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S PA Ilo HOSPITALS Dr. VINAY MAHENDRA OUTPATIENT SUMMARY AND PRESCRIPTION tion Ua DN (Uo FRCS (eFC lp) seer Co-to let Lapwoscpe oka olga gen es Traneplant Suigeon Urology Mr. BROJOGOPAL GHOSH UHID : AMHL.0001981060 Male, DOB : 28-Jul-1991 (30y) OP Number- Visit ID : OP187786-1 Visit date : 06-Jul-2022 Address :N/A Phone : 91-9732163372 Email : PRESENTING COMPLAINTS ‘= Penile pain 6 to 7 months = Voiding LUTS - 6 months PAST MEDICAL / SURGICAL HISTORY ‘Treated for UTI elsewhere in the past VITALS 06-Jul-2022 12:55 PM Height : 160. om Weight : 66 kg Body Mass Index : 25.8 kg/m2 Body Surface Area : 1.71 m2 Temperature : 96.7 F Pulse rate © 72.ner minute Blood pressure : 110/80 mmHg Respiratory rate : 18 /min $p02 : 99% Pain score : 0 Fall Risk : Low Risk PHYSICAL EXAMINATION + Normal - IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS >> Urine routine and culture >> Uroflowmetry > USS KUB/PVR —s xX Ray KUB © Rivwith results Y co Atl Dr. VINAY MAHENDRA. | Ee Ong ad ©) Regn. No. - 71640 (West Bengal) (qrivatiggtete, Debgede rawr Wgpesmt — S\ For Appointment | ei 298302 16715 WQatadey - — uy Dalia : 98304 92572—~ Page 1 of 1 Mon- Sat: Iam to 4pm st ‘Apollo Multispeciality Hospitals Limited (Fone Ago Gena Hostal Lito) 58, Carl Crear Ron, Koka West Bengal - 700054, (9 o91-3-44c0-2122/ 2820-9040 /2122 Emery @ 1086 CHT ZW SBEPLODSZZS POLLO MULTISPECIALITY HOSPITALS ) = UROLOGY S58, CANAL CIRCULAR ROAD, KOLKATA. 700084. {we aymed com Test Type Uroftow Date Tm2022 1:06:00 PM (opp 5087539 Name Sumame Mr BROJOGOPAL GHOSH AGE 207 Uroflowmeter Birthdate Marital Status Gender yoar Male Address Doctor eV MAHENDRA. Start Time Osec 7 Ea, " TJ Stop Time 1 minute 54. 7 Pd 5 toh Flow Start Time 23sec 7 (= = 7 , ea Max Flow Time 28 sec +S YZ et Average Flow 44 milsec 7 = oe = Void Duration Amine 27 sq] LA | tt | Pe la Voides Volume 497 ml Maximum Flow Siroky ‘Average Flow Siroky Number of Flow Interval Locum Wireless System v. 0.2.64 Physician Signature : DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY ‘Age [30Yr T1Mth 14Days 7777487 \ 2351954 Mr. BROJOGOPAL GHOSH UHID ‘ANHL,0001981060, ‘SINILRN OP Specimen Urine Received on (O7-JUL-2022 03:51:03 PM ‘ANHLOPP5087539 WIBNoIRetNO Collected on _ | O7-JUL-2022 01:57°05 PM Reported on | 07-JUL-2022 065141 PM [PatSer No. Ref Doctor Dr. VINAY MAHENDRA woo AN ‘TESTNAME ‘RESULT BIOLOGICAL REFERENCE INTERVALS UNITS URINE ROUTINE AND MICROSCOPY : (Dipstick (MULTISTIXManual/Microscopy) MACROSCOPIC EXAMINATION Volume: 30 mt Colour: Pale Straw Watery J Pale yellow Appearance Clear Clear (CHEMICAL EXAMINATION Specific Gravity 1.005 1.016 to 1.025 pH: 65 4680 ‘Albumin: Not Detected Not Detected. Glucose Not Detected Not Detected Ketone: Not Detected Not Detected Bile Pigments Not Detected Not Detected MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION RBC Nit o-2mpt Inpt Pus Cells Occasional O-Sihpf Inpt Epithelial Cells Occasional Inpt Page 1 of 2 ‘THE RESULTS RELATE ONLY TO THE ITEMS TESTED. PARTIAL REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT ITS NOT PERMITTED ‘Apolo Muttispecalty Hospitals Limited (Fomery a Geneapes ta Line 58, Cara Cc Rot Kata Nest Beg - 7005, 3-42-2120 2203040212 aey v0 CD YEP OAS223 ution @ www alata atonal com Bi Apollo . DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY — HOST PatientName Mr. BROJOGOPAL GHOSH Age | 30Yr 11Mth 14Days Gender | Male ‘UHID- AMHL.0001981060 ‘SIN\LRN ‘7777487 \ 2351954 | W/BNo/RefNo OP Specimen ‘Urine Collected on 07-JUL-2022 01:57:05 PM Recelved on (07-JUL-2022 03:51:03 PM Reported on 07-JUL-2022 06:51:41 PM [PatSer No. “AMHLOPP5087539 Rot Doctor] Dr VINAY MAHENDRA ao INL Casts: Not Found Occasional hyaline cast Crystals: Not Found Absent Note Biological reference interval RBC- 0-2/hpf Pus Cell - 0-5/hpf. Report Status:Final CHECKED BY: ‘Apolo Multispecialty Hospitals Limited err A regis et Lt 8, Cara aKa Wet arg 700 Uk, 5 3-420 21220-3080 2122, ney @ ro CD 2B SM COAZZ9 ‘The OTP will be sent ONLY to registered phone number ofthe patient as per hospital records ( ‘note patient phone may be different from registered phone) * END OF REPORT* Printed On: 12-JUL-2022 12:32:17 PM DR. ATOSHI BASUSENIOR CONSULTANT, PATHOLOGYMD (PATHOLOGY) Page 20f2 ‘THE RESULTS RELATE ONLY TO THE ITEMS TESTED. PARTIAL REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT ITS NOT PERMITTED DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY - ‘30vr TiMih 14Days_] [Gender | Male Patient Name _| Mr. BROJOGOPAL GHOSH Age UHID AMHL.0001981060 SIN \LRN- 7777488 \ 2351954 [WiBNorRotNo_[ OP Specimen MIDSTREAM CLEAN CATCH OTHR THAN FIR: Collected on 07-JUL-2022 01:57:05 PM Received on ‘07-JUL-2022 03:50:59 PM Reported on | O5-JUL-2022 12:44:25 PM [PatSer No. “AMHLOPP5087539 Ref Doctor | Dr. VINAY MAHENDRA uo il OBSERVATION, The OTP will be se Report Status:Final Dos Passport Number: CHECKED BY VERIFIED BY Printer ‘CULTURE AND SENSITIVITY [URINE] : A A ulture) ‘No uropathogenic bacteria grown in culture within 48 Hrs of incubation int ONLY to registered phone number of the patient as per hospital records ( rote patient phone may be different from registered phone) * END OF REPORT * 28-JUL-1991 =f DR. NILOFAR RANA SHAMSMBBS MDCONSULTANT 721219 MICROBIOLOGIST 720584 On: — 12JUL-2022 12:32:38 PM Page 1 of 1 THE RESULTS RELATE ONLY TO THE ITEMS TESTED. PARTIAL REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT ITS NOT PERMITTED ‘Apolo Multispecialty Hospitals Limited G, soxmrnsecatage Forme Agta Gages Hao Ln, £8, Carl rela oat, West Bega 700054. nd @ emnmrcanengtes © «sia -41z0. 212 220-200/2122,Ergency @ 105 CLUB OBPLEDSZS © som sas eB iocaptnospas com qs at soltspscom 1D see cream tr > _ Bw Apollo DEPARTMENT OF RADIOLOGY - ULTRASOUND Patient Details : | Mr. BROJOGOPAL GHOSH | Male | 30Yr 11Mth 9Days UHID + AMHL.0001981060 Patient Location: OP Patient Identifier: AMHLOPPS087539 MINIMUM UMN DRN + 222032442 Completed on: — 07-JUL-2022 13:11 RefDoctor —: Dr. VINAY MAHENDRA FINDINGS: KIDNEYS : Both are normal in size, position, contour and echogenicity. The orticomedullary differentiation is maintained. No hydronephrosis, calculus or mass is seen. The right and left kidneys measure 10.1 cm and 10.3 om respectively. URETERS: They are not seen; hence not dilated. URINARY BLADDER : It is normal in capacity and contour. The wall is not thickened. No intraluminal calculus or mass is seen. Prevoid volume is 328 cc. Post void residual urine volume is 59 cc (significant). - PROSTATE: It is normal in size measuring 2.8 x 4.1 x 3.0 em, with a weight (approximately) of 19 grams. It shows a homogenous echotexture and smooth outline. IMPRESSION: * Significant post void residual urine. x d Dr. WERASAT ALI MBBS, DNB (RADIODIAGNOSIS) ASSOCIATE CONSULTANT Reg. No- 73873 (WBMC) ‘THE RESULTS RELATE ONLY TO THE ITEMS TESTED. PARTIAL REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT ITS NOT, PERMITTED Apollo Multispeciality Hospital Limited Reported By: 722727 SS Mao. DEPARTMENT OF RADIOLOGY - X-RAY Patient Details : | Mr. BROJOGOPAL GHOSH | Male | 30Yr 11Mth 9Days UHID : AMHL.0001981060 Patient Location: OP Patient Identifier: AMHLOPPS087539 III COME DRN 122053821 Completed on: — 07-JUL-2022 16:17 Ref Doctor Dr. VINAY MAHENDRA -RAY ABDOMEN (KUB) FINDINGS: KUB region is partly obscured by overlying bowel gas. No apparent radio-opaque shadow is seen. (To note radio-lucent calculus are not visualised in X-ray of KUB region). Visualised bones are normal. Bowel gas pattem are normal. Both psoas shadows are normal. IMPRESSION: * Normal study. DR. SUMITA GHOSH DMRD(RADIODIAGNOSIS - AFMC, Pune) CONSULTANT RADIOLOGIST Reg.No. 51086 (WBMC). ~~ ENDOFTHE REPORT — JE RESULTS RELATE ONLY TO THE ITEMS TESTED. PARTIAL REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT ITS NOT PERMITTED} (@ os1-33-420-2122| 220-040 / 2122, Ener @ 1055 CHLUED WEI SBBR.OAEZZS (EBinvcaptonminscan @ wewtokataapitheepa cm ‘Apolo Muttispecialty Hospitals Limited Gi tannccanioone Cory A Genes asta Lined), Cana Cr ad Kata West era - 700054. Printed on: 07-Jul-2022 16:17 Printed By: 124465 Reported By: 720850 Page | of 1 DRS. TRIBEDI & ROY DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORY 93, Park Street, Kokata-700 016 Phones : 033 4067-5200 / 4807-2612 /2615 E-mail: mail@ NABL ACCREDITED (ISO 15169 : 2012) Collection Centres '¢ 4@A, Diamond Harbour Ad. Kolkata -27 (GAM. -4PM) © 033 24494613 16-17, Sarat Chatterjee Ave. Kolkata - 29 (GAM. ~5 PM) 07596684045 ‘© 6, Dover Lane, Kolkata - 700 029 (GAM, ~5 PM), Ph. : 2584895490 Ccenitcate No. :MC-2702 911A, East Topsia Ro. Kolkata 46 LIRR STEEL anne MICROBIOLOGY TEST REPORT MUNA ll Patient's Name : BROJOGOPAL GHOSH Date of Receipt : Age: 30 YRS/M Date of Report : 08-Jul-2022 Referred By : Dr. V. MAHENDRA Lab No : JQD1072 a = CULTURE No growth. Date of report : 8.7.2022 Wil / ll DR. KOKILA BANERJEE M.B.B.S., MD (Microbiology) The results relate only to the items tested. Partial reproduction of this report is not permitted. (Please see overleaf) DRS. TRIBEDI & ROY DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORY 93, Par Stee! Kotate-700 018 Phones : 033 4067-6290 / 4901-25 E-mail maa tibecisndroy com NABL ACCREDITED (80 15189 Collection Centres (© 484, Olamond Harbour Rd. Kodkata -27 (AM — 4PM) p ona 2eage6t3 (617, Sarat Chaneree Ave. Koata -29 (GAM © 7506864045 1 6, Dover Lane, Kolkata - 700 029 (2818 z (AM 5PM), Pn 8564805400 Dr. 3 tdi LD. Cortticate No. : MC-270; O11A, East Topsia 1. Subhendu Roy MBBS. (Col) M.2.(Path) 2 114 Get pee a 8 TEST REPORT Pationt's Name: BROJOGOPAL GHOSH Date of Receipt : 06-Jul-2022 15:36:00 Age 30 YRS. Date of Report : 06-Jul-2022 Referred By : Dr. V.MAHENDRA Lab No : JQD1072 at ‘APPEARANCE COLOUR REACTION. SPECIFIC GRAVITY ALBUMIN GLUCOSE KETONE BODIES BILE PIGMENT BILE SALTS BLOOD EXCESS OF PHOSPHATES URINE ANALYSIS Clear. Pale yellow. Acidic. 1.020 Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil Nil. ‘SEDIMENT (Microscopic Examination) AN OCCASIONAL PUS CELL AND A FEW EPITHELIAL CELLS PRESENT. NO RED BLOOD CELL AND NO CAST SEEN. CULTURE CHECKED BY Page | of | PUT UP. DIGTALY SIGNED REPORT Sl Ite The results relate only to the items tested. Paria reproduction ofthis report is not permitted, DR, SUBHENDU ROY M.D,Path) (Please see overla!) DRS. TRIBEDI & ROY DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORY 93, Park Street, Kolkata-700 016 Phones : 083 4067-5200 /4001-2512/ 2515 E-mail: NABL ACCREDITED (180 15189: 2012) Dr. Subhendu Roy M888, (Cal) M.D. (Path) Patient's Name : BROJOGOPAL GHOSH ‘Age: 30 YRSIM Referred By: Dr. V. MAHENDRA ‘SERUM CREATININE (Method : Kinetic Jaffe) (Reference Range :- Male : 0.5 - 1.2 mg/100 ml. Female : 0.5 - 1.0 mg/100 mi. Children : 0.26 - 0.77 mg/100 ml.) The results relate only to the ems Certicate No. :MC-2702 TEST REPORT 1.06 mg/100 ml. DIGITALLY SIGNED REPORT Partial reproduction of this report is not permitted. OR. (Please see overeat) Page lof | Collection Centre ‘© 48A, Diamond Harbour Rl. Kolkata -27 (AM. ~4P.M) © 099-24484613, ‘© 17, Sarat Chatoroe Ave. Kolkata -29 (GAM. ~5 P.M) 07596864045 * 6, Dover Lane, Kolkata - 700,029 (BAM. ~5 PM), Ph : 8564895400 ‘6 TA, East Topsia Rd. Kolkata - 48 (@AM. ~4P.M.) 0 038-40605408, Lab No : JQD1072 = LL JUBHENDU ROY M.O (Path)

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