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For all Christians, may we be humble stewards of the gifts given to us by God, and may we set an
example of mercy and generosity by becoming involved in efforts to distribute the worlds wealth among
all of those in need,

Let Us Pray to the Lord;

For all Filipinos during the upcoming Presidential election, may we honor our Catholic beliefs and make a
heartfelt and conscientious effort to listen to the candidates, study their past performance, understand
their platforms, judge their leadership, and ask God to help us make the right decision for our country,

Let Us Pray to the Lord;

For the poor, the homeless, the addicted, and those begging on the street, may we not turn away from
them, no matter how distasteful and offensive their circumstances might be, and instead may we
earnestly attempt to lighten their load by taking it upon ourselves,

Let Us Pray to the Lord;

For those who have died including Boy Pansag, may we remember that the pain and sorrow of this world
has ended, and celebrate their joyful rebirth into eternal life,

Let Us Pray to the Lord.


For the Holy Catholic Church and all Christian churches, may we trust in Christ and become one vigorous,
fruitful community of faith, so that the world may see one King of Glory and one Kingdom of God,

Let Us Pray to the Lord;

For all of the devoted pastors, dedicated deacons, faith-filled teachers, and enthusiastic musicians, choir,
lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, welcomers, ushers, and altar servers, who serve their faith community, and
make our celebration of mass moving, uplifting, and spirit-filled,

Let Us Pray to the Lord;

For the children of the world, may they be protected from hunger, abuse, illiteracy, disease, neglect, and
violence, and allowed to enjoy lighthearted and carefree childhoods, gently molded by God’s laws and
loving discipline,

Let Us Pray to the Lord;

For all who suffer: the diseased, the poor, those denied dignity, and those who live without hope, grant
them the peace of knowing that Christ the King will never abandon them nor tire of tending to their

Let Us Pray to the Lord;

For those who have died, may they receive the grace of redemption and join their King in paradise,

Let Us Pray to the Lord.



For the Holy Catholic Church, as it continues to speak out against all that would destroy human dignity,
human rights, and human life, we thank you Lord;

Let Us Pray to the Lord;

For our dedicated pastor, as he comforts the faithful, encourages the hopeless, and inspires those who
have lost their relationship with God, we thank you Lord;

Let Us Pray to the Lord;

For this great country, where our voices do make a difference, where we have the freedom to live our
lives in accordance with our beliefs, where our potential is not limited by our parentage, and where we
have the opportunity to raise our families in comfort and abundance, we thank you Lord;

Let Us Pray to the Lord;

For our friends and family who love us, care for our needs, listen to us in our desperation, comfort us in
our sorrow, advise us with caring concern, and, by their selflessness, bring us closer to God, we thank you

Let Us Pray to the Lord;

For those who provide loving and compassionate care to the ill, the infirm, the elderly, the addicted, the
poor, the hopeless, and the abused, we thank you Lord;

Let Us Pray to the Lord;

For the departed, who remain with us in our prayers and our memories, and for the promise of a joyful
reunion, we thank you Lord;

Let Us Pray to the Lord.

May 6, 2011……


For the Holy Catholic Church and all Christian churches, may we trust in Christ and
become one vigorous, fruitful community of faith, so that the world may see one King of
Glory and one Kingdom of God, we pray….

For all of the devoted pastors, dedicated deacons, faith-filled teachers, and enthusiastic
musicians, choir, lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, welcomers, ushers, and altar servers, who
serve their faith community, and make our celebration of mass moving, uplifting, and
spirit-filled, we pray…

For all who suffer: the diseased, the poor, those denied dignity, and those who are
inflicted with accident including _______________, grant them the peace of knowing
that Christ the King will never abandon them nor tire of tending to their needs; we pray…

For those afflicted by abuse, false rumors, misjudgment and grave accusation, may they
be comforted with God’s love and God’s promise of deliverance, we pray…

For Phoenix Petroleum Philippines Inc that will be commemorating its foundation day on
May 8,2011 and for those who are celebrating their birthday in this month of May
including ______, may they be blessed with God’s outpouring grace, we pray….

*For those who have died including the reposed souls of _____, may they receive the
grace of redemption and join their King in paradise, we pray….

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