distance between the curve and the pre-
Chamber 0.051 —
Cycle length 0.76 — diction points, origins at greater distances from their
CV 0.07 — predictor points will be biased toward decreased ac-
CV SD 0.02 — curacy at larger values of error.
Secondary endpoint MULTIPLE INTERSECTIONS. In 15 of 33 cases, a pair
Rhythm 0.001 0.70 of prediction curves generated 2 intersections that
Chamber <0.001 0.11
were 37.7  18.6 mm apart. Although a third curve
Cycle length 0.93 —
was generated in each of these cases, it is possible
CV 0.001 0.12
CV SD 0.004 0.44
that when a region of interest can be broadly defined
Point-to-wavefront distance 0.052 — before detailed mapping (e.g., when electrocardiog-
Distance between points 0.03 0.41 raphy analysis is used to plan premature ventricular
Activation D between points 0.21 — complex mapping), secondary intersections could
occur far enough outside of the area of interest that
CV ¼ conduction velocity; SD ¼ standard deviation.
they could be practically discarded.
STUDY LIMITATIONS. In this report, we studied
the degree of anisotropy, which is known to vary both rhythms with focal chamber activation. Rhythms with
within and between chambers (18,19). Similarly, the continuous macro-re-entrant activation (e.g., typical
negative effects of CV heterogeneity on predictive atrial flutter) cannot be described as having a discreet
accuracy would be expected to increase with dis- wavefront origin, and therefore, could not be char-
tance. Consistent with this, in univariate analysis, acterized with this method.
accuracy decreased with increasing distance between We studied patients with normal endocardial
predictor points. voltage. The presence of myocardial scarring is known
Inaccuracies in CV measurement may be mitigated to cause CV variability (20). A focal wavefront propa-
by using predictor points with similar relative timing. gating through an abnormal substrate would therefore
In this case, the term t*CV, and therefore, the effects be expected to have significant CV heterogeneity,
of errors in its measurement, is minimized (see which would compromise predictive accuracy. Thus,
Figure 1). However, this approach will not correct for predictions through tissue that was expected to
regional anisotropy, which, when present, would be contain region scar, especially when done at a distance
expected to compromise predictive accuracy, espe- (e.g., using cardiac resynchronization therapy bipole
cially when applied over a distance (see the timing to characterize ventricular tachycardia in a
following). It is possible that adapting the algorithm myopathic ventricle) would have limited accuracy.
to correct for regional CV variability will improve its Conversely, CV heterogeneity outside of the region
accuracy in certain circumstances. between the wavefront origin and the predictor points
We defined a margin of error term into the algo- would not affect accuracy. In this way, sampling re-
rithm, which was administratively set at 1 mm. Higher gions of normal myocardium could predict the point at
which a wavefront emerged from an area of scarring.
This might be relevant in patients with micro-re-
T A B L E 3 Univariate Analysis of the Determinants of the
Unresolved Curve entrant arrhythmias or in macro-re-entrant arrhyth-
mias with a focal exit point from a protected circuit.
p Value
For these reasons, initial voltage mapping might be
Rhythm 0.89
required to characterize where this algorithm might
Chamber of origin 0.76
Cycle length 0.40 best be applied, especially in cases when regions of
CV 0.35 scar are suspected. Therefore, this method might be
CV SD 0.44 most efficient when multiple or transient arrhythmias
Point-to-wavefront distance 0.94 are encountered in the same chamber, because a
Distance between points 0.34 single anatomic shell and CV could be used for mul-
Activation D between points 0.15
tiple predictions.
Abbreviation as in Table 2.
This was a single-center retrospective study per-
formed on a modest number of patients. A
JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 6, NO. 12, 2020 Saluja et al. 1487
NOVEMBER 2020:1478–87 Rapid Prediction of Focal Wavefront Origins

prospective trial would be necessary to fully assess

the accuracy of this method, its effect on procedure ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Dr. Deepak Saluja,

time, and its overall clinical usefulness. Other topics Columbia University, Vagelos College of Physicians
for future study include the feasibility of including and Surgeons, 622 West 168th Street, New York, New
terms that account for CV anisotropy and a formal York, New York 10032. E-mail:
assessment of the impact of chamber curvature and
geometry on predictive accuracy.



The location of wavefronts of focal origin can be
tion mapping methods have certain limitations, especially in
accurately predicted in a subset of patients using a
cases when arrhythmias are not tolerated or are transient. This
novel algorithm that requires a limited number of
study assessed a mathematical algorithm designed to predict the
points. This may be of clinical utility in cases with
origin of focal wavefronts using a limited number of data points.
multiple, transient, or untolerated arrhythmias.
The algorithm was incorporated into a commercial EAM system.
Additional study is necessary to assess the algo-
The results indicated that wavefront origins could be accurately
rithm’s effect on procedural efficiency.
localized with this approach.
TRANSLATIONAL OUTLOOK: This approach has the poten-
This work was supported by research funding from Biosense Webster. Dr.
tial to allow for rapid mapping of arrhythmias using limited data
Saluja is a patent holder (through Rutgers University) of the background
in certain circumstances. Further assessment of this algorithm’s
technology used in this research. Mr. Bar-on and Mr. Hayam are employees
of Biosense Webster. Dr. Coromilas has been a consultant for DRF and ability to improve the efficiency or efficacy of ablation proced-
Abbott; and has been a member of the Clinic Events Committee for Abbott. ures is warranted.
All other authors have reported that they have no relationships relevant to
the contents of this paper to disclose.


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